Design and Implementation of Business Website for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

Design and Implementation of Business Website for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

Design and implementation of business website for small and medium-sized enterprises mysql database version source code:

Super Administrator Table Creation Statement is as follows:

create table t_admin(
	id int primary key auto_increment comment 'Primary key',
	username varchar(100) comment 'Super Administrator Account',
	password varchar(100) comment 'Super Administrator Password'
) comment 'Super Administrator';
insert into t_admin(username,password) values('admin','123456');

The following sentences are used to create the test question list:

create table t_examtm(
	id int primary key auto_increment comment 'Primary key',
	types int comment 'type',
	v1 varchar(100) comment 'Title',
	v2 varchar(100) comment 'option A',
	v3 varchar(100) comment 'option B',
	v4 varchar(100) comment 'option C',
	v5 varchar(100) comment 'option D',
	v6 varchar(100) comment 'Answer',
	v7 varchar(100) comment 'subject',
	v8 varchar(100) comment 'Answer',
	v9 varchar(100) comment 'subject',
	v10 varchar(100) comment 'Answer'
) comment 'Examination questions';

My message table creation statement is as follows:

create table t_wdxx(
	id int primary key auto_increment comment 'Primary key',
	customerId int comment 'user',
	phone varchar(100) comment 'Contact information',
	content varchar(100) comment 'content',
	insertDate datetime comment 'date',
	customerId int comment 'I',
	title varchar(100) comment 'Title',
	pic varchar(100) comment 'picture',
	content varchar(100) comment 'content'
) comment 'My news';

The recommended table creation statement is as follows:

create table t_contact(
	id int primary key auto_increment comment 'Primary key',
	zan int comment 'Fabulous',
	insertDate datetime comment 'Date of publication',
	nologin varchar(100) comment 'Visibility of tourists',
	bkId int comment ''
) comment 'proposal';

My message table creation statement is as follows:

create table t_wdxx(
	id int primary key auto_increment comment 'Primary key',
	customerId int comment 'user',
	title varchar(100) comment 'Title',
	content varchar(100) comment 'content',
	insertDate datetime comment 'date',
	customerId int comment 'I',
	title varchar(100) comment 'Title',
	pic varchar(100) comment 'picture',
	content varchar(100) comment 'content'
) comment 'My news';

The message table creation statement is as follows:

create table t_xiaoxi(
	id int primary key auto_increment comment 'Primary key',
	zan int comment 'Fabulous',
	insertDate datetime comment 'Date of publication',
	nologin varchar(100) comment 'Visibility of tourists',
	bkId int comment ''
) comment 'news';

Design and implementation of small and medium-sized enterprise business website oracle database version source code:

Super Administrator Table Creation Statement is as follows:

create table t_admin(
	id integer,
	username varchar(100),
	password varchar(100)
insert into t_admin(id,username,password) values(1,'admin','123456');
--Super Administrator Field Annotated
comment on column is 'Primary key';
comment on column t_admin.username is 'Super Administrator Account';
comment on column t_admin.password is 'Super Administrator Password';
--Super Administrator Table Annotated
comment on table t_admin is 'Super Administrator';

The following sentences are used to create the test question list:

create table t_examtm(
	id integer,
	types int,
	v1 varchar(100),
	v2 varchar(100),
	v3 varchar(100),
	v4 varchar(100),
	v5 varchar(100),
	v6 varchar(100),
	v7 varchar(100),
	v8 varchar(100),
	v9 varchar(100),
	v10 varchar(100)
--Note the field of examination questions
comment on column is 'Primary key';
comment on column t_examtm.types is 'type';
comment on column t_examtm.v1 is 'Title';
comment on column t_examtm.v2 is 'option A';
comment on column t_examtm.v3 is 'option B';
comment on column t_examtm.v4 is 'option C';
comment on column t_examtm.v5 is 'option D';
comment on column t_examtm.v6 is 'Answer';
comment on column t_examtm.v7 is 'subject';
comment on column t_examtm.v8 is 'Answer';
comment on column t_examtm.v9 is 'subject';
comment on column t_examtm.v10 is 'Answer';
--Annotation of the Examination Question Sheet
comment on table t_examtm is 'Examination questions';

My message table creation statement is as follows:

create table t_wdxx(
	id integer,
	customerId int,
	phone varchar(100),
	content varchar(100),
	insertDate datetime,
	customerId int,
	title varchar(100),
	pic varchar(100),
	content varchar(100)
--Annotate my message field
comment on column is 'Primary key';
comment on column t_wdxx.customerId is 'user';
comment on column is 'Contact information';
comment on column t_wdxx.content is 'content';
comment on column t_wdxx.insertDate is 'date';
comment on column t_wdxx.customerId is 'I';
comment on column t_wdxx.title is 'Title';
comment on column t_wdxx.pic is 'picture';
comment on column t_wdxx.content is 'content';
--Annotate my message sheet
comment on table t_wdxx is 'My news';

The recommended table creation statement is as follows:

create table t_contact(
	id integer,
	zan int,
	insertDate datetime,
	nologin varchar(100),
	bkId int
--Recommended fields with comments
comment on column is 'Primary key';
comment on column t_contact.zan is 'Fabulous';
comment on column t_contact.insertDate is 'Date of publication';
comment on column t_contact.nologin is 'Visibility of tourists';
comment on column t_contact.bkId is '';
--Notes to the table of suggestions
comment on table t_contact is 'proposal';

My message table creation statement is as follows:

create table t_wdxx(
	id integer,
	customerId int,
	title varchar(100),
	content varchar(100),
	insertDate datetime,
	customerId int,
	title varchar(100),
	pic varchar(100),
	content varchar(100)
--Annotate my message field
comment on column is 'Primary key';
comment on column t_wdxx.customerId is 'user';
comment on column t_wdxx.title is 'Title';
comment on column t_wdxx.content is 'content';
comment on column t_wdxx.insertDate is 'date';
comment on column t_wdxx.customerId is 'I';
comment on column t_wdxx.title is 'Title';
comment on column t_wdxx.pic is 'picture';
comment on column t_wdxx.content is 'content';
--Annotate my message sheet
comment on table t_wdxx is 'My news';

The message table creation statement is as follows:

create table t_xiaoxi(
	id integer,
	zan int,
	insertDate datetime,
	nologin varchar(100),
	bkId int
--Message field annotated
comment on column is 'Primary key';
comment on column t_xiaoxi.zan is 'Fabulous';
comment on column t_xiaoxi.insertDate is 'Date of publication';
comment on column t_xiaoxi.nologin is 'Visibility of tourists';
comment on column t_xiaoxi.bkId is '';
--Message table annotated
comment on table t_xiaoxi is 'news';

oracle is unique, and the corresponding sequence is as follows:

create sequence s_t_examtm;
create sequence s_t_wdxx;
create sequence s_t_contact;
create sequence s_t_wdxx;
create sequence s_t_xiaoxi;

Design and implementation of small and medium-sized enterprise business website SQL Server database version source code:

Super Administrator Table Creation Statement is as follows:

--Super Administrator
create table t_admin(
	id int identity(1,1) primary key not null,--Primary key
	username varchar(100),--Super Administrator Account
	password varchar(100)--Super Administrator Password
insert into t_admin(username,password) values('admin','123456');

The following sentences are used to create the test question list:

--Notes to the Examination Question Sheet
create table t_examtm(
	id int identity(1,1) primary key not null,--Primary key
	types int,--type
	v1 varchar(100),--Title
	v2 varchar(100),--option A
	v3 varchar(100),--option B
	v4 varchar(100),--option C
	v5 varchar(100),--option D
	v6 varchar(100),--Answer
	v7 varchar(100),--subject
	v8 varchar(100),--Answer
	v9 varchar(100),--subject
	v10 varchar(100)--Answer

My message table creation statement is as follows:

--My Message Table Comments
create table t_wdxx(
	id int identity(1,1) primary key not null,--Primary key
	customerId int,--user
	phone varchar(100),--Contact information
	content varchar(100),--content
	insertDate datetime,--date
	customerId int,--I
	title varchar(100),--Title
	pic varchar(100),--picture
	content varchar(100)--content

The recommended table creation statement is as follows:

--Notes to the Recommendation Table
create table t_contact(
	id int identity(1,1) primary key not null,--Primary key
	zan int,--Fabulous
	insertDate datetime,--Date of publication
	nologin varchar(100),--Visibility of tourists
	bkId int--

My message table creation statement is as follows:

--My Message Table Comments
create table t_wdxx(
	id int identity(1,1) primary key not null,--Primary key
	customerId int,--user
	title varchar(100),--Title
	content varchar(100),--content
	insertDate datetime,--date
	customerId int,--I
	title varchar(100),--Title
	pic varchar(100),--picture
	content varchar(100)--content

The message table creation statement is as follows:

--Message table annotations
create table t_xiaoxi(
	id int identity(1,1) primary key not null,--Primary key
	zan int,--Fabulous
	insertDate datetime,--Date of publication
	nologin varchar(100),--Visibility of tourists
	bkId int--

Keywords: Database SQL Oracle MySQL

Added by lew14 on Wed, 07 Aug 2019 14:54:34 +0300