58. Build Hadoop ha high availability for Ubuntu (start from scratch)

Environmental preparation

numberhost nametypeuserIP
1masterMaster noderoot192.168.231.247
2slave1Slave noderoot192.168.231.248
3slave2Slave noderoot192.168.231.249

Environment construction

1, Basic configuration

1. Install VMware tools

Copy it to the desktop

Note: Press' Enter 'when prompted, and enter yes when' yes/no 'is encountered

The effect after installing Tools is shown in the figure

2. Modify the root password

3. Update apt and install vim compiler

apt-get update
apt-get install vim

Note: vim compiler is more user-friendly and convenient than vi compiler}, and has the function of highlighting keywords

4. Install ssh service

apt-get install openssh-server

5. Modify the ssh configuration file to allow root to log in remotely

vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Before change:

After change:

Note: change the proxy password , to , yes

6. Remove the initial inquiry

 vi /etc/ssh/ssh_config

Before change:

After change:


7. Close the firewall

ufw disable
ufw status

8. Environment configuration

(1) Modify hosts file

vim /etc/hosts


(2) Add environment variable

vim /etc/profile

(3) Unzip jdk

tar -zxvf jdk1.8.0_221.tar.gz -C /usr/local/src/

Rename it jdk

mv jdk1.8.0_221 jdk

(4) hadoop configuration

tar -zxvf hadoop-2.7.1.tar.gz -C /usr/local/

Rename it hadoop

mv hadoop-2.7.1 hadoop

Create the tmp and logs directories under the hadoop installation directory

Create the data and name and journal directories in the tmp directory


Enter the hadoop configuration file directory to modify the configuration file

hadoop-env.sh        core-site.xml        hdfs-site.xml        mapred-site.xml        yarn-site.xml        yarn-env.sh        slaves

Hadoop env SH and yen env SH only needs to modify the jdk path



Note: yarn env The jdk path in the SH file needs to be uncommented, otherwise it will not take effect











(5) zookeeper configuration

Unzip zookeeper

tar -zxvf zookeeper-3.4.8.tar.gz  -C /usr/local/src/

Rename it zookeeper

mv zookeeper-3.4.8 zookeeper

Create logs directory and data directory under the zookeeper installation directory

Create a myid file in the data directory and write the content "1"

Enter the zookeeper/conf directory and rename {zoo_sample.cfg = zoo cfg

Edit zoo Cfg file

Before modification:

After modification:


2, Cluster construction of three machines

1. Clone another two virtual machines in the shutdown state




2. Modify the static IP address of the three machines respectively






3. Restart the network service of the three machines

service networking restart

4. Inspection of Intranet and Extranet

5. Modify the host names of the three machines respectively

hostnamectl set-hostname master
hostnamectl set-hostname slave1
hostnamectl set-hostname slave2

6. Modify the zookeeper/data/myid files of the other two machines to 2 and 3 respectively

7. Restart the three machines


8. Set ssh password free

Generate key

ssh-keygen -t rsa

Distribution key



9. Make the environment variables of the three machines effective

source /etc/profile

10. Start the zookeeper cluster of three machines

bin/zkServer.sh start
bin/zkServer.sh status

11. Format the status of zookeeper in HA

bin/hdfs zkfc -formatZK

12. Start the journalnode process of the three machines

sbin/hadoop-daemon.sh start journalnode


13. Format namenode

bin/hdfs namenode -format


Note: observe whether there is any error message, whether the status is 0, 0 means successful initialization, 1 means error, and check whether there is an error in the configuration file

14. Start all hadoop processes



15. Format master-slave nodes

Copy the namenode metadata to the slave node

scp -r /usr/local/hadoop/tmp/* slave1:/usr/local/hadoop/tmp/
scp -r /usr/local/hadoop/tmp/* slave2:/usr/local/hadoop/tmp/


Note: since all the data of namenode, datanode and journalnode are stored in hadoop/tmp directory, the TMP directory is directly copied to the slave node

16. Start the resourcemanager and namenode processes of slave1

sbin/yarn-daemon.sh start resourcemanager
sbin/hadoop-daemon.sh start namenode


17. Visit the web pages of resource manager and namenode


18. Kill the namenode on the master side (simulate the HA failover after the Master goes down)

kill -9 (namenode Process number)

Note: it can be seen that after naster goes down, slave automatically takes over the work of the master and becomes active. This is the HA failover mechanism

19. Restart the namenode process on the master side and observe the working status

sbin/hadoop-daemon.sh start namenode


Note: it can be seen that after the master is restored, the slave is still in the active state and the master is in the standby state

Link reference

Centos builds Hadoop ha high availabilityhttps://blog.csdn.net/m0_54925305/article/details/121566611?spm=1001.2014.3001.5502Hadoop ha working mechanism and high availability theoryhttps://blog.csdn.net/m0_54925305/article/details/119838341?spm=1001.2014.3001.5502

See the home page for more environment construction

Thomas kutao's blog home pagehttps://blog.csdn.net/m0_54925305?type=blog

Daily insight: investing your time and energy in yourself must be a sure deal

-- Thomas

Keywords: Linux Operation & Maintenance Hadoop Ubuntu

Added by jesirose on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 01:13:15 +0200