A simple company employee information management system implemented by C language

Project requirements

design requirement

  • Function selection can be realized by menu. Users can enter different menus according to their own choices.
  • The program does not need to save the information to a file. At the beginning of the program, the employee information is blank. You need to add the employee information before you can search, delete, browse and other functions.
  • The keyword of employee information is the employee number of the employee. Records with duplicate employee numbers cannot be added. Search and delete according to the employee number.
  • When you select the delete function, the prompt "confirm to delete" will be output to cancel the operation.

source code


using namespace std;

// Function result status code 
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define OK    1
#define ERROR 0
#define OVERFLOW -1

typedef int Status;  //Status is the type of function, and its value is the function result status code, such as OK.

//——————- dynamic allocation sequential storage structure of linear table ---//

#Define list? Init? Size 20 / / initial allocation of linear table storage space
#Define list add Size 10 / / allocation increment of linear table storage space

typedef struct
	char id[10];    /* Staff number */
	char name[20];    /* Employee name */
	char department[20];    /* Department in charge */
	float salary;    /* Wages of staff and workers */
	char postion[20];    /* position */

typedef struct
	ElemType *elem;    //Storage base address
	int length;        //Current table length (number of elements in current table)
	int listsize;      //Currently allocated storage capacity in sizeof(ElemType)

Status SqList_Init(SqList &L)   //Initialize, construct a new linear table L
	L.elem = (ElemType *)malloc(LIST_INIT_SIZE * sizeof(ElemType));
	if (!L.elem)  exit(OVERFLOW);  //Storage memory allocation failed
	L.length = 0;                  //Empty table length is 0
	L.listsize = LIST_INIT_SIZE;   //Initialize storage capacity
	return OK;

int ListLength(SqList L)  //Return the number of data elements in L
	return L.length;

//Returns the value of the ith element in the table
ElemType GetElem(SqList L, int i)
	if (i<1 || i>L.length)   exit(ERROR);   //Illegal i value
	return L.elem[i - 1];

//Insert a new element at the end of the table 
Status SqList_Insert(SqList &L, ElemType e)
	ElemType *p, *q, *newbase = NULL;
	if (L.length >= L.listsize)  //Current memory is full, increase memory, reallocate
		newbase = (ElemType *)realloc(L.elem, (L.listsize + LIST_ADD_SIZE) * sizeof(ElemType));
		if (!newbase)  exit(OVERFLOW);  //Storage memory allocation failed
		L.elem = newbase;               //New base address
		L.listsize += LIST_ADD_SIZE;    //Storage capacity increase
	int i = L.length + 1;
	q = &(L.elem[i - 1]);     //q is the insertion position
	for (p = &(L.elem[L.length - 1]); p >= q; --p)    *(p + 1) = *p;
	//Insert position and elements after move right
	*q = e;      //Insert e into the position of the ith element
	++L.length;  //Table length plus one
	return OK;

//Delete the ith element in the sequential linear table
Status SqList_Delete(SqList &L, int i)
	//The legal value of i is 1 < = i < = L.Length
	ElemType *p, *q;
	if (i < 1 || i > L.length)  return ERROR;  //Illegal i value         
	p = &L.elem[i - 1];                        //p is the location of the deleted element
	q = L.elem + L.length - 1;                 //The position of the tail element
	for (; p <= q; ++p)  *(p - 1) = *p;        //Move element left after deleted element
	return OK;

// Compare whether it is the same person (whether id numbers are equal)
Status Equal(ElemType a, ElemType b)
	if (!strcmp(a.id,b.id))  return TRUE;
	else return FALSE;

//Find the element whose first value satisfies the compare relationship with e in L, and return its subscript in the table 
int SqList_LocateElem(SqList L, ElemType e,
	Status(*compare)(ElemType, ElemType))  //Parameter compare() is a function pointer
	int i = 1;    //The initial value of i is the bit order of the first element
	ElemType *p;  //The initial value of p is the storage location of the first element
	p = L.elem;
	while (i <= L.length && !(*compare)(*p++, e))  ++i;
	if (i <= L.length)   return i;  //If it is found, its bit order in L will be returned; otherwise, 0 will be returned.
	else  return 0;

// Get the entered employee information 
ElemType GetEmpInfomation()
	ElemType e; 
	printf("Please enter employee number:");
	printf("Please enter the name of the employee:");
	scanf("%s", &(e.name));
	printf("Please enter position:");
	scanf("%s", &(e.postion));
	printf("Please enter Department:");
	scanf("%s", &(e.department));
	printf("Please enter salary:");
	scanf("%f", &(e.salary));
	return e;

// Insert new employee information
void AddEmpToList(SqList &L)
	ElemType e = GetEmpInfomation();
	int res = SqList_LocateElem(L, e, Equal);
	if(res == 0)//This employee information does not exist 
		SqList_Insert(L, e);
		printf("Added successfully! Do you want to continue adding? One:yes;0:no\n");
		int c = -1;
		if(c == 1){
		}else if(c == 0){
			printf("Illegal input, please operate again!\n\n");
	}else{//This employee information already exists 
		printf("Employee information of this number already exists, please do not repeat!\n\n"); 

// Show employee information
void showEmpInfo(SqList L)
	printf("\n Please enter the employee number to view:");
	char id[10];
	ElemType e;
	int res = SqList_LocateElem(L, e, Equal);
	if(res != 0){
		e = GetElem(L, res);
		printf("Staff number\t Full name\t department\t position\t salary\n");
		printf("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%.2f\n\n", e.id, e.name, e.department, e.postion, e.salary);
		printf("This employee does not exist!\n\n");

// Delete an employee's information
void DeleteEmp(SqList &L)
	if(L.length == 0){
		printf("Currently, there is no employee information. Please select add employee information first!\n");
	printf("Please enter the employee number to delete:");
	char id[10];
	ElemType e;
	int res = SqList_LocateElem(L, e, Equal);
	if(res != 0){
		printf("Are you sure you want to delete? Determine:1; give up:0\n");
		int c;
		if(c == 1){
			SqList_Delete(L, res + 1);//The following table of the i+1 = elements is i 
			printf("Delete successfully!\n\n");
			printf("This operation has been cancelled!\n\n");
		printf("This employee does not exist!\n\n");
//Print employee information form 
void Print(SqList L)
	printf("\n Staff number\t Full name\t department\t position\t salary\n");
	ElemType p;
	for (int i = 0; i < L.length; i++)
		p = L.elem[i];
		printf("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%.2f\n", p.id, p.name, p.department, p.postion, p.salary);

// Main menu 
void menu(SqList &L)
	bool flag = true;
		flag = true;
		printf("\t\t Welcome to the company's employee information management system\n"); 
	    printf("\t\t1.Increase employee information\n"); 
	    printf("\t\t2.Find employee information\n"); 
	    printf("\t\t3.Display all employee information\n"); 
	    printf("\t\t4.Delete employee information\n"); 
	    printf("\t\t5.Sign out\n"); 
	    printf("Please select 1-5: "); 
	    int c;
	    	case 1: AddEmpToList(L);break;
	    	case 2: showEmpInfo(L);break;
	    	case 3: Print(L);break;
	    	case 4: DeleteEmp(L);break;
	    	case 5: flag = false; printf("\n You have quit!\n");break;
	    	default: printf("Illegal input!\n\n");break;

int main()
	SqList L;  //Define SqList structure L
	SqList_Init(L);  //Initialize L


Operation result

Summing up expectations

  • java code to write a number of today's brave c language a write all bug s, headache.
  • If you have any comments or suggestions, please leave a message or ask questions below.
  • Reprint please indicate the source!

Keywords: Java C

Added by asgsoft on Sat, 02 Nov 2019 13:52:18 +0200