Dapper packaging, secondary packaging, official expansion package packaging, and ADO Net native encapsulation

I happened to see dapper a few days ago. Because I haven't used it before, I only used ef core. I looked at it a little, and then wrote some simple reusable packages. The usage of Dapper is closer to ADO Net, so the performance is also relatively fast. So let's take a look at using ADO Net, how do we realize the encapsulation of code reuse. 1, ...

Added by Garath531 on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 00:54:47 +0200

. NET Cloud Native Architect Camp (ASP.NET Core Overall Conceptual Deduction) - Learning Notes

Evolution and Improvement of Overall Concepts ASP. NET Core Overall Conceptual DeductionDeduce the whole concept to a specific form ASP. NET Core Overall Conceptual Deduction ASP. NET Core essentially handles HTTP requests and provides HTTP responses through the web framework The web framework is used by programmers and includes ASP. NET C ...

Added by nlhowell on Sat, 01 Jan 2022 06:19:00 +0200

Talk about how Yarp combined with Nacos to complete service discovery

background Yarp After this reverse agent comes out, I believe many people are still paying attention to it. In Yarp, the configuration of reverse proxy is also based on the configuration file by default, and many bosses have made this configuration into a database configuration + visual interface. After careful consideration, it seems that the ...

Added by johncal on Fri, 31 Dec 2021 12:12:43 +0200

C# writing Windows dynamic desktop software to realize desktop interaction function

Dreamscene 2 version 1.3 has been released and now supports mouse and desktop interaction. This function will not affect performance and basically does not occupy CPU. This function gives me a deeper understanding of Windows message mechanism. In this blog, I will introduce the implementation in detail. Welcome to Star and Fork https://github. ...

Added by johne281 on Fri, 31 Dec 2021 02:05:03 +0200

A first look at the function of logging net (Async)

1. Write in front I've been studying the code of our products recently, In some functions Asynchrony has been used in (for example, warehousing), but it has not been studied in detail for so long. Many popular explanations of relevant contents on the Internet are based on life examples such as making tea and washing clothes. Personally, I thin ...

Added by dcmbrown on Thu, 30 Dec 2021 21:42:53 +0200

C#Base64 simple encryption and decryption

Base64 is a simple encryption algorithm. Similar to Caesar's password [it's an alternative encryption technology] Base64 string consists of 65 characters, Capital letters A~Z, Lowercase a~z, Numbers 0 to 9, and three special characters +, /, = [= "equal sign" is used to supplement characters to make Base64 string length a multipl ...

Added by nickthegreek on Fri, 10 Dec 2021 14:25:12 +0200

After the session expires, the token is refreshed and the interface is re requested (subscription publishing mode)

  demand In a page, when the request fails and 302 is returned, judge whether the interface expires or the login expires. If the interface expires, request a new token, and then take a new token to initiate the request again   thinking At first, I thought of a black Technology (to ...

Added by irishpeck on Thu, 09 Dec 2021 02:42:06 +0200

Correct authentication authorization method in. NET Core (. NET5)

catalogue 1, Introduction 2, Traditional authorization method 3, Correct authentication method in. NET5 4, Role authorization in. Net 5 1. Single role access 2. "Multiple roles contain one" permission 3. "Multiple role combination" permission 5, Custom policy authorization   Back to the top 1, Introduction Sites sepa ...

Added by ceanth on Wed, 01 Dec 2021 09:08:28 +0200

Abp Vnext Blazor replace UI component integration bootstrap blazor (detailed process)

The blazor project of Abp Vnext uses Blazorise , but after trial, it is found that multiple tags are not supported. So I want to replace it with BootstrapBlazor. The process is complicated. I have written the module and just need to replace it. Click to view the source code demo is also in the source code Create an Abp module Download from the ...

Added by rookie on Mon, 29 Nov 2021 12:21:14 +0200

Container experience of traditional. NET 4.x applications

In Windows Container, how to check the abnormal information of the system without logging? 1 about Windows event log In the past, when deploying ASP.NET applications based on IIS, if the specified log is not written, we often use the Window event log to view some error messages. Although the readability and ease of use of the event log are not ...

Added by border20 on Sun, 28 Nov 2021 09:59:13 +0200