Shandong innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition - grid event intelligent classification ERNIE online accuracy 0.74_ copy

Reprinted from AI Studio
Project link

Competition background

Competition link:

Urban grid management is to divide the urban management area into unit grids according to certain standards. By strengthening the inspection of the cell grid, a management and service mode with mutual separation of supervision and disposal is established. In order to take the initiative to find problems, deal with problems in time, and strengthen the management ability and problem handling speed of the city.

By deeply mining all kinds of resource data, using big data ideas and tools, focusing on information discovery, analysis and utilization, refining the massive data value in the database, changing passive services into active services, and creating a solid data support foundation for the actual business operation process. Starting from the real scene and practical application, this competition will add more challenging and practical tasks. We hope that the contestants can learn from each other and make common progress in these tasks.

Competition task

Based on the grid event data, the event content in the grid is extracted and analyzed, and the categories of events are divided. Specifically, the government types of events are divided according to the event description provided.

No external data can be used in this competition. The competition adopts AB list. The time of list A is from the opening and submission of competition questions to January 18, 2022, and the time of List B is from January 19, 2022 to January 21, 2022.

Competition data

Download data is provided for this competition. Players can debug the algorithm locally and submit the results on the competition page. The contest will provide up to 28000 pieces of data, including training sets and test sets. The data shall be subject to the actual provision. The training data set data samples are as follows:

The test set data sample does not contain a label field. In order to ensure the fairness of the competition, this competition is only allowed to use official data and labels, otherwise the competition results will be deemed invalid.

Results the evaluation index is the classification accuracy: that is, the number of work orders correctly classified / the number of all work orders.

# Install ernie
!pip install paddle-ernie > log.log
import numpy as np
import paddle as P
from ernie.tokenizing_ernie import ErnieTokenizer
from ernie.modeling_ernie import ErnieModel
import sys
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score
import paddle as P

from ernie.tokenizing_ernie import ErnieTokenizer
from ernie.modeling_ernie import ErnieModelForSequenceClassification
# Read the data set and splice the text
train_df = pd.read_csv('train.csv', sep=',')
train_df = train_df.dropna()
train_df['content'] = train_df['name'] + ',' + train_df['content']

test_df = pd.read_csv('testa_nolabel.csv', sep=',')
test_df['content'] = test_df['name'] + ',' + test_df['content']
00There is grass in the canalThere is grass in the canal. At 8:40 a.m. on September 9, * * * village grid member * * * found a row when he visited the north head of our village0
11Clear the sundries in the corridorClean up the sundries in the corridor and the sundries in the corridor within the jurisdiction0
22Street lamp repairOn September 8, 2020, * * * village grid member * * * found that our village0
33Shop investigationShop inspection: on February 1, 2021, the * * * seventh grid member * * * inspected the shops in * * * community for potential safety hazards.0
44Clean up the feces on the north side of * * * 4 * * *Clean up the feces on the north side of * * * 4 * * * at 8:10 on September 7, 2020 * * * community neighborhood committee * * * first grid * * *0
# Encode dataset text
def make_data(df):
    data = []
    for i, row in enumerate(df.iterrows()):
        text, label = row[1].content, row[1].label
        text_id, _ = tokenizer.encode(text) # ErnieTokenizer will automatically add special tokens required by ERNIE, such as [CLS], [SEP]
        text_id = text_id[:MAX_SEQLEN]
        text_id = np.pad(text_id, [0, MAX_SEQLEN-len(text_id)], mode='constant')
        data.append((text_id, label))
    return data
# Build the dataset text into batch
def get_batch_data(data, i):
    d = data[i*BATCH: (i + 1) * BATCH]
    feature, label = zip(*d)
    feature = np.stack(feature)  # Integrate BATCH row samples into a numpy In array
    label = np.stack(list(label))
    feature = P.to_tensor(feature) # Use to_variable will numpy Convert array to paddle tensor
    label = P.to_tensor(label)
    return feature, label
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=6)

# Model hyperparameter

# Multi fold training
fold_idx = 0
for train_idx, val_idx in skf.split(train_df['label'], train_df['label']):
    print(train_idx, val_idx)

    # ernie classification model
    ernie = ErnieModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained('ernie-1.0', num_labels=25)

    # Gradient clipping
    clip = P.nn.ClipGradByValue(min=-0.1, max=0.1)

    # Model optimizer
    optimizer = P.optimizer.Adam(LR,parameters=ernie.parameters(), grad_clip=clip)
    tokenizer = ErnieTokenizer.from_pretrained('ernie-1.0')

    train_data = make_data(train_df.iloc[train_idx])
    val_data = make_data(train_df.iloc[val_idx])

    # Training and verification of single epoch model
    for i in range(EPOCH):
        best_val_acc = 0
        for j in range(len(train_data) // BATCH):
            feature, label = get_batch_data(train_data, j)
            loss, _ = ernie(feature, labels=label) 
            if j % 50 == 0:
                print('Train %d/%d: loss %.5f' % (j, len(train_data) // BATCH, loss.numpy()))
            # evaluate
            if j % 100 == 0:
                all_pred, all_label = [], []
                with P.no_grad():
                    for j in range(len(val_data) // BATCH):
                        feature, label = get_batch_data(val_data, j)
                        loss, logits = ernie(feature, labels=label)

                acc = (np.array(all_label) == np.array(all_pred)).astype(np.float32).mean()
                if acc > best_val_acc:
                    best_val_acc = acc
          , str(fold_idx) + '.bin')
                print('Val acc %.5f' % acc)

    fold_idx += 1
downloading   1%|          | 8597/788477 [00:00<00:20, 38223.93KB/s]

[ 2653  2679  2722 ... 15243 15244 15245] [   0    1    2 ... 3958 4443 4471]

downloading 788478KB [00:13, 59626.31KB/s]                            
W1229 14:33:03.098490   102] Please NOTE: device: 0, GPU Compute Capability: 7.0, Driver API Version: 10.1, Runtime API Version: 10.1
W1229 14:33:03.103865   102] device: 0, cuDNN Version: 7.6.
/opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ernie/ DeprecationWarning: The 'warn' method is deprecated, use 'warning' instead
  log.warn('param:%s not set in pretrained model, skip' % k)
[WARNING] 2021-12-29 14:33:11,718 [  296]:    param:classifier.weight not set in pretrained model, skip
[WARNING] 2021-12-29 14:33:11,719 [  296]:    param:classifier.bias not set in pretrained model, skip

Train 0/381: loss 3.55544
Val acc 0.02072
Train 50/381: loss 1.88277
Train 100/381: loss 1.69001
Val acc 0.58717
Train 150/381: loss 1.36154
Train 200/381: loss 1.21011
Val acc 0.62204
Train 250/381: loss 1.08967
Train 300/381: loss 1.02198
Val acc 0.61711
Train 350/381: loss 1.18056
Train 0/381: loss 1.07412
Val acc 0.64671
Train 50/381: loss 1.13818
Train 100/381: loss 1.13416
Val acc 0.64539
Train 150/381: loss 1.46287
Train 200/381: loss 0.87446
Val acc 0.65658
Train 250/381: loss 0.71587
Train 300/381: loss 0.92604
Val acc 0.64803
Train 350/381: loss 1.28124
Train 0/381: loss 0.72489
Val acc 0.66546
Train 50/381: loss 0.74182
Train 100/381: loss 1.04708
Val acc 0.68125
Train 150/381: loss 0.99416
Train 200/381: loss 0.53880
Val acc 0.67599
Train 250/381: loss 1.10793
Train 300/381: loss 0.98753
Val acc 0.68257
Train 350/381: loss 0.94299
Train 0/381: loss 0.50831
Val acc 0.68322
Train 50/381: loss 0.66269
Train 100/381: loss 0.57772
Val acc 0.68684
Train 150/381: loss 0.43587
Train 200/381: loss 0.70022
Val acc 0.67862
Train 250/381: loss 0.65823
Train 300/381: loss 0.63757
Val acc 0.68191
Train 350/381: loss 0.33489
Train 0/381: loss 0.57369
Val acc 0.68980
Train 50/381: loss 0.48750
Train 100/381: loss 0.60838
Val acc 0.68717
Train 150/381: loss 0.22357
Train 200/381: loss 0.73708
Val acc 0.67928
Train 250/381: loss 0.51203
Train 300/381: loss 0.63198
Val acc 0.68520
Train 350/381: loss 0.27435
Train 0/381: loss 0.49044
Val acc 0.66579
Train 50/381: loss 0.29290
Train 100/381: loss 0.35392
Val acc 0.69112
Train 150/381: loss 0.50911
Train 200/381: loss 0.50242
Val acc 0.68520
Train 250/381: loss 0.34875
Train 300/381: loss 0.50026
Val acc 0.69342
Train 350/381: loss 0.60847
Train 0/381: loss 1.38546
Val acc 0.59408
Train 50/381: loss 0.66777
Train 100/381: loss 0.29971
Val acc 0.69605
Train 150/381: loss 0.10559
Train 200/381: loss 0.13398
Val acc 0.69276
Train 250/381: loss 0.22911
Train 300/381: loss 0.47197
Val acc 0.68224
Train 350/381: loss 0.58273
Train 0/381: loss 0.31320
Val acc 0.67072
Train 50/381: loss 0.27460
Train 100/381: loss 0.59036
Val acc 0.65921
Train 150/381: loss 0.22631
Train 200/381: loss 0.37249
Val acc 0.67467
Train 250/381: loss 0.50558
Train 300/381: loss 0.12548
Val acc 0.68355
Train 350/381: loss 0.46684
Train 0/381: loss 0.27444
Val acc 0.68289
Train 50/381: loss 0.26523
Train 100/381: loss 0.25900
Val acc 0.68059
Train 150/381: loss 0.32721
Train 200/381: loss 0.12822
Val acc 0.68520
Train 250/381: loss 0.24605
Train 300/381: loss 0.59573
Val acc 0.65822
Train 350/381: loss 0.33798
Train 0/381: loss 0.13392
Val acc 0.69211
Train 50/381: loss 0.04590
Train 100/381: loss 0.06209
Val acc 0.68849
Train 150/381: loss 0.17020
Train 200/381: loss 0.05582
Val acc 0.68224
Train 250/381: loss 0.21385
Train 300/381: loss 0.11703
Val acc 0.68224
Train 350/381: loss 0.08684
[    0     1     2 ... 15243 15244 15245] [2653 2679 2722 ... 7321 7606 7650]

[WARNING] 2021-12-29 15:19:22,368 [  296]:    param:classifier.weight not set in pretrained model, skip
[WARNING] 2021-12-29 15:19:22,369 [  296]:    param:classifier.bias not set in pretrained model, skip

Train 0/381: loss 3.17975
Val acc 0.07105
Train 50/381: loss 1.97960
Train 100/381: loss 1.57657
Val acc 0.54638
Train 150/381: loss 1.33006
Train 200/381: loss 1.07533
Val acc 0.59605
Train 250/381: loss 0.64593
Train 300/381: loss 1.17791
Val acc 0.63026
Train 350/381: loss 1.05878
Train 0/381: loss 1.05816
Val acc 0.63586
Train 50/381: loss 1.06569
Train 100/381: loss 1.12862
Val acc 0.63586
Train 150/381: loss 0.92812
Train 200/381: loss 0.75556
Val acc 0.64836
Train 250/381: loss 0.98756
Train 300/381: loss 0.96614
Val acc 0.65691
Train 350/381: loss 1.00483
Train 0/381: loss 0.66806
Val acc 0.64342
Train 50/381: loss 0.95530
Train 100/381: loss 1.01876
Val acc 0.66480
Train 150/381: loss 0.84060
Train 200/381: loss 1.15432
Val acc 0.65987
Train 250/381: loss 1.05941
Train 300/381: loss 0.98219
Val acc 0.67467
Train 350/381: loss 0.90607
Train 0/381: loss 0.71226
Val acc 0.67566
Train 50/381: loss 0.85803
Train 100/381: loss 0.56040
Val acc 0.67829
Train 150/381: loss 0.66480
Train 200/381: loss 0.80573
Val acc 0.68322
Train 250/381: loss 0.53809
Train 300/381: loss 0.67504
Val acc 0.67993
Train 350/381: loss 0.98953
Train 0/381: loss 0.58755
Val acc 0.68816
Train 50/381: loss 0.73488
Train 100/381: loss 0.84386
Val acc 0.68191
Train 150/381: loss 0.98317
Train 200/381: loss 1.47266
Val acc 0.67434
Train 250/381: loss 0.93344
Train 300/381: loss 0.57652
Val acc 0.68914
Train 350/381: loss 0.50576
Train 0/381: loss 0.50948
Val acc 0.69638
Train 50/381: loss 0.84004
Train 100/381: loss 0.56445
Val acc 0.68586
Train 150/381: loss 0.35402
Train 200/381: loss 0.33610
Val acc 0.68421
Train 250/381: loss 0.77689
Train 300/381: loss 0.34096
Val acc 0.69112
Train 350/381: loss 0.93121
Train 0/381: loss 0.21750
Val acc 0.68355
Train 50/381: loss 0.57992
Train 100/381: loss 0.38603
Val acc 0.68388
Train 150/381: loss 0.15227
Train 200/381: loss 0.52117
Val acc 0.68092
Train 250/381: loss 0.32740
Train 300/381: loss 0.51278
Train 350/381: loss 0.24217
Train 0/381: loss 0.44215
Val acc 0.67961
Train 50/381: loss 0.16680
Train 100/381: loss 0.15252
Val acc 0.68355
Train 150/381: loss 0.31004
Train 200/381: loss 0.18911
Val acc 0.68651
Train 250/381: loss 0.11511
Train 300/381: loss 1.61287
Val acc 0.59211
Train 350/381: loss 0.61160
Train 0/381: loss 0.51912
Val acc 0.64408
Train 50/381: loss 0.36144
Train 100/381: loss 0.18402
Val acc 0.67007
Train 150/381: loss 0.32190
Train 200/381: loss 0.33891
Val acc 0.68158
Train 250/381: loss 0.26074
Train 300/381: loss 0.13387
Val acc 0.68092
Train 350/381: loss 0.26407
Train 0/381: loss 0.31835


KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)

/tmp/ipykernel_102/ in <module>
     39                         loss, logits = ernie(feature, labels=label)
---> 41                         all_pred.extend(logits.argmax(-1).numpy())
     42                         all_label.extend(label.numpy())
     43                     ernie.train()

import glob
test_df['content'] = test_df['content'].fillna('')
test_df['label'] = 0
test_data = make_data(test_df.iloc[:])

# Model multi fold dependency
test_pred_tta = None
for path in glob.glob('./*.bin'):
    ernie = ErnieModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained('ernie-1.0', num_labels=25)

    test_pred = []
    with P.no_grad():
        for j in range(len(test_data) // BATCH+1):
            feature, label = get_batch_data(test_data, j)
            loss, logits = ernie(feature, labels=label)

    if test_pred_tta is None:
        test_pred_tta = np.vstack(test_pred)
        test_pred_tta += np.vstack(test_pred)
/opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ernie/ DeprecationWarning: The 'warn' method is deprecated, use 'warning' instead
  log.warn('param:%s not set in pretrained model, skip' % k)
[WARNING] 2021-12-29 16:04:32,465 [  296]:    param:classifier.weight not set in pretrained model, skip
[WARNING] 2021-12-29 16:04:32,467 [  296]:    param:classifier.bias not set in pretrained model, skip
[WARNING] 2021-12-29 16:05:08,231 [  296]:    param:classifier.weight not set in pretrained model, skip
[WARNING] 2021-12-29 16:05:08,233 [  296]:    param:classifier.bias not set in pretrained model, skip
# Generate submission results
    'id': test_df['id'],
    'label': test_pred_tta.argmax(1)
}).to_csv('submit.csv', index=None)

Improvement direction

  1. The original token Dictionary of the model can be added.
  2. Confrontation training can be used to increase the accuracy of the model.
  3. Multiple models can be integrated.

Keywords: AI Deep Learning NLP paddlepaddle BERT

Added by JustGotAQuestion on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 02:45:31 +0200