Chapter 1 text processing tools for Shell topics (grep, cut, sort, uniq, tee, diff, paste, tr)

1. grep tool

grep is a * * line * * filtering tool; Used to filter rows based on keywords

Syntax and options


# grep [options] 'keyword' file name

Common options:

    -i: Case insensitive
    -v: Finds a row that does not contain the specified content,Reverse selection
    -w: Search by word
    -o: Print matching keywords
    -c: Count the number of rows matched
    -n: set number 
    -r: Traverse directory lookup layer by layer
    -A: Displays the matching line and how many lines follow	
    -B: Displays the matching line and how many lines precede it
    -C: Show how many lines before and after the matching line
    -l: Only matching file names are listed
    -L: List mismatched file names
    -e: Use regular matching
    -E:Use extended regular matching
    ^key:Start with keyword
    key$:End with keyword
    ^$:Match blank lines
    --color=auto : You can add the color display to the found keyword part

Color display (alias settings):

Temporary settings:
# alias grep='grep --color=auto' 			// Effective only for current terminal and current user

Permanent settings:
1)Global (effective for all users)
vim /etc/bashrc
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
source /etc/bashrc

2)Local (for a specific user)
vim ~/.bashrc
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
source ~/.bashrc

For example:

Note: do not directly use the / etc/passwd file, copy it to / tmp for experiment!

# grep -i root passwd 						 Ignore case matching rows containing root
# grep -w ftp passwd  						 Exactly match FTP words
# grep -w hello passwd  						 Accurately match Hello words; Add your own line containing hello to the file
# grep -wo ftp passwd  						 Print the matching keyword FTP
# grep -n root passwd  						 Print a good match to the root keyword
# grep -ni root passwd  						 Ignore case matching statistics for rows containing the keyword root
# grep -nic root passwd 						 Ignore case matching and count the number of rows containing the keyword root
# grep -i ^root passwd  						 Ignore case matching lines starting with root
# grep bash$ passwd  							 Match lines ending in Bash
# grep -n ^$ passwd  							 Match blank lines and print line numbers
# grep ^# /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf		Match to#Lines beginning with
# grep -v ^# /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf	Do not match#Lines beginning with
# grep -A 5 mail passwd  				 	 The match contains the mail keyword and its next 5 lines
# grep -B 5 mail passwd  				 	 The match contains the mail keyword and its first 5 lines
# grep -C 5 mail passwd  					 The match contains the mail keyword and its first and last 5 lines

2. cut tool

cut is a * * column * * interception tool, which is used to intercept columns

Syntax and options


# cut option file name

Common options:

-c:	Split in characters,intercept
-d:	Custom separator, tab by default\t
-f:	And-d Used together to specify which area to intercept

For example:

# cut -d: -f1 1.txt  			 Divide with colon and intercept the contents of column 1
# cut -d: -f1,6,7 1.txt  	 Divide with colon and intercept the contents of columns 1, 6 and 7
# cut -c4 1.txt  				 Intercept the 4th character of each line in the file
# cut -c1-4 1.txt  			 Intercept 1-4 characters per line in the file
# cut -c4-10 1.txt  			 Intercept 4-10 characters per line in the file
# cut -c5- 1.txt  				 Intercept all the following characters from the fifth character

List the operation levels of your current system with gadgets. 5/3

  1. How to view system operation level
    • Command runlevel
    • File / etc/inittab
  2. How to filter run levels
runlevel |cut -c3
runlevel | cut -d ' ' -f2
grep -v '^#' /etc/inittab | cut -d: -f2
grep '^id' /etc/inittab |cut -d: -f2
grep "initdefault:$" /etc/inittab | cut -c4
grep -v ^# /etc/inittab |cut -c4
grep 'id:' /etc/inittab |cut -d: -f2
cut -d':' -f2 /etc/inittab |grep -v ^#
cut -c4 /etc/inittab |tail -1
cut -d: -f2 /etc/inittab |tail -1

3. sort tool

sort tool is used for sorting; It takes each line of the file as a unit, compares the ASCII values from the first character back, and finally outputs them in ascending order.

Syntax and options

-u : Remove duplicate lines
-r : Sort is descending by default
-o : Output the sorting results to a file,Similar redirection symbol>
-n : Sort by number. By default, sort by character
-t : Separator
-k : The first N column
-b : Ignore leading spaces.
-R : Random sorting, the results of each run are different


# sort -n -t: -k3 1.txt  			 Sort in ascending order according to the user's uid
# sort -nr -t: -k3 1.txt  			 Descending by user uid
# sort -n 2.txt  						 Sort by number
# sort -nu 2.txt  						 Sort by number and de duplicate
# sort -nr 2.txt 
# sort -nru 2.txt 
# sort -nru 2.txt 
# sort -n 2.txt -o 3.txt  			 Sort by number and redirect the results to a file
# sort -R 2.txt 
# sort -u 2.txt 

4.uniq tools

uniq is used to remove * * consecutive duplicate * * lines

Common options:
-i: ignore case
-c: Count the number of repeated lines
-d:Show only duplicate lines

For example:
# uniq 2.txt 
# uniq -d 2.txt 
# uniq -dc 2.txt 

5.tee tools

tee tool reads and writes from standard input to standard output and file, that is, bidirectional overlay redirection (screen output | text input)

-a Bidirectional additional redirection

# echo hello world
# echo hello world|tee file1
# cat file1 
# echo 999|tee -a file1
# cat file1 

6.diff tool

diff tool is used to compare different files line by line

Note: diff describes two files differently by telling us how to change the first file and then match the second file.

Syntax and options


diff [option] File 1 file 2

Common options:

-bDo not check spaces
-BDo not check blank lines
-iDo not check case
-wIgnore all spaces
–normalNormal format display (default)
-cContext format display
-uMerge format display

For example:

  • Compare the similarities and differences between the two ordinary documents, and prepare the documents:
[root@MissHou ~]# cat file1
hello world
[root@MissHou ~]#
[root@MissHou ~]# cat file2

1) Normal display

diff Purpose: file1 How to change talent and file2 matching
[root@MissHou ~]# diff file1 file2
1c1,2					The first line of the first file needs to be changed(c=change)To match lines 1 to 2 of the second file			
< aaaa				Less than sign"<"Represents the file on the left(file1)Document content
---					---Represents the separator
> aaa					Greater than sign">"Represents the file on the right(file2)Document content
> hello
3d3					Delete line 3 of the first file(d=delete)Before it can match the third line of the second file
< hello world
5d4					The first and second lines of the file can only be deleted after the first and fifth lines of the file match
< 333
6a6,7					Add line 6 of the first file(a=add)The content can be matched with lines 6 to 7 of the second file
> 333					The contents to be added in the second document are 333 and 333 world
> world

2) Context format display

[root@MissHou ~]# diff -c file1 file2
 The first two lines mainly list the file name and time stamp of the file to be compared; Symbol before file name***express file1,---express file2
*** file1       2019-04-16 16:26:05.748650262 +0800
--- file2       2019-04-16 16:26:30.470646030 +0800
***************	I'm a separator
*** 1,6 ****		with***Opening representation file1 File, 1,6 Indicates 1 to 6 lines
! aaaa				!Indicates that the line needs to be modified to match the second file
- hello world		-Indicates that the line needs to be deleted to match the second file
- 333					-Indicates that the line needs to be deleted to match the second file
--- 1,7 ----		with---Opening representation file2 File, 1,7 Indicates lines 1 to 7
! aaa					Indicates that the first file needs to be modified to match the second file
! hello				Indicates that the first file needs to be modified to match the second file
+ 333					Indicates that the first file needs to add this line to match the second file
+ world				Indicates that the first file needs to add this line to match the second file

3) Merge format display

[root@MissHou ~]# diff -u file1 file2
 The first two lines mainly list the file name and time stamp of the file to be compared; Symbol before file name---express file1,+++express file2
--- file1       2019-04-16 16:26:05.748650262 +0800
+++ file2       2019-04-16 16:26:30.470646030 +0800
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-hello world
  • Compare the differences between the two directories
By default, the contents of the same files in the two directories will also be compared
[root@MissHou  tmp]# diff dir1 dir2
diff dir1/file1 dir2/file1
> hello
Only in dir1: file3
Only in dir2: test1
 If you only need to compare the differences between the files in the two directories, you don't need to further compare the file contents, you need to add-q option
[root@MissHou  tmp]# diff -q dir1 dir2
Files dir1/file1 and dir2/file1 differ
Only in dir1: file3
Only in dir2: test1

Other tips:

Sometimes we need to take one file as the standard to modify other files, and when there are many modifications, we can complete it by patching.

1)First find out the differences between files, and then output to a file
[root@MissHou ~]# diff -uN file1 file2 > file.patch
-u:Context mode
-N:Treat non-existent files as empty files
2)Patch different contents to the file
[root@MissHou ~]# patch file1 file.patch
patching file file1
3)Test verification
[root@MissHou ~]# diff file1 file2
[root@MissHou ~]#

7. paste tool

The paste tool is used to merge file lines

Common options:
-d: Custom spacer, default is tab
-s: Serial processing, non parallel

8. tr tools

tr is used for character conversion, replacement and deletion; It is mainly used to delete control characters or convert characters in files

Syntax and options


Usage 1: submit the execution result of the command to tr Processing, where string1 For query, string2 For conversion processing

 commands|tr  'string1'  'string2'

Usage 2: tr The processing content comes from the file, remember to use"<"Standard input

 tr  'string1'  'string2' < filename

Usage 3: Match string1 Perform corresponding operations, such as deleting

 tr [options] 'string1' < filename

Common options:

-d Delete all input characters in string 1.
-s Delete all repeated character sequences and keep only the first one; The recurring string is about to be compressed into one string

Constant matching string:

character stringmeaningremarks
a-z or [: lower:]Match all lowercase lettersAll cases and numbers [a-zA-Z0-9]
A-Z or [: upper:]Match all uppercase letters
0-9 or [: digit:]Match all numbers
[:alnum:]Match all letters and numbers
[:alpha:]Match all letters
[:blank:]All horizontal blanks
[:punct:]Match all punctuation marks
[:space:]All horizontal or vertical spaces
[:cntrl:]All control characters\f Ctrl-L line feed
\n Ctrl-J wrap
\r Ctrl-M enter
\t Ctrl-I tab

For example:

[root@MissHou  shell01]# cat 3.txt  	 Create this file yourself for testing
hello world 888

# tr -d '[:/]' < 3. txt  				 Delete files: and/
# cat 3.txt |tr -d '[:/]' 			 Delete files: and/
# tr '[0-9]' '@' < 3. txt  			 Replace the number in the file with the @ symbol
# tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' < 3. txt  		 Replace lowercase letters with uppercase letters in the file
# tr -s '[a-z]' < 3. txt  			 Match lowercase letters and compress duplicates into one
# tr -s '[a-z0-9]' < 3. txt  		 Match lowercase letters and numbers and compress duplicates into one
# tr -d '[:digit:]' < 3. txt  		 Delete numbers from file
# tr -d '[:blank:]' < 3. txt  		 Delete horizontal blank
# tr -d '[:space:]' < 3. txt  		 Delete all horizontal and vertical whitespace

Small trial ox knife

  1. Use gadgets to intercept the current host IP respectively; Intercept NETMASK; Intercepting broadcast address; Intercept MAC address
# ifconfig eth0|grep 'Bcast'|tr -d '[a-zA-Z ]'|cut -d: -f2,3,4
# ifconfig eth0|grep 'Bcast'|tr -d '[a-zA-Z ]'|cut -d: -f2,3,4|tr ':' '\n'
# ifconfig eth0|grep 'HWaddr'|cut -d: -f2-|cut -d' ' -f4
# ifconfig eth0|grep 'HW'|tr -s ' '|cut -d' ' -f5

# ifconfig eth1|grep Bcast|cut -d: -f2|cut -d' ' -f1
# ifconfig eth1|grep Bcast|cut -d: -f2|tr -d '[ a-zA-Z]'
# ifconfig eth1|grep Bcast|tr -d '[:a-zA-Z]'|tr ' ' '@'|tr -s '@'|tr '@' '\n'|grep -v ^$
# ifconfig eth0|grep 'Bcast'|tr -d [:alpha:]|tr '[ :]' '\n'|grep -v ^$
# ifconfig eth1|grep HWaddr|cut -d ' ' -f11
# ifconfig eth0|grep HWaddr|tr -s ' '|cut -d' ' -f5
# ifconfig eth1|grep HWaddr|tr -s ' '|cut -d' ' -f5
# ifconfig eth0|grep 'Bcast'|tr -d 'a-zA-Z:'|tr ' ' '\n'|grep -v '^$'
  1. Save the user name, password and default shell of all ordinary users in the system to a file. It is required to separate the user name, password and default shell with tab key
# grep 'bash$' passwd |grep -v 'root'|cut -d: -f1,2,7|tr ':' '\t' |tee abc.txt

Keywords: Linux vim server

Added by parka on Sat, 12 Feb 2022 06:15:21 +0200