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Tank battle double edition
Introduction to the game:
The basic rule of the double version of tank war is that players destroy enemy tanks and defend our base.
There will be many special props in the middle. You can get the corresponding functions by absorbing them. You can enter the next level by eliminating the game.
Direction key: move up, down, left and right. The other direction key is WSAD.
Environment configuration:
Python3, Pycharm ,Pygame.
Installation of third-party libraries: pip # install pygame
Effect display:
Start interface one by one
You can start playing games and background music! The game is more fun!
Game interface——
Code demonstration:
1) Game main program
import pygame import sys import traceback import wall import myTank import enemyTank import food def main(): pygame.init() pygame.mixer.init() resolution = 630, 630 screen = pygame.display.set_mode(resolution) pygame.display.set_caption("Tank War ") # Load pictures, music, sound effects background_image = pygame.image.load(r"..\image\background.png") home_image = pygame.image.load(r"..\image\home.png") home_destroyed_image = pygame.image.load(r"..\image\home_destroyed.png") bang_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(r"..\music\bang.wav") bang_sound.set_volume(1) fire_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(r"..\music\Gunfire.wav") start_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(r"..\music\start.wav") # Define elf group: tank, our tank, enemy tank, enemy bullet allTankGroup = pygame.sprite.Group() mytankGroup = pygame.sprite.Group() allEnemyGroup = pygame.sprite.Group() redEnemyGroup = pygame.sprite.Group() greenEnemyGroup = pygame.sprite.Group() otherEnemyGroup = pygame.sprite.Group() enemyBulletGroup = pygame.sprite.Group() # Create map bgMap = wall.Map() # Create food / props without displaying them prop = food.Food() # Create our tanks myTank_T1 = myTank.MyTank(1) allTankGroup.add(myTank_T1) mytankGroup.add(myTank_T1) myTank_T2 = myTank.MyTank(2) allTankGroup.add(myTank_T2) mytankGroup.add(myTank_T2) # Create enemy tanks for i in range(1, 4): enemy = enemyTank.EnemyTank(i) allTankGroup.add(enemy) allEnemyGroup.add(enemy) if enemy.isred == True: redEnemyGroup.add(enemy) continue if enemy.kind == 3: greenEnemyGroup.add(enemy) continue otherEnemyGroup.add(enemy) # Enemy tanks appear animation appearance_image = pygame.image.load(r"..\image\appear.png").convert_alpha() appearance = [] appearance.append(appearance_image.subsurface(( 0, 0), (48, 48))) appearance.append(appearance_image.subsurface((48, 0), (48, 48))) appearance.append(appearance_image.subsurface((96, 0), (48, 48))) # Custom event # Create enemy tank delay 200 DELAYEVENT = pygame.constants.USEREVENT pygame.time.set_timer(DELAYEVENT, 200) # Create enemy bullets delay 1000 ENEMYBULLETNOTCOOLINGEVENT = pygame.constants.USEREVENT + 1 pygame.time.set_timer(ENEMYBULLETNOTCOOLINGEVENT, 1000) # Create our bullet delay 200 MYBULLETNOTCOOLINGEVENT = pygame.constants.USEREVENT + 2 pygame.time.set_timer(MYBULLETNOTCOOLINGEVENT, 200) # Enemy tank static 8000 NOTMOVEEVENT = pygame.constants.USEREVENT + 3 pygame.time.set_timer(NOTMOVEEVENT, 8000) delay = 100 moving = 0 movdir = 0 moving2 = 0 movdir2 = 0 enemyNumber = 3 enemyCouldMove = True switch_R1_R2_image = True homeSurvive = True running_T1 = True running_T2 = True clock = pygame.time.Clock() while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() # Our bullet cooling event if event.type == MYBULLETNOTCOOLINGEVENT: myTank_T1.bulletNotCooling = True # Enemy bullet cooling event if event.type == ENEMYBULLETNOTCOOLINGEVENT: for each in allEnemyGroup: each.bulletNotCooling = True # Enemy tank standstill event if event.type == NOTMOVEEVENT: enemyCouldMove = True # Create enemy tank delay if event.type == DELAYEVENT: if enemyNumber < 4: enemy = enemyTank.EnemyTank() if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(enemy, allTankGroup, False, None): break allEnemyGroup.add(enemy) allTankGroup.add(enemy) enemyNumber += 1 if enemy.isred == True: redEnemyGroup.add(enemy) elif enemy.kind == 3: greenEnemyGroup.add(enemy) else: otherEnemyGroup.add(enemy) if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_c and pygame.KMOD_CTRL: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.key == pygame.K_e: myTank_T1.levelUp() if event.key == pygame.K_q: myTank_T1.levelDown() if event.key == pygame.K_3: myTank_T1.levelUp() myTank_T1.levelUp() myTank_T1.level = 3 if event.key == pygame.K_2: if myTank_T1.speed == 3: myTank_T1.speed = 24 else: myTank_T1.speed = 3 if event.key == pygame.K_1: for x, y in [(11,23),(12,23),(13,23),(14,23),(11,24),(14,24),(11,25),(14,25)]: bgMap.brick = wall.Brick() bgMap.brick.rect.left, = 3 + x * 24, 3 + y * 24 bgMap.brickGroup.add(bgMap.brick) if event.key == pygame.K_4: for x, y in [(11,23),(12,23),(13,23),(14,23),(11,24),(14,24),(11,25),(14,25)]: bgMap.iron = wall.Iron() bgMap.iron.rect.left, = 3 + x * 24, 3 + y * 24 bgMap.ironGroup.add(bgMap.iron) # Check the user's keyboard operation key_pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() # Player 1's mobile operation if moving: moving -= 1 if movdir == 0: allTankGroup.remove(myTank_T1) if myTank_T1.moveUp(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup): moving += 1 allTankGroup.add(myTank_T1) running_T1 = True if movdir == 1: allTankGroup.remove(myTank_T1) if myTank_T1.moveDown(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup): moving += 1 allTankGroup.add(myTank_T1) running_T1 = True if movdir == 2: allTankGroup.remove(myTank_T1) if myTank_T1.moveLeft(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup): moving += 1 allTankGroup.add(myTank_T1) running_T1 = True if movdir == 3: allTankGroup.remove(myTank_T1) if myTank_T1.moveRight(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup): moving += 1 allTankGroup.add(myTank_T1) running_T1 = True if not moving: if key_pressed[pygame.K_w]: moving = 7 movdir = 0 running_T1 = True allTankGroup.remove(myTank_T1) if myTank_T1.moveUp(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup): moving = 0 allTankGroup.add(myTank_T1) elif key_pressed[pygame.K_s]: moving = 7 movdir = 1 running_T1 = True allTankGroup.remove(myTank_T1) if myTank_T1.moveDown(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup): moving = 0 allTankGroup.add(myTank_T1) elif key_pressed[pygame.K_a]: moving = 7 movdir = 2 running_T1 = True allTankGroup.remove(myTank_T1) if myTank_T1.moveLeft(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup): moving = 0 allTankGroup.add(myTank_T1) elif key_pressed[pygame.K_d]: moving = 7 movdir = 3 running_T1 = True allTankGroup.remove(myTank_T1) if myTank_T1.moveRight(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup): moving = 0 allTankGroup.add(myTank_T1) if key_pressed[pygame.K_j]: if not and myTank_T1.bulletNotCooling: myTank_T1.shoot() myTank_T1.bulletNotCooling = False # Mobile operation of player 2 if moving2: moving2 -= 1 if movdir2 == 0: allTankGroup.remove(myTank_T2) myTank_T2.moveUp(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup) allTankGroup.add(myTank_T2) running_T2 = True if movdir2 == 1: allTankGroup.remove(myTank_T2) myTank_T2.moveDown(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup) allTankGroup.add(myTank_T2) running_T2 = True if movdir2 == 2: allTankGroup.remove(myTank_T2) myTank_T2.moveLeft(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup) allTankGroup.add(myTank_T2) running_T2 = True if movdir2 == 3: allTankGroup.remove(myTank_T2) myTank_T2.moveRight(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup) allTankGroup.add(myTank_T2) running_T2 = True if not moving2: if key_pressed[pygame.K_UP]: allTankGroup.remove(myTank_T2) myTank_T2.moveUp(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup) allTankGroup.add(myTank_T2) moving2 = 7 movdir2 = 0 running_T2 = True elif key_pressed[pygame.K_DOWN]: allTankGroup.remove(myTank_T2) myTank_T2.moveDown(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup) allTankGroup.add(myTank_T2) moving2 = 7 movdir2 = 1 running_T2 = True elif key_pressed[pygame.K_LEFT]: allTankGroup.remove(myTank_T2) myTank_T2.moveLeft(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup) allTankGroup.add(myTank_T2) moving2 = 7 movdir2 = 2 running_T2 = True elif key_pressed[pygame.K_RIGHT]: allTankGroup.remove(myTank_T2) myTank_T2.moveRight(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup) allTankGroup.add(myTank_T2) moving2 = 7 movdir2 = 3 running_T2 = True if key_pressed[pygame.K_KP0]: if not # myTank_T2.shoot() # Painting background screen.blit(background_image, (0, 0)) # Draw bricks for each in bgMap.brickGroup: screen.blit(each.image, each.rect) # Flower stone for each in bgMap.ironGroup: screen.blit(each.image, each.rect) # Draw home if homeSurvive: screen.blit(home_image, (3 + 12 * 24, 3 + 24 * 24)) else: screen.blit(home_destroyed_image, (3 + 12 * 24, 3 + 24 * 24)) # Draw our tank 1 if not (delay % 5): switch_R1_R2_image = not switch_R1_R2_image if switch_R1_R2_image and running_T1: screen.blit(myTank_T1.tank_R0, (myTank_T1.rect.left, running_T1 = False else: screen.blit(myTank_T1.tank_R1, (myTank_T1.rect.left, # Draw our tank 2 if switch_R1_R2_image and running_T2: screen.blit(myTank_T2.tank_R0, (myTank_T2.rect.left, running_T2 = False else: screen.blit(myTank_T2.tank_R1, (myTank_T2.rect.left, # Draw enemy tanks for each in allEnemyGroup: # Judge whether the 50 cents special effect is played if each.flash: #Decide whether to draw left or right if switch_R1_R2_image: screen.blit(each.tank_R0, (each.rect.left, if enemyCouldMove: allTankGroup.remove(each) each.move(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup) allTankGroup.add(each) else: screen.blit(each.tank_R1, (each.rect.left, if enemyCouldMove: allTankGroup.remove(each) each.move(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup) allTankGroup.add(each) else: # Play 50 cents special effects if each.times > 0: each.times -= 1 if each.times <= 10: screen.blit(appearance[2], (3 + each.x * 12 * 24, 3)) elif each.times <= 20: screen.blit(appearance[1], (3 + each.x * 12 * 24, 3)) elif each.times <= 30: screen.blit(appearance[0], (3 + each.x * 12 * 24, 3)) elif each.times <= 40: screen.blit(appearance[2], (3 + each.x * 12 * 24, 3)) elif each.times <= 50: screen.blit(appearance[1], (3 + each.x * 12 * 24, 3)) elif each.times <= 60: screen.blit(appearance[0], (3 + each.x * 12 * 24, 3)) elif each.times <= 70: screen.blit(appearance[2], (3 + each.x * 12 * 24, 3)) elif each.times <= 80: screen.blit(appearance[1], (3 + each.x * 12 * 24, 3)) elif each.times <= 90: screen.blit(appearance[0], (3 + each.x * 12 * 24, 3)) if each.times == 0: each.flash = True # Draw our bullet 1 if myTank_T1.bullet.move() screen.blit(myTank_T1.bullet.bullet, myTank_T1.bullet.rect) # Bullets collide with bullets for each in enemyBulletGroup: if if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(myTank_T1.bullet, each): = False = False pygame.sprite.spritecollide(myTank_T1.bullet, enemyBulletGroup, True, None) # Bullets collided with enemy tanks if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(myTank_T1.bullet, redEnemyGroup, True, None): prop.change() enemyNumber -= 1 = False elif pygame.sprite.spritecollide(myTank_T1.bullet,greenEnemyGroup, False, None): for each in greenEnemyGroup: if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(myTank_T1.bullet, each): if == 1: pygame.sprite.spritecollide(myTank_T1.bullet,greenEnemyGroup, True, None) enemyNumber -= 1 elif == 2: -= 1 each.tank = each.enemy_3_0 elif == 3: -= 1 each.tank = each.enemy_3_2 = False elif pygame.sprite.spritecollide(myTank_T1.bullet, otherEnemyGroup, True, None): enemyNumber -= 1 = False #if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(myTank_T1.bullet, allEnemyGroup, True, None): # # enemyNumber -= 1 # = False # Bullet impact brickGroup if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(myTank_T1.bullet, bgMap.brickGroup, True, None): = False myTank_T1.bullet.rect.left, myTank_T1.bullet.rect.right = 3 + 12 * 24, 3 + 24 * 24 # Bullet impact brickGroup if myTank_T1.bullet.strong: if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(myTank_T1.bullet, bgMap.ironGroup, True, None): = False myTank_T1.bullet.rect.left, myTank_T1.bullet.rect.right = 3 + 12 * 24, 3 + 24 * 24 else: if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(myTank_T1.bullet, bgMap.ironGroup, False, None): = False myTank_T1.bullet.rect.left, myTank_T1.bullet.rect.right = 3 + 12 * 24, 3 + 24 * 24 # Draw our bullet 2 if myTank_T2.bullet.move() screen.blit(myTank_T2.bullet.bullet, myTank_T2.bullet.rect) # Bullets collided with enemy tanks if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(myTank_T2.bullet, allEnemyGroup, True, None): enemyNumber -= 1 = False # Bullet impact brickGroup if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(myTank_T2.bullet, bgMap.brickGroup, True, None): = False myTank_T2.bullet.rect.left, myTank_T2.bullet.rect.right = 3 + 12 * 24, 3 + 24 * 24 # Bullet impact brickGroup if myTank_T2.bullet.strong: if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(myTank_T2.bullet, bgMap.ironGroup, True, None): = False myTank_T2.bullet.rect.left, myTank_T2.bullet.rect.right = 3 + 12 * 24, 3 + 24 * 24 else: if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(myTank_T2.bullet, bgMap.ironGroup, False, None): = False myTank_T2.bullet.rect.left, myTank_T2.bullet.rect.right = 3 + 12 * 24, 3 + 24 * 24 # Draw enemy bullets for each in allEnemyGroup: # If the bullet has no life, give it life if not and each.bulletNotCooling and enemyCouldMove: enemyBulletGroup.remove(each.bullet) each.shoot() enemyBulletGroup.add(each.bullet) each.bulletNotCooling = False # If the 50 cents effect is played and the bullet is alive, draw the enemy bullet if each.flash: if # If the enemy can move if enemyCouldMove: each.bullet.move() screen.blit(each.bullet.bullet, each.bullet.rect) # The bullet hit our tank if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(each.bullet, myTank_T1): myTank_T1.rect.left, = 3 + 8 * 24, 3 + 24 * 24 = False moving = 0 # Reset movement control parameters for i in range(myTank_T1.level+1): myTank_T1.levelDown() if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(each.bullet, myTank_T2): myTank_T2.rect.left, = 3 + 16 * 24, 3 + 24 * 24 = False # Bullet impact brickGroup if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(each.bullet, bgMap.brickGroup, True, None): = False # Bullet impact ironGroup if each.bullet.strong: if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(each.bullet, bgMap.ironGroup, True, None): = False else: if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(each.bullet, bgMap.ironGroup, False, None): = False # Finally, draw food / props if screen.blit(prop.image, prop.rect) # Our tanks collide with food / props if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(myTank_T1, prop): if prop.kind == 1: # The enemy was completely destroyed for each in allEnemyGroup: if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(each, allEnemyGroup, True, None): enemyNumber -= 1 = False if prop.kind == 2: # The enemy is still enemyCouldMove = False = False if prop.kind == 3: # Bullet enhancement myTank_T1.bullet.strong = True = False if prop.kind == 4: # The home is protected for x, y in [(11,23),(12,23),(13,23),(14,23),(11,24),(14,24),(11,25),(14,25)]: bgMap.iron = wall.Iron() bgMap.iron.rect.left, = 3 + x * 24, 3 + y * 24 bgMap.ironGroup.add(bgMap.iron) = False if prop.kind == 5: # Tank invincible = False pass if prop.kind == 6: # Tank upgrade myTank_T1.levelUp() = False if prop.kind == 7: # Tank life + 1 += 1 = False # delay delay -= 1 if not delay: delay = 100 pygame.display.flip() clock.tick(60) if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except SystemExit: pass except: traceback.print_exc() pygame.quit() input()
2) Random special props
import pygame import random class Food(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self): self.food_boom = pygame.image.load(r"..\image\food_boom.png").convert_alpha() self.food_clock = pygame.image.load(r"..\image\food_clock.png").convert_alpha() self.food_gun = pygame.image.load(r"..\image\food_gun.png").convert_alpha() self.food_iron = pygame.image.load(r"..\image\food_iron.png").convert_alpha() self.food_protect = pygame.image.load(r"..\image\food_protect.png").convert_alpha() self.food_star = pygame.image.load(r"..\image\food_star.png").convert_alpha() self.food_tank = pygame.image.load(r"..\image\food_tank.png").convert_alpha() self.kind = random.choice([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) if self.kind == 1: self.image = self.food_boom elif self.kind == 2: self.image = self.food_clock elif self.kind == 3: self.image = self.food_gun elif self.kind == 4: self.image = self.food_iron elif self.kind == 5: self.image = self.food_protect elif self.kind == 6: self.image = self.food_star elif self.kind == 7: self.image = self.food_tank self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.left = = random.randint(100, 500) = False def change(self): self.kind = random.choice([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) if self.kind == 1: self.image = self.food_boom elif self.kind == 2: self.image = self.food_clock elif self.kind == 3: self.image = self.food_gun elif self.kind == 4: self.image = self.food_iron elif self.kind == 5: self.image = self.food_protect elif self.kind == 6: self.image = self.food_star elif self.kind == 7: self.image = self.food_tank self.rect.left = = random.randint(100, 500) = True
3) Map interface
import pygame brickImage = r"..\image\brick.png" ironImage = r"..\image\iron.png" class Brick(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.image = pygame.image.load(brickImage) self.rect = self.image.get_rect() class Iron(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.image = pygame.image.load(ironImage) self.rect = self.image.get_rect() class Map(): def __init__(self): self.brickGroup = pygame.sprite.Group() self.ironGroup = pygame.sprite.Group() # Numbers represent locations in the map # Draw bricks X1379 = [2, 3, 6, 7, 18, 19, 22, 23] Y1379 = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23] X28 = [10, 11, 14, 15] Y28 = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20] X46 = [4, 5, 6, 7, 18, 19, 20, 21] Y46 = [13, 14] X5 = [12, 13] Y5 = [16, 17] X0Y0 = [(11,23),(12,23),(13,23),(14,23),(11,24),(14,24),(11,25),(14,25)] for x in X1379: for y in Y1379: self.brick = Brick() self.brick.rect.left, = 3 + x * 24, 3 + y * 24 self.brickGroup.add(self.brick) for x in X28: for y in Y28: self.brick = Brick() self.brick.rect.left, = 3 + x * 24, 3 + y * 24 self.brickGroup.add(self.brick) for x in X46: for y in Y46: self.brick = Brick() self.brick.rect.left, = 3 + x * 24, 3 + y * 24 self.brickGroup.add(self.brick) for x in X5: for y in Y5: self.brick = Brick() self.brick.rect.left, = 3 + x * 24, 3 + y * 24 self.brickGroup.add(self.brick) for x, y in X0Y0: self.brick = Brick() self.brick.rect.left, = 3 + x * 24, 3 + y * 24 self.brickGroup.add(self.brick) # Draw stone for x, y in [(0,14),(1,14),(12,6),(13,6),(12,7),(13,7),(24,14),(25,14)]: self.iron = Iron() self.iron.rect.left, = 3 + x * 24, 3 + y * 24 self.ironGroup.add(self.iron)
"Tank battle" game applet fun? How to play the little game "tank battle"? How do you get into tank battle?
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