Form create is a form generator that can generate dynamic rendering, data collection, validation and submission through JSON. It also supports the generation of any Vue component. Combined with 17 built-in common form components and custom components, even complex forms can be easily handled.
Custom components
- Any Vue component can be generated
- Built in data verification
- Easily convert to form components
Generate forms through JSON
Generate forms through Maker
Powerful API to quickly manipulate forms
Bidirectional data binding
Event extension
Local update
data validation
grid layout
Built in components 17 common form components
Contrast 1.x
Smaller size
More powerful global configuration
Custom components are easier to extend
Easier support for third-party UI Libraries
Fewer bug s
Creating forms through JSON
Operation form through API
@Form create package description
name | explain |
@form-create/iview | iview form builder |
@form-create/element-ui | Element UI form builder |
@form-create/core | Form create core package |
@form-create/utils | Form create Toolkit |
@form-create/data | Provincial and urban multi-level linkage data |
Taking the element UI version as an example, this paper introduces how to use form create in a project
npm i @form-create/element-ui
Global registration
import formCreate form '@form-create/element-ui'; Vue.use(formCreate);
Local mount
import formCreate form '@form-create/element-ui'; export default { components:{ formCreate:formCreaet.$form() } }
Generate form
<template> <form-create v-model="$f" :rule="rule" @on-submit="onSubmit"></form-create> </template> export default { data () { return { //Form instance object $f:{}, //Form generation rules rule:[ { type:'input', field:'goods_name', title:'Trade name' }, { type:'datePicker', field:'created_at', title:'Creation time' } ] }; }, methods:{ onSubmit(formData){ //TODO submission form } } };
Instance object $f
You can use $f to quickly manipulate forms, for example:
- $f.hidden: hide the specified component
- $f.validate: validate form
- $f.setValue: modify the value of the form component
- $f.append: append form component
Custom components
Generate by tag
{ type:'el-button', name: 'btn', props:{ type:'primary', field:'btn', loading:true }, children:['Loading'] }
Generated by template
{ type:'template', name:'btn' template:'<el-button :loading="loading">{{text}}<el-button>', vm: new Vue({ data:{ loading:true, text:'Loading' } }) }
Convert to form component
After the custom component is converted into a form component, you can quickly operate the component through the methods of $f.formData,$f.getValue,$f.setValue,$f.disabled, etc., to achieve the same effect as the built-in component
Receive the following attributes through props inside the custom component
- value The value of the form
- disabled Disabled state of the component
For example:
vm = Vue({ props:{ value:String, disabled:Boolean } })
input event
Update the value inside the component through the input event
When the component value changes, the value is updated through the input event. For example:
Mount custom components
The custom component to be generated must be mounted to the global through the Vue.component method or through the formCreate.component method
For example:
The form component must define a field attribute
{ type:'TestComponent', value:'test', field:'testField', title:'Custom components' }
formCreate.maker.create('TestComponent','testField','Custom components').value('test')
Customize the counter button component to obtain the number of button clicks. The function of this component is the same as that of the built-in component
formCreate.maker.template('<el-button @click="onClick" long :disabled="disabled">Counter-{{num}}</el-button>', new Vue({ props:{ //Predefined disabled:Boolean, value:Number, }, data: function () { return { num: this.value, } }, watch:{ value(n){ this.num = n; } }, methods: { onClick: function () { this.num++; //Update values inside components this.$emit('input',this.num); }, }, }), 'tmp', 'custom title').value(100).props('disabled',false)