Mysql table building 3 major constraints + conditional query, paging syntax + difficult aggregation case analysis


1. Primary key constraint

Format 1: set when writing fields when creating a table

Format 2: create a table in. Declare the primary key constraint after the column

Format 3: after creating a table, modify the table structure and declare the columns as primary keys

2 . Unique constraint

Format 1: set when writing fields when creating a table

Format 2: create a table in. Declare the primary key constraint after the column

Format 3: after creating a table, modify the table structure and declare the columns as primary keys

3 non NULL constraint

4. MySQL specific auto growth column

5 supplement ---- truncate the decimal point

6. Access and query multiple tables

7 where field in (multiple conditions)

8 like fuzzy query

9 paging

10 difficulty 1 [aggregate avg+count + grouping + intercept decimal point]

1. Primary key constraint

  • Keywords: primary key

Format 1: set when writing fields when creating a table

  • Only one primary key can be set

  • Cannot insert primary key repeatedly

  • The inserted primary key cannot be null

    CREATE TABLE pk01(
        id INT PRIMARY KEY ,
        `name` VARCHAR(32)

Format 2: create a table in. Declare the primary key constraint after the column

  • Features: multiple columns can be declared as one primary key (joint primary key)

    CREATE TABLE pk02(
        id INT,
        `name` VARCHAR(20),

Format 3: after creating a table, modify the table structure and declare the columns as primary keys

    id INT ,
    `name` VARCHAR(32)

2 . Unique constraint

  • Keywords: unique

Format 1: set when writing fields when creating a table

*Columns with unique constraints cannot be inserted repeatedly
 *null values are allowed for columns that set unique constraints
    id INT UNIQUE ,
    `name` VARCHAR(32)

Format 2: create a table in. Declare the primary key constraint after the column

    id INT,
    `name` VARCHAR(20),

Format 3: after creating a table, modify the table structure and declare the columns as primary keys

    id INT ,
    `name` VARCHAR(32)

3 non NULL constraint

  • Keyword: not null

  • characteristic:

    • The set column can insert data repeatedly

    • null is not allowed

    id VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL ,
    `name` VARCHAR(32)

4. MySQL specific auto growth column

  • Keyword: auto_increment

  • characteristic:

    • Columns modified by automatic growth columns will be automatically accumulated and maintain the data in the columns themselves

  • Limiting conditions:

    • The type of the modified column must be numeric (int, float, double)

    • Must be modified by key (primary key, unique constraint)

    `name` VARCHAR(20)

5 supplement ---- truncate the decimal point

  • Encountered in operation -- intercept decimal point

  • Keyword: truncate (the number to be intercepted and the number of digits to be intercepted);

SELECT cno `curriculum`, TRUNCATE(AVG(degree),2) `Average score` FROM score GROUP BY cno ;

6. Access and query multiple tables

  • Syntax: select * | name from b table 1, table 1 alias, table 2, table 1 alias where condition;

  • The two tables can be connected by conditions

-- 20,Query all students Sname,Cno and Degree column(Two meter connection). 
SELECT sname,cno,degree FROM student s , score c WHERE s.sno = c.sno ;

7 where field in (multiple conditions)

  • Multiple query criteria can be written in parentheses after the where field

-- 5, query Score A record of 85, 86 or 88 in the table.
SELECT * FROM score WHERE degree IN(85,86) OR degree = 88 ; 

8 like fuzzy query

  • Field 1 like '% field 2%': field 2 contained in field 1

  • Field 1 like 'field 2%': field 1 starts with field 2

  • Field 1 like '% field 2': field 1 ends with field 2

-- 16,query Student Records of students whose surname is not "Wang" in the table.
SELECT * FROM student WHERE sname NOT LIKE 'king%'; 
- Pass title(Fuzzy query)And price inquiry books
SELECT * FROM book WHERE title LIKE '%two%' AND price = 100 ;

9 paging

  • Keywords: limit starting index, pages per page

  • Formula: starting index = (Pages - 1) * pages per page

    # Syntax: select * from table name limit startIndex, pageSize;
    # Parameter 1: start index, starting from 0
    # Parameter 2: pageSize number of pages per page
    # Page 1, 2 entries per page
    SELECT * FROM person LIMIT 0,2 ;
    # Page 2
    SELECT * FROM person LIMIT 2,2 ;
    # Page 3
    SELECT * FROM person LIMIT 4,2 ;
    # Page pageNum, startIndex = (pageNum-1) * pageSize
    # Page 2, 3 articles per page
    SELECT * FROM person LIMIT 3,3 ;
    # Page 6, 5 articles per page
    SELECT * FROM person LIMIT 25,5 ;

    10 difficulty 1 [aggregate avg+count + grouping + intercept decimal point]

  • analysis:

    • select cname the course to query

    • TRUNCATE(AVG(degree),2) calculate the average score of the column and intercept the decimal point

    • From score s, course C the table to query, and specify the alias of the table

    • WHERE s.cno = c.cno condition query, connect the two tables according to the corresponding foreign key

    • GROUP BY cname group the course names, and the average score can be used to calculate the average score of the grouped courses in a single column

    • Having count (degree) > = 5 condition constraints are performed after grouping. Only the groups that meet the conditions are counted and the single column average score is obtained

-- 19,query Score The average score of the course with at least 5 grade records in the table.
SELECT cname , TRUNCATE(AVG(degree),2) FROM score s , course c WHERE s.cno = c.cno GROUP BY cname HAVING COUNT(degree) >= 5 ; 

Keywords: Database MySQL SQL

Added by icicleman on Thu, 16 Dec 2021 03:14:58 +0200