Come to markdown editor md-editor-v3 in Kangkang vue3 environment. It supports tsx and dark mode~

Development background

All this comes from developing vue3-admin There is no appropriate editor component when the demo content of.


It can only be used under vue3 project, developed with jsx syntax, and used in tsx project. To reduce insertion, less. Is not used Modifyvars method to switch topics, instead of replacing the class name.

Code warehouse: md-editor-v3

Function list

  1. Quick insert content toolbar, editor browser full screen, full screen in page, etc;
  2. Built in white theme and dark theme, support binding switching;
  3. Support shortcut key to insert content;
  4. It supports the use of prettier to format content (introduced by CDN, only supports the formatting of md content, and can be set and closed in the code);
  5. Support multiple languages and self expanding languages;
  6. Support copying, pasting and uploading pictures;
  7. ...

More functions will be updated later. If there are any undeveloped functions, please leave a message~


In default mode:

In dark mode:

Online preview

Follow the theme vue3-admin Try~~

The editor home page demo has not been developed~~~


Note that under jsx, you need to use modelValue and onChange method to complete data binding. Under vue template syntax, you can directly use v-modal instruction~


nametypeDefault valueexplain
modelValueString''md editing content, vue template supports two-way binding (v-model = "value")
editorClassString''Editor outermost style
hljsObjectnullIf highlight is used in the project, the instance can be passed directly. The production environment will not request CDN, and the supported highlighted code style needs to be imported manually
highlightJsStringhighlight.jshighlightJs CDN
highlightCssStringatom-one-darkPreview highlighted code style
historyLengthNumber10Maximum number of record operations (too large to consume memory)
pageFullScreenBooleanfalseFull screen in browser
previewBooleantruePreview Mode
htmlPreviewBooleanfalsehtml Preview
languageString'zh-CN'Built in Chinese and English ('zh CN ',' en US') can be extended to other languages, and the built-in Chinese and English can be overwritten at the same time
languageUserDefinedArray[{key: StaticTextDefaultValue}]By extending the language here, you can modify the language value to the extension key, and the type declaration can be imported manually
toolbarsArray[all]Selectively display the toolbar. The optional contents are as follows [toolbars]
prettierBooleantrueEnable prettier to optimize md content
editorNameString'editor'When multiple editors are placed on the same page, it is best to provide this attribute to distinguish some content with ID



For custom language, the contents to be replaced are as follows (if some fields are not actively provided, the page may be ugly):


export interface StaticTextDefaultValue {
  toolbarTips?: ToolbarTips;
  titleItem?: {
    h1?: string;
    h2?: string;
    h3?: string;
    h4?: string;
    h5?: string;
    h6?: string;
  linkModalTips?: {
    title?: string;
    descLable?: string;
    descLablePlaceHolder?: string;
    urlLable?: string;
    UrlLablePlaceHolder?: string;
    buttonOK?: string;
    buttonUpload?: string;

Event binding

nameInput parameterexplain
onChangev:StringContent change event (currently bound to the oninput event of textare, it will be triggered every time a word is entered)
onSavev:StringSave event, shortcut key and save button will be triggered
onUploadImgfiles:FileList, callback:FunctionWhen uploading a picture, the pop-up window will wait for the upload result. Be sure to return the uploaded urls as a callback input parameter

Shortcut key

Mainly use CTRL to match the initial letter of the corresponding function English word, add SHIFT to the conflict item, and then replace the conflict with ALT.

Key positionfunctionexplainDevelopment tag
CTRL + SpreservationTrigger the onSave callback of the editor
CTRL + BBold**Bold**
CTRL + UUnderline<u> Underline < / u >
CTRL + IItalics*Italics*
CTRL + 1-6Level 1-6 title#Title
CTRL + ↑Upper corner mark< sup > superscript < / sup >
CTRL + ↓Subscript < sub > subscript < / sub >
CTRL + Qquote>Quote
CTRL + OOrdered list1. Ordered list
CTRL + Llink[link](
CTRL + Tform\|Table \ | abandon development (unable to realize)x
CTRL + ZwithdrawTrigger content withdrawal in the editor, which has nothing to do with the system
CTRL + SHIFT + SDelete line~Delete line~
CTRL + SHIFT + UUnordered list-Unordered list
CTRL + SHIFT + CBlock level codeMultiline code block
CTRL + SHIFT + Ipictures linking! [picture](
CTRL + SHIFT + ZOne step forwardTrigger the content advance in the editor, which has nothing to do with the system
CTRL + SHIFT + FBeautification content
CTRL + ALT + CInline codeInline code block


yarn add md-editor-v3

jsx syntax project

import { defineComponent, reactive } from 'vue';
import Editor from 'md-editor-v3';
import 'md-editor-v3/lib/style.css';
import hljs from 'highlight.js';
import 'highlight.js/styles/atom-one-dark.css';

export default defineComponent({
  setup() {
    const md = reactive({
      text: 'default markdown content'
    return () => (
      <Editor hljs={hljs} modelValue={md.text} onChange={(value) => (md.text = value)} />

vue template project

  <editor v-model="text" pageFullScreen></editor>

import { defineComponent } from 'vue';
import Editor from 'md-editor-v3';
import 'md-editor-v3/lib/style.css';

export default defineComponent({
  name: 'VueTemplateDemo',
  components: { Editor },
  data() {
    return {
      text: 'Default value'

Upload pictures

Multiple pictures can be selected by default, and pictures can be uploaded on the pasteboard.

Note: when uploading the pasteboard, if it is a gif image on the web page, it cannot be uploaded to gif format correctly!

async onUploadImg(files: FileList, callback: (urls: string[]) => void) {
  const res = await Promise.all(
    Array.from(files).map((file) => {
      return new Promise((rev, rej) => {
        const form = new FormData();
        form.append('file', file);

          .post('/api/img/upload', form, {
            headers: {
              'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'
          .then((res) => rev(res))
          .catch((error) => rej(error));

  callback( any) =>;


At present, the project has only survived for 3 weeks. There are bug s in use. I hope you can leave a message to me. I look forward to understanding the functions you want.

Keywords: Front-end TypeScript Vue markdown

Added by russellpehrson on Mon, 17 Jan 2022 09:39:32 +0200