01 redis cache and common data types

1 Introduction

1.1 background

In our current project architecture, the Web server (Tomcat) and database are basically deployed independently and monopolize the server resources. With the growth of the number of users, concurrent reading and writing to the database will increase the pressure on database access and lead to performance degradation. In serious cases, it will directly lead to system downtime, for example:

At this time, we can add local cache on the same Tomcat server and external distributed cache to cache popular data. That is, the cache can intercept most requests before reading and writing to the database, greatly reducing the pressure on the database. For example:

Based on such an architecture design, some distributed databases like redis were born.

1.2 overview of redis

Redis is a key value storage system (official website: http://redis.io ), is a distributed cache database. In the database ranking of DB-Engines.com, redis rose to the seventh, as shown in the figure:

1.3 version and reference description

The even version number (the number after the first decimal point) of redis is the stable version (2.4, 2.6, etc.), and the odd version is the unstable Version (2.5, 2.7). It is generally recommended to use the stable version in the production environment. The latest version 6.2.2 adds a stream processing method with higher performance. Redis officially does not support the windows platform. The Windows version is a branch established by Microsoft and compiled, released and maintained based on the official redis source code. Therefore, the redis version of the windows platform is slightly lower than the official version.

Redis related reference websites are as follows:

Bootnb relevant: https://www.runoob.com/redis/redis-tutorial.html
Redis Official website: https://redis.io/
Source address: https://github.com/redis/redis
Redis Online test: http://try.redis.io/
Redis Command Reference: http://doc.redisfans.com/

2. Redis initial operation

2.1 start redis service

Startup in docker environment (multiple containers need to be run to start docker environment):

docker start redis01 #The bottom layer is also started through redis server. redis01 after the word start is the container name
  1. View redis service in docker
docker ps
  1. View the started redis process information
ps -ef|grep redis
root      3511     1  0 16:29 ?   00:00:01 redis-server *:6379
root      3515     1  0 16:29 ?   00:00:01 redis-server

2.2 entering redis container

docker exec -it redis01 bash #redis01 is the container name

2.3 login to redis service

  1. Log in to local redis
redis-cli -p 6379
redis-cli -p 6379 -a  password #-a is followed by password. You need to turn on the requirepass option in redis.conf file for this operation
  1. Log in to remote redis
redis-cli  -h ip  -p 6379  -a  password

2.4 viewing redis information

First log in to redis, and then enter the info command, such as> info		#View the detailed configuration information of the current redis node

2.5 clear redis screen

Clear redis screen content> clear

2.6 exit redis service

Exit the redis service, for example> exit

2.7 turn off redis service

Close the redis service, for example:> shutdown

2.8 system help

You can view related instruction help based on the help instruction, such as> help
redis-cli 2.8.19
Type: "help @<group>" to get a list of commands in <group>
      "help <command>" for help on <command>
      "help <tab>" to get a list of possible help topics
      "quit" to exit

3. Redis data storage operation

3.1 easy data access

  1. View key s in redis based on> keys *
(empty list or set)
  1. Store data in the form of key/value> set test1 123
OK> set test2 ab
OK> keys *
1) "test1"
2) "test2"
  1. Obtain data stored in redis based on key> get test1
"123"> get test2
"ab"> get test3
  1. Clear data in redis
    • Clear current database data> flushdb
- Clear all database data> flushall

3.2 Key effective time design

In practice, we often need to control the effective duration of key s in redis, such as the timing of second kill operations, the effective duration of cached data, etc.

  1. Expire (setting effective time - unit: seconds)
    Syntax: exit key seconds> set bomb tnt
OK> expire bomb 10
(integer) 1> ttl bomb
(integer) 5> ttl bomb
(integer) 3> ttl bomb
(integer) 3> ttl bomb
(integer) 2> ttl bomb
(integer) 1> ttl bomb
(integer) -2> ttl bomb
(integer) -2>

Among them, TTL views the remaining time of the key. When the return value is - 2, it indicates that the key is deleted.
When the key does not exist, - 2 is returned. When the key exists but the remaining lifetime is not set, - 1 is returned.

  1. Persist (cancel duration setting)
    Invalidate the effective duration of a specific key setting through persist.

Syntax: PERSIST key> set bomb tnt
OK> expire bomb 60
(integer) 1> ttl bomb
(integer) 49> persist bomb
(integer) 1> ttl bomb
(integer) -1>

When setting new data, you need to reset the lifetime of the key, and resetting the value will also clear the lifetime.

  1. pexpire (in milliseconds)
    pexpire allows the effective duration of the key to be measured in milliseconds, which can achieve more accurate time control. For example, it can be applied to a second kill scenario.

Syntax: PEXPIRE key milliseconds> set bomb tnt
OK> pexpire bomb 10000
(integer) 1> ttl bomb
(integer) 6> ttl bomb
(integer) 3> ttl bomb
(integer) -2>

Keywords: Database Redis Cache

Added by gavinandresen on Thu, 09 Dec 2021 07:29:19 +0200