05 front end interview essential http

http What are the common status codes?
http common header What are there?
What is? Restful API
 Describe it http Caching mechanism for (important)
	Answer from the perspective of forced caching and negotiated caching. Flowchart remember.

http status code

Status code classification

1xx The server received the request
2xx Request succeeded, e.g. 200
3xx Redirection, such as 302
4xx Client error, e.g. 404
5xx Server error, such as 500

Common status codes

200 success
301 Permanent redirection (mating) location,Browser (automatic processing)
	Scenario: replace the old domain name with a new one
302 Temporary redirection (cooperation) location,Browser (automatic processing)
	The server returns 302 and location,The client will automatically jump to location Address.
	For example, baidu web search rookie tutorial, visit url Is a link to Baidu, but jump to the rookie tutorial home page	
304 The resource was not modified
	When requesting resources, the resources just requested locally are still valid, and the server will not send them again
404 Resource not found
403 No permission
500 Server error
504 gateway timeout 

http methods

Traditional methods

get Get server data
post Submit data to the server
 Simple web page function, just these two operations

Current methods

get get data
post New data
patch/put Update data
delete Delete data

Restful API

A new API Design method (already popularized)
tradition API Design: put each url As a function
Restful API Design: put each url As a unique resource

How to design a resource?
Try not to url parameter
 use method Indicates the parameter type

-Not applicable url parameter
 tradition API Design:/api/list?pageIndex=2
Restful API Design:/api/list/2

-use method Indicates the type of operation
 tradition API Design
	post request  /api/create-blog
	post request  /api/update-blog?id=100
	get request    /api/get-blog?id=100
Restful API Design
	post request 	/api/blog
	patch request /api/blog/100
	get request  	/api/blog/100

Remember: don't make parameters in url and method as parameter type

http headers

Common Request Headers

Request Headers
Accept Data format that the browser can receive
Accept-Encoding Compression algorithms that the browser can receive, such as gzip
Accept-Language The language that the browser can receive, such as zh-CN
Connection: keep-alive once TCP Connection reuse
Host: domain name
User-Agent(abbreviation UA)Browser information
Content-type Format of data sent, such as application/json

Common Response Headers

Content-type The format of the returned data, such as application/json
Content-length The size of the returned data. How many bytes
Content-Encoding Compression algorithm of returned data, such as gzip

Custom Headers


// `headers` are custom headers to be sent
  headers: {'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'},

Cache related headers

Cache-Control	  Expires
Last-Modified	 If-Modified-Since
Etag 			 If-None-Match

http cache

About caching

What is caching? Save something that doesn't need to be retrieved to prevent it from being retrieved again

Why cache?
Make the page load faster.
Network requests are time-consuming, and the amount of network requests should be reduced as little as possible.
Unstable network requests, such as mountainous areas with poor signals.

What resources can be cached—— Static resources (js css img)
The html of the website can not be cached and updated at any time.
Network business data, such as message board information, are updated at any time

http caching - force caching


Procedure: when the browser requests the server for the first time, the server returns the resource and cache control.
When the request is made again, the browser searches the local cache first. If the resource has not expired, the resource is returned.
If the resource expires, the browser requests the server again, and the server returns the resource and cache control

-Response Headers Server control
-Logic to control forced caching
 for example Cache-Control: max-age=31536000(Unit (SEC)
Maximum cache time 3153600

Cache-Control Value of
max-age Maximum cache time
no-cache Tell the (proxy) server not to use the cache directly
 Request to the original server
no-store Nothing is saved to the cache
private  It is only available to some users for caching
public In any case, the resource must be cached

Reference: cache control

About Expires

Be with Response Headers in
 Control cache expiration
 Has been Cache-Control replace

http cache - negotiation cache (comparison cache)

Server cache policy: the policy that the server judges whether a resource can be cached. It is not that the resource is cached on the server
The server determines whether the client resource is the same as the server resource
If it is consistent, it returns 304 (the resource has not been modified), otherwise it returns 200 and the latest resource

stay Response Headers There are two kinds of
-Last-Modified Last modification time of resource
-Etag Unique identification of the resource (a string)


If modified since takes the latest last modified return time


The browser requests the server for the first time, and the server returns the resource and Etag.
When the request is made again, the Request Headers will send it to the server with if none match (the latest Etag value).
If the values of the server and Etag are not changed, 304 is returned. The client fetches resources from the local cache.
Otherwise, the resource and the new Etag are returned

Headers information:
Request example:

Last modified and Etag

-Will give priority to use Etag
-Last-Modified It can only be accurate to seconds
-If the resource is repeatedly generated and the content remains unchanged, then Etag More accurate

Impact of refreshing page on http cache

Three refresh operations
Normal operation: enter url in the address bar, jump link, forward and backward, etc
Manual refresh: F5, click the refresh button and click menu refresh
Forced refresh: ctrl+F5

Different refresh operations and different cache strategies
Normal operation: the forced cache is valid, and the negotiation cache is valid
Manual refresh: force the cache to become invalid, and the negotiation cache is valid
Forced refresh: forced cache invalidation and negotiation cache invalidation

Keywords: Web Development http

Added by Azeryk on Mon, 17 Jan 2022 22:55:01 +0200