----------------Determine whether the student table exists
declare num number; --Declare parameters num type number begin --start select count(1) into num from user_tables where table_name='student'; if num>0 then execute immediate 'drop table student'; --dynamic sql Execute statement end if; end;
----------------Table building create table student ( name varchar2(50), --full name class varchar2(50), --subject score int --fraction ) select * from student;
insert data
----------------Part I test data insert into student(name,class,score)values('Xiaoming','chinese',80); insert into student(name,class,score)values('Xiaoming','English',89); insert into student(name,class,score)values('Xiaoming','mathematics',95); insert into student(name,class,score)values('cockroach','mathematics',90); insert into student(name,class,score)values('cockroach','English',85); insert into student(name,class,score)values('cockroach','chinese',70); COMMIT; --select * from student;
Create row to column stored procedure
Idea: using concatenated string and using row to column decode function
---------------------------------------------------------------Stored procedure for row to column CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE P_STU ---Stored procedure name P_STU Stored procedure does not return result IS ---Declare variables V_SQL VARCHAR2(2000); --V_SQL Variable name Varchar2 Type for splicing SQL sentence CURSOR CLASS_CURSOR IS SELECT DISTINCT CLASS FROM student; --Cursor loop using cursor declaration CURSOR Define cursor name CLASS_CURSOR Query statement SELECT DISTINCT CLASS FROM student; --distinct Unique value --Query: class adopt student surface BEGIN V_SQL := 'SELECT name'; --Initial value assignment := --Loop statement start FOR C IN CLASS_CURSOR LOOP --Cycle parameters C Loop the cursor in the cursor: CLASS_CURSOR --For splicing strings decode function sum(decode(condition,Parameter, value 1, value 2) Row to column Return value 1 if the condition is satisfied (equal to) and return value 2 if the condition is not satisfied (not equal to) V_SQL := V_SQL || ',' || 'SUM(DECODE(CLASS,''' || C.CLASS || ''',score,0)) AS ' || C.CLASS; END LOOP; --End cycle V_SQL := V_SQL || ' FROM student GROUP BY name'; --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(V_SQL); V_SQL := 'CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW RESULT AS '|| V_SQL; --Create view --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(V_SQL); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE V_SQL; -- Execution dynamics sql sentence END; ----------------------------------------------------------------result
You can see the new stored procedure p_stu
----------------Execute stored procedure and generate view BEGIN P_STU; END; ----------------result SELECT * FROM RESULT T;
----------------Part II test data insert into student(name,class,score)values('Xiaoming','Chemistry',80); insert into student(name,class,score)values('cockroach','Chemistry',90); COMMIT; ----------------Report stored procedures, generating views BEGIN P_STU; END; ----------------result SELECT * FROM RESULT T;
--------------- Delete entity DROP VIEW RESULT; DROP PROCEDURE P_stu; DROP TABLE student;
Possible problems:
Cannot create stored procedure function when executing, indicating insufficient permission
You need the permission to create views and dba for grant, the oracle operation user
Suppose user A logs in to operate the database
grant create view to A;
grant dba to A;
If the row and column are fixed, you can use the decode function directly: