html final assignment code web page design game web page website design -- CCG game web page introduction (6 pages) high quality HTML+CSS+JavaScript

HTML5 final assignment: game website design - CCG game website introduction (6 pages) high quality HTML+CSS+JavaScript

Common web design topics include individuals, food, companies, schools, tourism, e-commerce, pets, electrical appliances, tea, home, hotels, dance, animation, stars, clothing, sports, cosmetics, logistics, environmental protection, books, wedding dress, military, games, festivals, smoking cessation, movies, photography, culture, hometown, flowers, gifts Car, other web design topics, A + level homework, can meet the web design needs of College Students' Web homework, and those who like can be downloaded!

Introduction to works

1. Introduction to web works: HTML final college students' web design homework A + level, you can download what you like, and the article page supports mobile PC responsive layout.

2. Web page work editing: after downloading the work, you can use any HTML editing software (such as DW, HBuilder, Notepad, vscade, Sublime, Webstorm, Notepad + +, etc.) to edit and modify the web page.

3. Web work technology: Div+CSS, mouse over effect, Table, navigation bar effect, banner, form, secondary and tertiary pages, video, audio elements, Flash, logo (source file) is designed, and the knowledge points required for basic final homework are fully covered.

1, Work display

2, File directory

3, Code implementation

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									<h3> Death chanter</h3>
									<p>At the end of a song, the flowers are scattered, the Iraqi is gone, and there is only an empty sigh.</p>
									<a href="single.html" class="learn">Learn more</a>
								<div class="wthree_info_grid">
									<h3>Trickery witch</h3>
									<p>When the black roses bloom quietly, in addition to the mirror, who can understand my heart?</p>
									<a href="single.html" class="learn">Learn more</a>
								<div class="wthree_info_grid">
									<h3>Arrow of punishment</h3>
									<p>For your body that falls into hell and is stained with evil power, your face that has been corroded by dark toxins. Everything is just revenge for you.</p>
									<a href="single.html" class="learn">Learn more</a>
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4, Get more source code

~Pay attention to me and praise the blog ~ bring you up knowledge every day!
Relevant issues can be learned from each other. You can pay attention to ↓ public Z to get more source code!

5, Learning materials

A complete set of web front-end zero foundation - Introduction to advanced (Video + source code + development software + learning materials + interview questions) (Tutorial)
Suitable for entry-level to advanced children's shoes ~ send 1000 sets of HTML+CSS+JavaScript template websites

6, More source code

HTML5 final assessment homework source code * includes individuals, food, companies, schools, tourism, e-commerce, pets, electrical appliances, tea, home, hotels, dance, animation, stars, clothing, sports, cosmetics, logistics, environmental protection, books, wedding dress, military, games, festivals, smoking cessation, movies, photography, culture, hometown, flowers Gifts, cars and others can meet the web design needs of College Students' Web homework. You can download what you like!

Keywords: Javascript Front-end html5 html css

Added by jtown on Mon, 10 Jan 2022 05:56:40 +0200