Write network programming in Python

Review lessons

First address

Part II address

Part III address

Step by step talk back to the package

To get straight to the point, the third article has mentioned how to receive packets back. At present, network programming is all about Tcp, and the protocol request mode itself will determine the characteristics. Let's talk about the order of contracting and receiving packets first.

Tcp is first of all a duplex, which means that the client C sends messages to the S end, and the S end can also send messages to the client. In the transmission protocol data type, the transmission in the network card layer is binary file stream. Why is a stream rather than a package? You can review the previous, or you can choose to memorize by rote.

If the C-side sends a message to the S-side, the S-side must reply. This is not necessarily true. Because the protocol data type is also transmitted in the protocol request / transmission mode, which is directly related to the service, and can be roughly divided into response required and no response required. The most common thing that does not require a response is a heartbeat packet. Why is it called a bag instead of a heartbeat? It can only be said to be a general name.

After the client connects to the service, it transmits a fixed section of information to the server every about a period of time, which is the same as the human ECG to confirm that the current client is active. If it is not active, the server will disconnect the client object (Tcp waves). Here, it generally refers to how many times it is not received before it is judged to be inactive.

The benefits of disconnection can be remembered in this way. Each socket link must have a cost, and the same is true for maintaining the link state. Some things done by each socket will cause memory changes (software cache and several levels of hardware cache are not considered here). If some data is stored in the database, the memory data will be exchanged to the database or database cache, The interaction process also generates memory fragmentation and database IO overhead. If it is only active, a series of non user overhead will be generated according to what the socket does. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate inactive requests.

For example, 30 minutes without experience / many minutes without moving (moving will also generate mobile data packets, which will be synchronized to the active users around him one by one), and then it will enter the hang up state. In fact, this is similar to marking fb as inactive (leave = no alive). If it is inactive, it only needs to be synchronized regularly.

If you are completely closed, you will automatically hang up to gain experience regardless of the business.

The above mainly starts slowly. The client sends 100 bytes three times and waits for hundreds of ms, but the server only returns a group of packets. This is the problem of Tcp's unique sticky packets.

However, it is found that this span is a little large. The examples are relatively basic. We will slowly extend it later through an example of Tcp heartbeat (divided into four or five chapters). Anyway, we will make it clear in the end.

Heartbeat learning and design

Write an example to do some intuitive reasoning and design. The example will also combine some previous knowledge points.

Heartbeat information: the json string # in actual combat is in the form of bytes. The buttons will be relatively small, just to make the server count and the client active.

Explain in detail the management dictionary of a client connection handle recorded on the server side. The linked client object will be a "fd" on the server side. Whether it is active or not will be a field "status": "live", "leave" and "close" represent active, inactive, suspended and closed respectively.

The server side carries out development and design, and supports a two-way order ("live" < -- > "leave" < -- > "close")

The status: "live" status condition is the default for the client, not in the socket Error that layer is blocked, so the link is connected. The link is divided into correct address, correct writing and firewall permission (this is not used in the test here)

Server development required:
1.socket server program
2. Regular receiving packet
3. Judge that the data after 4 bytes is in deserialization JSON loads. After the server has one more bind than the client, turn on the listening function. The server supports multiple clients.
4. Matching function. After receiving the client information, the server will match with a cursor (this function is completed in Chapter 5).
For example, if the cursor is set to 3 and the threshold is 5, the number of seconds a message is received is - 1, and the number of seconds a message is not received is + 1 When the threshold reaches 5 times, count once and reach 3 times, modify the current client link management dictionary to "leave". If the threshold is reached less than 3 times, it is still alive.
5. A user instance object list will be used to manage the clients that add simulation links. Add one every 10 seconds, the client is simulated false, and the port number is + 1.

Client development required:
1.socket client program
2. Jason contracting + data structure
3. Every 10 seconds.

About status:"leave" status: if the record is kept for 30 minutes (the code will be written for 30 seconds), it will go to the next status "close". If the heartbeat is stable for many times and does not trigger the threshold value of 5, it will fall back to "alive".

As for the arrival status:"close", the server will kick off the client. In the user's list management, the server will store the ip: port of the client.

Heartbeat client front

Write this example first. There are only "live" state conditions and no switching conditions. According to past examples, we need to define a data structure of the network layer first. This time, we don't need protobuff.

Tcp for protocol transmission uses struct with high universality, and the transmission data structure is Json
The Tcp data structure is 4 bytes in the header, and 4 bytes are the length of the inner package. The whole package length is the value of 4 bytes (fixed) + 4 bytes in the header (dynamic package length).

Json C2S {"ip": pass the local Ip, "status": the above-mentioned status uses the default, "pid": it is used for the client to manage its own} pid, which is mainly used to kill its own process.

Here we need to add a knowledge. What is not finished in Chapter 3 is how to write the 4-byte packet header length + the client transfer object

# ip_add address to the server
ip_addr = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
# The client manages its own pid locally
pid = os.getpid()
# The list used for state switching is ordered. It is used as the state machine index through idx. The default is alive
status = ["alive", "leave", "close"]
idx = 0
data = {'ip': ip_addr, 'status': status[idx], 'pid': pid}
# The length of data. str here is only used for the following +. Int - > str does not affect the following results
pack_len = str(len(data))
print(pack_len) # The output is 3
# i is 4 bytes + pack_len struct.calcsize looks at the fmt area
client_len = struct.calcsize("!i" + pack_len + 's')
print(client_len) # The output is 4 + 3

Pay attention to the comments. The dynamic calculation length comes out, but pay attention to struct The dynamic package compression is oriented to several objects in the package header. If only one object is passed into json, the output should be like this
This code is about the example of pressure package

buffer = json.dumps(data)
packet_head = struct.pack("!i",len(buffer))
buffer_client = packet_head+buffer.encode("utf-8")
print(buffer_client) # b'\x00\x00\x008{"ip": "", "status": "alive", "pid": 26464}'

Heartbeat client

It only includes communicating with the server, sending TCP stuct and json, and sending json data as heartbeat packet. Note that the actual heartbeat will indeed be fixed data, but it will not be passed in.
The server just parses the string to determine which client sent the heartbeat. The state switching function will be written in the next article.

import datetime
import socket, sys, os
import time, json,struct

class HeartBeatClient:
    interval = 10  #Heartbeat transmission interval

    def __init__(self, addr: tuple):
            self.client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        except socket.error as e:
            print("Error creating socket: %s" % e)

    def encode_json(self, conn,data:dict):
        """Contract awarding"""
        buffer = json.dumps(data)
        print(f"The length of packets sent by the current client{len(buffer)}")
        packet_head = struct.pack("!i", len(buffer))
        conn.send(packet_head + buffer.encode("utf-8"))

    def loop_client(self, conn: socket.socket):
        Circular client
        :param conn:
        status = ["alive", "leave", "close"]  #The status list is ordered
        idx = 0 #Status index
        while True:
            ip_addr = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
            pid = os.getpid()
            data = {"ip": ip_addr, "status": status[idx], "pid": pid}
            buffer = json.dumps(data)
            except socket.error:
                print("client send failed")
                now =datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

    def client_close(self,conn):
        if conn:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    client = HeartBeatClient(("", 14000))

Strengthen the example of strcut transmission. It is recommended to knock the code by hand.

Heartbeat server

It mainly corresponds to the heartbeat server function written by the client. Note that the mode is to start the server first and then start the client file.
To simulate fd_port increases by 1, which means that many clients are connected. If you are not familiar with Threading here, you need to learn by yourself.

import socket
import json
from threading import Thread
import ast

class HeartBeatServer:

    def __init__(self, addr: tuple, max: int):
        self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        self.sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
        # max links supported
        self.user = []

    def encode_buffer(self, conn: socket.socket, data: str or bytes or dict):
        send data
        :param conn: The handle that the client links to the server
        :param data: data
        if isinstance(data, str):
            data = data.encode("utf-8")
        elif isinstance(data, dict):
            data = str(data).encode("utf-8")

    def match_data(self,recv)->bool:
        Match deserialized data
        :param recv:
        if isinstance(recv,dict):
            return recv.get("ip") and recv.get("status")

    def loop_thread(self, conn: socket.socket, fd_port: int):
        The server only judges whether the packet header of the client is legal.
        head_len = 4
        idx = 1
        while True:
                # Keep receiving packets
                data = conn.recv(1024 * 4)
                if len(data) > head_len:
                    recv = json.loads(data[4:])
                    recv = ast.literal_eval(recv)
                    if not self.match_data(recv):
                        # The pop() list is thrown out and the lost data is returned. The default is the last one
                        print(f"client fd addr:{self.user.pop()} Connected over!")
                    # To simulate fd_port increases by 1, which means that many clients are connected
                    self.user.append(f"{recv.get('ip')}:{fd_port + idx}")
                    print(f"Current server management user-->{self.user}")
                    print(f"client fd addr:{self.user[-1]}Illegal data")
            except socket.error:
                print(f"client fd addr:{self.user.pop()} Connected over!")
                idx += 1

    def start(self):
        Service startup
        while True:
            conn, addr = self.sock.accept()
            t = Thread(target=self.loop_thread, args=(conn, addr[1]))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    server = HeartBeatServer(("", 14000), 100)

Here is an important concept

Why can't we use self here Sock is because of self A sock is a handle to the server itself
Conn is the handle that the server receives from the client object, so this conn is managed. When the client is disconnected, the server waves through Conn
If it's self The sock service is shut down.


The fifth chapter is also written in a part of the draft

This article was first published in the tester home community by Chen Ziang, a senior game testing and development engineer. There are four articles on network programming in Python. Today, I share the fourth. Original link: https://testerhome.com/topics/29411

The above is today's sharing. Have you learned it~

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Issue confirmation > > May 30

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Keywords: Python socket software testing Game Development

Added by lostboy on Wed, 16 Feb 2022 14:26:05 +0200