The following completes a simple calculator to calculate through the syntax tree, first defines the structure of a syntax tree, then writes a flex file to parse numbers or symbols, returns itself to symbols, returns numbers to numbers, and assigns a value to d of yylval, which refers to a joint type, and then completes the addition of nodes of the syntax tree in the syntax analyzer, respectively There are different ways to add corresponding numbers and symbols. Finally, there is a separate C code processing calculation, as well as the function of syntax tree related calculation. The result is calculated by recursion of the syntax tree.
The lexical analyzer is:
dp@dp:~/flexbison % cat myast.l %option noyywrap nodefault yylineno %{ #include "myast.h" #include "" char buffer[20]; %} EXP ([Ee][-+]?[0-9]+) %% "+"|"-"|"*"|"/"|"("|")"|"|" { return yytext[0]; } [0-9]+"."[0-9]*{EXP}?|"."?[0-9]+{EXP}? { yylval.d=atof(yytext); return NUMBER; } \n {return EOL;} "//".* [ \t] {} "Q" {exit(0);} . {sprintf(buffer,"invalid character %c\n",*yytext); yyerror(buffer);} %%
The parser is:
dp@dp:~/flexbison % cat myast.y %{ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "myast.h" %} %union{ struct myast *mya; double d; } %token <d> NUMBER %token EOL %type <mya> exp factor term %% calclist:|calclist exp EOL{ printf("= %g\n",eval($2)); treefree($2); printf("$"); } |calclist EOL{printf("$");} ; exp:factor|exp '+' factor {$$=newast('+',$1,$3);} |exp '-' factor{$$=newast('-',$1,$3);} ; factor:term |factor '*' term {$$=newast('*',$1,$3);} |factor '/' term {$$=newast('/',$1,$3);} ; term:NUMBER{$$=newnum($1);} |'|' term{$$=newast('|',$2,NULL);} |'(' exp ')' {$$=$2;} |'-' term {$$=newast('M',$2,NULL);} ; %%
Then the header file is:
dp@dp:~/flexbison % cat myast.h extern int yylineno; void yyerror(char *s); struct ast{ int nodetype; struct ast *l; struct ast *r; }; struct numval{ int nodetype; double number; }; struct ast *newast(int nodetype,struct ast *l,struct ast *r); struct ast *newnum(double d); double eval(struct ast *); void treefree(struct ast *);
The content of C code file is:
dp@dp:~/flexbison % cat myastfunc.c #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include "myast.h" struct ast * newast(int nodetype,struct ast *l,struct ast *r) { struct ast *a=malloc(sizeof(struct ast)); if (!a){ yyerror("out of space"); exit(0); } a->nodetype=nodetype; a->l=l; a->r=r; return a; } struct ast * newnum(double d) { struct numval *a=malloc(sizeof(struct numval)); if (!a) { yyerror("out of space"); exit(0); } a->nodetype='D'; a->number=d; return (struct ast *)a; } double eval(struct ast *a){ double v; switch(a->nodetype){ case 'D':v=((struct numval *)a)->number;break; case '+':v=eval(a->l)+eval(a->r);break; case '-':v=eval(a->l)-eval(a->r);break; case '*':v=eval(a->l)*eval(a->r);break; case '/':v=eval(a->l)/eval(a->r);break; case '|':v=eval(a->l);v=v<0?v:-v;break; case 'M':v=-eval(a->l);break; defaut:printf("bad node:%c\n",a->nodetype); } return v; } void treefree(struct ast*a) { switch(a->nodetype){ case '+': case '-': case '*': case '/': treefree(a->r); case '|': case 'M': treefree(a->l); case 'D': free(a); break; default:printf("free bad node %c\n",a->nodetype); } } void yyerror(char *s){ fprintf(stderr,"line %d error!:%s",yylineno,s); } int main() { printf("$ "); return yyparse(); }
The Makefile file is:
dp@dp:~/flexbison % cat makefile myjs:myast.l myast.y myast.h bison -d myast.y flex -omyast.lex.c myast.l cc -o $@ myast.lex.c myastfunc.c dp@dp:~/flexbison %
The operation effect is as follows
dp@dp:~/flexbison % ./myjs
$ 12+99
= 111
= 68
dp@dp:~/flexbison %