In recent years, with the wide application of the Internet and the rapid development of e-commerce, the significance of network text and user comment analysis has become increasingly prominent. Therefore, network text mining and network text emotion analysis technology came into being. Through the emotional analysis of text or user comments, enterprises can carry out more effective management. For customers, they can learn from other people's purchase history and comment information to better assist them in making purchase decisions.
Process analysis
Tool preparation
1, Import data
2, Data preprocessing
(1) Weight removal
(2) Data cleaning
(3) Word segmentation, part of speech tagging, removal of stop words and word cloud
Three, model building
(1) Decision tree
(2) Emotional analysis
(3) Topic analysis based on LDA model
Tool preparation
import os import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns from matplotlib.pylab import style #Custom chart style style.use('ggplot') from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = "all" plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['Simhei'] # Solve the problem of Chinese garbled code import re import jieba import jieba.posseg as psg import itertools #conda install -c anaconda gensim from gensim import corpora,models #Topic mining, extracting key information # pip install wordcloud from wordcloud import WordCloud,ImageColorGenerator from collections import Counter from sklearn import tree from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer from sklearn.metrics import classification_report from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score import graphviz import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")
1, Import data
raw_data=pd.read_csv('./reviews.csv') raw_data.head()
2, Data preprocessing
(1) Weight removal
Delete comments automatically made by the system for customers.
reviews=raw_data.copy() reviews=reviews[['content', 'content_type']] print('Before weight removal:',reviews.shape[0]) reviews=reviews.drop_duplicates() print('After weight removal:',reviews.shape[0])
(2) Data cleaning
View data before cleaning:
# Before cleaning content=reviews['content'] for i in range(5,10): print(content[i]) print('-----------')
After cleaning, delete the numbers, letters and words of jingdongmei electric water heater:
#After cleaning, delete the numbers, letters and words of jingdongmei electric water heater info=re.compile('[0-9a-zA-Z]|JD.COM|Beautiful|Electric water heater|heater|') content=content.apply(lambda x: info.sub('',x)) #Replace all matches for i in range(5,10): print(content[i]) print('-----------')
(3) Word segmentation, part of speech tagging, removal of stop words and word cloud
- content,content_type
- There are 1974 comment sentences
Output: - Construct DF, including word segmentation, corresponding part of speech, id of the original sentence where the word segmentation is located, and content of the original sentence where the word segmentation is located_ type
- There are more than 60000 lines in total
Unstructured data - > structured data
#Word segmentation, a list of tuples seg_content=content.apply( lambda s: [(x.word,x.flag) for x in psg.cut(s)] ) seg_content.shape len(seg_content) print(seg_content[5]) jieba.setLogLevel(jieba.logging.INFO)
#Get each participle in what comment n_content=[ [x+1]*y for x,y in zip(list(seg_content.index),list(n_word))] #[x+1]*y means y copies, which is a list composed of lists index_content_long=sum(n_content,[]) #It means to remove [], flatten and return to list len(index_content_long) #Participle and part of speech, remove [], flatten seg_content.head() seg_content_long=sum(seg_content,[]) seg_content_long type(seg_content_long) len(seg_content_long) #Get the extended version of word segmentation and part of speech word_long=[x[0] for x in seg_content_long] nature_long=[x[1] for x in seg_content_long] len(word_long) len(nature_long) #content_type lengthening n_content_type=[ [x]*y for x,y in zip(list(reviews['content_type']),list(n_word))] #[x+1]*y means y copies content_type_long=sum(n_content_type,[]) #Indicates that [] is removed and leveled len(content_type_long) review_long=pd.DataFrame({'index_content':index_content_long, 'word':word_long, 'nature':nature_long, 'content_type':content_type_long}) review_long.shape review_long.head()
(2) Remove punctuation marks and stop words
#Remove punctuation review_long_clean=review_long[review_long['nature']!='x'] #x indicates punctuation compliance review_long_clean.shape #Import stop words stop_path=open('./stoplist.txt','r',encoding='UTF-8') stop_words=stop_path.readlines() len(stop_words) stop_words[0:5] #Stop words, preprocessing stop_words=[word.strip('\n') for word in stop_words] stop_words[0:5] #Get a participle list without stop words word_long_clean=list(set(word_long)-set(stop_words)) len(word_long_clean) review_long_clean=review_long_clean[review_long_clean['word'].isin(word_long_clean)] review_long_clean.shape
(3) In the original df, add another column, and the participle is in the position of this comment
#Count the word segmentation of each comment again n_word=review_long_clean.groupby('index_content').count()['word'] n_word index_word=[ list(np.arange(1,x+1)) for x in list(n_word)] index_word_long=sum(index_word,[]) #Indicates that [] is removed and leveled len(index_word_long)
review_long_clean['index_word']=index_word_long review_long_clean.head()
(5) Word cloud picture
n_review_long_clean.nature.value_counts() n_review_long_clean.to_csv('./1_n_review_long_clean.csv') font=r"C:\Windows\Fonts\msyh.ttc" background_image=plt.imread('./pl.jpg') wordcloud = WordCloud(font_path=font, max_words = 100, background_color='white',mask=background_image) #width=1600,height=1200, mode='RGBA' wordcloud.generate_from_frequencies(Counter(review_long_clean.word.values)) wordcloud.to_file('1_Word cloud after word segmentation.png') plt.figure(figsize=(20,10)) plt.imshow(wordcloud) plt.axis('off')
Among them, "service", "master", "things", "charge", "customer service", "after-sales", "logistics", "speed", "free", "door-to-door", "personnel", "trust", "brand" and "installation fee" appear more frequently
It shows that people pay more attention to these aspects. For example, from the word cloud, we can see that "after-sales service", "logistics speed" and so on are paid more attention
Three, model building
(1) Emotion classification based on decision tree
#Step 1: construct feature space and label Y=[] for ind in review_long_clean.index_content.unique(): y=[ word for word in review_long_clean.content_type[review_long_clean.index_content==ind].unique() ] Y.append(y) len(Y) X=[] for ind in review_long_clean.index_content.unique(): term=[ word for word in review_long_clean.word[review_long_clean.index_content==ind].values ] X.append(' '.join(term)) len(X) X Y
Construction of decision tree:
#Step 2: Division of training set and test set x_train,x_test,y_train,y_test=train_test_split(X,Y,test_size=0.2,random_state=7) #Step 3: word to vector, 01 matrix count_vec=CountVectorizer(binary=True) x_train=count_vec.fit_transform(x_train) x_test=count_vec.transform(x_test) #Step 4: build a decision tree dtc=tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=5),y_train) print('Accuracy on training set:%.2f'% accuracy_score(y_train,dtc.predict(x_train))) y_true=y_test y_pred=dtc.predict(x_test) print(classification_report(y_true,y_pred)) print('Accuracy on test set:%.2f'% accuracy_score(y_true,y_pred))
Step 5: draw a decision tree:
cwd=os.getcwd() dot_data=tree.export_graphviz(dtc ,out_file=None ,feature_names=count_vec.get_feature_names()) graph=graphviz.Source(dot_data) graph.format='svg' graph.render(cwd+'/tree',view=True) graph