If there is no network (on flight mode), will it prompt that the download is successful? Flutter cached_network_image image loading process analysis


Why did you play Toast to prompt that the download was successful without the network (on flight mode)?

Subconsciously, the Toast prompt must be playing early. Just click the button and play Toast before downloading. Hurry to get your mobile phone to operate and verify it. There's really no network. After playing the download completion prompt, go to the album and check it, huh? The picture download is successful. Is there such an operation? Quickly check the code and find the cached used in the project_ network_ The image loaded by the third-party library can be judged from the name. This is a loading framework for caching network images. Therefore, the pictures should be cached locally after they are displayed. The actual download process does not follow the network request. In order to verify the idea, I looked at the picture loading process of the next framework and summarized below.


The component CachedNetworkImage can be used directly or through the ImageProvider.

Introduce dependency

  cached_network_image: ^3.1.0

Execute fluent pub get, which is used in the project

Import it

import 'package:cached_network_image/cached_network_image.dart';

Add occupation bitmap

        imageUrl: "http://via.placeholder.com/350x150",
        placeholder: (context, url) => CircularProgressIndicator(),
        errorWidget: (context, url, error) => Icon(Icons.error),

Progress bar display

        imageUrl: "http://via.placeholder.com/350x150",
        progressIndicatorBuilder: (context, url, downloadProgress) => 
                CircularProgressIndicator(value: downloadProgress.progress),
        errorWidget: (context, url, error) => Icon(Icons.error),

Native component matching

Image(image: CachedNetworkImageProvider(url))

Use a bitmap and provide a provider for other components to use

  imageUrl: "http://via.placeholder.com/200x150",
  imageBuilder: (context, imageProvider) => Container(
    decoration: BoxDecoration(
      image: DecorationImage(
          image: imageProvider,
          fit: BoxFit.cover,
              ColorFilter.mode(Colors.red, BlendMode.colorBurn)),
  placeholder: (context, url) => CircularProgressIndicator(),
  errorWidget: (context, url, error) => Icon(Icons.error),

In this way, the network pictures can be loaded. Moreover, when the pictures are loaded, they will be cached locally. First, look at the picture loading process

As the official website said, it does not include caching now. The caching function is actually another library, fluent_ cache_ Implemented in Manager


Load & display

Here, we only sort out the main processes of image loading and caching, and do not analyze some other branch processes or irrelevant parameters too much

First, the constructor used on the page receives a required parameter imageUrl, which is used to generate an ImageProvider to provide image loading

class CachedNetworkImage extends StatelessWidget{
  ///image provided
  final CachedNetworkImageProvider _image;

    Key key,
    @required this.imageUrl,
    ///Omitted part
    /// ...
  })  : assert(imageUrl != null),
        /// ...
        _image = CachedNetworkImageProvider(
          headers: httpHeaders,
          cacheManager: cacheManager,
          cacheKey: cacheKey,
          imageRenderMethodForWeb: imageRenderMethodForWeb,
          maxWidth: maxWidthDiskCache,
          maxHeight: maxHeightDiskCache,
        super(key: key);
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    var octoPlaceholderBuilder =
        placeholder != null ? _octoPlaceholderBuilder : null;
    var octoProgressIndicatorBuilder =
        progressIndicatorBuilder != null ? _octoProgressIndicatorBuilder : null;
    /// ...

    return OctoImage(
      image: _image,
      /// ...

As you can see here, the constructor initializes a local variable_ The image type is CachedNetworkImageProvider, which inherits the ImageProvider and provides image loading. See its constructor

///Provide network picture loading Provider and cache
abstract class CachedNetworkImageProvider
    extends ImageProvider<CachedNetworkImageProvider> {
  /// Creates an object that fetches the image at the given URL.
  const factory CachedNetworkImageProvider(
    String url, {
    int maxHeight,
    int maxWidth,
    String cacheKey,
    double scale,
    @Deprecated('ErrorListener is deprecated, use listeners on the imagestream')
        ErrorListener errorListener,
    Map<String, String> headers,
    BaseCacheManager cacheManager,
    ImageRenderMethodForWeb imageRenderMethodForWeb,
  }) = image_provider.CachedNetworkImageProvider;

  ///Optional cacheManager. DefaultCacheManager() is used by default
  ///Cache manager is not used when running on the web
  BaseCacheManager get cacheManager;

  ///Request url
  String get url;

  ///Cache key
  String get cacheKey;
  /// ...

  ImageStreamCompleter load(
      CachedNetworkImageProvider key, DecoderCallback decode);

Its constructor calls image_ The instance of provider.cachednetworkimageprovider is in_ image_provider_io.dart is the specific implementation class loaded

/// IO implementation of the CachedNetworkImageProvider; the ImageProvider to
/// load network images using a cache.
class CachedNetworkImageProvider
    extends ImageProvider<image_provider.CachedNetworkImageProvider>
    implements image_provider.CachedNetworkImageProvider {
  /// Creates an ImageProvider which loads an image from the [url], using the [scale].
  /// When the image fails to load [errorListener] is called.
  const CachedNetworkImageProvider(
    this.url, {
  /// ...
  })  : assert(url != null),
        assert(scale != null);

  final BaseCacheManager cacheManager;
	/// ...

  Future<CachedNetworkImageProvider> obtainKey(
      ImageConfiguration configuration) {
    return SynchronousFuture<CachedNetworkImageProvider>(this);

  ///Core method loading picture entry
  ImageStreamCompleter load(
      image_provider.CachedNetworkImageProvider key, DecoderCallback decode) {
    final chunkEvents = StreamController<ImageChunkEvent>();
    ///Multi graph loading
    return MultiImageStreamCompleter(
      codec: _loadAsync(key, chunkEvents, decode),
      chunkEvents: chunkEvents.stream,
      scale: key.scale,
      informationCollector: () sync* {
        yield DiagnosticsProeperty<ImageProvider>(
          'Image provider: $this \n Image key: $key',
          style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty,

The load method here is the startup entry for image loading, which will be called when the page is visible
It returns an incoming MultiImageStreamCompleter_ loadAsync, look at this method

 ///Asynchronous loading
  Stream<ui.Codec> _loadAsync(
    CachedNetworkImageProvider key,
    StreamController<ImageChunkEvent> chunkEvents,
    DecoderCallback decode,
  ) async* {
    assert(key == this);
    try {
      ///Default cache manager
      var mngr = cacheManager ?? DefaultCacheManager();
          mngr is ImageCacheManager || (maxWidth == null && maxHeight == null),
          'To resize the image with a CacheManager the '
          'CacheManager needs to be an ImageCacheManager. maxWidth and '
          'maxHeight will be ignored when a normal CacheManager is used.');

      ///The download logic is placed in the ImageCacheManager to get the download stream
      var stream = mngr is ImageCacheManager
          ? mngr.getImageFile(key.url,
              maxHeight: maxHeight,
              maxWidth: maxWidth,
              withProgress: true,
              headers: headers,
              key: key.cacheKey)
          : mngr.getFileStream(key.url,
              withProgress: true, headers: headers, key: key.cacheKey);

      await for (var result in stream) {
        if (result is FileInfo) {
          var file = result.file;
          var bytes = await file.readAsBytes();
          var decoded = await decode(bytes);
          ///Results returned after downloading
          yield decoded;
    } catch (e) {
      /// ...
    } finally {
      await chunkEvents.close();

Here we see that the default cache manager, cacheManager, is created by DefaultCacheManager. How is it cached? We'll analyze it later.

The download logic is also placed under the ImageCacheManager. The returned result is the support of a stream to complete multi graph download. After the download is completed, it is returned to the ui for decoding and final display through yield.

MultiImageStreamCompleter supports multi graph loading, which is inherited from ImageStreamCompleter

/// An ImageStreamCompleter with support for loading multiple images.
class MultiImageStreamCompleter extends ImageStreamCompleter {
  /// The constructor to create an MultiImageStreamCompleter. The [codec]
  /// should be a stream with the images that should be shown. The
  /// [chunkEvents] should indicate the [ImageChunkEvent]s of the first image
  /// to show.
    @required Stream<ui.Codec> codec,
    @required double scale,
    Stream<ImageChunkEvent> chunkEvents,
    InformationCollector informationCollector,
  })  : assert(codec != null),
        _informationCollector = informationCollector,
        _scale = scale {
    ///Display logic
    codec.listen((event) {
      if (_timer != null) {
        _nextImageCodec = event;
      } else {
    }, onError: (dynamic error, StackTrace stack) {
        context: ErrorDescription('resolving an image codec'),
        exception: error,
        stack: stack,
        informationCollector: informationCollector,
        silent: true,
    /// ...
  ///Processing decoding complete
  void _handleCodecReady(ui.Codec codec) {
    _codec = codec;
    assert(_codec != null);

    if (hasListeners) {
  ///Decode the next frame and draw
  Future<void> _decodeNextFrameAndSchedule() async {
    try {
      _nextFrame = await _codec.getNextFrame();
    } catch (exception, stack) {
        context: ErrorDescription('resolving an image frame'),
        exception: exception,
        stack: stack,
        informationCollector: _informationCollector,
        silent: true,
    if (_codec.frameCount == 1) {
      // ImageStreamCompleter listeners removed while waiting for next frame to
      // be decoded.
      // There's no reason to emit the frame without active listeners.
      if (!hasListeners) {

      // This is not an animated image, just return it and don't schedule more
      // frames.
      _emitFrame(ImageInfo(image: _nextFrame.image, scale: _scale));

Here, the display logic and the final conversion to the frame on the flitter are done_ scheduleAppFrame completes the processing of sending frames

Download & cache

The mngr above called the getImageFile method in the ImageCacheManager, and now it's the flitter_ cache_ Manager is a three-party library, which is implicitly dependent, and the file is image_cache_manager.dart

mixin ImageCacheManager on BaseCacheManager {
	Stream<FileResponse> getImageFile(
	    String url, {
	    String key,
	    Map<String, String> headers,
	    bool withProgress,
	    int maxHeight,
	    int maxWidth,
	  }) async* {
	    if (maxHeight == null && maxWidth == null) {
	      yield* getFileStream(url,
	          key: key, headers: headers, withProgress: withProgress);
	  /// ...
  /// ...

The getFileStream method is implemented in the subclass cache_ CacheManager in manager.dart file

class CacheManager implements BaseCacheManager {
	 ///Cache management
  CacheStore _store;

  /// Get the underlying store helper
  CacheStore get store => _store;

  ///Download Management
  WebHelper _webHelper;

  /// Get the underlying web helper
  WebHelper get webHelper => _webHelper;
  ///Read file from download or cache and return stream
  Stream<FileResponse> getFileStream(String url,
      {String key, Map<String, String> headers, bool withProgress}) {
    key ??= url;
    final streamController = StreamController<FileResponse>();
        streamController, url, key, headers, withProgress ?? false);
    return streamController.stream;
  Future<void> _pushFileToStream(StreamController streamController, String url,
      String key, Map<String, String> headers, bool withProgress) async {
    key ??= url;
    FileInfo cacheFile;
    try {
      ///Cache judgment
      cacheFile = await getFileFromCache(key);
      if (cacheFile != null) {
        ///Direct return with cache
        withProgress = false;
    } catch (e) {
          'CacheManager: Failed to load cached file for $url with error:\n$e');
    ///No cache or expired Downloads
    if (cacheFile == null || cacheFile.validTill.isBefore(DateTime.now())) {
      try {
        await for (var response
            in _webHelper.downloadFile(url, key: key, authHeaders: headers)) {
          if (response is DownloadProgress && withProgress) {
          if (response is FileInfo) {
      } catch (e) {
        assert(() {
              'CacheManager: Failed to download file from $url with error:\n$e');
          return true;
        if (cacheFile == null && streamController.hasListener) {

The cache judgment logic provides two levels of cache in the CacheStore

class CacheStore {
  Duration cleanupRunMinInterval = const Duration(seconds: 10);
	///Incomplete download cache
  final _futureCache = <String, Future<CacheObject>>{};
  ///Finished downloading cache
  final _memCache = <String, CacheObject>{};

  /// ...

  Future<FileInfo> getFile(String key, {bool ignoreMemCache = false}) async {
    final cacheObject =
        await retrieveCacheData(key, ignoreMemCache: ignoreMemCache);
    if (cacheObject == null || cacheObject.relativePath == null) {
      return null;
    final file = await fileSystem.createFile(cacheObject.relativePath);
    return FileInfo(

  Future<void> putFile(CacheObject cacheObject) async {
    _memCache[cacheObject.key] = cacheObject;
    await _updateCacheDataInDatabase(cacheObject);

  Future<CacheObject> retrieveCacheData(String key,
      {bool ignoreMemCache = false}) async {
    ///Determine whether it has been cached
    if (!ignoreMemCache && _memCache.containsKey(key)) {
      if (await _fileExists(_memCache[key])) {
        return _memCache[key];
    ///Uncached key s added to futureCache are returned directly
    if (!_futureCache.containsKey(key)) {
      final completer = Completer<CacheObject>();
      ///Not added to futureCache
      unawaited(_getCacheDataFromDatabase(key).then((cacheObject) async {
        if (cacheObject != null && !await _fileExists(cacheObject)) {
          final provider = await _cacheInfoRepository;
          await provider.delete(cacheObject.id);
          cacheObject = null;

        _memCache[key] = cacheObject;
      _futureCache[key] = completer.future;
    return _futureCache[key];
	/// ...
  ///Update to database
  Future<dynamic> _updateCacheDataInDatabase(CacheObject cacheObject) async {
    final provider = await _cacheInfoRepository;
    return provider.updateOrInsert(cacheObject);

_ The cacheInfoRepository cache repository is the database cache object used by the CacheObjectProvider

class CacheObjectProvider extends CacheInfoRepository
    with CacheInfoRepositoryHelperMethods {
  Database db;
  String _path;
  String databaseName;

  CacheObjectProvider({String path, this.databaseName}) : _path = path;

  Future<bool> open() async {
    if (!shouldOpenOnNewConnection()) {
      return openCompleter.future;
    var path = await _getPath();
    await File(path).parent.create(recursive: true);
    db = await openDatabase(path, version: 3,
        onCreate: (Database db, int version) async {
      await db.execute('''
      create table $_tableCacheObject ( 
        ${CacheObject.columnId} integer primary key, 
        ${CacheObject.columnUrl} text, 
        ${CacheObject.columnKey} text, 
        ${CacheObject.columnPath} text,
        ${CacheObject.columnETag} text,
        ${CacheObject.columnValidTill} integer,
        ${CacheObject.columnTouched} integer,
        ${CacheObject.columnLength} integer
        create unique index $_tableCacheObject${CacheObject.columnKey} 
        ON $_tableCacheObject (${CacheObject.columnKey});
    }, onUpgrade: (Database db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) async {
      /// ...
    return opened();

  Future<dynamic> updateOrInsert(CacheObject cacheObject) {
    if (cacheObject.id == null) {
      return insert(cacheObject);
    } else {
      return update(cacheObject);

  Future<CacheObject> insert(CacheObject cacheObject,
      {bool setTouchedToNow = true}) async {
    var id = await db.insert(
      cacheObject.toMap(setTouchedToNow: setTouchedToNow),
    return cacheObject.copyWith(id: id);

  Future<CacheObject> get(String key) async {
    List<Map> maps = await db.query(_tableCacheObject,
        columns: null, where: '${CacheObject.columnKey} = ?', whereArgs: [key]);
    if (maps.isNotEmpty) {
      return CacheObject.fromMap(maps.first.cast<String, dynamic>());
    return null;

  Future<int> delete(int id) {
    return db.delete(_tableCacheObject,
        where: '${CacheObject.columnId} = ?', whereArgs: [id]);

It can be seen that the database caches the CacheObject object, which stores the url, key, relativePath and other information

class CacheObject {
  static const columnId = '_id';
  static const columnUrl = 'url';
  static const columnKey = 'key';
  static const columnPath = 'relativePath';
  static const columnETag = 'eTag';
  static const columnValidTill = 'validTill';
  static const columnTouched = 'touched';
  static const columnLength = 'length';

No cache calls_ webHelper.downloadFile method

class WebHelper {
  WebHelper(this._store, FileService fileFetcher)
      : _memCache = {},
        fileFetcher = fileFetcher ?? HttpFileService();

  final CacheStore _store;
  final FileService fileFetcher;
  final Map<String, BehaviorSubject<FileResponse>> _memCache;
  final Queue<QueueItem> _queue = Queue();

  ///Download the file from the url
  Stream<FileResponse> downloadFile(String url,
      {String key,
      Map<String, String> authHeaders,
      bool ignoreMemCache = false}) {
    key ??= url;
    if (!_memCache.containsKey(key) || ignoreMemCache) {
      var subject = BehaviorSubject<FileResponse>();
      _memCache[key] = subject;
      ///Download or join the queue
      unawaited(_downloadOrAddToQueue(url, key, authHeaders));
    return _memCache[key].stream;
  Future<void> _downloadOrAddToQueue(
    String url,
    String key,
    Map<String, String> authHeaders,
  ) async {
    //If too many requests are executed, join the queue and wait
    if (concurrentCalls >= fileFetcher.concurrentFetches) {
      _queue.add(QueueItem(url, key, authHeaders));

    var subject = _memCache[key];
    try {
      await for (var result
          in _updateFile(url, key, authHeaders: authHeaders)) {
    } catch (e, stackTrace) {
      subject.addError(e, stackTrace);
    } finally {
      await subject.close();
   ///Download resources
  Stream<FileResponse> _updateFile(String url, String key,
      {Map<String, String> authHeaders}) async* {
    var cacheObject = await _store.retrieveCacheData(key);
    cacheObject = cacheObject == null
        ? CacheObject(url, key: key)
        : cacheObject.copyWith(url: url);
    ///Request response
    final response = await _download(cacheObject, authHeaders);
    yield* _manageResponse(cacheObject, response);
  Stream<FileResponse> _manageResponse(
      CacheObject cacheObject, FileServiceResponse response) async* {
    /// ...
    if (statusCodesNewFile.contains(response.statusCode)) {
      int savedBytes;
      await for (var progress in _saveFile(newCacheObject, response)) {
        savedBytes = progress;
        yield DownloadProgress(
            cacheObject.url, response.contentLength, progress);
      newCacheObject = newCacheObject.copyWith(length: savedBytes);
		///Add cache
    unawaited(_store.putFile(newCacheObject).then((_) {
      if (newCacheObject.relativePath != oldCacheObject.relativePath) {

    final file = await _store.fileSystem.createFile(
    yield FileInfo(
  Stream<int> _saveFile(CacheObject cacheObject, FileServiceResponse response) {
    var receivedBytesResultController = StreamController<int>();
    return receivedBytesResultController.stream;
  Future _saveFileAndPostUpdates(
      StreamController<int> receivedBytesResultController,
      CacheObject cacheObject,
      FileServiceResponse response) async {
    ///Create file based on path
    final file = await _store.fileSystem.createFile(cacheObject.relativePath);

    try {
      var receivedBytes = 0;
      ///Write file
      final sink = file.openWrite();
      await response.content.map((s) {
        receivedBytes += s.length;
        return s;
    } catch (e, stacktrace) {
      receivedBytesResultController.addError(e, stacktrace);
    await receivedBytesResultController.close();



cached_ network_ The image loading process depends on the ImageProvider, and the cache and download logic are placed in another library, the shutter_ cache_ Manager downloads files and provides queue management in WebHelper. It relies on the incoming FileService to obtain specific files for easy extension. By default, it implements HttpFileService. After downloading, the path is saved in CacheObject and sqflite database

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Author: QiShare
Link: https://juejin.cn/post/7012768451550773285

Keywords: iOS Android html5 Design Pattern Programmer

Added by ronnimallouk on Wed, 29 Sep 2021 20:40:49 +0300