Brother Jiang takes you to play with C language | 13 - one level pointer and multi-level pointer

Basic concepts of pointer

  • What is the address

    • Address in life:
    • Memory address:
  • Address and data in memory unit are two completely different concepts

    • The address is like the room number. According to this number, we can find the corresponding room
    • Memory units are like rooms, which are dedicated to storing data
  • Variable address:

    • The starting address of the memory unit allocated by the system to the variable
int num = 6; // Occupy 4 bytes
//Then the address of the variable num is: 0ff06

char c = 'a'; // Occupy 1 byte
//Then the address of variable c is 0ff05

What is a pointer

  • In the computer, all data are stored in memory cells, and each memory cell has a corresponding address. As long as this address is used, the data stored in the corresponding cell can be found

  • Since the required variable unit can be found through the address, we say that the address points to the variable unit. Visualized addresses are called "pointers"

  • The pointer (address) of the memory unit and the content of the memory unit are two different concepts.

What is a pointer variable

  • In C language, it is allowed to use a variable to store the addresses of other variables. This kind of variable specially used to store the addresses of other variables is called pointer variable

  • Example:

    int age;// Define a common variable
    num = 10;
    int *pnAge; // Define a pointer variable
    pnAge = &age;

Defines the format of pointer variables

  • The definition of pointer variable includes two contents:
    • Pointer type description, that is to define the variable as a pointer variable;
    • Pointer variable name;
  • Example:
char ch = 'a';
char *p; // A pointer to a character variable
p = &ch;  
int num = 666;
int *q; // A pointer to an integer variable
q = #  
  • Where, * indicates that this is a pointer variable
  • The variable name is the defined pointer variable name
  • The type specifier indicates the data type of the variable pointed to by this pointer variable

Initialization method of pointer variable

  • There are two methods of initializing pointer variables: initializing while defining and initializing after defining
    • Initialize while defining
int a = 5;
int *p = &a;
    • Define before initialize
int a = 5;
int *p;
    • Initialize pointer to NULL
int *p=NULL;
int *q=0;
  • Illegal initialization:
    • Pointer variables can only store addresses and cannot store other types
int *p;
p =  250; // Wrong writing
    • When assigning a value to a pointer variable, you cannot add "*" before the pointer variable
int *p;
*p=&a; //Wrong writing
  • Note:

    • Multiple pointer variables can point to the same address
  • The direction of the pointer can be changed

int a = 5;
int *p = &a;
int b = 10;
p = &b; // Modify pointer pointing
  • The pointer is uninitialized and contains a garbage value. At this time, we are a wild pointer
    • Wild pointers can cause the program to crash
    • Wild pointer access you shouldn't access data
    • Therefore, the pointer must be initialized to access the storage area it points to

Access the storage space pointed to by the pointer

  • The address operator & is provided in C language to represent the address of variables. Its general form is:
    • &Variable name;
  • C language provides * to define pointer variables and access the memory storage space pointed to by pointer variables
    • When defining a variable, * is a type specifier, indicating that the defined variable is a pointer variable
int *p=NULL; // Define pointer variables
    • When a variable is not defined, * is an operator representing the storage space pointed to by the access pointer
int a = 5;
int *p = &a;
printf("a = %d", *p); // Access pointer variable

Pointer type

  • In the same compiler environment, the memory space occupied by a pointer variable is fixed.

  • Although all pointers occupy the same memory space in the same compiler, different types of variables occupy different bytes

    • An int occupies 4 bytes, a char occupies 1 byte, and a double occupies 8 bytes;
    • Now there is only one address. How can I know how many bytes of storage space to access backward from this address? Is it 4, 1 or 8.
    • Therefore, the pointer variable needs the data type it points to to to tell it how many bytes of storage space to access

Secondary pointer

  • If a pointer variable stores the address of another pointer variable, the pointer variable is called the pointer variable pointing to the pointer. Also known as "secondary pointer"
    char c = 'a';
    char *cp;
    cp = &c;
    char **cp2;
    cp2 = &cp;
    printf("c = %c", **cp2);

  • Value rules of multi-level pointers
int ***m1;  //Value * * * m1
int *****m2; //Value: **** m2


  • Define a function to exchange the values of two variables
  • Write a function that returns the sum and difference of two numbers at the same time

##Concept and definition of array pointer

  • Array element pointer
    • A variable has an address. An array contains several elements. Each array element also has a corresponding address. Pointer variables can also save the address of array elements
    • As long as a pointer variable holds the address of an array element, we call it an array element pointer
    printf("%p %p", &(a[0]), a); //Output result: 0x1100, 0x1100
  • Note: the array name a does not represent the entire array, but only the address of the first element of the array.
  • “p=a;” The function of is to "assign the address of the first element of array a to the pointer variable p", rather than "assign the value of each element of array a to P"

Pointer to access array elements

    int main (void)
      int a[5] = {2, 4, 6, 8, 22};
      int *p;
      // p = &(a[0]); 
      p = a;
      printf("%d %d\n",a[0],*p); // Output result: 2, 2

  • When the pointer points to an array element, the following operations are allowed:
    • Add an integer (with + or + =), such as p+1
    • Subtract an integer (with - or - =), such as p-1
    • Self addition operation, such as P + +, + P
    • Self subtraction operation, such as p –, -- p

  • If the pointer variable p points to an element in the array, p+1 points to the next element in the same array and p-1 points to the previous element in the same array.
  • Conclusion: there are two ways to access array elements:
    • Subscript method, such as a[i] form
    • Pointer method, * (p+i) form

  • be careful:
    • Although the array name is the first address of the array, the first address of the array saved by the array name cannot be changed
    int x[10];
	x++;  //error
	int* p = x;
	p++; //correct

Pointer and string

  • There are two ways to define strings
    • Character array
char string[]="I love lnj!";
    • The string pointer points to a string
// The array name saves the address of the 0th element of the array, and the pointer can also save the address of the 0th element
char *str = "abc"

  • Precautions for using string pointer
    • You can view each character of the string
har *str = "lnj";
for(int i = 0; i < strlen(str);i++)
  printf("%c-", *(str+i)); // Output result: l-n-j
    • The string content cannot be modified
//   +The string saved by character array is saved in the stack. The things in the stack are readable and writable. All the characters in the string can be modified
//   +The character pointer is used to save the string. It saves the constant address of the string. The constant area is read-only, so we can't modify the characters in the string
char *str = "lnj";
*(str+2) = 'y'; // error
    • Cannot receive keyboard input directly
// The reason for the error is: str is a wild pointer, which does not point to a certain memory space
// So it is not allowed to write like this. If you allocate memory space to str, you can use it like this
char *str;
scanf("%s", str);

Pointer to function

  • Why can a pointer point to a function?
    • As a program, function also occupies part of the storage space in memory, and it also has a starting address
    • The function has its own address, so it's easy to do. Our pointer variable is used to store the address.
    • Therefore, a pointer can be used to point to a function. The function name represents the address of the function.
  • Definition of pointer function
    • Format: return value type (* pointer variable name) (formal parameter 1, formal parameter 2,...);
    int sum(int a,int b)
        return a + b;

    int (*p)(int,int);
    p = sum;
  • Pointer function definition skills

    • 1. Copy the function header you want to point to
    • 2. Enclose the function name in parentheses
    • 3. Precede the function name with a*
    • 4. Modify function name
  • Application scenario

    • Call function
    • Pass functions as parameters between functions
  • Note:

    • Since such pointer variables store the entry address of a function, it is meaningless to add and subtract them (such as p + +)
    • The parentheses on both sides of "(pointer variable name)" in a function call cannot be less. The parentheses in it should not be understood as evaluation operation. Here, it is just a symbol

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Keywords: C C++ Programming Programmer pointer

Added by fhil85 on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 23:26:51 +0200