1. How to handle exceptions in Python? 2. What is exception handling in Python? 4. Some preliminary knowledge of when to use exception handling network programming


1. What is an exception

An exception is a signal of a program error. Once an error occurs in the program, an exception will be generated. If it is not handled in the program, the exception will be thrown, and the operation of the program will be terminated. In Python, the exceptions triggered by errors are as follows There are two kinds of errors. One is syntax error, which should be corrected before the program runs

>>> if  
  File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

The other is logic errors, common logic errors such as

# TypeError: numeric type cannot be added to string type

# ValueError: when the string contains a non numeric value, it cannot be converted to int type
num=input(">>: ") #Enter hello

# NameError: a nonexistent name x is referenced

# IndexError: the index exceeds the limit of the list

# KeyError: refers to a key that does not exist

# AttributeError: the referenced attribute does not exist
class Foo:

# ZeroDivisionError: divisor cannot be 0

2. Why are exceptions handled

In order to enhance the robustness of the program, even if there is an error in the running process of the program, do not terminate the program, but catch and handle the exception: record the error information in the log

3. How to handle exceptions?

3.1 syntax error, processing method 1: it must be corrected before the program runs

if 1 > 3

3.2 logical error


l = ['a', 'b']



dic = {'name': 'egon'}

class Foo:


There are two processing methods for logical exceptions

  1. The condition of error occurrence is predictable, and if judgment is used to solve it
age = input('>>: ').strip()  # As long as the input is not a number, an error will occur
if age.isdigit():
    age = int(age)
    if age > 18:
        print('Guess big')
    elif age < 18:
        print('Guess big')
        print('You guessed right')
    print('You must enter a number')
  1. The conditions under which errors occur are unpredictable
    # Code that may throw exceptions
    Subcode 1
    Subcode 2
    Subcode 3
except Exception type 1 as e:
except Exception type 2 as e:
    If no exception occurs in the detected sub code block, it will be executed else Subcode of
    No matter whether the detected sub code block has an exception or not, it will be executed finally Subcode of


If we want to handle multiple types of exceptions with one logic, we can put multiple exceptions into a tuple and match them with an exception

    Detected code block
except (NameError,IndexError,TypeError):
    trigger NameError or IndexError or TypeError Processing logic corresponding to
 give an example

def convert_int(obj):
    except (ValueError,TypeError):
        print('argument must be number or numeric string')
    return res

convert_int('egon') # argument must be number or numeric string
convert_int({'n':1}) # argument must be number or numeric string

If we want to catch all exceptions and handle them with one logic, Python provides a universal Exception type Exception

    Detected code block
except NameError:
    trigger NameError Processing logic corresponding to
except IndexError:
    trigger IndexError Corresponding processing logic
except Exception:
    Other types of exceptions are handled by the logic here

When the built-in exception is not enough, we can define the exception class by inheriting the built-in exception class

class PoolEmptyError(Exception): # You can define a new Exception by inheriting Exception
    def __init__(self,value='The proxy source is exhausted'): # You can customize the initialization method

    def __str__(self): # This method can be defined to customize the format of printing exception values when an exception is triggered
        return '< %s >' %self.value

class NetworkIOError(IOError): # You can also extend a related exception based on a specific exception

raise PoolEmptyError # __main__.PoolEmptyError: < The proxy source is exhausted >
raise NetworkIOError('connection not permitted') # __ main__.NetworkIOError: connection denied

Finally, Python also provides an assertion statement assert expression, which determines that the expression expression is true. Otherwise, an exception AssertionError will be triggered, which has the same semantics as raise if not, as shown below


# If the return value of the expression isinstance(age,int) is False, an exception AssertionError is triggered
assert isinstance(age,int)

# Equivalent to
if not isinstance(age,int):
    raise AssertionError

4. When to use exception handling

After understanding the except ion handling mechanism, in order to improve the fault tolerance and reliability of the program, readers may mistakenly think that try... Exception... Should be added to the program as much as possible, which is an excessive consumption of the readability of the program, because try... Exception is originally an additional logic you attach to the program, which has little to do with your main work.
If the condition of error occurrence is "predictable", we should use if to "prevent", as follows

age=input('input your age>>: ').strip()
if age.isdigit(): # It can be predicted that int(age) will not trigger an exception only if the string age is a number,
    print('You must enter the number')

If the condition of the error is "unpredictable", that is, the exception must be triggered, then we should use the try... except statement to handle it. For example, when we write a function to download web content, it is normal for the network to have exceptions such as delay, and we simply can't predict the delay when the conditions are met, so we can only use the exception handling mechanism

import requests
from requests.exceptions import ConnectTimeout # Import custom exceptions in requests module

def get(url):
        response=requests.get(url,timeout=3)#If the download fails for more than 3 seconds, the ConnectTimeout exception will be triggered
    except ConnectTimeout:
        print('Connection request timed out')
    except Exception:
        print('Other network exceptions')
    return res


Some preparatory knowledge of network programming

# 1. CS architecture and BS architecture

Client software send             Server software recv
 operating system                   operating system
 computer hardware<====Physical medium=====>computer hardware


# 2. Network communication
 The significance of network is cross regional data transmission=>Call it communication
 network=Physical link media+Internet communication protocol

# 3. OSI layer 7 protocol
 Five layer agreement
    application layer
    Transport layer
    network layer
    data link layer
    physical layer

Agreement: Specifies the organization format of data
    Format: header+Data part

    Process of sealing package: data header
    Unpacking process: turn around to obtain data

#4. Five layer agreement
 Computer 1:                            Computer 2:

application layer                               application layer
 Transport layer                               Transport layer
 network layer                               network layer
 data link layer                            data link layer
 physical layer  <===========Interactive machine===========> physical layer

(source mac Address, target mac Address (source) ip Address, target ip Address data

#4.1 the physical layer is responsible for sending electrical signals
 A set of physical layer data is called bit
 Simple electrical signals are meaningless and must be grouped

#4.2 data link layer: ethernet protocol
 Regulation 1: a group of data is called a data frame
 Regulation 2: the data frame is divided into two parts=>head+data
    The header contains: source address and destination address, which is mac address
    Data inclusion: contains the overall content sent from the network layer

Regulation 3: it is stipulated that every host connected to the Internet must have a network card, and each network card is burned with a unique address in the world when leaving the factory, which is called mac address

Note: computer communication basically depends on roar, that is, the working mode of Ethernet protocol is broadcast

(egon,Blood dislike) (help me buy steamed stuffed buns)

#4.3 network layer: IP protocol
 Purpose to be achieved:
Divide broadcast domain
 For each broadcast domain to connect to the outside, there must be a gateway to help the internal computer forward packets to the public network
 The gateway communicates with the outside world through routing protocol

Regulation 1: a set of data is called a packet
 Regulation 2: the data frame is divided into two parts=>head+data
    The header contains: source address and destination address, which is IP address
    Data content: the overall content sent from the transport layer

ipv4 Address:

Subnet mask:
8bit.8bit.8bit.8bit Corresponding binary expression

A legal ipv4 Address component=ip address/subnet mask address

Computer 1:      10101100.00010000.00001010.000000001
255255.255.255.0: 11111111.11111111.11111111.000000000      10101100.00010000.00001010.000000000

Computer 2:       10101100.00010000.00001010.000000010 11111111.11111111.11111111.000000000       10101100.00010000.00001010.000000000

Computer 1:                            Computer 2:

application layer                               application layer
 Transport layer                               Transport layer
 network layer                               network layer
 data link layer                           data link layer
 physical layer  <=========Two layer interactive machine========> physical layer

(source mac Address, xxxx)(source ip Address, target ip Address data
(source mac Address, gateway mac Address) (,

What you know in advance is each other's ip address
 But the underlying communication of computer is based on ethernet Ethernet protocol mac Address communication

So will be able to ip Address resolution into mac address

# Two computers are in the same LAN
 Computer 1:             direct              Computer 2:
own ip,Opposite ip
1,Calculate the two network addresses. If they are the same, get the network address of computer 2 mac Just the address
2,Send broadcast packet
 Sender mac	FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF	data

# The two computers are not in the same LAN

Computer 1:	              gateway           Computer 2:
own ip,Opposite ip
1,If the network addresses of the two computers are different, they should get the address of the gateway mac address
2,Send broadcast packet
 Sender mac	FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF	data

#4.3.1 summary******
ip address+mac address=>Identify a unique computer in the world

ip address=>Identify a unique computer in the world

Keywords: Python Algorithm Game Development dfs

Added by gnunoob on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 07:31:11 +0200