Linux ubuntu manual installation of gitlab, docker installation of gitlab tutorial and configuration

Construction environment:
Gitlab server
gitlab installation address:

1: Native manual installation gitlab

1. Install and configure the necessary dependencies

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y curl openssh-server ca-certificates tzdata perl

2. Add GitLab package and install it

curl | sudo bash

3. Install gitlab and log in to gitlab

gitlab is divided into ce (community version) and ee (enterprise version). Here, the default is enterprise version ee

sudo apt -y install gitlab-ee

After installation for a period of time, the size is 1026M. After installation, it displays:

After installation, enter the IP in the browser to access.
The default user is root, and the default password is / etc/gitlab/initial_root_password

Check the root password. This file will be automatically deleted 24 hours after the first reconfigure execution:

sudo cat /etc/gitlab/initial_root_password

After logging in, please change your password as soon as possible. Or there is no redirection to modify the root password interface. You need to reset the password. See the tutorial of resetting the password at the end of this article.

Note: in case of 502 error or 500 error. Possible causes:
1: There is not enough memory. At least 2G memory is required. Otherwise, it will crash. The solution is to increase the memory. Or add virtual memory swap.
2: Port 80 is occupied. Solution: change the configuration file port (described below).

4. Reconfigure Gitlab (optional)

Configuration file location / etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
Change profile:

 sudo vim /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb

The security requirements can be changed at will. For example, the login connection can be changed to IP, or http can be changed to https, so that GitLab will automatically redirect the user to the site protected by Let's encryption certificate:

#Original configuration
external_url ''
#Modified configuration
external_url ''

Change the port and remove the comment

#Original configuration
#After modification
nginx['listen_port'] = 9099

There is also a mailbox configuration. You can find the configuration yourself. Because you don't use much, you don't write it.

After modification, the configuration must be reloaded, otherwise it will not take effect.
Save the configuration and restart.

sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
sudo gitlab-ctl restart
sudo gitlab-ctl status

Attach GitLab common commands:

Common commandsexplain
sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigureReload the configuration and execute it every time you modify the / etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb file
sudo gitlab-ctl statusView GitLab status
sudo gitlab-ctl startStart GitLab
sudo gitlab-ctl stopStop GitLab
sudo gitlab-ctl restartRestart GitLab
sudo gitlab-ctl tailView all logs
sudo gitlab-ctl tail nginx/gitlab_acces.logView nginx access log
sudo gitlab-ctl tail postgresqlView postgresql log

Here, the native installation configuration is complete.

2: docker quick install gitlab

1. Download gitlab image

Here you can download the ce Community Edition by default

sudo docker pull gitlab/gitlab-ce

2. Create a local mount folder

Usually, GitLab's configuration (etc), log and data are placed outside the container for future upgrading. Therefore, please prepare these three directories first.

sudo mkdir -p /var/gitlab/etc
sudo mkdir -p /var/gitlab/log
sudo mkdir -p /var/gitlab/data

3. Start docker and mount files

docker run -d -h gitlab -p 443:443 -p 80:80  -p 2222:22 --name gitlab --restart always -v /var/gitlab/etc:/etc/gitlab -v /var/gitlab/log:/var/log/gitlab -v /var/gitlab/data:/var/opt/gitlab gitlab/gitlab-ce

4. Configure GitLab hostname

sudo vim /var/gitlab/etc/gitlab.rb

The original configuration connection is annotated. Cancel the annotation and modify the IP connection

#Original configuration
#Modified configuration
external_url ''

If the container port 80 is mapped to another port of the host, you need to change the port in the configuration file. My 80 is also mapped to 80, so there is no need to change it.

sudo vim /var/gitlab/data/gitlab-rails/etc/gitlab.yml

Restart docker after making changes

sudo docker restart gitlab

When accessing IP login in the browser, it may not be displayed for the first time. It can be displayed after a while or several more refreshes. If there is no password file or there is no redirection to modify the root password interface, the password needs to be reset. This is the case for me.

5. Reset password

Enter container:

docker exec -it gitlab /bin/bash

Enter the command.

gitlab-rails console -e production
user = User.where(id:1).first
user.password ='12345678'
user.password_confirmation ='12345678'!

The first time I set the password 123456, the prompt is too short, at least 8 mantissa. Finally, save and exit to log in successfully.

docker installation gitlab completed.

Keywords: Linux Docker git GitLab Ubuntu

Added by tjodolv on Wed, 20 Oct 2021 06:17:06 +0300