2022-01-23: force buckle 425, word box. Given a set of words (none)

2022-01-23: force buckle 425, word box.

Given a word set (no repetition), find all the word boxes in it.

A word sequence forms a valid word box, which means that it is the same string from row k and column k (0 ≤ k < max (number of rows and columns)).

For example, the word sequence "ball","area","lead","lady" forms a word box because each word is the same from the horizontal and vertical directions.

be careful:

The number of words is greater than or equal to 1 and not more than 500.

All words are of the same length.

The word length is greater than or equal to 1 and no more than 5.

Each word contains only lowercase letters a-z.

Answer 2022-01-23:

Recursion. All prefixes of all words will become key s.

be careful! There was a little mistake when introducing the topic setting in class

The title is described as follows:

Given n strings and the length of each string must be n, please form a word matrix, such as:

Given four strings, the length is 4, "ball","area","lead","lady"

The following square matrix can be formed:

b a l l

a r e a

l e a d

l a d y

What is word matrix? As can be seen from the square array above,

Row 1 and column 1 are "ball", row 2 and column 2 are "area", row 3 and column 3 are "lead", and row 4 and column 4 are "lady"

Therefore, if there are N words, the word matrix refers to:

An N*N two-dimensional matrix, and row i and column i are certain words. It is not required that all N words are in this square matrix.

Please return to all possible word matrices.


Input: words = "abat","baba","atan","atal"

Output: ["baba","abat","baba","atal","baba","abat","baba","atan"]


You can see that there are two linked lists in the output, representing two word matrices

The first one is as follows:

b a b a

a b a t

b a b a

a t a l

There is no atan in this matrix, because all words are not required to be in the matrix

The second is as follows:

b a b a

a b a t

b a b a

a t a n

There is no atal in this matrix, because all words are not required to be in the matrix

What the class said is: an N*N two-dimensional matrix, and row i and column i are certain words. All N words are required to be in this square matrix

The original question is: an N*N two-dimensional matrix, and row i and column i are certain words. It is not required that all N words are in this square matrix

The process is correct, but there is a mistake when introducing the meaning of the topic

The code is written in golang. The code is as follows:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    ret := wordSquares([]string{"abat", "baba", "atan", "atal"})

func wordSquares(words []string) [][]string {
    n := len(words[0])
    // All words, all prefix strings, will become key s!
    map0 := make(map[string][]string)
    for _, word := range words {
        for end := 0; end <= n; end++ {
            prefix := word[0:end]
            map0[prefix] = append(map0[prefix], word)
    ans := make([][]string, 0)
    process(0, n, map0, &([]string{}), &ans)
    return ans

// i. Currently, fill in word I, starting from 0 to n-1
// map, the word owned by the prefix
// path, previously filled word, 0 I-1 filled
// ans, collect answers
func process(i, n int, map0 map[string][]string, path0 *[]string, ans *[][]string) {
    if i == n {
        pathc := make([]string, len(*path0))
        copy(pathc, *path0)
        *ans = append(*ans, pathc)
    } else {
        // Find out the limit, the limit of prefix!
        builder := make([]byte, 0)
        for _, pre := range *path0 {
            builder = append(builder, pre[i])
        prefix := string(builder)
        if _, ok := map0[prefix]; ok {
            for _, next := range map0[prefix] {
                *path0 = append(*path0, next)
                process(i+1, n, map0, path0, ans)
                *path0 = (*path0)[0 : len(*path0)-1]

The results are as follows:

Left God java code

Added by chasiv on Wed, 26 Jan 2022 04:11:19 +0200