02 - build a simple micro Service - parent project, service provider and service consumer

0. Final project structure

1. Build parent project

1. Construction project

In the last article( Version selection )In version selection, the version has been determined and a maven project is created

After creating the parent project, delete the src directory to the final structure


2. Change pom.xml file

Lock the versions of SpringBoot, SpringCloud and SpringCloud Alibaba in the pom.xml file and add the following contents. The dependency management tag is a locked version and is not a real dependency.

    <!-- SpringBoot-->

        <!--JDK edition-->
        <!--Character set encoding-->
        <!--spring-cloud edition-->
        <!--spring-cloud-alibaba edition-->


            <name>aliyun Repository</name>

  If the SpringBoot version reports an error, add the following content to the pom file  



2. Extract common module

Because there are many services in the microservice project, the common part is extracted to build a Module

1. Build Module

Right click the project -- New--Module, select Maven project, and click Next

  Select the parent project, enter the module name, and click Finish


2. Modify pom.xml file

The Nacos scenario dependency is temporarily used for service registration and discovery. There is no need to write the version here because the version has been locked in the parent project


        <!--web Scenario dependency-->
        <!--Endpoint monitoring scenario dependency-->
        <!--Nacos Scenario dependency-->

3. Project structure


3. Build service provider

1. Build Module

Right click the project -- New--Module, select Maven project, click Next, select the parent project, enter the module name, and click Finish

2. Change pom.xml file

Add the dependency of common module in pom.xml


3. Create a new application.yml file

Create a new application.yml file in the resources directory, and add the service name and port. The service name and port of each module must be unique


4. New main startup class

Create a new startup class in src/main/java


5. New business class

Create a new Controller and expose an interface. (here is a simple new Controller. The real business classes include Entity, Dao, Service and Controller)

6. Module structure


4. Build service consumers

1. Build Module

Similarly, build a service provider

2. Change pom.xml file

Similarly, build a service provider

3. Create a new application.yml file

Similarly, to build a service provider, you need to modify the service name and port


4. New main startup class

Similarly, build a service provider, but you need to inject RestTemplate into the startup class and turn on the ribbon (@ LoadBalanced annotation)

Inject RestTemplate: implement remote call

Enable ribbon: when calling with the service name of the service provider, resolve the name of the service provider to the real IP and port


5. New business class

Similarly, build a service provider, but this is the interface exposed by the calling service provider

When building a service provider, you can get the following information about the service provider

Service Name: provider demo

Interface exposed by service: / api/provider/noFeignReq

Response return value type: String


6. Module structure

Added by newbie8899 on Mon, 29 Nov 2021 13:46:02 +0200