Implement hot zone editing
Defining a hot spot in the picture to display text messages or add links is a common and useful feature for graphic display.
This chapter is introduced by OpenSeadragonSelection Plug-in unit, JQuery ballon Plug-in that utilizes OpenSeadragon's event mechanism for hot zone editing.
The final results are as follows:
Target function
- Click the hot zone Edit button to switch to the hot zone edit state, and then click the button to exit the edit state
- Click on the graphical area to create a new heat zone or click on the selected heat zone
- Drag-and-drop edits can be made to the selected heat zone, including position and size adjustments
- Edit the properties of the selected heat zone, including id, title, content, and so on
- Select id from the drop-down box, switch to the frame and local view where the hot area is located, and select the hot area for editing
Improve OpenSeadragonSelection to support multi-frame hotspots
Basic ideas:
Add the hotspot you are editing to overlays when you click the check to finish editing
Remove hot spots from overlays when clicking Cancel Editviewer.addHandler('selection',function(opt) { var viewer = opt.eventSource; var sel = viewer.selectionInstance; sel.getOpt(); var rect = sel.rect; sel.ballon.hideBalloon(); var page = viewer.currentPage(); var ol = viewer.tileSources[page]; if(!ol.overlays){ ol.overlays=[]; } var opt_ol = rect.opt; opt_ol.x=opt.x; opt_ol.y=opt.y; opt_ol.width=opt.width; opt_ol.height=opt.height; opt_ol.className= 'highlight'; opt_ol.rotation= opt.rotation;; opt_ol.bounds=viewer.viewport.getBounds( true ); viewer.addOverlay(opt_ol); });
When drawing overlays, add support for click-selected edits:viewer.addHandler('selection_cancel',function(opt) { var viewer = opt.eventSource; var sel = viewer.selectionInstance; var rect = sel.rect; sel.ballon.hideBalloon(); jQuery("select#ipt_id option").filter("[value='""']").remove(); //Remove the Fang from overlay if(rect.opt){ var page = viewer.currentPage(); var ol = viewer.tileSources[page].overlays; for(var x in ol){ if(rect.opt==ol[x]){ ol.splice(x,1); } } } });
viewer.addHandler('add-overlay',function(opt){ var viewer = opt.eventSource; var sel = viewer.selectionInstance; var el = opt.element; //click an overlay el.onclick=function(event){ if(!event.originalEvent) return; var sel = viewer.selectionInstance; if(sel){ sel.selOpt(this); } event.preventDefaultAction=true; event.stopBubbling = true; }; el.opt = opt.options; var pid =; var exists = 0 != jQuery('#ipt_id option[value='+pid+']').length; if(!exists){ jQuery("#ipt_id").append("<option value='"+pid+"'>"+pid+"</option>"); } if(sel.toPid == pid){ sel.selOpt(el); sel.toPid =null; } jQuery(el).css('display','block'); }); return this.selectionInstance; };
Introducing ballon for attribute editing and drop-down selection of hot spots
$.extend( $.Selection.prototype, $.ControlDock.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadragon.Selection.prototype */{ //Unique id of c4w generated heat zone id:function(){ return this.idPrefix+new Date().getTime().toString(16); }, //Create a drop-down selection box createOpt:function(){ var pid =; jQuery("#ipt_id").append("<option value='"+pid+"'>"+pid+"</option>"); var opt= { id: pid, name:'', tip:'' }; var viewer = this.viewer; var page = viewer.currentPage(); var ol = viewer.tileSources[page]; if(!ol.overlays){ ol.overlays = []; } ol.overlays.push(opt); return opt; }, //Set properties when options are selected setOpt:function(){ var opt = this.rect.opt; jQuery("#ipt_id").val(; jQuery("#ipt_name").val(; jQuery("#ipt_tip").val(opt.tip); jQuery("#ipt_content").val(opt.content); }, //Hot Area Edit Gets Attribute Values to Update Attributes getOpt:function(){ var opt = this.rect.opt; opt.tip=jQuery("#ipt_tip").val();"#ipt_name").val(); opt.content=jQuery("#ipt_content").val(); }, //When the drop-down options change, switch to the frame and view where the selected hot zone is located and select it. selOpt:function(ol){ var sel = this; var opt = ol.opt; var rect = sel.selectRect(opt.x, opt.y, opt.width, opt.height,opt.rotation); rect.opt = opt; sel.viewer.removeOverlay(ol); sel.draw(); },
Functional implementation of selected heat zone:
//c4w selectRect: function ( x, y, width, height, rotation){ this.endRect(); this.rect = new $.SelectionRect(x, y, width, height, rotation); this.draw(); this.rectDone = true; return this.rect; },
See the attachment for the modified selection s and download the ballon code yourself.(
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