[Golang] implementation of table splitting method with the same table structure and different table names based on beego/orm

1, Background

In the process of business scenario development, with the increase of data volume, the table splitting strategy with the same table structure and different table names is one of the common scheme choices. As follows, take golang as the back-end business development, and try to modify beego's orm library to implement a separate table with the same table structure and different table names.

2, Modification logic of different table names with the same table structure in orm




3, orm sub table comparison



Use regardless of table code Use of sub table code



o := orm.NewOrm()
user := User{Name: "slene"}
// insert
id, err := o.Insert(&user)
o := orm.NewOrm()
user := User{Name: "slene"}

// set table name to `user_1`
    func(tableName string) string {
        return tableName + "_1"

// insert
id, err := o.Insert(&user)



o := orm.NewOrm()
user := User{Name: "slene"}

// update
user.Name = "astaxie"
num, err := o.Update(&user)


o := orm.NewOrm()
user := User{Name: "slene"}

// set table name to `user_1`
    func(tableName string) string {
        return tableName + "_1"

// update
user.Name = "astaxie"
num, err := o.Update(&user)




o := orm.NewOrm()
user := User{id: 1}

// select
o := orm.NewOrm()
user := User{id: 1}

// set table name to `user_1`
    func(tableName string) string {
        return tableName + "_1"

// select

// select id, name from user_1 where id=1 limit 0,1



o := orm.NewOrm()
user := User{id: 1}

// delete

// delete from user_1 where id=1
o := orm.NewOrm()
user := User{id: 1}

// set table name to `user_1`
    func(tableName string) string {
        return tableName + "_1"

// delete

// delete from user_1 where id=1

From the CURD above, we can see the following code to modify the table name in real time

// set table name to `user_1`
    func(tableName string) string {
        return tableName + "_1"

  Let's analyze step by step how orm realizes the real-time modification of table names.

4, Analysis of sub table implementation

  4.1 modify code file: https://github.com/gityf/orm/blob/master/orm/types.go

// Ormer define the orm interface
type Ormer interface {
// ...
   // set sharding table in time for different table name with same struct.
// ormer.ShardingTable(
// func(tableName string) string {
// return tableName + "_" + tableNameSuffix
// },
// )
ShardingTable(func(string) string)

  Modify the Ormer interface of types.go and add a sub table function. The parameter is a function to obtain the sub table, that is, the setting of the table name of each sub table is an ORM instance. Created by orm.NewOrm().

4.2 modify code file: https://github.com/gityf/orm/blob/master/orm/orm.go

Modify the orm.go file and add the following two sub table related functions to the ORM structure

type orm struct {
alias *alias
db dbQuerier
isTx bool
sharding func(string) string
shardingTable func(string) string

With the above sharding function, we just need to set the sharding function in real time when creating orm, and obtain the new table name through the function.

In the function NewOrm, the newly created

o := new(orm)

Set a sub table function as follows

// switch to another registered database driver by given name.
func (o *orm) Using(name string) error {
	// ...
	if al, ok := dataBaseCache.get(name); ok {
		o.sharding = func(table string) string {
			if o.shardingTable == nil {
				return table
			return o.shardingTable(table)
	// ...

The orm structure has a split table function. We need to add a split table function to the member dbQuerier of orm, as follows

o.db = &DB{
RWMutex: al.DB.RWMutex,
DB: al.DB.DB,
stmtDecorators: al.DB.stmtDecorators,
sharding: o.sharding,

  4.3 modify code file: https://github.com/gityf/orm/blob/master/orm/db_alias.go

DB is an implementation of the dbquery interface. A sub table function is added to the implementation of the DB structure

func (d *DB) Sharding(table string) string {
return d.sharding(table)

  4.4 modify code file: https://github.com/gityf/orm/blob/master/orm/db.go

When generating sql in the CURD of dbBase in the db code file, the following implementation of real-time modification of table name is added   q.Sharding(mi.table)

// create insert sql preparation statement object.
func (d *dbBase) PrepareInsert(q dbQuerier, mi *modelInfo) (stmtQuerier, string, error) {
Q := d.ins.TableQuote()

// ...
   query := fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO %s%s%s (%s%s%s) VALUES (%s)", Q, q.Sharding(mi.table), Q, Q, columns, Q, qmarks)
// ...

For other orm to sql, obtain the table name through q.Sharding(mi.table) of dbquery


Add orm the code implementation of the same table result with different table names: https://github.com/gityf/orm


Have fun~

Keywords: Go

Added by captain_scarlet87 on Mon, 22 Nov 2021 20:59:42 +0200