Pandas is an open source, BSD licensed library that must be mastered when starting Python to do data analysis. It provides high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools. The main data structures are Series (one-dimensional data) and DataFrame (two-dimensional data), which are sufficient to deal with most typical use cases in the fields of finance, statistics, social science, engineering and so on. Come and study together today.
Exercise 6 - Statistics
Explore wind speed data
- Step 1: import the necessary Libraries
# Run the following code import pandas as pd import datetime
- Step 2: import data from the following address
import pandas as pd
# Run the following code path6 = "../input/pandas_exercise/pandas_exercise/exercise_data/" #
- Step 3: store the data and set the first three columns as appropriate indexes
import datetime
# Run the following code data = pd.read_table(path6, sep = "\s+", parse_dates = [[0,1,2]]) data.head()
- Step 4: 2061? Do we really have data for this year? Create a function and use it to fix the bug
# Run the following code def fix_century(x): year = x.year - 100 if x.year > 1989 else x.year return, x.month, # apply the function fix_century on the column and replace the values to the right ones data['Yr_Mo_Dy'] = data['Yr_Mo_Dy'].apply(fix_century) # data.head()
- Step 5: set the date as the index. Note that the data type should be datetime64[ns]
# Run the following code # transform Yr_Mo_Dy it to date type datetime64 data["Yr_Mo_Dy"] = pd.to_datetime(data["Yr_Mo_Dy"]) # set 'Yr_Mo_Dy' as the index data = data.set_index('Yr_Mo_Dy') data.head() #
- Step 6: how many data values are missing for each location
# Run the following code data.isnull().sum()
- Step 7: how many complete data values are there for each location
# Run the following code data.shape[0] - data.isnull().sum()
- Step 8: for all data, calculate the average value of wind speed
# Run the following code data.mean().mean()
- Step 9: create a file named loc_stats data frame to calculate and store the minimum, maximum, average and standard deviation of wind speed at each location
# Run the following code loc_stats = pd.DataFrame() loc_stats['min'] = data.min() # min loc_stats['max'] = data.max() # max loc_stats['mean'] = data.mean() # mean loc_stats['std'] = data.std() # standard deviations loc_stats
- Step 10: create a named day_stats data frame to calculate and store the minimum, maximum, average and standard deviation of wind speed at all location s
# Run the following code # create the dataframe day_stats = pd.DataFrame() # this time we determine axis equals to one so it gets each row. day_stats['min'] = data.min(axis = 1) # min day_stats['max'] = data.max(axis = 1) # max day_stats['mean'] = data.mean(axis = 1) # mean day_stats['std'] = data.std(axis = 1) # standard deviations day_stats.head()
- Step 11: for each location, calculate the average wind speed in January
Note: January 1961 and January 1962 should be treated differently
# Run the following code # creates a new column 'date' and gets the values from the index data['date'] = data.index # creates a column for each value from date data['month'] = data['date'].apply(lambda date: date.month) data['year'] = data['date'].apply(lambda date: date.year) data['day'] = data['date'].apply(lambda date: # gets all value from the month 1 and assign to janyary_winds january_winds = data.query('month == 1') # gets the mean from january_winds, using .loc to not print the mean of month, year and day january_winds.loc[:,'RPT':"MAL"].mean()
- Step 12: for data records, take samples at the frequency of year
# Run the following code data.query('month == 1 and day == 1')
- Step 13: for data records, the sampling frequency shall be monthly
# Run the following code data.query('day == 1')
Exercise 7 - visualization
Explore Titanic disaster data
- Step 1: import the necessary Libraries
# Run the following code import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import numpy as np %matplotlib inline
- Step 2: import data from the following address
# Run the following code path7 = '../input/pandas_exercise/pandas_exercise/exercise_data/train.csv' # train.csv
- Step 3: name the data frame titanic
# Run the following code titanic = pd.read_csv(path7) titanic.head()
- Step 4: set the PassengerId as the index
# Run the following code titanic.set_index('PassengerId').head()
- Step 5: draw a sector chart showing the proportion of male and female passengers
# Run the following code # sum the instances of males and females males = (titanic['Sex'] == 'male').sum() females = (titanic['Sex'] == 'female').sum() # put them into a list called proportions proportions = [males, females] # Create a pie chart plt.pie( # using proportions proportions, # with the labels being officer names labels = ['Males', 'Females'], # with no shadows shadow = False, # with colors colors = ['blue','red'], # with one slide exploded out explode = (0.15 , 0), # with the start angle at 90% startangle = 90, # with the percent listed as a fraction autopct = '%1.1f%%' ) # View the plot drop above plt.axis('equal') # Set labels plt.title("Sex Proportion") # View the plot plt.tight_layout()
- Step 6: draw a scatter diagram showing Fare, age and gender of passengers
# Run the following code # creates the plot using lm = sns.lmplot(x = 'Age', y = 'Fare', data = titanic, hue = 'Sex', fit_reg=False) # set title lm.set(title = 'Fare x Age') # get the axes object and tweak it axes = lm.axes axes[0,0].set_ylim(-5,) axes[0,0].set_xlim(-5,85) (-5, 85)
- Step 7: how many people are still alive?
# Run the following code titanic.Survived.sum()
- Step 8: draw a histogram showing the ticket price
# Run the following code # sort the values from the top to the least value and slice the first 5 items df = titanic.Fare.sort_values(ascending = False) df # create bins interval using numpy binsVal = np.arange(0,600,10) binsVal # create the plot plt.hist(df, bins = binsVal) # Set the title and labels plt.xlabel('Fare') plt.ylabel('Frequency') plt.title('Fare Payed Histrogram') # show the plot
Exercise 8 - creating a data frame
Explore Pokemon data
- Step 1: import the necessary Libraries
# Run the following code import pandas as pd
- Step 2: create a data dictionary
# Run the following code raw_data = {"name": ['Bulbasaur', 'Charmander','Squirtle','Caterpie'], "evolution": ['Ivysaur','Charmeleon','Wartortle','Metapod'], "type": ['grass', 'fire', 'water', 'bug'], "hp": [45, 39, 44, 45], "pokedex": ['yes', 'no','yes','no'] }
- Step 3: save the data dictionary as a data box named pokemon
# Run the following code pokemon = pd.DataFrame(raw_data) pokemon.head()
- Step 4: the columns of the data frame are sorted alphabetically. Please change the order to name, type, HP, evolution and pokedex
# Run the following code pokemon = pokemon[['name', 'type', 'hp', 'evolution','pokedex']] pokemon
- Step 5: add a column place
# Run the following code pokemon['place'] = ['park','street','lake','forest'] pokemon
- Step 6: view the data type of each column
# Run the following code pokemon.dtypes
Exercise 9 - time series
Explore Apple stock price data
- Step 1: import the necessary Libraries
# Run the following code import pandas as pd import numpy as np # visualization import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline
- Step 2: dataset address
# Run the following code path9 = '../input/pandas_exercise/pandas_exercise/exercise_data/Apple_stock.csv' # Apple_stock.csv
- Step 3: the read data coexists into a data frame called apple
# Run the following code apple = pd.read_csv(path9) apple.head()
- Step 4: view the data type of each column
# Run the following code apple.dtypes
- Step 5: convert the Date column to the datetime type
# Run the following code apple.Date = pd.to_datetime(apple.Date) apple['Date'].head()
- Step 6: set Date as index
# Run the following code apple = apple.set_index('Date') apple.head()
- Step 7: is there a duplicate date?
# Run the following code apple.index.is_unique
- Step 8: set index to ascending order
# Run the following code apple.sort_index(ascending = True).head()
- Step 9: find the last business day of each month
# Run the following code apple_month = apple.resample('BM') apple_month.head()
- Step 10 how many days is the difference between the earliest date and the latest date in the dataset?
# Run the following code (apple.index.max() - apple.index.min()).days
- Step 11: how many months are there in the data in step 11?
# Run the following code apple_months = apple.resample('BM').mean() len(apple_months.index)
- Step 12: visualize Adj Close values in chronological order
# Run the following code # makes the plot and assign it to a variable appl_open = apple['Adj Close'].plot(title = "Apple Stock") # changes the size of the graph fig = appl_open.get_figure() fig.set_size_inches(13.5, 9)
Exercise 10 - delete data
Explore Iris iris Iris data
- Step 1: import the necessary Libraries
# Run the following code import pandas as pd
- Step 2: dataset address
# Run the following code path10 ='../input/pandas_exercise/pandas_exercise/exercise_data/iris.csv' # iris.csv
- Step 3: save the data set as the variable iris
# Run the following code iris = pd.read_csv(path10) iris.head()
- Step 4: create the column name of the data frame
iris = pd.read_csv(path10,names = ['sepal_length','sepal_width', 'petal_length', 'petal_width', 'class']) iris.head()
- Step 5: is there a missing value in the data frame?
# Run the following code pd.isnull(iris).sum()
- Step 6: set the column petal_ Lines 10 to 19 of length are set to missing values
# Run the following code iris.iloc[10:20,2:3] = np.nan iris.head(20)
- Step 7: replace all missing values with 1.0
# Run the following code iris.petal_length.fillna(1, inplace = True) iris
- Step 8: delete column class
# Run the following code del iris['class'] iris.head()
- Step 9: set the first three rows of the data frame as missing values
# Run the following code iris.iloc[0:3 ,:] = np.nan iris.head()
- Step 10: delete the row with missing value
# Run the following code iris = iris.dropna(how='any') iris.head()
- Step 11: reset the index
# Run the following code iris = iris.reset_index(drop = True) iris.head()
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