[orderly charging] optimize the orderly charging of electric vehicles based on genetic algorithm, with Matlab code attached

1 Introduction

In order to ensure that the transformer is not overloaded when charging the electric vehicle in the community, an orderly charging control method of the electric vehicle in the community based on genetic algorithm is proposed On the basis of comprehensively considering the charging demand of users, aiming at not changing the power supply capacity of transformer and "cutting peak and filling valley", Monte Carlo method is used to simulate the load, and genetic algorithm is used to solve the optimal charging time of electric vehicles, so as to realize the orderly charging of electric vehicles in the community The analysis results show that compared with disordered charging, the proposed method can meet the charging needs of users without changing the power supply capacity of the transformer, and effectively realize "peak cutting and valley filling"

Genetic algorithm is an optimization algorithm that imitates the biological evolution mechanism in nature. Compared with other optimization algorithms, it has the advantages of good convergence and fast calculation time. The steps of genetic algorithm are as follows:

(1) set the initial parameters, generate the initial population, and calculate the fitness of each individual;

(2) select the individual with good fitness for the next operation;

(3) when the random variable is less than the crossover probability of genetic algorithm, the individual will perform crossover operation to generate a new population;

(4) when the random variable is less than the mutation probability of genetic algorithm, the individual will mutate;

(5) judge the new species group, eliminate the invalid individuals and retain the individuals with good fitness. The number of iterations increases once and returns (2).

Monte Carlo method is a statistical simulation method, which mainly obtains the results by establishing a model and setting conditions for a large number of random sampling. In this paper, Monte Carlo method is used to simulate the disordered charging process of electric vehicle. The steps of Monte Carlo method are as follows:

(1) set the number of electric vehicles and establish the load model in Section 1.1;

(2) generate user return time, daily mileage and other data of each electric vehicle;

(3) calculate the charging time period and charging load of each electric vehicle;

(4) generate disordered charging load curve.

Part 2 code

%%------------------------------------------------------%Genetic algorithm is used to optimize the orderly charging of electric vehicles; The optimization objectives include the lowest charging cost and the required charging time (the electric vehicle is charged with enough electricity)%Considering the influence of electric vehicle charging on power grid load, the peak valley difference of load is minimized.%--------------------------------------------------------clcclearwarning off%Real time electricity price, data import, data source PJMRP=[3.10000000000000,3.05000000000000,3,2.80000000000000,2.60000000000000,2.55000000000000,2.50000000000000,2.60000000000000,2.70000000000000,2.80000000000000,2.90000000000000,3.20000000000000,3.50000000000000,3.60000000000000,3.70000000000000,3.67500000000000,3.65000000000000,3.70000000000000,3.75000000000000,3.82500000000000,3.90000000000000,3.92500000000000,3.95000000000000,4.02500000000000,4.10000000000000,4.15000000000000,4.20000000000000,4.20500000000000,4.21000000000000,4.28000000000000,4.35000000000000,4.42500000000000,4.50000000000000,4.60000000000000,4.70000000000000,4.62000000000000,4.54000000000000,4.39500000000000,4.25000000000000,4.22500000000000,4.20000000000000,4.05000000000000,3.90000000000000,3.60000000000000,3.30000000000000,3.20000000000000,3.10000000000000,3.10000000000000];Price=[RP(35:48),RP(1:14)];% Set vehicle daily 17:00 Then go home to recharge; Leave home after 7 o'clock every day without charging Num=100;%Number of electric vehicles PEV=4;global PEV% load SOC_startSOC_start=normrnd(0.3,0.05,1,Num);global SOC_startSOC_end=0.95*ones(1,Num);global SOC_endC=35; global Cnumber=Num;%Number of individuals in the population%% Genetic algorithm parameter setting NP=300;% Total number of initial populations NG=80 ;% Total number of iterations Pc=0.8;  Pm=0.4;% Variation rate COUNTER=10;%% Generate initial population for i=1:NP    data(i).Initial=Initial(number);    data(i).generation=data(i).Initial;end%% Calculate initial population fitness for i=1:NP    data(i).Fitness=Fitness(data(i).generation,PEV,Price,SOC_start,SOC_end,C);endintinial_Fitness_1=max([data(:).Fitness]);%% Carry out heredity, crossover and variation maxium_Fitness=[];temp_Fitness=intinial_Fitness_1;for k=1:NG    sum_Fitness=sum([data(1:NP).Fitness]);                %Sum of all individual fitness values    Px = [data(1:NP).Fitness]/sum_Fitness;                   %Average of all individual fitness values    PPx = 0;    PPx(1) = Px(1);    for i=2:NP                        %Probability accumulation for roulette strategy        PPx(i) = PPx(i-1) + Px(i);    end    for i=1:NP        sita = rand();        for n=1:NP            if sita <= PPx(n)                  SelFather = n;           %Father determined according to roulette strategy                break;            end         end        Selmother = floor(rand()*(NP-1))+1;  %Random selection of mothers        posCut = floor(rand()*(number-2)) + 1;     %Randomly determine the intersection         ​        r1 = rand();        %% overlapping        if r1<=Pc     %Pc Is the crossover rate                                           %% COUNTER Number of elites            for temp_count=1:COUNTER                 posCut = floor(rand()*(number-2)) + 1;                  TEMP(temp_count).generation(:,1:posCut) = data(SelFather).generation(:,1:posCut);                 TEMP(temp_count).generation(:,(posCut+1):number) = data(Selmother).generation(:,(posCut+1):number);            end            TEMP(COUNTER+1).generation=data(SelFather).generation;            TEMP(COUNTER+2).generation=data(Selmother).generation;            for temp_count=1:COUNTER                TEMP(temp_count).Fitness=Fitness(TEMP(temp_count).generation,PEV,Price,SOC_start,SOC_end,C);            end            [TEMP_Fitness,Location]=max([TEMP(:).Fitness]);            data1(i).generation=TEMP(Location).generation;            %%             %            data1(i).generation(:,1:posCut) = data(SelFather).generation(:,1:posCut);%            data1(i).generation(:,(posCut+1):number) = data(Selmother).generation(:,(posCut+1):number);            r2 = rand();            %% variation            if r2 <= Pm                               % Pm Variation rate                posMut = round(rand()*(number-1) + 1);                for j=1:size(data1,2)                    data1(j).generation(:,posMut)=generate( data1(j).generation(:,posMut));                end            end                    else            data1(i).generation =data(SelFather).generation(:,:);        end    end    %% choice    for i=1:NP      data(i).Fitness= Fitness(data(i).generation,PEV,Price,SOC_start,SOC_end,C);   %Offspring fitness    end    for i=1:NP      data1(i).Fitness= Fitness(data1(i).generation,PEV,Price,SOC_start,SOC_end,C);   %Offspring fitness    end    [value1,index1]=sort([data(1:NP).Fitness],'descend');    [value2,index2]=sort([data1(1:NP).Fitness],'descend');    j=1;    for i=index1(1:NP/2)        temp_1(j).p=data(i).generation;        j=j+1;    end    j=1;    for i=index2(1:NP/2)        temp_2(j).p=data1(i).generation;        j=j+1;    end    for i=1:NP/2    data(i).generation =temp_1(i).p;    end    for i=1:NP/2    data(NP/2+i).generation =temp_2(i).p;    end    for i=1:NP      data(i).Fitness= Fitness(data(i).generation,PEV,Price,SOC_start,SOC_end,C);   %Offspring fitness    end    temp_Fitness=max([data(1:NP).Fitness]);     maxium_Fitness=[maxium_Fitness;temp_Fitness];​endFitness_initial= -inf;for i=1:NP    if data(i).Fitness> Fitness_initial           INDEX=i;                                %Take the best value in the individual as the final result           Fitness_initial=data(i).Fitness;    endend%% Visualization of genetic algorithm results figure(1)                                                                         plot(-maxium_Fitness)% Draw the fitness of the best individual of each generation xlabel('Genetic algebra')ylabel('Combined objective function value')title('evolutionary process ')FITNESS_JY=-maxium_Fitness;save FITNESS_JY​figure(2)EV_load=sum(data(INDEX).generation');EV=[EV_load(15:end),zeros(1,20),EV_load(1:14)];plot(EV*PEV)set(gca, 'XLim',[1 48]); % X Data display range of axis set(gca, 'XTick',[8,16,24,32,40,48] ); % X Marking point of axis set(gca, 'XTicklabel',{'4','8','12','16','20','24'}); % X Mark of shaft xlabel('time/h')ylabel('Load power/kW')figure(3)Residential_load=[1962.55433333333,1617.09200000000,1397.80300000000,1240.56566666667,1139.44666666667,1087.19533333333,1047.75966666667,1039.21600000000,1025.50600000000,1055.46700000000,1082.60533333333,1130.10900000000,1361.02566666667,1719.95200000000,2047.19933333333,2384.35633333333,2527.08400000000,2849.10700000000,3038.91600000000,3026.13366666667,2888.03833333333,2787.28300000000,2730.16333333333,2762.67133333333,2965.20133333333,3403.65066666667,3292.44533333333,3011.74400000000,2804.51133333333,2717.41300000000,2834.95466666667,3040.08966666667,3160.87966666667,3381.25666666667,3864.43433333333,4218.04066666667,4372.06066666667,4467.65866666667,4694.08000000000,4610.18166666667,4374.74966666667,4266.39233333333,4200.47800000000,4027.01666666667,3845.33500000000,3510.83266666667,3183.25400000000,2515.23000000000]*0.1;plot(Residential_load,'r-');hold on% Local load curve plot(EV+Residential_load,'k-')% Local load curve after superposition of electric vehicles EV_JY=EV;save EV_JYset(gca, 'YLim',[100 600]); % X Data display range of axis set(gca, 'XLim',[1 48]); % X Data display range of axis set(gca, 'XTick',[8,16,24,32,40,48] ); % X Marking point of axis set(gca, 'XTicklabel',{'4','8','12','16','20','24'}); % X Mark of shaft xlabel('time/h')ylabel('Load power/kW')legend('Regional load power curve (excluding electric vehicle)','location','northwest','Regional load power curve (including electric vehicle)','location','northwest')​

3 simulation results

4 references

[1] Wang Jinfeng, Xie Shiyu, Li Junhao, et al Orderly charging strategy of community electric vehicles based on genetic algorithm [J] Low voltage apparatus, 2019, 000 (010): 47-50

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Keywords: MATLAB Algorithm

Added by chawezul on Sat, 26 Feb 2022 17:35:36 +0200