Rereading "Learning JavaScript Data Structure and Algorithms - Third Edition" - Chapter 6 Link List

Stage Poetry

The most serious injury is the cold weather in the evening, and the haggard companions are beyond words.
Invite the wine to destroy the intestines three cups of drunkenness. Seek fragrance and frighten dreams five colder.
Chai-tou Fengxieqing has tears, tea stamps my fate;
The small building is lonely and rainy. It's hard to get round as well as hook.


This chapter is a re-reading of the series "Learning JavaScript Data Structure and Algorithms". This chapter mainly describes the data structure-linked list, as well as the process and principle of implementing the linked list.

linked list

Linked list, why do we have this data structure? Of course, there must be a reason!

Array - The most common and convenient data structure, But, when we insert or move items from the beginning or middle of an array, the cost is high because we need to move array elements.

A linked list is an orderly collection of elements stored. Elements in a linked list are not placed continuously in memory. Each element consists of an element node that stores itself and a reference (pointer or link) to the next element.

This is the key point. Pay attention. Circle it. The interview must be exam.

Implementing linked list

We need to implement the structure of the linked list and the corresponding methods, roughly as follows: element insertion, removal, get the length of the linked list, query elements, whether empty, and so on... More details can be seen in the code implementation logic.

The data structure is becoming more and more complex... Pay attention to the spirit of understanding...

 * Node Node class for generating references to its own nodes and the next element
class Node {
  constructor(element) {
    this.element = element = undefined

 * defaultEquals() Used to compare two non-object classes to see if the values are equal
function defaultEquals (a, b) {
  return a === b

 * LinkedList linked list
 * Features: The linked list stores an orderly set of elements, but elements are not stored continuously in memory. Each element has a node that stores the element itself and a reference to the next element.
class LinkedList {
  constructor (equalsFn = defaultEquals) {
    // Link List Length
    this.count = 0
    // First element reference
    this.head = undefined
    // Used to compare whether elements are equal, defaultEquals is default by default, allowing custom functions to be passed in to compare whether two objects are equal.
    this.equalsFn = equalsFn

Note: The equalsFn parameter, when comparing object class elements, needs to pass a custom method to compare whether the values of two objects are equal.


Adding elements to the end of the list

 * push() Add elements to the list
 * @param {*} element Elements to be added
push (element) {
  let node = new Node(element)
  let current
  // Judging whether the list is empty
  if (this.head == null) {
    this.head = node
  } else {
    // Query the last element - feature current. next = null
    current = this.head
    while ( != null) {
      current =
    // Reference the next element of the last element to node = node


Gets the element at the specified index location

 * getElementAt() Returns the index location element
 * @param {Number} index Index location
 * @returns {*} node
getElementAt (index) {
  // Judging whether the index is valid
  if (index < 0 || index > this.count) {
    return undefined
  let node = this.head
  for (let i = 0; i < index && node != null; i++) {
    node =
  return node


Insert elements at any index location

 * insert() Insert elements anywhere
 * @param {*} element Elements to be inserted
 * @param {Number} index Specified index location
 * @returns {Boolean}
insert (element, index) {
  // Judging whether it is a legal index
  if (index < 0 || index > this.count) {
    return false
  // Instance node
  let node = new Node(element)
  // Insert - first position
  if (index === 0) {
    let current = this.head = current
    this.head = node
  } else {
    // Find the previous element at the specified index location
    let previous = this.getElementAt(index - 1)
    let current =

    // The insertion is completed by pointing the next reference of the previous element to the currently added node and the next reference of the node to the current. = node = current
  // List length + 1
  return true


Remove the element at the specified index location

Realization logic: To determine whether it is the first item in the list, if it is the first item, point this.head to the second element; if it is not the first, get the index element previous at the index position, and the index element at the next location, and point to

 * removeAt() Remove elements at specified locations
 * @param {Number} index
 * @returns {*} element Removed elements
removeAt (index) {
  // Judging whether it is a legal index
  if (index < 0 || index > this.count) {
    return undefined

  let current = this.head

  // Consider whether it's the first item in the list
  if (index === 0) {
    this.head =
  } else {
    // Method 1. Use for loop iteration to get the element at the specified index position
    // Used to retrieve the previous location element
    // let previous
    // for (let i = 0; i < index; i++) {
    //   previous = current
    //   current =
    // }
    // // Skip the current element and point next from the previous element to the next element
    // =

    // Method 2. With the help of getElementAt() method
    // Query the last element of the index location
    let previous = this.getElementAt(index - 1)
    // Skip the intermediate element and point the next of the previous element to the next element
    current = =
  return current.element


Index Location of Query Elements

Implementing logic: Iterate elements to compare whether each element is equal to the target element; in particular, the value of the object class should be passed in a custom method to compare whether it is equal s

 * indexOf() Index Location of Query Elements
 * @param {*} element Elements to be queried
 * @returns {Number} index Index location, return - 1 if nonexistent
indexOf (element) {
  let current = this.head
  for (let i = 0; i < this.count && current != null; i++) {
    // Determine whether two elements are identical
    if (this.equalsFn(element, current.element)) {
      return i
    current =
  return - 1


Remove the specified element

 * remove() Removing Elements
 * @param {*} element Elements to be removed
 * @returns {*} element Removed elements
remove (element) {
  // Get the index location
  let index = this.indexOf(element)
  // Remove the element at the specified index location
  return this.removeAt(index)


Get the length of the linked list

 * size() Return list length
 * @returns {Number} Link List Length
size () {
  return this.count


Judging whether the list is empty

 * isEmpty() Judging whether the list is empty
 * @returns {Boolean}
isEmpty () {
  return this.count === 0


Get the first element of the list

 * getHead() Get the first element of the list
 * @returns {*}
getHead () {
  if (this.head != null) {
    return this.head.element
  return undefined


Clear the list

 * clear() Clear the list
clear () {
  this.count = 0
  this.head = undefined


Link List String Processing

 * toString() String display of linked list
 * @returns {String}
toString () {
  // Judge whether it is empty
  if (this.isEmpty()) {
    return ''
  let objStr = `${this.head.element}`
  let current =
  for (let i = 1; i < this.count; i++) {
    objStr = `${objStr},${current.element}`
    current =
  return objStr

Use linked lists

let linkedList = new LinkedList()

console.log(linkedList.isEmpty()) // true

// push tail pressing element
  LinkedList {
    count: 2,
    head: Node {
      element: 15,
      next: Node {
        element: 20,
        next: undefined
    equalsFn: [Function: defaultEquals]

console.log(linkedList.isEmpty()) // false

// getElementAt() Elements that specify the location of the index
let node = linkedList.getElementAt(1)

// insert() insert elements at any index position
linkedList.insert(22, 1)
linkedList.insert(33, 1)
console.log(linkedList.toString()) // 15,33,22,20

// removeAt() removes the element at the specified index location
console.log(linkedList.removeAt(1)) // 33

// remove() removes elements
console.log(linkedList.remove(15)) // 15

console.log(linkedList.toString()) // 22,20

console.log(linkedList.getHead()) // 22

console.log(linkedList.size()) // 2
console.log(linkedList.toString()) // 22,20

console.log(linkedList.isEmpty()) // false

console.log(linkedList.isEmpty()) // true

Again, if the linked list stores object type values, be sure to pass in the specified comparison function equalsFn for self-comparison, You should know why!


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Keywords: Javascript

Added by itisme on Sun, 25 Aug 2019 18:49:19 +0300