How to solve the source not found problem when viewing JDK source code in Eclipse

This article introduces how to view the JDK source code on eclipse. If you have used pysharm IDE under Python, you will find that it is not as easy to use as eclipse. As far as the source code function is concerned, it is not as easy to use as eclipse. So the question is, do you know how to view the JDK source code on eclipse, and have you ever done so. We all know that in the process of learning Java, when we encounter many classes or methods that we don't understand, we want to learn and understand the implementation principle of this method by reading and viewing the corresponding JDK source code.

1. How to view the source code of related methods on eclipse

For example, for the above print statement, I want to see the source code of println(). The specific steps are as follows: hover over println and press ctrl key on the keyboard, you will find an underline will appear under println, and click the mouse to jump. If the source file source is not configured, the source not found page will appear.

See the prompt "you can attach the journey by cicking attach source falls" above. What file do you want to add?

2. How to solve the problem of source not found

Click Attach Source... And select an package under the jdk path of your computer.

Go back to printing again, try hovering over println, pressing ctrl and clicking underline to see the effect

Here, how to view the source code and how to set the source file are introduced. You can use this method to view the implementation principle of methods or classes in JAVA you want to learn. By reading the JDK source code, you can improve your programming ability and develop standard code specifications like those of JDK developers.

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    Keywords: JDK Eclipse Javascript Java

    Added by davidguz on Sun, 19 Jan 2020 06:08:06 +0200