How to quickly prepare the algorithm in autumn recruitment interview of large factories

First of all, I'd like to share my personal experience. I'm a graduate of 2021. I'm an ordinary undergraduate. I'm a non computer major. After being beaten by spring moves, I've successfully landed in a large factory and joined the post. It is necessary for Internet companies to have a recruitment algorithm. If the basic algorithm fails to pass the written test, I can't pass the written test. Before school recruitment, I brushed 100 + algorithm questions in leetcode, sorted out some of my own notes and shared them with people in need. Personally, I think the learning of data structure and algorithm is still very important, especially for non professional programmers like me. The content is not very perfect. You can also add it in the message area.

data structure

1. Stack

1.1 overview of stack

Stack, which is a restricted linear property, last in first out (LIFO)

  • The limitation is that insert and delete operations are only allowed at one end of the table. This end is called the top of the stack, and the other end is called the bottom of the stack

1.2 general operation of stack

push(e)Add a new element to the top of the stack
pop()Remove the top element of the stack and return the removed element
peek()Returns the top element of the stack without making any changes to the stack
isEmpty()If there is no element in the stack, it returns true; otherwise, it returns false
size()Returns the number of elements in the stack. This method is similar to the length of an array
toString()Returns the contents of the stack structure as a string

1.3 encapsulating stack with js

function Stack(){
	this.stack = []
Stack.prototype.push=function(element) {
	return this.stack.pop()
	return this.stack.length
	return this.stack[this.size()-1]
Stack.prototype.isEmpty=function() {
	return this.size === 0 ? true : false
	return this.stack.join(' ')

1.4 application of stack

Valid parentheses,Maximum number of queues,Minimum stack

2. Queue

2.1 overview of queues

Queue, which is a restricted linear property, first in first out (LIFO)

  • The restriction is that deletion is only allowed at the front end of the table and insertion is allowed at the back end of the table

2.2 general operation of queue

enqueue(e)Add one or more new elements to the end of the queue
dequeue()Remove the first element of the queue and return the removed element
front()Returns the first element of the queue without any modification to the queue
isEmpty()If there are no elements in the queue, it returns true; otherwise, it returns false
size()Returns the number of elements in the queue. This method is similar to the length of an array
toString()Returns the contents of the queue as a string

2.3 encapsulating queues with js

function Queue(){
    this.queue = []
Queue.prototype.enqueue = function(ele){
Queue.prototype.dequeue = function(){
    return this.queue.shift()
Queue.prototype.front = function(){
    return this.queue[this.size() -1]
Queue.prototype.size = function(){
    return this.queue.length
Queue.prototype.front = function(){
    return this.size === 0 
Queue.prototype.toString = function(){
    return this.queue.join('') 

2.4 application of queue

Design cyclic queue,Design Dual Ended queue,Number of recent requests

3. Linked list

3.1 overview of linked list

Linked List: a Linked List is an abstract data type that consists of a set of memory structure nodes that do not have to be connected [do not have to be connected: can be continuous or discontinuous] and are linked together in a specific order.

3.2 general operation of linked list

append(ele)Add an element to the end of the linked list
insert(index,ele)Insert a new item into a specific location in the linked list
get(index)Get the element of the corresponding position
indexOf(ele)Returns the index of the first matching element of the element in the linked list. If not, returns - 1
update(index)Modify an element at a location
removeAt(index)Removes the current element from a specific location in the linked list
remove(ele)Remove the element from the linked list
isEmpty()If there are no elements in the linked list, return true; otherwise, return false
size()Returns the number of elements contained in the linked list. Similar to the length attribute of an array
toString()Because the linked list uses the Node class, you need to override the toString() method to output only the value of the element

3.3 encapsulate linked list with js

function LinkedList (){
    //Chain header
    this.head = null
    this.length = 0
 // Create linked list node
function Node(data){ = data = null
LinkedList.prototype.append = function(data){
    let newNode = new Node(data)
    if(this.length === 0){
        this.head = newNode
        let currentNode = this.head
            currentNode =
        } = newNode
    this.length += 1
LinkedList.prototype.insert = function(index, data){
    let newNode = new Node(data)
    if(index < 0 || index > this.length) return false
    //The inserted node is the first
    if(index === 0){ = this.head
        this.head = newNode
        let currentNode = this.head,
        curIndex = 0,
        previous = null
        while(curIndex ++ <  index){
            previous = currentNode
            currentNode =
        } = currentNode = newNode
    this.length ++ 
    return true
LinkedList.prototype.get = function(index){
    if(index < 0 || index > this.length) return null
    let curNode = this.head,
        curIndex = 0 
    while(curIndex++ < index){
        curNode =
LinkedList.prototype.indexOf = function(item){
    let curNode = this.head,
        curIndex = 0
        curNode =
        if(curNode && == item){
            return curIndex
    return -1
LinkedList.prototype.update = function(index, item){
    if(index < 0 || index > this.length) return false
    let curNode = this.head,
        curIndex = 0
    while(curIndex++ < index){
        curNode =
    } = item
LinkedList.prototype.removeAt = function(index){
    if(index < 0 || index > this.length) return null
    if(index === 0){
        this.head = null
        let curNode = this.head,
        previous = null,
        curIndex = 0

    while(curIndex++ < index){
        previous = curNode
        curNode =
    } =
    this.length --
LinkedList.prototype.remove = function(data){
    let index = this.indexOf(data)
LinkedList.prototype.isEmpty = function(){
    return this.length > 0 ?  true : false
LinkedList.prototype.toString = function() {
    let res = '',
    currentNode = this.head
        res +=
        currentNode = 
    return res

3.4 application of linked list

Add two numbers,Merge k ascending linked lists,Rotating linked list,Separate linked list

4. Assemble

4.1 overview of collection

A collection is usually made up of a set of elements that are out of order and cannot be repeated. Cannot be accessed by subscript

4.2 general operation of collection

add(value)Add an element to the collection
remove(value)Remove an element from the collection
has(value)Returns true if in the collection, false otherwise
clear()Remove all items from the collection
size()Returns the number of elements contained in a collection, similar to the length attribute of an array
values()Returns an array containing all the values of the collection

4.3 encapsulating collections with js

function Set(){
    this.items = {}
Set.prototype.add = function(value){
    if(this.has(value)) return false
    this.items[value] = value
    return true
Set.prototype.has = function(value){
    return this.items.hasOwnProperty(value)
Set.prototype.remove = function(value){
    if(!this.has(value)) return false
    delete this.items[value]
    return true
Set.prototype.clear = function(){
    this.items = {}
Set.prototype.size = function(){
    return Object.keys(this.items).length
Set.prototype.values = function(){
    return Object.keys(this.items)

4.4 application of set

Delete duplicate elements in the array,There are duplicate elements,Intersection of two arrays

5. Hash table

5.1 overview of hash table

Hash table (Hash table, also known as Hash table) is accessed directly according to the key value data structure . That is, it accesses records by mapping key values to a location in the table to speed up the search. This mapping function is called Hash function , storage of records array be called Hash table.

5.2 general operation of hash table

hashFunc(str,size)Hashing strings or numbers
put(key,value)Add or update an element to the hash table
remove(key)Remove an element from the hash table
get(key)Query a value in the hash table
isEmpty()Determine whether the hash table is empty

5.3 encapsulating hash table with js

function HashTable(limit){ = []
    this.count = 0
    this.limit = limit
// hash function 
HashTable.prototype.hashFunc = function(str, size){
    let hashCode = 0
    //Horner algorithm
    for(let i=0;i< str.length;i++){
        hashCode = hashCode * 37 + str.charCodeAt(i)
    // Remainder & & bit operation
    let index = hashCode % size
    return index;
HashTable.prototype.put =function(key, value){
    let index = this.hashFunc(key, this.limit)
    if(![index]){[index] = []
    // Judge whether to modify data
    for (let i = 0;i <[index].length; i++){
        let tuple =[index][i]
        if(tuple[0] == key){
            tuple[1] = value
    // Add operation[index].push([key,value])
    this.count ++   
HashTable.prototype.get = function(key){
    // 1. Get the corresponding index according to the key
    let index = this.hashFunc(key, this.limit)
    // 2. Get the corresponding bucket according to the index
    let bucket =[index]
    // 3. Linear lookup value
        return null
    for(let i=0;i<bucket.length;i++){
        let tuple = bucket[i]
        if(tuple[0] === key){
            return tuple[1]
    // 4. If none is found, null is returned
    return null
HashTable.prototype.remove = function(key){
    let index = this.hashFunc(key, this.limit),
        bucket =[index]
        return null
    for (let i = 0; i< bucket.length; i++) {
       let tuple = bucket[i];
       if(tuple[0] == key){
           this.count --
           return tuple[1]
    return null
HashTable.prototype.isEmpty = function(){
    return this.count == 0

5.4 application of hash table

Sum of four numbers,No duplicate digit longest string,Minimum coverage string,Alphabetic word grouping

6. Binary search tree

6.1 overview of binary tree

Binary tree is an important type of tree structure. The data structure abstracted from many practical problems is often in the form of binary tree. Even a general tree can be simply transformed into binary tree, and the storage structure and algorithm of binary tree are relatively simple, so binary tree is particularly important. The characteristic of binary tree is that each node can only have two subtrees at most, which can be divided into left and right.

6.2 general operation of binary tree

insert(key)Insert a new value into the tree
search(key)Find a key in the tree, and return true if the node exists; If it does not exist, false is returned
inOrderTraverse()Traverse all nodes through the medium order traversal method
preOrderTraverse()Traverse all nodes by pre order traversal
postOrderTraverse()Traverse all nodes through post order traversal
min()Returns the smallest value in the tree
max()Returns the largest value in the tree
remove(key)Remove a value from the tree

6.3 encapsulating binary tree with js

function BinarySearchTree(){
    this.root = null
function CreateNode(key){
    this.left = null
    this.right = null
    this.key = key
BinarySearchTree.prototype.insert = function(key){
    // 1. Create node
    let node = new CreateNode(key)
    // 2. Judge whether the root node has a value
    if(this.root === null){
        this.root = node
    function insertNode(root, node){
        if(node.key < root.key){
                root.left = node
                insertNode(root.left, node)
        }else {
                root.right = node
            }else {
                insertNode(root.right, node)
BinarySearchTree.prototype.inOrderTraverse = function(node){
    if(!node) return
BinarySearchTree.prototype.midOrderTraverse = function(node){
    if(!node) return
BinarySearchTree.prototype.postOrderTraverse = function(node){
    if(!node) return

BinarySearchTree.prototype.max = function(){
    let node = this.root
    while(node !== null && node.right){
        node = node.right
    return node.key
BinarySearchTree.prototype.min = function(){
    let node = this.root
    while(node !== null && node.left !== null){
        node = node.left
    return node.key
} = function(key){
    let node = this.root
    while(node !== null){
       if(key < node.key){
           node = node.left
       }else if(key > node.key){
           node = node.right
           return true
    return false
BinarySearchTree.prototype.remove = function(key){
    let current = this.root,
        parent  = null,
        isLeftChild = true;
    // Find this node
    while(current.key !== key){
       parent = current
       if(key < current.key){
           isLeftChild = true
           current = current.left
           isLeftChild = false
           current = current.right
    //    I didn't find it after traversal
       if(current === null) return false
    // The deleted node is a leaf node (no child nodes)
    if(current.left === null && current.right === null){
        if(current === this.root){
            this.roo = null
        }else if(isLeftChild){
            parent.left = null
            parent.right = null
     // The deleted node has a child node
     else if(current.right === null){
        if(this.root === current){
            this.root = current.left
        }else if(isLeftChild){
            parent.left = current.left
            parent.right = current.left
     }else if(current.left === null){
         if(current == this.root){
             this.root = current.left
         }else if(isLeftChild){
             parent.left = current.right
             parent.right = current.right
    //  The deleted node has two child nodes
        let successor = getSuccessor(current);
        if(this.root === current){
            this.root = successor
        }else if(isLeftChild){
            parent.left = successor
            parent.right = successor
        successor.left = current.left
        function getSuccessor(delNode){
            let successerParent = delNode,
                successer = delNode,
                current = delNode.right;
            while(current !== null){
                successerParent = successer
                successer = current
                current =current.left
            if(successer != delNode.right){
                successerParent.left = successer.right
                successer.right = delNode.right
        return true
    return false

6.4 application of binary tree

Convert binary tree into cumulative tree,Balance the binary search tree,Maximum key sum of binary search tree

7. Red black tree

7.1 overview of red black tree

Red black tree is also a self balanced binary search tree. In the red black tree, each node follows the following rules:

  1. Each node is either red or black
  2. The root node of the tree is black
  3. All leaf nodes are black
  4. If a node is red, its two child nodes are black
  5. There cannot be two adjacent red nodes
  6. All paths from a given node to its descendants contain the same number of black nodes

8. Figure

8.1 overview of drawings

Graph is an abstract model of network structure. The main purpose of research is the relationship between things. The vertex represents things and the edge represents the relationship between two things.

  • Vertex: a node in the graph, such as a village in the graph
  • Edge: the line between vertices. As shown in the figure, 0-1 has an edge, 1-2 has an edge, and 0-2 has no edge
  • Adjacent vertex: the vertex with one edge connected together is called adjacent vertex, as shown in Figure 0-1 is adjacent, 0-2 is not adjacent
  • Degree: the degree of a vertex is the number of adjacent vertices. As shown in figure 0, the number of vertices is 2
  • Path: a path is a continuous sequence of vertices v1,v2,v3... vn

8.2 routine operation of drawing

addVertex(v)add vertex
addEdge(v1,v2)Add edge
bfs()Breadth traversal graph
dfs()Depth traversal graph

8.3 js packaging diagram

function Graph() {
    //Attributes: vertices, edges
    this.vertexes = []
    this.edges = new Dictionay()
// add vertex 
Graph.prototype.addVertex = function(v){
    this.edges.set(v, [])
// Add edge
Graph.prototype.addEdge = function (v1,v2){
Graph.prototype.toString = function (){
    let res = ''
    for(let i=0;i< this.vertexes.length; i++){
        res += this.vertexes[i] + '--->'
        let vEdges = this.edges.get(this.vertexes[i])
        for(let j=0;j < vEdges;j++){
            res += vEdges
    return res

8.4 application of drawing

Clone graph,Class Schedule Card,Division evaluation

Keywords: Front-end Algorithm

Added by jredwilli on Sat, 22 Jan 2022 02:51:57 +0200