Docker learning notes

Docker installation

The installation can be viewed directly on the official website.

Official website installation reference manual:

Docker start

systemctl  start docker

View Docker version:

docker version

To view the installed image:

docker images

Test run hello

docker run hello-world

Uninstall Docker

systemctl stop docker
yum -y remove docker-ce docker-ce-cli
rm -rf /var/lib/docker

Docker help command

docker version # Display Docker version information.
docker info # Displays Docker system information, including the number of images and containers.
docker --help # help

Docker common commands

docker search  Image name  //Search image
docker search mysql --filter=stars=1000
 Filter out images with more than 1000 likes

Download Image

docker pull  Image name   //If the version number is not written, the default version is the latest version

delete mirror

docker rmi -f  Image name or image Id   

Start of window

[the external chain image transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the image and upload it directly (img-7FleC7nt-1646553270045)(E:\sysy\Pictures \ BiliBili animation \ image-20220306152414845.png)]

docker run -it centos /bin/bash

Exit window: exit

Put the container in the background without closing and use ctrl+p+q;

Container view

docker ps   //Lists the containers currently in use 
docker ps -a  //List all containers

Start stop container

docker start  Container name or container id    Start container
docker restart ...            Restart container
docker stop    ...            Stop container
docker kill    ...            Force stop container

Delete container

docker rm container id     Delete specified container
docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)   Delete all containers
docker ps -a -q |xargs docker rm  Delete all containers

Start the container in the background mode: docker run -d centos

Cleaning stopped containers

docker container prune

View container log

docker logs -f -t --tial  container id
docker logs container id

View the process information of the running container

docker top container Id

View metadata of container / image

docker inspect container id

Enter the running container

Command 1:

docker exec -it   container id   bashShell
docker attach     container id 
exec Is to open a new terminal in the container and start a new process
attach The terminal that directly enters the container startup command will not start a new process

Copy files from container to host

docker cp  container id:In container path destination host path
eg: docker cp 7f9ead6f906b:/home/f1 /home

Docker visualization

Portal is a graphical management tool of Docker. It provides functions such as status display panel, rapid deployment of application templates, container mirroring, basic operations of network data volumes (including uploading and downloading images, creating containers, etc.), event log display, container console operation, centralized management and operation of Swarm clusters and services, login user management and control, etc. The function is very comprehensive, which can basically meet all the needs of small and medium-sized units for container management.

docker submit image

docker commit creates a new image from the container.

docker commit -m="Description information submitted"  -a="author"  container id Name of target image to be created: [tag name]

Docker data volume

When using the docker run command, use the - v flag to create a data volume and mount it into the container.

docker run -it -v Host absolute path directory:Directory image name in container

After the mount is successful, the files created in the container will also be seen in the host computer.


DockerFile is a build file used to build Docker images. It is a script composed of a series of commands and parameters.

  1. Create a DockerFile
  2. build generate image

build generates an image and obtains a new image test CentOS. Note that there is one at the end

docker build -f /home/docker-test-volume/dockerfile1 -t test-centos .

That must not be forgotten

The container can then be started:

docker run -it test-centos /bin/bash

Anonymous mount and named mount

-v path in container

docker run -d -P --name nginx01 -v /etc/nginx nginx

You can view the mounted list with the command docker volume ls

These unspecified names are all anonymous mounts. We -v only write the path inside the container, not the path outside the container

[root@VM-0-6-centos ~]# docker volume ls
local     4d0221bc0d8b9e44fb2e878cd3efcacb9b4bd51c8e135d79c549f7a6345f3a24
local     7a1e6924fed1cc5ea6a386d9b2542c0ffc53fada1755bc7d09601274dff6ddd0
local     7adb0e2e33503b17abfd453fded4b0cd9d9e8b05e064d248dc47de0da6456788
local     adaa3053cb2ff95afc7bab51451f4b1167aa1b9056398ed44b0d4cae9580db52

The mount directory is: / var / lib / docker / volumes / volume name/_ data

The disadvantage of anonymous mounting is that it is difficult to maintain, and it is unclear which container the directory is mounted on

Named mount

-v volume name: / path in container

[root@VM-0-6-centos ~]# docker run -d -P --name nginx02 -v juming:/etc/nginx nginx
[root@VM-0-6-centos ~]# docker volume ls
local     4d0221bc0d8b9e44fb2e878cd3efcacb9b4bd51c8e135d79c549f7a6345f3a24
local     7a1e6924fed1cc5ea6a386d9b2542c0ffc53fada1755bc7d09601274dff6ddd0
local     7adb0e2e33503b17abfd453fded4b0cd9d9e8b05e064d248dc47de0da6456788
local     adaa3053cb2ff95afc7bab51451f4b1167aa1b9056398ed44b0d4cae9580db52
local     juming

View the mounted Directory: docker volume VOLUME-NAME

In the mount operation, if the directory name is not specified, it is under / var/lib/docker/volumes / directory by default

[the external chain picture transfer fails, and the source station may have anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-3lI52oSr-1646553270047)(E:\sysy\Pictures \ BiliBili animation \ image-20220306154859645.png)]

Difference between CMD and ENTRYPOINT

As we said before, both commands specify the commands to be run when a container starts

  • CMD

    There can be multiple CMD instructions in Dockerfile, but only the last one takes effect. CMD will be replaced by the parameters after docker run!


    The parameters after docker run will be passed to ENTRYPOINT as parameters, and then a new command combination will be formed!


[external chain picture transferring... (img-3lI52oSr-1646553270047)]

Difference between CMD and ENTRYPOINT

As we said before, both commands specify the commands to be run when a container starts

  • CMD

    There can be multiple CMD instructions in Dockerfile, but only the last one takes effect. CMD will be replaced by the parameters after docker run!


    The parameters after docker run will be passed to ENTRYPOINT as parameters, and then a new command combination will be formed!

Keywords: Docker Back-end

Added by ladokha on Sun, 06 Mar 2022 10:05:05 +0200