3. Synchronous use of pull-up loading and pull-down refresh
1. Pull up loading
<van-list v-model="loading" :finished="finished" finished-text="No more" @load="onLoad" > <van-cell v-for="item in list" :key="item" :title="item" /> </van-list>
export default { data() { return { list:[], loading: true, finished: false } }, methods: { onLoad() { // Update data asynchronously // An axios request function const {data:res} = await initList(){} //Store data behind array this.list = [...this.list,...res] // End of loading status this.loading = false //If the requested data is empty if (res.length === 0) { this.finished = true } }, };
Among them, loading is a Boolean value, which represents the loading state. When we start loading, its value changes from false to true. When the request ends, its value changes from true to false.
Similarly, finish is also a Boolean value, which represents whether the data has been fully loaded. If the data has been fully loaded and there is no new data to request, the value of finished is changed to true.
The value of finished text is the prompt when it is fully loaded.
Note: when the default value of loading is false, an onLoad event will be triggered automatically when the page is just loaded. When the default value is true, it will not be triggered.
2. Pull up refresh
<van-pull-refresh v-model="isLoading" @refresh="onRefresh"> <van-cell v-for="item in list" :key="item" :title="item" /> </van-pull-refresh>
export default { data() { return { list:[], Loading: false, finished: false } }, methods: { onRefresh() { // Update data asynchronously // An axios request function const {data:res} = await initList(){} //Store data in front of the array this.list = [...res,...this.list] // End of loading status this.loading = false //If the requested data is empty if (res.length === 0) { this.finished = true } } };
Among them, loading is a Boolean value, which represents the refresh status. When we start the refresh, its value changes from false to true. When the refresh ends, its value changes from true to false.
Similarly, finish is also a Boolean value, which represents whether the data has been fully loaded. If the data has been fully loaded and there is no new data to request, the value of finished is changed to true.
3. Synchronous use of pull-up loading and pull-down refresh
<van-pull-refresh v-model="refreshing" @refresh="onRefresh" :disabled='finished'> <van-list v-model="loading" :finished="finished" finished-text="No more" @load="onLoad" > <van-cell v-for="item in list" :key="item" :title="item" /> </van-list> </van-pull-refresh>
export default { data() { return { list: [], loading: true, finished: false, refreshing: false, }; }, methods: { onLoad() { // Update data asynchronously // An axios request function const {data:res} = await initList(){} //Store data behind array this.list = [...this.list,...res] // End of loading status this.loading = false //If the requested data is empty if (res.length === 0) { this.finished = true }, onRefresh() { // Update data asynchronously // An axios request function const {data:res} = await initList(){} //Store data in front of the array this.list = [...res,...this.list] // End of loading status this.refreshing = false //If the requested data is empty if (res.length === 0) { this.finished = true } } };
Note: in the < van pull refresh > tab, we have added the disable attribute of vant official, which is used to disable the pull-down refresh function. When all our data has been requested, that is, finished === true, the pull-down refresh is not available.
4.props API
Here we will list the props API officially provided by vant
- List (pull-up loading)
parameter explain type Default value v-model
Whether it is in the loading state. The load event is not triggered during loading boolean false finished Whether the loading is completed. The load event will not be triggered after the loading is completed boolean false error Whether the loading fails. After the loading fails, click the error prompt to restart
The sync modifier must be used to trigger the load eventboolean false offset The load event is triggered when the distance between the scroll bar and the bottom is less than offset number | string 300 loading-text Prompt copy during loading string Loading finished-text Prompt copy after loading string - error-text Prompt copy after loading failure string - immediate-check Do you want to perform a scroll position check immediately on initialization boolean true direction The direction of scrolling trigger loading. The optional value is up string down - PullRefresh
parameter explain type Default value v-model Is it loading boolean - pulling-text Drop down process prompt copy string Pull down to refresh loosing-text Release process prompt copy string Release to refresh loading-text Loading process prompt copy string Loading success-text Refresh successful prompt copy string - success-duration Display duration of refresh success prompt (ms) number | string 500 animation-duration Animation duration number | string 300 head-height Top content height number | string 50 pull-distance v2.12.8 Distance to trigger pull-down refresh number | string Consistent with {head height} disabled Disable pull-down refresh boolean false