10, Basic knowledge of pointer and 1602 liquid crystal

1, Pointer basis

In the single chip microcomputer, the total memory size is 512M, including 216M in chip and 216M out of chip. Pointer, in bytes.
char: 1 byte
int: 2 bytes
long: 4 bytes

Define a pointer: * P
Go to the address of a variable: & P
The pointer is also a variable, but the variable stores an address, and the layout directly assigns a value to the pointer

sizeof is a constant that returns the byte size of a variable.

Example 1:


sbit ADDR0 = P1^0;
sbit ADDR1 = P1^1;
sbit ADDR2 = P1^2;
sbit ADDR3 = P1^3;
sbit ENLED = P1^4;

void ShiftLeft(unsigned char *p);//Parameter is an address

void main()
	unsigned int i;
	unsigned char buf = 0x01;

	ENLED = 0;
	ADDR3 = 1;
    ADDR2 = 1;
    ADDR1 = 1;
    ADDR0 = 0;

		P0 = ~buf;
		for(i = 0;i<20000;i++);
		ShiftLeft(&buf);//Get the address of buf, move left one bit at a time, change the value of buf
		if(buf == 0)
			buf = 0x01;

void ShiftLeft(unsigned char *p)
	*p = *p<<1;

Example two:


bit cmdArrived = 0;//Check whether the upper computer sends the command. If it sends the command, set one
unsigned char cmdIndex = 0;
unsigned char *ptrTxd;
unsigned char cntTxd = 0;

unsigned char array1[1] = {1};
unsigned char array2[2] = {1,2};
unsigned char array3[4] = {1,2,3,4};
unsigned char array4[8] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};

void ConfigUART(unsigned int baud);

void main()
	EA = 1;//Enable total interrupt

		if(cmdArrived)//Message sent by upper computer detected
			cmdArrived = 0;
				case 1:
					ptrTxd = array1;
					cntTxd = sizeof(array1);
					TI = 1;	//Send out
				case 2:
					ptrTxd = array2;
					cntTxd = sizeof(array2);
					TI = 1;
				case 3:
					ptrTxd = array3;
					cntTxd = sizeof(array3);
					TI = 1;
				case 4:
					ptrTxd = array4;
					cntTxd = sizeof(array4);
					TI = 1;

void ConfigUART(unsigned int baud)
    SCON  = 0x50;  //Configure serial port as mode 1
    TMOD &= 0x0F;  //Reset the control bit of T1
    TMOD |= 0x20;  //Configure T1 as mode 2
    TH1 = 256 - (11059200/12/32)/baud;  //Calculate T1 overload value
    TL1 = TH1;     //Initial value equal to overload value
    ET1 = 0;       //Disable T1 interrupt
    ES  = 1;       //Enable serial port interrupt
    TR1 = 1;       //Start T1

void InterruptUART() interrupt 4
	if(RI)//If reception is complete
		RI = 0;
		cmdIndex = SBUF;//Index number
		cmdArrived = 1;

	if(TI)//Send out
		TI = 0;
		if(cntTxd > 0)
			SBUF = *ptrTxd;
			ptrTxd++;//Send next element


2, Character array and character pointer

The string constant 'a' has a null value \ 0 more than the character constant 'a', which is one more byte.

3, 1602 liquid crystal


#define LCD1602_DB P0
sbit LCD1602_RS = P1^0;//Data command control bit
sbit LCD1602_RW = P1^1;//Read write control bit
sbit LCD1602_E = P1^5;//Enabling position
void InitLcd1602();
void LcdShowStr(unsigned char x,unsigned char y,unsigned char *str);

void main()
	unsigned char str[] = "Kingst Studio";
	LcdShowStr(2, 0, str);
	LcdShowStr(0, 1, "Welcome to KST51");

void LcdWaitReady()	//Read state
	unsigned char sta;

	LCD1602_DB = 0xFF;//High level before reading
	LCD1602_RS = 0;//Data pattern
	LCD1602_RW = 1;//Reading mode
	do {
		LCD1602_E = 1;
		sta = LCD1602_DB;//Pass LCD status to sta
		LCD1602_E = 0;//In order not to affect other peripherals, turn off the enable bit
		}while(sta & 0x80);//When the highest bit is 1, the LCD is busy and cannot be operated


void LcdWriteCmd(unsigned char cmd)	//Write instruction
	LcdWaitReady();//Determine whether reading and writing operation can be performed
	LCD1602_RS = 0;
	LCD1602_RW = 0;
	LCD1602_DB = cmd;//Data writing
	LCD1602_E = 1;//Start writing
	LCD1602_E = 0;//Write off

void LcdWriteDat(unsigned char dat)//Writing data
   	LCD1602_RS = 1;
	LCD1602_RW = 0;
	LCD1602_DB = dat;//Data writing
	LCD1602_E = 1;
	LCD1602_E = 0;

void LcdSetCursor(unsigned char x,unsigned char y)//Display coordinate settings
	unsigned char addr;
	if(y == 0)//In the first line
		addr = 0x00 + x;
	else//In the second row
		addr = 0x40 + x;
	LcdWriteCmd(addr | 0x80);

void LcdShowStr(unsigned char x,unsigned char y,unsigned char *str)
	while(*str != '\0')

void InitLcd1602() //Lcd initialization


In this project, the function is written from top to bottom, which is divided into different modules, and the modules call each other.

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Added by mounika on Wed, 12 Feb 2020 16:07:56 +0200