Conversion between Python Strings / lists / tuples / dictionaries - Introduction to Python zero Basics


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I String str and list

1. String to list

String to List list , you can use the str.split() method. The split method slices the specified characters in the string and returns a list. The example code is as follows:

# !usr/bin/env python
# !usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 _*-
@Author:Ape programming
@Blog(Personal blog address):
@File:Python character string/list/tuple/Mutual conversion between
@Time:2021/3/23 07:37
@Motto:No small steps lead to thousands of miles. No small streams lead to rivers and seas. The brilliance of program life needs to be accumulated unremittingly!


str1 = "hello word Ape theory python python course"
print(str1)                 # Output string
print(type(str1))                 # Output data type:
print(len(str1))                 # Output string length

print("***"*20)                 # Knock on the door: print 60 directly*
#Slice according to space
list1 = str1.split(" ")              # Slice the space (') in the string. The return value is a list and assigned to list1
print(list1)                 # Output list data
print(type(list1))                 # Output data type:
print(len(list1))                 # Output list length (number of data in the list)

print("***"*20)                 # Knock on the door: print 60 directly*
#Slice according to character 'p'
list1 = str1.split("p")               # Slice the 'p' in the string. The return value is a list and assigned to list1
print(list1)                 # Output list data
print(type(list1))                 # Output data type:
print(len(list1))                 # Output list length (number of data in the list)

print("***"*20)                 # Knock on the door: print 60 directly*
#Slice according to character 'o'
list1 = str1.split("o")               # Slice the 'o' in the string. The return value is a list and assigned to list1
print(list1)                 # Output list data
print(type(list1))                 # Output data type:
print(len(list1))                 # Output list length (number of data in the list)

Output result:
hello word Ape theory python python course
<class 'str'>
['hello', 'word', 'Ape theory python', 'python course']
<class 'list'>
['hello word Ape theory', 'ython ', 'ython course']
<class 'list'>
['hell', ' w', 'rd Ape theory pyth', 'n pyth', 'n course']
<class 'list'>


2. List to string

List to character string A * * is required join() * * method, which can directly convert the list into a string. The example code is as follows:

# !usr/bin/env python
# !usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 _*-
@Author:Ape programming
@Blog(Personal blog address):
@File:Python character string/list/tuple/Mutual conversion between
@Time:2021/3/23 07:37
@Motto:No small steps can lead to thousands of miles, no small streams can lead to rivers and seas. The brilliance of program life needs to be accumulated unremittingly!


list1 = ["hello", "word", "Ape theory python", "python course"]
print(list1)                 # Output string
print(type(list1))                 # Output data type:
print(len(list1))                 # Output string length

print("***"*20)                  # Knock on the door: print 60 directly*
#Slice according to space
str1 = "".join(list1)                 # Slice the space (') in the string. The return value is a list and assigned to list1
print(str1)                   # Output list data
print(type(str1))                   # Output data type:
print(len(str1))                   # Output list length (number of data in the list)

Output result:
['Ape theory python', 'word', 'python course', 'hello']
<class 'list'>
Ape theory pythonwordpython course hello
<class 'str'>


II String str and dictionary dict

1. String to dictionary

Convert string to Dictionaries Can pass Built in function Eval() is completed. The use of the built-in function eval() will be explained in detail in later articles. Let's have a brief understanding today:

# !usr/bin/env python
# !usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 _*-
@Author:Ape programming
@Blog(Personal blog address):
@File:Python character string/list/tuple/Mutual conversion between
@Time:2021/3/23 07:37
@Motto:No small steps lead to thousands of miles. No small streams lead to rivers and seas. The brilliance of program life needs to be accumulated unremittingly!


# Pay attention to the combination of single quotation marks and double quotation marks
str1 = '{"name":"zhangsan","age":18,"sing_dog":False }'

print("***"*20)      # Knock on the door: print 60 directly*
dict1 = eval(str1) # Force string str to dictionary dict

Output result:
{"name":"zhangsan","age":18,"sing_dog":False }
<class 'str'>
{'name': 'zhangsan', 'age': 18, 'sing_dog': False}
<class 'dict'>


2. Dictionary to string

The dictionary can be converted into a string directly through * * str() * * type coercion. The example code is as follows:

# !usr/bin/env python
# !usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 _*-
@Author:Ape programming
@Blog(Personal blog address):
@File:Python character string/list/tuple/Mutual conversion between
@Time:2021/3/23 07:37
@Motto:No small steps lead to thousands of miles. No small streams lead to rivers and seas. The brilliance of program life needs to be accumulated unremittingly!


dict1 = {"name":"zhangsan","age":18,"sing_dog":False }

print("***"*20)     # Knock on the door: print 60 directly*
str1 = str(dict1) # Force dictionary dict to string str

Output result:
{'name': 'zhangsan', 'age': 18, 'sing_dog': False}
<class 'dict'>
{'name': 'zhangsan', 'age': 18, 'sing_dog': False}
<class 'str'>


III list and dictionary dict

1. List to dictionary

List to Dictionaries It cannot be forced through dict(), but it can be completed through the built-in function * * zip() * * with the specific code as follows:

# !usr/bin/env python
# !usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 _*-
@Author:Ape programming
@Blog(Personal blog address):
@File:Python character string/list/tuple/Mutual conversion between
@Time:2021/3/23 07:37
@Motto:No small steps lead to thousands of miles. No small streams lead to rivers and seas. The brilliance of program life needs to be accumulated unremittingly!


list1 = ["hello", "word", "Ape theory python", "python course"]
list2 = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g"]
dict1 = dict(zip(list1,list2))


Output result:
{'hello': 'a', 'word': 'b', 'Ape theory python': 'c', 'python course': 'd'}
<class 'dict'>


Note: the built-in function zip combines the data of two lists to form a key value pair to form a dictionary; If the length of the two lists is inconsistent, the extra elements will not be displayed when there are no matching elements in the other list.

2. Dictionary transfer list

You can forcibly convert the key or value in the dictionary into a list through the * * list() * * method. The example code is as follows:

# !usr/bin/env python
# !usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 _*-
@Author:Ape programming
@Blog(Personal blog address):
@File:Python character string/list/tuple/Mutual conversion between
@Time:2021/3/23 07:37
@Motto:No small steps lead to thousands of miles. No small streams lead to rivers and seas. The brilliance of program life needs to be accumulated unremittingly!


dict1 = {"name":"zhangsan","age":18,"sing_dog":False }
# Force keys in dictionary dict to be converted into a list
list1= list(dict1.keys())

print("***"*20) # Knock on the door: print 60 directly*
# Force values in dictionary dict to be converted into a list
list2 = list(dict1.values())

Output result:
['name', 'age', 'sing_dog']
<class 'list'>
['zhangsan', 18, False]
<class 'list'>


IV Guess you like it

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Added by fireant on Wed, 02 Feb 2022 10:40:08 +0200