Before, the data set of small projects was still being collected and produced, which was a little troublesome. Finally, we prepared to make a small toy (in the form of small program). However, it is a little complicated to use the ready-made small program template, and many grammars are different from those used in web page development. Therefore, while learning, sort out the content of WXML+wxss..
brief introduction
Difference from ordinary web page development
- Different operating environment
- Different APIs (you can call various APIs provided by wechat)
- Different development modes (using wechat developer tools)
Host environment - Mobile wechat
- Communication model: rendering layer and logic layer, logic layer and communication server
- operating mechanism
- Start: download the code package to the local \ (\ longrightarrow \) to parse the app JSON global configuration file \ (\ longrightarrow \) execute app JS entry file (call App() to create an applet instance) \ (\ longrightarrow \) render the homepage of the applet and start it
- Page rendering: loading json\(\longrightarrow \) loading wxml templates and wxss style \ (\ longlightarrow \) execution js, call Page() to create a page instance, and the rendering is completed
- assembly
- API: event listening API (start with on to listen for event triggering), synchronous API (end of Sync), asynchronous API (receive results through callback function)
The difference between WXML and HTML
Different tag names - WXML commonly used tag names are: view (similar to div), text (similar to span), image (similar to img), navigator (similar to a)
Different attribute nodes
<a href="#"> HTML links</a>
<navigator url="">WXML link</navigator>
Provides template syntax similar to Vue: data binding, list rendering, and conditional rendering
Differences between WXSS and CSS
- Added rpx dimension units
- Global style (app.wxss) and local style (< pagename >. Wxss) are provided
- WXSS does not support some CSS selectors
Collaborative work: administrators, project members (operators, developers, data analysts), experience members
Software version: development version \ (\ rightarrow \) experience version \ (\ rightarrow \) version under review \ (\ rightarrow \) online version
Project structure
- pages folder: the page where all applets are stored
- . js file: the entry (script) file of the page, which creates and runs the page by calling the Page() function
- . json file: the configuration file of the current page (which will overwrite the global configuration)
- . wxml file: current page template structure file
- . wxss file: the style sheet file of the current page
- utils folder: a module that holds the nature of the tool
- app.js: project entry file, which starts the whole applet by calling App() function
- app.json: project global configuration file
- Pages: the path of all pages of the applet
- window: globally define the background color and text color of all pages of the applet
- Style: globally defines the version of the style used by the applet component
- sitemapLocation: indicates the sitemap JSON location
- app.wxss: project global style files
- project.config.json: project configuration file, which records the personalized configuration of development tools
- sitemap.json: configure whether the applet and its page can be indexed (crawled) by wechat
Operating skills
Preview method: you can preview through simulator or wechat scanning code on real machine.
Page configuration: create a page directly in app Add to the pages list in JSON; The first element of the pages list is rendered as the first page of the project.
1. View container class:
- View: normal view area
- Scroll view: scrollable view area
- Swiper and swiper item: carousel chart container component and carousel chart item component
<!--pages/list/list.wxml--> <swiper class="swiper-container" indicator-dots autoplay interval="3000" circular> <swiper-item> <view class="item">A</view> </swiper-item> <swiper-item> <view class="item">B</view> </swiper-item> <swiper-item> <view class="item">C</view> </swiper-item> </swiper> <text>\n</text> <view class="container1"> <view>Image detection</view> <view>Video detection</view> </view> <text>\n</text> <scroll-view class="container2" scroll-y> <view>A</view> <view>B</view> <view>C</view> <view>D</view> </scroll-view>
/* pages/list/list.wxss */ .swiper-container{ height: 150px; } .item{ line-height: 150px; height: 100px; text-align: center; } .swiper-container swiper-item:nth-child(1){ background-color: aqua; } .swiper-container swiper-item:nth-child(2){ background-color:lime; } .swiper-container swiper-item:nth-child(3){ background-color:mediumpurple; } .container1 view{ width:175px; height: 100px; text-align: center; line-height: 100px; } .container1 view:nth-child(1){ background-color: aqua; } .container1 view:nth-child(2){ background-color: lightpink; } .container1 view:nth-child(3){ background-color:darkturquoise; } .container1{ height: 100px; display:flex; justify-content:space-around; } .container2 view{ width:150px; height: 85px; text-align: center; line-height: 100px; } .container2 view:nth-child(1){ background-color: aqua; } .container2 view:nth-child(2){ background-color: lightpink; } .container2 view:nth-child(3){ background-color:darkturquoise; } .container2 view:nth-child(4){ background-color: rgb(238, 71, 71); } .container2{ border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0); width: 150px; height: 200px; }
2. Text component
Text: text component
<text user-select>1051434511</text>
Rich text: rich text component
<rich-text nodes="<h1 style='color: red;'>Title</h1>"></rich-text>
3. button assembly
<button type="primary" size="mini" plain>Main tone mini hollow button</button>
4. Picture component (image)
<image src="/images/bs.jpg" mode="aspectFit"></image>
5. Navigation bar