Data structure and algorithm (2-2) linked storage of linear list (single linked list, static linked list, circular linked list, two-way circular linked list)


1, Single linked list

1. Storage mode

2. Insert

3. Delete

Total code:

II. Static linked list

1. Storage mode

2. Insert

3. Delete

4. Traversal

Total code:

3, Circular linked list

Total code:

4, Bidirectional circular linked list

1. Storage method:

2. Insert and delete

3. Forward traversal and reverse traversal

Total code:

1, Single linked list

Each data is stored in nodes, and the single linked list is responsible for connecting these nodes. (mainly using * next pointer)

1. Storage mode

Starting from the root node (the root node may not store elements), use the * next pointer to point to the address of the following element, and the * next of the following element continues to point to the later element, and so on. (the malloc function is used to dynamically allocate memory space when adding or inserting elements) the head pointer points to the root and the tail pointer points to the last node for easy insertion and deletion.

//Node structure
typedef struct Node
	int data;						//Data domain
	struct Node* next;		//Pointer field
Node* head;
Node* tail;

2. Insert

The * next of the previous element is disconnected and points to the inserted element, and the * next of the inserted element points to the subsequent element to complete the "squeeze in" insertion.  

//Insert element
void Insert(int index, int num)
	int i = 0;
	if (index < getLength() && index >= 0)		//Insert subscript valid
		Node* s = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)), * p = head;
		for (i = 0; i < index; i++)
			p = p->next;
		s->data = num;				//Inserted element value
		s->next = p->next;			//S - > back
		p->next = s;						//Front - > s
		printf("Not in interpolation range!");

3. Delete

The * next of the element in front of the element to be deleted is disconnected, pointing to the element behind the element to be deleted to free up the space of the element to be deleted. (the memory allocated by malloc needs to be released)

//Delete Vertex  	 (there must be external variables to temporarily save the node to be deleted)
//If you delete a head node, you can directly point the head to the following node
void Delete_Node(int index)
	int i = 0;
	Node* p = head, * s = NULL;
	if (index < getLength() && index >= 0)		//Delete subscript valid
		for (i = 0; i < index; i++)
			p = p->next;						//Move to previous
		s = p->next;								//Node to delete
		p->next = p->next->next;		//Front node next - > rear node (skip the node to be deleted)
		printf("There is no node with this subscript!\n");

Total code:

//Single linked list
//Dynamic memory allocation malloc function: 			 (specified pointer type) malloc (number of bytes to allocate)
//The head node saves the head of the linked list and can perform a series of operations (such as adding) at the tail node. p represents a dynamic pointer
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>

int i = 0;

//Node structure
typedef struct Node
	int data;						//Data domain
	struct Node* next;		//Pointer field
Node* head;
Node* tail;

//Initialize linked list
void Init_List()
	//Initialize linked list
	head = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
	tail = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
	head = tail;

//Create node
void Add_Node(int Data)
	Node* p = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
	p->data = Data;
	p->next = NULL;
	//Pointer backward
	tail->next = p;
	tail = p;

//Get linked list length
int getLength()
	int num = 0;
	Node* p = head->next;					//The first data is stored in head - > next
	while (p)
		p = p->next;
	return num;

//Traversal linked list
void Print()
	Node* p = head->next;					//The first data is stored in head - > next
	while (p)
		printf("%d\n", p->data);
		p = p->next;

//Insert element
void Insert(int index, int num)
	int i = 0;
	if (index < getLength() && index >= 0)		//Insert subscript valid
		Node* s = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)), * p = head;
		for (i = 0; i < index; i++)
			p = p->next;
		s->data = num;				//Inserted element value
		s->next = p->next;			//S - > back
		p->next = s;						//Front - > s
		printf("Not in interpolation range!");

//Delete Vertex  	 (there must be external variables to temporarily save the node to be deleted)
//If you delete a head node, you can directly point the head to the following node
void Delete_Node(int index)
	int i = 0;
	Node* p = head, * s = NULL;
	if (index < getLength() && index >= 0)		//Delete subscript valid
		for (i = 0; i < index; i++)
			p = p->next;						//Move to previous
		s = p->next;								//Node to delete
		p->next = p->next->next;		//Front node next - > rear node (skip the node to be deleted)
		printf("There is no node with this subscript!\n");

//Empty linked list
void Clear_List()
	Node* p = head->next, * q;
	while (p)
		q = p->next;
		p = q;
	head->next = NULL;

int main()
	//Initialize linked list

	//Create linked list
	for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)

	//Insert Knot 
	Insert(0, 5);

	//Delete node (second deletion note: position change)

	//Empty linked list


	return 0;

II. Static linked list

Although large memory space needs to be allocated for storage in the form of array, it is easy to insert / delete. There is no need to move the array elements, and only change the cursor (cur) point.

1. Storage mode

Create an array (index is the subscript and cur is the cursor)

Cur (cursor): store the index of the previous element and connect through it.

The whole linked list is divided into two parts: 1. Value linked list (storing elements) 2. Standby linked list (not storing elements)

cur of the first element (index=0): stores the first element of the standby linked list.

cur of tail element (index=MAXSIZE-1): the first element of the value linked list.

Linked list composition: 1. Standby linked list headed by the first element; 2. A value linked list headed by tail elements.

//Static linked list structure
typedef struct
	int data;			//data
	int cur;				//cursor
StaticList L[MAXSIZE];

2. Insert

Move only cursors, not elements.

//Insert linked list
void Insert(int index, int num)
	int pre = MAXSIZE - 1;
	if (index <= 0 || index > L[0].cur)			//Invalid insertion range (the first and last elements do not store data)
		printf("%d Insert Error!\n", num);
	//Move to previous element (valid element)
	for (i = 1; i < index; i++)
		pre = L[pre].cur;							

	L[0].cur = L[index].cur;				//The cursor of the first element of the linked list points to the first element of the standby linked list
	L[index].data = num;

3. Delete

The deleted element is used as the first element of the standby list. Its cursor connects the first element of the original standby list, and the first element of the original standby list becomes the second element (moving backward).

//Delete the linked list (demote the element to be deleted to become the first element of the standby linked list)
void Delete(int index)
	int pre = MAXSIZE - 1, j;
	if (index < 1 || index >= L[0].cur)
		printf("Invalid subscript to delete!\n");

	for (i = 1; i <= index - 1; i++)
		pre = L[pre].cur;						//Move to the previous position to be deleted (with element bits)

	L[index].cur = L[0].cur;					//1. The cursor points to the original standby element (the deleted element is the first of the standby element)
	L[0].cur = index;							//2. Update the first element of the standby linked list (deleted element)
	L[pre].cur = index;						//3. Connect the previous element and the next element (cursor)

4. Traversal

Start traversal from index = maxsize-1 (from the tail element), because the cur of the tail element contains the first element of the valid linked list.

//Traversal linked list
void Traverse()
	int cur;
	cur = L[MAXSIZE - 1].cur;			//Points to the first element of a valid linked list
	for (i = 1; i < L[0].cur; i++)			//From the first to the last (the first element of the standby linked list is the next element of the last element)
		printf("%d\n", L[cur].data);
		cur = L[cur].cur;						//Continue to move backward in the valid linked list

Total code:

//Static linked list
//During insertion / deletion, only cursors are modified and nodes are not moved
//The cursor stores the subscript. The previous element cursor stores the subscript of the next element
//First element cursor: 	 Store the subscript of the first element of the standby linked list
//Last element cursor: the subscript of the first element in the element list
//Take the valid element as a loop and start with the pre=MAXSIZE-1 flag because l [maxsize-1] Cur points to the first element of the valid linked list, which is equivalent to a loop in the valid linked list
#include <stdio.h>

#define MAXSIZE 20
int i = 0;

typedef struct
	int data;
	int cur;
StaticList L[MAXSIZE];

//Linked list initialization
void List_Init()
	//Initialize cursor
	for (i = 0; i < MAXSIZE; i++)
		L[i].cur = i + 1;							//The cursor points to the next
	L[MAXSIZE - 1].cur = 1;				//Cursor of the last element (valid element)

//Obtain the subscript according to the cursor (not used here)
int getIndex(int Cur)
	for (i = 0; i < MAXSIZE; i++)
		if (L[i].cur == Cur)		//Find the element corresponding to the cursor
			return i;					//Return subscript
	return -1;							//Can't find

//Get length
int getLength()
	int num = 0;
	i = L[MAXSIZE - 1].cur;
	if (L[0].cur == L[MAXSIZE - 1].cur)			//No element
		return 0;

	while (i < L[0].cur)
		i = L[i].cur;
	return num;

//Insert linked list
void Insert(int index, int num)
	int pre = MAXSIZE - 1;
	if (index <= 0 || index > L[0].cur)			//Invalid insertion range (the first and last elements do not store data)
		printf("%d Insert Error!\n", num);
	//Move to previous element (valid element)
	for (i = 1; i < index; i++)
		pre = L[pre].cur;							

	L[0].cur = L[index].cur;				//The cursor of the first element of the linked list points to the first element of the standby linked list
	L[index].data = num;
	L[0].cur = L[index].cur;				//Update alternate linked list

//Delete the linked list (demote the element to be deleted to become the first element of the standby linked list)
void Delete(int index)
	int pre = MAXSIZE - 1, j;
	if (index < 1 || index >= L[0].cur)
		printf("Invalid subscript to delete!\n");

	for (i = 1; i <= index - 1; i++)
		pre = L[pre].cur;						//Move to the previous position to be deleted (with element bits)

	L[index].cur = L[0].cur;					//1. The cursor points to the original standby element (the deleted element is the first of the standby element)
	L[0].cur = index;							//2. Update the first element of the standby linked list (deleted element)
	L[pre].cur = index;						//3. Connect the previous element and the next element (cursor)

//Traversal linked list
void Traverse()
	int cur;
	cur = L[MAXSIZE - 1].cur;			//Points to the first element of a valid linked list
	for (i = 1; i < L[0].cur; i++)			//From the first to the last (the first element of the standby linked list is the next element of the last element)
		printf("%d\n", L[cur].data);
		cur = L[cur].cur;						//Continue to move backward in the valid linked list

int main()
	List_Init();						//Linked list initialization

	printf("Total number of elements before insertion:%d\n", getLength());

	Insert(1, 6);					//Insert linked list
	Insert(2, 8);
	Insert(3, 10);

	printf("Total number of elements before deletion:%d\n", getLength());

	Delete(2);						//Delete linked list
	Insert(2, 8);

	printf("Total number of elements after deletion:%d\n", getLength());


	return 0;

3, Circular linked list

Circular linked list, as the name suggests, tail connector to realize circulation.

The storage structure is similar to a linked list, with one more head to tail to complete the cycle.

Total code:

//Circular linked list
//With two pointers, one pointing to the head and one pointing to the tail, the tail connects the head to complete the circular linked list
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>

int i = 0;

//structural morphology
typedef struct Node
	int data;
	struct Node* next;
Node* head;			//Head node
Node* tail;				//Tail node
Node* t;					//Traversal node

//Linked list initialization
void List_Init()
	head = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));			//Assign address
	tail = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));			//Assign address
	head->next = tail;
	tail->next = head;

//Get linked list length
int getLength() {
	int num = 0;
	Node* L = head;
	while (L->next != tail)
		L = L->next;
	return num;

//Insert linked list
void Insert(int index, int num)
	if (index<0 || index>getLength())
		printf("%d Serial number is out of range\n", num);
	Node* p = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)), * L;
	p->next = NULL;
	L = head;							//Pointing head
	while (L->next != tail)		//Move to the front of the tail node (the last valid node)
		L = L->next;
	L->next = p;
	p->data = num;
	tail = p->next;					//Update tail node

//Delete linked list
void Delete(int index)
	if (index < 0 || index >= getLength())
		printf("No such serial number\n");
	Node* L = head, * t;
	for (i = 0; i < index; i++)
		L = L->next;

	t = L->next;
	L->next = L->next->next;

//Traversal linked list
void Traverse()
	Node* L = head;
	while (L->next != tail)				//Head tail circulation
		L = L->next;
		printf("%d\n", L->data);

int main()
	List_Init();					//Linked list initialization

	Insert(0, 0);				//Insert linked list
	Insert(1, 1);
	Insert(2, 2);

	Delete(2);					//Delete linked list
	Delete(1);					//Second deletion position change

	Traverse();						//Traversal linked list

	return 0;

4, Bidirectional circular linked list

Advantages of two-way circular linked list: it can complete two-way traversal.

1. Storage method:

Bidirectional: * prior pointer and * next pointer point to the front and rear elements respectively.

Loop: the * prior of the head node points to the tail node, and the * next of the tail node points to the head node.

//Bidirectional circular linked list
typedef struct Node
	int data;
	struct Node* prior;
	struct Node* next;

2. Insert and delete

Insert: one traverses the linked list and the other inserts it (don't enter the linked list at the beginning, scatter it, otherwise it will cycle all the time).
Delete: the next and prior pointers should also be considered.

3. Forward traversal and reverse traversal

Forward traversal: start from the head node and traverse to the tail until it meets the tail node.

Reverse traversal: start from the tail node to the head until it meets the head.

//Forward traversal list
void Traverse()
	Node* p = head;
	printf("Forward traversal:\n");
	while (p->next != tail)
		p = p->next;
		printf("%d\n", p->data);

//Reverse traversal of linked list
void AntiTraverse()
	Node* p = tail;
	printf("Reverse traversal:\n");
	while (p->prior != head)
		p = p->prior;
		printf("%d\n", p->data);

Total code:

//Bidirectional circular linked list
//The front and rear pointers connect the front and rear elements, respectively
//Insert: one traverses the linked list and the other inserts it (don't enter the linked list at first, scatter it, otherwise it will cycle all the time)
//Delete: the next and prior pointers should also be considered
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>

//Bidirectional circular linked list
typedef struct Node
	int data;
	struct Node* prior;
	struct Node* next;

Node* head;			//head
Node* tail;				//tail
int i = 0;

//Linked list initialization
void Init_List()
	head = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
	tail = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
	head->prior = tail;
	head->next = tail;
	tail->next = head;
	tail->prior = head;
	//Assign a value for debugging
	tail->data = -2;
	head->data = -1;

//Get the number of elements
int getLength()
	int num = 0;
	Node* p = head;
	while (p->next != tail)
		p = p->next;
	return num;

//Linked list insertion
void Insert(int index, int num)
	if (index<0 || index>getLength())
		printf("Incorrect subscript insertion!\n");
	Node* t = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)), * p;
	p = head;
	for (i = 0; i < index; i++)
		p = p->next;					//Move to previous element
	t->prior = p;
	t->next = p->next;
	p->next->prior = t;				//This step should be ahead
	p->next = t;							//This step should be later. The responsible p - > next has changed, and the previous one is meaningless
	t->data = num;

//Delete linked list
void Delete(int index)
	if (index < 0 || index >= getLength())
		printf("Delete subscript incorrect!\n");
	Node* p = head, * s;
	for (i = 0; i < index; i++)
		p = p->next;
	s = p->next;
	p->next->next->prior = p;
	p->next = p->next->next;

//Forward traversal list
void Traverse()
	Node* p = head;
	printf("Forward traversal:\n");
	while (p->next != tail)
		p = p->next;
		printf("%d\n", p->data);

//Reverse traversal of linked list
void AntiTraverse()
	Node* p = tail;
	printf("Reverse traversal:\n");
	while (p->prior != head)
		p = p->prior;
		printf("%d\n", p->data);

int main()
	Init_List();						//Linked list initialization

	Insert(0, 0);					//Insert element
	Insert(1, 1);
	Insert(2, 2);

	Delete(2);					//Delete element

	Traverse();						//forward traversal 
	AntiTraverse();					//reverse traversal 

	return 0;

Keywords: C C++ Algorithm data structure linked list

Added by benrussell on Sat, 01 Jan 2022 21:41:04 +0200