Understand the USB device driver framework in one article
From: https://www.eet-china.com/mp/a55310.html
hello, everybody. Today I'm going to take you to learn about USB device driver.
Kernel version: 4.4.94
1. Linux USB subsystem
Before introducing device-side drivers, let's look at the Linux USB subsystem. The subsystem here is relative to the entire Linux kernel, not a single device. The communic ...
Added by mooler on Thu, 10 Mar 2022 20:14:38 +0200
javaEE(SSM)-4: dynamic SQL
title: javaEE(SSM) learning notes 4: dynamic SQL
Dynamic SQL import
[main function]: splice SQL clauses according to different conditions or different data to achieve similar programming effect in XML files.
[main element (mark)]:
Query criteria: single branch if; Multi branch choose... when... other
Special treatment: where /trim
Up ...
Added by Benjigga on Thu, 10 Mar 2022 18:34:12 +0200
Compile JDK18 based on Linux
1. Overview
JDK hasn't been compiled manually, dare you say you're a Java programmer? (Brother By Sheep- JDK hasn't been compiled manually, dare you say you're a Java programmer? Actual Compile Java Source (JDK Source, JVM) Video Tutorial_ Bell-Bell-Bell_ bilibili)
Compiling JDK by hand is theoretically a better JDK for your computer
Maybe it ...
Added by blacksheepradio on Thu, 10 Mar 2022 20:22:52 +0200
linux bg and fg commands
linux bg and fg commands
Under linux, if we want a task or program to be executed in the background, we can use &. In fact, linux also provides commands for other task scheduling.
bg: change a command suspended in the background to continue execution; [background background background]fg: transfer the command in the background to the fore ...
Added by radi8 on Thu, 10 Mar 2022 18:38:38 +0200
Stack and Queue hhh
Stack and Queue
1. Differences
2. Definition of stack
using namespace std;
const int N=100010;
int stk[N],tt;
//Determine if stack is empty
if(tt>0) not empty
else empty
//Top of Stack
stk[tt ...
Added by markjia on Thu, 10 Mar 2022 19:03:08 +0200
ffmpeg Simple Multithreaded Player-Audio-Video Synchronization (Video to Audio)
Audio-Video Synchronization - Main Code Logic
That's how you chase me
Because the audio format sample channel rate is fixed, an audio time can be determined, so an audio is synchronized to the audio as the base video
General practice: after displaying a video frame, get the PTS of the next video frame, and compare it with the clock lock of t ...
Added by xmitchx on Thu, 10 Mar 2022 19:53:05 +0200