Using Wx. Getstorage and Wx. Setstorage in Api to realize a collection function. By reading the local data cache, judge whether the current article has been collected. If yes, the picture will be highlighted, otherwise it will be the opposite.
<image wx:if="{{!isCollected}}" bindtap='handleCollection' src='/images/icon/collection-anti.png'></image> <image wx:if="{{isCollected}}" bindtap='handleCollection' src='/images/icon/collection.png'></image>
Click image binding function
handleCollection(){ //Reverse when clicking let isCollected = !; this.setData({ isCollected }) //Prompt users let title = isCollected ? 'Collection success':'Cancel collection'; wx.showToast({ title, icon:'success' }) //Fetch data in cache wx.getStorage({ key: 'isCollected', success:(res)=> { //Add current data to cache //let obj = {}; it cannot be emptied every time let obj =; let {index} =; obj[index] = isCollected; wx.setStorage({ key: 'isCollected', data: obj, success:()=>{ console.log('Cache success'); } }); }, }) }
When the page is loaded
data: { detailObj: {}, isCollected: false, index: null }, onLoad: function (options) { let index = options.index; this.setData({ detailObj: datas.list_data[index], index }); //Judge whether users collect current articles based on local cache data let detailStorage = wx.getStorageSync('isCollected'); if(!detailStorage){ wx.setStorageSync('isCollected', {}) } //There are three values: true,false and undefined. if(detailStorage[index]){ this.setData({ isCollected:true }) } },
Just post the code and add some comments. Let's talk about the difference between wx.getStorage() and wx.getStorageSync(). The former is asynchronous storage with callback function, the latter is synchronous without callback