[source code matters] learn the underlying source code of LinkedList easily. What are you waiting for

โญ Write in front

โญ ๏นฅ 1 inheritance system diagram of LinkedList

You can see from the inheritance system

- LinkedList Realized Queue and Deque Interface, so it can be used as List It can also be used as a double ended queue, or even as a
- Stack to use
- LinkedList Realized Cloneable and Serializable Interface, from which LinkedList Can be cloned and serialized

โญ โ…ธ 2 LinkedList source code analysis

โญ โ’‹ 2.1 main properties of LinkedList

//size: the number of elements in the linked list
transient int size = 0;
//first: the head node in the linked list
transient Node<E> first;
//Last: the last node in the linked list
 transient Node<E> last;


Add the keyword transient before the attribute that does not need to be serialized. When serializing an object, this attribute will not be serialized to the specified destination
Therefore, size, first and last will not be serialized

โญ 2.2 LinkedList source code

โญ ๏ธ2.2. 1. LinkedList construction method

Nonparametric structure

    public LinkedList() {

Parametric structure

//Pass in the Collection collection and add the elements in the Collection collection to the LinkedList Collection    
public LinkedList(Collection<? extends E> c) {

    public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c) 	{
        return addAll(size, c);

    public boolean addAll(int index, Collection<? extends E> c) {
        //Check whether the index is out of bounds
		//Convert collection to Object [] array
        Object[] a = c.toArray();
        //Get the length of the array and record it as numNew
        int numNew = a.length;
        //If the array length is 0, it proves that there are no elements to add
        if (numNew == 0)
            return false;
		//pred is the precursor node pointer of the set to be spliced, and succ is the successor node pointer of the set to be spliced
        Node<E> pred, succ;
        //If the index of the position to be inserted is at the end of the linked list
        if (index == size) {
            //The successor of set c is empty
            succ = null;
            //The precursor of set c is the tail node of the original linked list
            pred = last;
        } else {
            //node(index) is the node at the index. The successor of the collection to be inserted points to it
            succ = node(index);
            //The predecessor node of the collection to be inserted points to the previous node of the node where index is located
            pred = succ.prev;
		//Start insertion
        for (Object o : a) {
            @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") E e = (E) o;
            //Create a new node. The precursor of the new node points to the precursor of the node where index is located
            Node<E> newNode = new Node<>(pred, e, null);
            //If it is empty, it proves that the node to be inserted is at the head of the linked list
            if (pred == null)
                //The first pointer points to the new node
                first = newNode;
                //Otherwise, the successor of pred points to the new node
                pred.next = newNode;
            //pred move backward
            pred = newNode;
		//If succ==null, it means that index is at the end of the linked list. Add a collection directly at the end
        if (succ == null) {
            //The tail pointer points to the tail of the spliced linked list
            last = pred;
        } else {
            //Otherwise, the successor to the tail of the set to be inserted is succ
            pred.next = succ;
            //The precursor of succ points to the tail of the insertion set
            succ.prev = pred;
		//Linked list capacity + length of set to be inserted
        size += numNew;
        //Linked list modification times + 1
        return true;

โญ ๏ธ2.2. 2 method of adding elements

As a double ended queue, LinkedList can add elements from the head of the queue or from the tail of the queue

โญ Add element at the head of the team

    public void addFirst(E e) {
        //Call the linkFirst method and insert the e element into the linkedlist header

    private void linkFirst(E e) {
        //f record the first node of the queue
        final Node<E> f = first;
        //Create a new node so that the next of the new node is the first node of the original queue, and the prev of the new node is empty
        final Node<E> newNode = new Node<>(null, e, f);
        //The new node is the new first node, and the first pointer points to the new node
        first = newNode;
        //Determine whether the linked list is empty
        //If NULL, the tail pointer last points to the new node
        //Otherwise, point the prev of the original queue head node to the new node
        if (f == null)
            last = newNode;
            f.prev = newNode;
        //Linked list capacity + 1
        //The number of times the linked list is modified + 1, indicating that this is a set that supports fail fast

โญ Add elements at the end of the queue

    public void addLast(E e) {
        //Call the linkLast method and insert the e element at the end of linkedlist

    void linkLast(E e) {
        //l record queue tail node
        final Node<E> l = last;
        //Create a new node. The prev of the new node is the end of the original queue, and the next of the new node is empty
        final Node<E> newNode = new Node<>(l, e, null);
        //The new node is the new tail node, and the tail pointer points to the new node
        last = newNode;
        //Determine whether there are element nodes in the linked list
        //If empty, the new node is the first element of the queue
        //Then the header pointer also points to the new node
        if (l == null)
            first = newNode;
            //If the linked list is not empty, the next of the original last node points to the new node to add the new node to the linked list
            l.next = newNode;
        //Linked list capacity + 1
        //The number of times the linked list is modified + 1, indicating that this is a set that supports fail fast

โญ ๏นฅ add an element at the specified element location

    public void add(int index, E element) {
        //Check whether the index is out of bounds
		//Determine whether the index is the tail position
        if (index == size)
            //If the index is the tail position, insert it directly after the tail node
            //Otherwise, in the middle position, call linkBefore to insert the node in the middle position
            //node(index) is the node at the current insertion location
            linkBefore(element, node(index));
	//Find the Node at the index location according to the index
    Node<E> node(int index) {
        //Size > > 1 = size / 2. If index < size / 2, it proves that the node is in the first half of the linked list
        if (index < (size >> 1)) {
            //Locate the position of the index element from the beginning node
            Node<E> x = first;
            for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
                x = x.next;//The pointer moves backward until the index is reached
            return x;//When the index position is reached, the node node of the position is returned
        } else {
            //Otherwise, start looking for the index element from the tail node
            Node<E> x = last;
            for (int i = size - 1; i > index; i--)
                x = x.prev;//Before reaching the index, the pointer moves forward
            return x;//When the index position is reached, the node node of the position is returned

	//e is the node to be inserted, and succ is the original location node
    void linkBefore(E e, Node<E> succ) {
        //Find the previous node of the original location node and mark it as pred
        final Node<E> pred = succ.prev;
        //Create a new node according to e, the prev of the new node is the previous node of the original location node, and the next of the new node is the original location node
        final Node<E> newNode = new Node<>(pred, e, succ);
        //The leading pointer prev of the original node points to the new node
        succ.prev = newNode;
        //If succ is the first element of the linked list
        if (pred == null)
            //Then the first pointer points to the new node, which is the chain header node
            first = newNode;
            //Otherwise, the next of pred is a new node
            pred.next = newNode;
        //Linked list capacity + 1
        //Linked list modified times + 1

โญ ๏ฎ illustration of three ways to add elements

You can see that adding elements at the beginning and end of the queue is very efficient, and the time complexity is O(1)

Adding elements in the middle is inefficient. You need to find the node at the insertion position first, and then modify the front and rear pointers. The time complexity is O(n)

โญ ๏ธ2.2. 3 delete element

As mentioned above, LinkedList implements the Queue and Deque interfaces, so it can be used as a List or as a double ended Queue. As a double ended Queue, it can delete elements from the head of the Queue or from the tail of the Queue. As a List, it can also delete elements from the middle

โญ ๏นฅ delete element from header

    public E removeFirst() {
        //Get first node
        final Node<E> f = first;
        //If the first node is empty, the linked list is empty and a NoSuchElementException() exception is thrown
        if (f == null)
            throw new NoSuchElementException();
        //Otherwise, delete the header element
        return unlinkFirst(f);

    private E unlinkFirst(Node<E> f) {
        // assert f == first && f != null;
        //Gets the value of the header node, which is used to return
        final E element = f.item;
        //Obtain the successor node of the first node
        final Node<E> next = f.next;
        //Set the value of the first node to null
        f.item = null;
        //Empty the successor of the first node
        f.next = null; // The purpose of empty is to facilitate GC garbage collection
        //Take the successor of the first node as the new first node
        first = next; 
        //If the linked list is empty after deletion
        if (next == null)
            //Set last to null
            last = null;
            //Set the precursor of next to null
            next.prev = null;
        //Capacity of linked list - 1
        //Modification times of linked list + 1
        //Returns the deleted element
        return element;

โญ Delete element from tail

    public E removeLast() {
        //Get tail node
        final Node<E> l = last;
        //If the linked list is empty, an exception is thrown
        if (l == null)
            throw new NoSuchElementException();
        //Otherwise, delete the tail element
        return unlinkLast(l);

    private E unlinkLast(Node<E> l) {
        //Gets the value of the tail node
        final E element = l.item;
        //Get the precursor of the tail node
        final Node<E> prev = l.prev;
        //Set the value of the tail node to null
        l.item = null;
        //Leave the precursor of the tail node empty
        l.prev = null; //garbage collection
        //The precursor of the tail node is used as the new tail node
        last = prev;
        //If the precursor of the tail node is empty, the linked list is empty and first is empty
        if (prev == null)
            first = null;
            //Otherwise, the successor of prev is set to null
            prev.next = null;
        //Capacity of linked list - 1
        //Number of times the linked list has been modified + 1
        //Return the deleted tail node
        return element;

โญ Delete the specified subscript node

    public E remove(int index) {
        //Check whether the index is out of bounds. If it is out of bounds, an IndexOutOfBoundsException exception will be thrown
        //node(index) is the node to be deleted
        return unlink(node(index));

	//Find the Node at the index location according to the index
    Node<E> node(int index) {
        //Size > > 1 = size / 2. If index < size / 2, it proves that the node is in the first half of the linked list
        if (index < (size >> 1)) {
            //Locate the position of the index element from the beginning node
            Node<E> x = first;
            for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
                x = x.next;//The pointer moves backward until the index is reached
            return x;//When the index position is reached, the node node of the position is returned
        } else {
            //Otherwise, start looking for the index element from the tail node
            Node<E> x = last;
            for (int i = size - 1; i > index; i--)
                x = x.prev;//Before reaching the index, the pointer moves forward
            return x;//When the index position is reached, the node node of the position is returned

    E unlink(Node<E> x) {
        //Get the value of the node (x) to delete
        final E element = x.item;
        //Obtain the successor node of x
        final Node<E> next = x.next;
        //Get the precursor node of x
        final Node<E> prev = x.prev;

        //If the precursor is empty, x is the first node, and the successor of x is the new first node
        if (prev == null) {
            first = next;
        } else {
            //Then the next of the precursor points to the successor of x
            prev.next = next;
            //Empty the front drive of x
            x.prev = null;
		//If the successor is empty, x is the tail node, and the precursor of x is the new tail node
        if (next == null) {
            last = prev;
        } else {
            //Otherwise, point the subsequent prev to the precursor of x
            next.prev = prev;
            //The successor of x is set to null
            x.next = null;
		//After the above two steps, the predecessor and successor of x are empty. Set the value of x to empty for GC garbage collection
        x.item = null;
        //Capacity of linked list - 1
        //Number of times the linked list has been modified + 1
        //Returns the deleted element
        return element;

โญ Illustration of three methods to delete elements

From this we can know

  • When deleting elements, it is efficient to delete elements at the beginning and end of the queue, and the time complexity is O(1)
  • It is inefficient to delete elements in the middle. First, stand at the node where they are deleted, and then modify the front and back pointers. The time complexity is O(n)

โญ โ…ถ 3 Summary

- LinkedList Is a double linked list to achieve List๏ผ›

- LinkedList It is also a double ended queue, which has the characteristics of queue, double ended queue and stack;

- LinkedList Adding and deleting elements at the beginning and end of the queue is very efficient, and the time complexity is O(1)๏ผ›

- LinkedList Adding and deleting elements in the middle is inefficient, and the time complexity is O(n)๏ผ›

- LinkedList Random access is not supported, so it is inefficient to access non queue elements;

- LinkedList Functionally equal to ArrayList + ArrayDeque๏ผ›

Keywords: Java Back-end Interview source code LinkedList

Added by psn on Thu, 23 Dec 2021 13:53:49 +0200