0. Linear table stored sequentially

This column code has been tested on the ubutun system and the source code can perform the following commands to clone on the terminal

git clone https://github.com/celery1798/coder210714

1. Linear tables

Linear tables are the most basic, simple and common data structure. A linear table is a finite sequence of n data elements with the same characteristics.

Linear table characteristics: (There is a "one-to-one" logical relationship between data elements.)

  1. The first data element has no precursor and is called a header node.
  2. The last data element has no successor and is called the endpoint.
  3. In addition to the first and last data elements, other data elements have only one precursor and one successor.

Classification of linear tables:

Linear tables can be stored sequentially or chained. Linear tables can be divided into sequential and chained tables depending on how the data is stored.

2. Linear tables stored sequentially

Sequential tables are linear tables stored as arrays in computer memory. Sequential storage of linear tables refers to the storage unit that uses a set of addresses in succession to store each element in the linear table and to store the data elements that ring logically in the linear table in adjacent physical storage units. That is, the logical contiguity among data elements is reflected by the physical storage of the contiguity of the data elements.

1. Implementation of Sequential Table

2. Construction of Structures

typedef struct
	int data[DATAMAX];
	int last;

3. Insert by Location Data, Insert by Value

int sqlist_insert(SQLIST *ptr, int pos ,int *newdata)
	int i;
	if(sqlist_isfull(ptr))   //Full
		return -1;

	if(pos < 0 || pos > ptr->last+1)
		return -2;   //Beyond bounds

	i = ptr->last;  //i Save the size of a linear table
	//Move elements first
	while(i >= pos)
		ptr->data[i+1] = ptr->data[i];

	ptr->data[pos] = *newdata; //Find an empty location to insert
	ptr->last ++; //Memory plus one

	return 0;
int sqlist_insert_value(SQLIST *ptr,int *newdata)
{//3 5     *newdata=12
	int i = 0;
	if(sqlist_isfull(ptr))  //Return-1 if full
		return -1;
	//Insert data that does not cross bounds or that is smaller than the original data
	while(i <= ptr->last && ptr->data[i]  < *newdata)		
	return sqlist_insert(ptr,i,newdata); //Insert by location


4. Data Lookup

int sqlist_find(SQLIST *ptr, int *x)
	int i;
		return -2;

	for(i = 0 ; i <= ptr->last;i++) //Traversing the entire linear table
		if(ptr->data[i] == *x)  //If found, return to the location of the subscript
			return i;
	return -1;

5. Delete by Location Data, Delete by Value

int sqlist_delete(SQLIST *ptr,int pos,int *x)
	int i;
	if(sqlist_isempty(ptr))   //empty
		return -1;
	if(pos < 0 || pos > ptr->last) //Beyond bounds
		return -2;
	if(x != NULL)
		*x = ptr->data[pos];  //Record data where you want to delete

	i = pos+1;  
	while(i <= ptr->last)
		ptr->data[i-1] = ptr->data[i];


	return 0;
int sqlist_delete_value(SQLIST *ptr,int *x)
	int pos;
	pos = sqlist_find(ptr,x);

	if(pos >= 0)
		return sqlist_delete(ptr,pos,NULL); //Incoming location to delete

	return pos;

6. Compare Insertion

ptr1 = 5 8 14 26 37 
ptr2 = 4 5 6 7 8 
ptr1 = 4 5 6 7 8 14 26 37 ----- Final
int sqlist_union(SQLIST *ptr1,SQLIST *ptr2)
	int i,ret;
		return -1;

	for(i = 0 ; i <= ptr2->last	;i++)
		ret = sqlist_find(ptr1, &ptr2->data[i]);
		if(ret == -1)
			sqlist_insert_value(ptr1, &ptr2->data[i]);
			/*if error*/
	return 0;

7. Display

void sqlist_display(SQLIST *ptr)
	int i;
		return ;

	for(i = 0 ; i <= ptr->last; i++)
		printf("%d ",ptr->data[i]);

8. Destroy

void sqlist_destroy(SQLIST *ptr)
	ptr = NULL;

9. Primary Function

int main(){	SQLIST *sq,*sq1;	int a[] = {14,5,26,37,8};	int b[] = {4,5,6,7,8};	int i,x;			sq = sqlist_create();	if(sq == NULL)	{		printf("sqlist_create() error.\n");		exit(1);	}		for(i = 0 ; i < sizeof(a)/sizeof(*a); i++)//		sqlist_insert(sq, 0, &a[i]);		sqlist_insert_value(sq,&a[i]);	sqlist_display(sq);	sq1 = sqlist_create();    if(sq1 == NULL)    {        printf("sqlist_create() error.\n");        exit(1);    }    for(i = 0 ; i < sizeof(b)/sizeof(*b); i++)        sqlist_insert_value(sq1,&b[i]);    sqlist_display(sq1);	sqlist_union(sq,sq1);	sqlist_display(sq);/*	x = 137;	sqlist_delete_value(sq,&x);	sqlist_display(sq);*//*	x = 100;	sqlist_insert(sq,15,&x);	sqlist_display(sq);*//*	sqlist_delete(sq, 14, &x);	printf("DEL:%d\n",x);*///	sqlist_display(sq);/*	sqlist_setempty(sq);	x = 6;	printf("FIND:%d\n",sqlist_find(sq,&x));*/	sqlist_destroy(sq);	exit(0);}

Keywords: data structure

Added by kemu_ on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 23:15:13 +0200