Pagoda panel deployment Qinglong panel sign in cloud music, what is worth buying, station b
Now we will introduce other applications of Qinglong panel, sign in to various websites and get corresponding points and discounts. If you don't have Qinglong installed, please see our last tutorial: Qinglong panel construction tutorial installation, continuous update with Laku, what is it for, I won't say?
If you don't buy a small partner to install Qinglong panel, you can directly Tencent cloud: [Tencent cloud] cloud products are sold in seconds within a limited time. It is a popular 2-core 4G cloud server, with a cost of 222 yuan in three years One step!
It is assumed that everyone has installed the Qinglong panel, and is not satisfied with the growth of Jingdou, but also wants to do something~
OK, meet you. Here's how to deploy more check-in:
1. Enter the inside of Qinglong container
#qinglong here is the container of docker. If you are not the name, just change it to your own. docker exec -it qinglong bash
Run the following script one by one:
apk add --no-cache gcc g++ python python-dev py-pip mysql-dev linux-headers libffi-dev openssl-dev
apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps gcc musl-dev python2-dev python3-dev
pip3 install pip setuptools --upgrade
pip3 install cryptography~=3.2.1
pip3 install dailycheckin --upgrade
After the installation is completed, it is equivalent to that the script has pulled down the interior of docker. Here, you need to configure relevant information in the green dragon panel.
2. Set profile
Create and write / QL / scripts / config JSON configuration file
It should be noted here that it is not the config. Of the Qinglong panel js.
It should be noted here that it is not the config. Of the Qinglong panel js.
It should be noted here that it is not the config. Of the Qinglong panel js.
You need to enter the scripts of Qinglong panel and add a config JSON, we can implement it through the pagoda panel.
Configure config The contents of JSON are as follows. Set cookie s according to the sign in to be mounted:
{ "DINGTALK_SECRET": "", "DINGTALK_ACCESS_TOKEN": "", "FSKEY": "", "SCKEY": "", "SENDKEY": "", "BARK_URL": "", "QMSG_KEY": "", "QMSG_TYPE": "", "TG_BOT_TOKEN": "", "TG_USER_ID": "", "TG_API_HOST": "", "TG_PROXY": "", "COOLPUSHSKEY": "", "COOLPUSHQQ": true, "COOLPUSHWX": true, "COOLPUSHEMAIL": true, "QYWX_KEY": "", "QYWX_CORPID": "", "QYWX_AGENTID": "", "QYWX_CORPSECRET": "", "QYWX_TOUSER": "", "PUSHPLUS_TOKEN": "", "PUSHPLUS_TOPIC": "", "CITY_NAME_LIST": [ "Shanghai" ], "MOTTO": true, "IQIYI_COOKIE_LIST": [ { "iqiyi_cookie": "__dfp=xxxxxx; QP0013=xxxxxx; QP0022=xxxxxx; QYABEX=xxxxxx; P00001=xxxxxx; P00002=xxxxxx; P00003=xxxxxx; P00007=xxxxxx; QC163=xxxxxx; QC175=xxxxxx; QC179=xxxxxx; QC170=xxxxxx; P00010=xxxxxx; P00PRU=xxxxxx; P01010=xxxxxx; QC173=xxxxxx; QC180=xxxxxx; P00004=xxxxxx; QP0030=xxxxxx; QC006=xxxxxx; QC007=xxxxxx; QC008=xxxxxx; QC010=xxxxxx; nu=xxxxxx; __uuid=xxxxxx; QC005=xxxxxx;" }, { "iqiyi_cookie": "Multi account cookie For filling in, please refer to the above, cookie Subject to the actual acquisition (in case of special characters, such as double quotation marks)\" Please add a backslash (escape)" } ], "VQQ_COOKIE_LIST": [ { "auth_refresh": "", "vqq_cookie": "pgv_pvid=xxxxxx; pac_uid=xxxxxx; RK=xxxxxx; ptcz=xxxxxx; tvfe_boss_uuid=xxxxxx; video_guid=xxxxxx; video_platform=xxxxxx; pgv_info=xxxxxx; main_login=xxxxxx; vqq_access_token=xxxxxx; vqq_appid=xxxxxx; vqq_openid=xxxxxx; vqq_vuserid=xxxxxx; vqq_refresh_token=xxxxxx; login_time_init=xxxxxx; uid=xxxxxx; vqq_vusession=xxxxxx; vqq_next_refresh_time=xxxxxx; vqq_login_time_init=xxxxxx; login_time_last=xxxxxx;" }, { "auth_refresh": "Multi account refresh url,Please refer to the above, subject to the actual acquisition", "vqq_cookie": "Multi account cookie For filling in, please refer to the above, cookie Subject to the actual acquisition (in case of special characters, such as double quotation marks)\" Please add a backslash (escape)" } ], "YOUDAO_COOKIE_LIST": [ { "youdao_cookie": "JSESSIONID=xxxxxx; __yadk_uid=xxxxxx; OUTFOX_SEARCH_USER_ID_NCOO=xxxxxx; YNOTE_SESS=xxxxxx; YNOTE_PERS=xxxxxx; YNOTE_LOGIN=xxxxxx; YNOTE_CSTK=xxxxxx; _ga=xxxxxx; _gid=xxxxxx; _gat=xxxxxx; PUBLIC_SHARE_18a9dde3de846b6a69e24431764270c4=xxxxxx;" }, { "youdao_cookie": "Multi account cookie For filling in, please refer to the above, cookie Subject to the actual acquisition (in case of special characters, such as double quotation marks)\" Please add a backslash (escape)" } ], "KGQQ_COOKIE_LIST": [ { "kgqq_cookie": "muid=xxxxxx; uid=xxxxxx; userlevel=xxxxxx; openid=xxxxxx; openkey=xxxxxx; opentype=xxxxxx; qrsig=xxxxxx; pgv_pvid=xxxxxx;" }, { "kgqq_cookie": "Multi account cookie For filling in, please refer to the above, cookie Subject to the actual acquisition (in case of special characters, such as double quotation marks)\" Please add a backslash (escape)" } ], "MUSIC163_ACCOUNT_LIST": [ { "music163_phone": "18888xxxxxx", "music163_password": "Sitoi" }, { "music163_phone": "Multi account mobile number", "music163_password": "Multi account password" } ], "ONEPLUSBBS_COOKIE_LIST": [ { "oneplusbbs_cookie": "acw_tc=xxxxxx; qKc3_0e8d_saltkey=xxxxxx; qKc3_0e8d_lastvisit=xxxxxx; bbs_avatar=xxxxxx; qKc3_0e8d_sendmail=xxxxxx; opcid=xxxxxx; opcct=xxxxxx; oppt=xxxxxx; opsid=xxxxxx; opsct=xxxxxx; opbct=xxxxxx; UM_distinctid=xxxxxx; CNZZDATA1277373783=xxxxxx; www_clear=xxxxxx; ONEPLUSID=xxxxxx; qKc3_0e8d_sid=xxxxxx; bbs_uid=xxxxxx; bbs_uname=xxxxxx; bbs_grouptitle=xxxxxx; opuserid=xxxxxx; bbs_sign=xxxxxx; bbs_formhash=xxxxxx; qKc3_0e8d_ulastactivity=xxxxxx; opsertime=xxxxxx; qKc3_0e8d_lastact=xxxxxx; qKc3_0e8d_checkpm=xxxxxx; qKc3_0e8d_noticeTitle=xxxxxx; optime_browser=xxxxxx; opnt=xxxxxx; opstep=xxxxxx; opstep_event=xxxxxx; fp=xxxxxx;" }, { "oneplusbbs_cookie": "Multi account cookie For filling in, please refer to the above, cookie Subject to the actual acquisition (in case of special characters, such as double quotation marks)\" Please add a backslash (escape)" } ], "BAIDU_URL_SUBMIT_LIST": [ { "data_url": "", "submit_url": "", "times": 10 }, { "data_url": "Multi account data_url The link address shall be subject to the actual acquisition", "submit_url": "Multi account submit_url The link address shall be subject to the actual acquisition", "times": 10 } ], "FMAPP_ACCOUNT_LIST": [ { "fmapp_token": "xxxxxx.xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx.xxxxxx-xxxxxx", "fmapp_cookie": "sensorsdata2015jssdkcross=xxxxxx", "fmapp_blackbox": "eyJlcnJxxxxxx", "fmapp_device_id": "xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxx", "fmapp_fmversion": "xxxxxx", "fmapp_os": "xxxxxx", "fmapp_useragent": "xxxxxx" }, { "fmapp_token": "Multi account token Please refer to the above for filling in, and the actual acquisition shall prevail", "fmapp_cookie": "Multi account cookie For filling in, please refer to the above, cookie Subject to the actual acquisition (in case of special characters, such as double quotation marks)\" Please add a backslash (escape)", "fmapp_blackbox": "Multi account blackbox For filling in, please refer to the above, blackbox Subject to the actual acquisition (in case of special characters, such as double quotation marks)\" Please add a backslash (escape)", "fmapp_device_id": "Multi account device_id Please refer to the above for filling in, and the actual acquisition shall prevail", "fmapp_fmversion": "Multi account fmVersion Please refer to the above for filling in, and the actual acquisition shall prevail", "fmapp_os": "Multi account os Please refer to the above for filling in, and the actual acquisition shall prevail", "fmapp_useragent": "Multi account User-Agent Please refer to the above for filling in, and the actual acquisition shall prevail" } ], "TIEBA_COOKIE_LIST": [ { "tieba_cookie": "BIDUPSID=xxxxxx; PSTM=xxxxxx; BAIDUID=xxxxxx; BAIDUID_BFESS=xxxxxx; delPer=xxxxxx; PSINO=xxxxxx; H_PS_PSSID=xxxxxx; BA_HECTOR=xxxxxx; BDORZ=xxxxxx; TIEBA_USERTYPE=xxxxxx; st_key_id=xxxxxx; BDUSS=xxxxxx; BDUSS_BFESS=xxxxxx; STOKEN=xxxxxx; TIEBAUID=xxxxxx; ab_sr=xxxxxx; st_data=xxxxxx; st_sign=xxxxxx;" }, { "tieba_cookie": "Multi account cookie For filling in, please refer to the above, cookie Subject to the actual acquisition (in case of special characters, such as double quotation marks)\" Please add a backslash (escape)" } ], "BILIBILI_COOKIE_LIST": [ { "bilibili_cookie": "_uuid=xxxxxx; rpdid=xxxxxx; LIVE_BUVID=xxxxxx; PVID=xxxxxx; blackside_state=xxxxxx; CURRENT_FNVAL=xxxxxx; buvid3=xxxxxx; fingerprint3=xxxxxx; fingerprint=xxxxxx; buivd_fp=xxxxxx; buvid_fp_plain=xxxxxx; DedeUserID=xxxxxx; DedeUserID__ckMd5=xxxxxx; SESSDATA=xxxxxx; bili_jct=xxxxxx; bsource=xxxxxx; finger=xxxxxx; fingerprint_s=xxxxxx;", "coin_num": 0, "coin_type": 1, "silver2coin": true }, { "bilibili_cookie": "Multi account cookie For filling in, please refer to the above, cookie Subject to the actual acquisition (in case of special characters, such as double quotation marks)\" Please add a backslash (escape)", "coin_num": 0, "coin_type": 1, "silver2coin": true } ], "V2EX_COOKIE_LIST": [ { "v2ex_cookie": "_ga=xxxxxx; __cfduid=xxxxxx; PB3_SESSION=xxxxxx; A2=xxxxxx; V2EXSETTINGS=xxxxxx; V2EX_REFERRER=xxxxxx; V2EX_LANG=xxxxxx; _gid=xxxxxx; V2EX_TAB=xxxxxx;", "v2ex_proxy": "Use agent information, no password example: http://127.0. 0.1:1080 password example: http://username:password@" }, { "v2ex_cookie": "Multi account cookie For filling in, please refer to the above, cookie Subject to the actual acquisition (in case of special characters, such as double quotation marks)\" Please add a backslash (escape)", "v2ex_proxy": "Use agent information, no password example: http://127.0. 0.1:1080 password example: http://username:password@" } ], "WWW2NZZ_COOKIE_LIST": [ { "www2nzz_cookie": "YPx9_2132_saltkey=xxxxxx; YPx9_2132_lastvisit=xxxxxx; YPx9_2132_sendmail=xxxxxx; YPx9_2132_con_request_uri=xxxxxx; YPx9_2132_sid=xxxxxx; YPx9_2132_client_created=xxxxxx; YPx9_2132_client_token=xxxxxx; YPx9_2132_ulastactivity=xxxxxx; YPx9_2132_auth=xxxxxx; YPx9_2132_connect_login=xxxxxx; YPx9_2132_connect_is_bind=xxxxxx; YPx9_2132_connect_uin=xxxxxx; YPx9_2132_stats_qc_login=xxxxxx; YPx9_2132_checkpm=xxxxxx; YPx9_2132_noticeTitle=xxxxxx; YPx9_2132_nofavfid=xxxxxx; YPx9_2132_lastact=xxxxxx;" }, { "www2nzz_cookie": "Multi account cookie For filling in, please refer to the above, cookie Subject to the actual acquisition (in case of special characters, such as double quotation marks)\" Please add a backslash (escape)" } ], "SMZDM_COOKIE_LIST": [ { "smzdm_cookie": "__jsluid_s=xxxxxx; __ckguid=xxxxxx; device_id=xxxxxx; homepage_sug=xxxxxx; r_sort_type=xxxxxx; _zdmA.vid=xxxxxx; sajssdk_2015_cross_new_user=xxxxxx; sensorsdata2015jssdkcross=xxxxxx; footer_floating_layer=xxxxxx; ad_date=xxxxxx; ad_json_feed=xxxxxx; zdm_qd=xxxxxx; sess=xxxxxx; user=xxxxxx; _zdmA.uid=xxxxxx; smzdm_id=xxxxxx; userId=xxxxxx; bannerCounter=xxxxxx; _zdmA.time=xxxxxx;" }, { "smzdm_cookie": "Multi account cookie For filling in, please refer to the above, cookie Subject to the actual acquisition (in case of special characters, such as double quotation marks)\" Please add a backslash (escape)" } ], "MIMOTION_ACCOUNT_LIST": [ { "mimotion_phone": "18888xxxxxx", "mimotion_password": "Sitoi", "mimotion_min_step": "10000", "mimotion_max_step": "20000" }, { "mimotion_phone": "Please refer to the above for multi account mobile phone number", "mimotion_password": "Please refer to the above for multi account password filling", "mimotion_min_step": "Please refer to the above for the minimum steps of multi account", "mimotion_max_step": "Please refer to the above for the maximum steps of multi account" } ], "ACFUN_ACCOUNT_LIST": [ { "acfun_phone": "18888xxxxxx", "acfun_password": "Sitoi" }, { "acfun_phone": "Please refer to the above for multi account mobile phone number", "acfun_password": "Please refer to the above for multi account password filling" } ], "CLOUD189_ACCOUNT_LIST": [ { "cloud189_phone": "18888xxxxxx", "cloud189_password": "Sitoi" }, { "cloud189_phone": "Please refer to the above for multi account mobile phone number", "cloud189_password": "Please refer to the above for multi account password filling" } ], "POJIE_COOKIE_LIST": [ { "pojie_cookie": "htVD_2132_client_token=xxxxxx; htVD_2132_connect_is_bind=xxxxxx; htVD_2132_connect_uin=xxxxxx; htVD_2132_nofavfid=xxxxxx; htVD_2132_smile=xxxxxx; Hm_lvt_46d556462595ed05e05f009cdafff31a=xxxxxx; htVD_2132_saltkey=xxxxxx; htVD_2132_lastvisit=xxxxxx; htVD_2132_client_created=xxxxxx; htVD_2132_auth=xxxxxx; htVD_2132_connect_login=xxxxxx; htVD_2132_home_diymode=xxxxxx; htVD_2132_visitedfid=xxxxxx; htVD_2132_viewid=xxxxxx; KF4=xxxxxx; htVD_2132_st_p=xxxxxx; htVD_2132_lastcheckfeed=xxxxxx; htVD_2132_sid=xxxxxx; htVD_2132_ulastactivity=xxxxxx; htVD_2132_noticeTitle=xxxxxx;" }, { "pojie_cookie": "Multi account cookie For filling in, please refer to the above, cookie Subject to the actual acquisition (in case of special characters, such as double quotation marks)\" Please add a backslash (escape)" } ], "MGTV_PARAMS_LIST": [ { "mgtv_params": "uuid=xxxxxx&uid=xxxxxx&ticket=xxxxxx&token=xxxxxx&device=iPhone&did=xxxxxx&deviceId=xxxxxx&appVersion=6.8.2&osType=ios&platform=iphone&abroad=0&aid=xxxxxx&nonce=xxxxxx×tamp=xxxxxx&appid=xxxxxx&type=1&sign=xxxxxx&callback=xxxxxx" }, { "mgtv_params": "Please refer to the above for multi account request parameters" } ], "PICACOMIC_ACCOUNT_LIST": [ { "picacomic_email": "Sitoi", "picacomic_password": "xxxxxx" }, { "picacomic_email": "Please refer to the above for multi account number filling", "picacomic_password": "Please refer to the above for multi account password filling" } ], "MEIZU_COOKIE_LIST": [ { "meizu_cookie": "aliyungf_tc=xxxxxx; logined_uid=xxxxxx; acw_tc=xxxxxx; LT=xxxxxx; MZBBS_2132_saltkey=xxxxxx; MZBBS_2132_lastvisit=xxxxxx; MZBBSUC_2132_auth=xxxxxx; MZBBSUC_2132_loginmember=xxxxxx; MZBBSUC_2132_ticket=xxxxxx; MZBBS_2132_sid=xxxxxx; MZBBS_2132_ulastactivity=xxxxxx; MZBBS_2132_auth=xxxxxx; MZBBS_2132_loginmember=xxxxxx; MZBBS_2132_lastcheckfeed=xxxxxx; MZBBS_2132_checkfollow=xxxxxx; MZBBS_2132_lastact=xxxxxx;", "draw_count": "1" }, { "meizu_cookie": "Multi account cookie For filling in, please refer to the above, cookie Subject to the actual acquisition (in case of special characters, such as double quotation marks)\" Please add a backslash (escape)", "draw_count": "Multi account lottery times setting" } ], "ZHIYOO_COOKIE_LIST": [ { "zhiyoo_cookie": "ikdQ_9242_saltkey=xxxxxx; ikdQ_9242_lastvisit=xxxxxx; ikdQ_9242_onlineusernum=xxxxxx; ikdQ_9242_sendmail=1; ikdQ_9242_seccode=xxxxxx; ikdQ_9242_ulastactivity=xxxxxx; ikdQ_9242_auth=xxxxxx; ikdQ_9242_connect_is_bind=xxxxxx; ikdQ_9242_nofavfid=xxxxxx; ikdQ_9242_checkpm=xxxxxx; ikdQ_9242_noticeTitle=1; ikdQ_9242_sid=xxxxxx; ikdQ_9242_lip=xxxxxx; ikdQ_9242_lastact=xxxxxx" }, { "zhiyoo_cookie": "Multi account cookie For filling in, please refer to the above, cookie Subject to the actual acquisition (in case of special characters, such as double quotation marks)\" Please add a backslash (escape)" } ], "WEIBO_COOKIE_LIST": [ { "weibo_show_url": "" }, { "weibo_show_url": "Multi account show_url For filling in, please refer to the above, show_url Subject to the actual acquisition (in case of special characters, such as double quotation marks)\" Please add a backslash (escape)" } ], "DUOKAN_COOKIE_LIST": [ { "duokan_cookie": "user_id=xxxxxx; token=xxxxxx; user_gender=xxxxxx; device_id=xxxxxx; app_id=xxxxxx; build=xxxxxx; short_version=xxxxxx" }, { "duokan_cookie": "Multi account cookie For filling in, please refer to the above, cookie Subject to the actual acquisition (in case of special characters, such as double quotation marks)\" Please add a backslash (escape)" } ], "CSDN_COOKIE_LIST": [ { "csdn_cookie": "uuid_tt_dd=xxxxxx; _ga=xxxxxx; UserName=xxxxxx; UserInfo=xxxxxx; UserToken=xxxxxx; UserNick=xxxxxx; AU=768; UN=xxxxxx; BT=xxxxxx; p_uid=xxxxxx; Hm_up_6bcd52f51e9b3dce32bec4a3997715ac=xxxxxx; Hm_ct_6bcd52f51e9b3dce32bec4a3997715ac=xxxxxx; Hm_lvt_6bcd52f51e9b3dce32bec4a3997715ac=xxxxxx dc_sid=xxxxxx; c_segment=xxxxxx; dc_session_id=xxxxxx; csrfToken=xxxxxx; c_first_ref=xxxxxx; c_first_page=xxxxxx; c_page_id=xxxxxx; announcement-new=xxxxxx; log_Id_click=xxxxxx; c_pref=xxxxxx; c_ref=xxxxxx; dc_tos=xxxxxx; log_Id_pv=xxxxxx; log_Id_view=xxxxxx" }, { "csdn_cookie": "Multi account cookie For filling in, please refer to the above, cookie Subject to the actual acquisition (in case of special characters, such as double quotation marks)\" Please add a backslash (escape)" } ], "WZYD_DATA_LIST": [ { "wzyd_data": "areaId=xxxxxx&roleId=xxxxxx&gameId=xxxxxx&serverId=xxxxxx&gameOpenid=xxxxxx&userId=xxxxxx&appVersion=xxxxxx&cClientVersionName=xxxxxx&platid=xxxxxx&source=xxxxxx&algorithm=xxxxxx&version=xxxxxx×tamp=xxxxxx&appid=xxxxxx&openid=xxxxxx&sig=xxxxxx&encode=2&msdkEncodeParam=xxxxxx&cSystem=xxxxxx&h5Get=xxxxxx&msdkToken=&appOpenid=xxxxxx" }, { "wzyd_data": "Multi account data For filling in, please refer to the above, data Subject to the actual acquisition (in case of special characters, such as double quotation marks)\" Please add a backslash (escape)" } ], "WOMAIL_URL_LIST": [ { "womail_url": "" }, { "womail_url": "Multi account url For filling in, please refer to the above, url Subject to the actual acquisition (in case of special characters, such as double quotation marks)\" Please add a backslash (escape)" } ] }
3. Set planned tasks in Qinglong panel
Run all scripts
Run the specified script (including), you can select multiple scripts at the same time, separated by "space"
Run the specified script (exclude). You can select multiple scripts at the same time, separated by "space"
At this point, the script has been deployed. We just need to deploy cookie s by ourselves. Because not all check-in is used by me, I tested station b, Netease cloud music (including 300 automatic songs), check-in worth buying and iqiyi. They are all OK. Let's be bold~