python test development django-184 Bootstrap table front end paging search related configuration


The bootstrap table paging mode can be server or client.

  • When you select client, you can search the table data on the page (without querying the database)
  • When server paging is selected, you can query the database according to the conditions set by the queryParams property

This article first learns to select the front-end paging (client) to search and filter data on the page

bootstrap table query search configuration

Table content front-end search, do not query the database
The bootstrap table search can be set through the following properties

Attribute name value explain
search true Open search input box
searchOnEnterKey true Press enter to perform the search
strictSearch true Exact match search, not like fuzzy query
trimOnSearch true Automatically remove spaces on both sides of keywords
searchAlign left/right The left search box is on the left and right is on the right
searchTimeOut 1000 Set the search timeout, which is only useful when there is a large amount of data
searchText character string Keywords searched by default during initialization
customSearch Custom method Custom search
showSearchClearButton true Turn on the empty button

Open search box

Enable 3 search related attributes

        search: true,                       //Show table search
        searchOnEnterKey:true,            //Press enter to perform the search//
        showSearchButton: true,             //Search OK button

Page display effect

Enter the content in the input box, press enter, or click OK to search on the page

Complete js content

// Load table
    var url = '/api/comparator/';
    var columns = [
            checkbox: true,
            visible: true          //Show check box
            field: 'id',
            title: 'ID',
            class: 'col-md-1'
        }, {
            field: 'comparator',
            title: 'Verification method',
            class: 'col-md-5'
            field: 'create_time',
            title: 'Creation time',
             class: 'col-md-2'
            field: 'update_time',
            title: 'Update time',
             class: 'col-md-2'
             title: 'operation',
             class: 'col-md-2',
             align: 'center',
             formatter: actionFormatter
        toolbar: '#toolbar',
        url: url,         //Request background URL (*)
        method: 'get',    //Request method (*)
        cache: false,     //Whether to use cache or not is set to true by default, so this property (*) needs to be set in general
        theadClasses: "bg-info",
        pagination: true,   //Show pagination (*)
        pageSize: 10,       //Number of record lines per page (*)
        pageList: [10, 20, 50, 100, 'All'], //Number of rows per page (*) available for selection
        sidePagination: "client",    //Paging method: client paging, server paging (*)
        pageNumber: 1,                      //Initialize loading the first page, and the default is the first page
        search: true,                       //Show table search
        searchOnEnterKey:true,            //Press enter to perform the search//
        showSearchButton: true,             //Search OK button
        // showSearchClearButton: true, / / clear the input box
        // singleSelect: true,#}
        clickToSelect: true,
        //showColumns: true, / / show all columns
        showRefresh: true,                  //Show refresh button
        // minimumCountColumns: 2, / / minimum number of columns allowed
        //height: 500, / / row height. If the height property is not set, the table height is automatically determined according to the number of records
        classes: "table table-bordered table-striped table-condensed table-hover",
        //showToggle: true, / / whether to display the switch button between detailed view and list view
        columns: columns,                   //Column parameters
        //detailView: true, / / whether to display parent-child tables
        //The query parameters will be spliced after the url, such as:? rows=5&page=2&sortOrder=asc&search_ kw=&_= one trillion and five hundred and sixty-four billion one hundred and five million seven hundred and sixty thousand six hundred and fifty-one
        queryParams: function (params) {
            // params objects include: limit, offset, search, sort and order
            //The name of the key here and the variable name of the controller must always be changed here, and the controller also needs to be changed to the same
            var temp;
            temp = {
                page: (params.offset / params.limit) + 1,   //Page number, / / page number
                size: params.limit   //Page size
                //The parameters in the query box are passed to the background
                //search_kw: $('#search-keyword').val(), / / parameters passed to the server during the request
            return temp;

Search box location

The default search box is on the right. You can jump to the position through the searchAlign property. The left search box is on the left and right is on the right

searchAlign: "left",

Matching mode

searchText sets the default keyword during initialization

searchText: 'Shanghai-long',

strictSearch sets the matching method. The default is fuzzy matching. Set to true is the exact matching mode

strictSearch: true,

trimOnSearch removes the left and right spaces of keywords

trimOnSearch: true,

Delete empty button

If the showSearchClearButton property is set to true, the clear input box button can be displayed

showSearchClearButton: true,       //Clear the input box

Custom search method

Custom search, such as searching only the ID field

customSearch:customSearch,//Custom search, such as searching only the ID field
    function  customSearch(data, text) {
    return data.filter(function (row) {
      return (row.Id+"").indexOf(text) > -1

reference material:
Online instance:

Keywords: Django bootstrap

Added by bellaso on Sun, 02 Jan 2022 21:00:04 +0200