Static file configuration
In setting At the bottom of Py is a folder called static, which is mainly used to load some resources used in the template for global use
This static file is mainly used to configure CSS, HTML, images, font files, etc
STATIC_URL = '/static/' STATICFILES_DIRS = [ os.path.join(BASE_DIR,'static') ]
- After that, in the template, first load the static file, and then call static, so you do not need to write the absolute full path.
Picture upload
- The file is stored in request In the files property
- enctype = 'multipart / from data' needs to be added to the form upload file
- File upload must use POST request mode
- Create uploadfiles in the static folder to store the uploaded files
- Configure in settings, MEDIA_ROOT=os.path.join(BASE_DIR, r’static/uploadefiles)
- In development, we usually store it in the table of associated users
def upload_file(request): if request.method == "POST": icon = request.FILES.get("icon") with open("/----/static/img/icon.jpg", "wb") as save_file: for part in icon.chuncks(): save_file.write(part) save_file.flush() return HttpResponse("File uploaded successfully")
- Django comes with
# models class UserModel(models.Model): u_name = models.CharField(max_length=16) # upload_to relative path, relative to MEDIA_ROOT media root u_icon = models.ImageField(upload_to='%Y/%m/%d/icons')
# Settings MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static/upload')
# Terminal pip install pillow -i
# Store pictures def image_field(request): if request.method == "POST": username = request.POST.get("username") icon = request.POST.get("icon") user = User() user.u_name = username user.i_icon = icon return HttpResponse(---)
# Read picture def mine(request): username = request.GET.get("username") user = User.objects.get(u_name=username) data = { "username": username, "url": "/static/upload" + user.u_icon.url } return ----
- The core purpose of caching framework
- Less code
- uniformity
- Scalability
- Improve server response speed
- Store the operation data that has been executed, and get the data directly from the cache when getting the data again within a certain period of time
- The ideal solution is to use memory level cache
- Django built-in caching framework
- Memcached based cache
- Use database for caching
- Use file system for caching
- Use local memory for caching
- Provide cache extension interface
Cache configuration
Create cache table
python manage.y createcachetable [table_name]
- Cache configuration
CACHES = { 'default': { 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.db.DatabaseCache', 'LOCATION': 'my_cache_table', 'TIMEOUT': 60*5, # The following parts may not be filled in 'OPTIONS': { 'MAX_ENTRIES': '300', }, # Leading string 'KEY_PREFIX': 'rock', 'VERSION': '1', } }
Use of cache
- Use in view (most used scenes)
- @cache_page()
- Time seconds, cache time
- cache configuration, default
- key_prefix prefix string
Cache bottom
Get cache (multiple)
from django.core.cache import caches cache = caches['cache_name']
Get cache (single)
from django.core.cache import cache
Cache operation
- cache.set
- key
- value
- timeout
- get
- add
- get_or_set
- get_many
- set_many
- delete
- delete_many
- clear
- incr increase
- Incr (key, value) add value to the value corresponding to key
- decr reduction
- Decr (key, value) reduces value from the value corresponding to key
- If value is not written, it changes to 1 by default
- cache.set
Using Redis for caching
There are two common implementations
pip install django-redis
pip install django-redis-cache
The configuration is basically consistent with the built-in cache configuration
CACHES = { 'default': { 'BACKEND': 'django_redis.cache.RedisCache', 'LOCATION': 'redis://', 'OPTIONS': { 'CLIENT_CLASS': 'django_redis.client.DefaultClient', }, } }
aop facing section
Middleware: it is a lightweight, low-level plug-in that can intervene in Django's request and response process (aspect oriented programming)
The essence of middleware is a python class
Realize statistical function
- Statistical ip
- Statistical browser
Realize weight control
class HelloMiddle(MiddlewareMixin): def process_request(self, request): print(request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR')) ip = request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR') if ip == '': return HttpResponse("Congratulations, rich fool") else: return HttpResponse('hhh')
- blacklist
- White list
Realize reverse climbing
Anti reptile
class HelloMiddle(MiddlewareMixin): def process_request(self, request): ip = request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR') if request.path == "/app/getticket/": result = cache.get(ip) if result: return HttpResponse('You visit too often') cache.set(ip, ip, timeout=10)
class HelloMiddle(MiddlewareMixin): def process_request(self, request): ip = request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR') requests = cache.get(ip, []) black_list = cache.get(ip, []) if ip in black_list: return HttpResponse('You have been hacked and cannot be operated') while requests and time.time() - requests[-1] > 60: requests.pop() request.insert(0, time.time(), timeout=60) cache.set(ip, requests, timeout=60) if len(requests) >=30: black_list.append(ip) cache.set('black', black_list, timeout=60*60*24) return HttpResponse('You have been hacked') if len(requests) >= 10: return HttpResponse('Too many requests')
- You can only search once in ten seconds
Friendly interface
Friendly application interaction
- Call order
- When middleware is registered, it is a list
- If we do not return at the tangent point, the middleware will execute in turn
- If the middleware is not directly executed, we will not directly execute it
- Tangent point
- process_request
- process_view
- process_template_response
- process_response
- process_exception
Cut in function
- __ init __ : Without parameters, the server will automatically call when responding to the first request. The user determines whether to enable the middleware
- process_request(self, request): it is called before the view is executed. It will be called on each request. It does not actively return or return the HttpResponse object
- process_ template_ Reply (self, request, response): it is called just after the view is executed. Each request will be called. It does not actively return or return the HttpResponse object
- process_response(self, request, response): all responses are called before they are returned to the browser, and each request is invoked without initiatively returning or returning HttpResponse objects.
- process_exception(self, request, exception): called when the view throws an exception. It does not actively return or return the HttpResponse object
def process_exception(self, request, exception): print(request) print(exception) return HttpResponse('error')
Custom middleware process
Create a middleware directory under the project directory
Create a python file in the directory
Import the base class of Middleware in python file
from django.utils.deprecation import MiddlewareMixin
In the class, according to the functional requirements, create the entry requirement class and rewrite the entry point method
class LearAOP(MiddlewareMixin): def process_request(self.request): print('request Path of', request.GET.path)
In MIDDLEWARE.middleware configuration, add File name Class name
django provides pagination tools, which exist in django In core
- Paginator data paging tool
- Page a specific page
- Object to create Paginator (data set, number of data per page)
- Properties:
- Total count objects
- num_ Total pages
- page_range page list, starting from 1
Get a page object using the page (integer) method
- object_list all data objects on the current page
- Number the page number value of the current page
- Paginator the Paginator object associated with the current page
- Common errors
- InvalidPage: page() passes an invalid page number
- Pagenotaninteger: the page() passed is not an integer
- Empty: the value passed by page() is valid, but there is no data
- custom
def get_students(request): page = request.GET.get('page', 1) per_page = request.GET.get('per_page', 10) students = Student.objects.all()[per_page*(page-1): page*per_page] data = { 'students': students } return render(request----)
- django built in
def get_students(request): page = request.GET.get('page', 1) per_page = request.GET.get('per_page', 10) students = Student.objects.all() paginator = Paginator(students, per_page) page_object = data = { "page_object": page_object, "page_range": paginator.page_range, } return render(request----)
Verification Code
- The verification code needs to use the drawing pilot
- Core Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
def login(request): receive_code = request.POST.get('verify_code') store_code = request.session.get('verify_code') if receive_code.lower() != store_code.lower(): return --- else: return --- def get_code(request): # Initialize canvas, initialize brush mode = "RGB" size = (200, 100) red = get_color() green = get_color() blue = get_color() color_bg = (red, green, blue) image =, size=size, color=color_bg) imagedraw = ImageDraw(image, mode=mode) imagefont = ImageFont.truetype(settings.FONT_PATH, 100) verify_code = generate_code() request.session['verify_code'] = verify_code for i in range(4): fill = (get_color(), get_color(), get_color()) imagedraw.text(xy=(50*i, 0), text=verify_code[i], font=imagefont, fill=fill) for i in range(5000): fill = (get_color(), get_color(), get_color()) xy = (random.randrange(201), random.randrange(100)) imagedraw.point(xy=(), fill=fill) fp = BytesIO(), "png") return HttpResponse(fp.getvalue(), content_type="image/png") def get_color(): return random.randrange(256) def generate_code(): source = "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890" for i in range(4): code += random.choice(source) return code
Rich text
django plug-in
- pip install django-tinymce
- Used in background management
- Used in pages, usually for blogs
Used in the background
Configure settings Py file
- INSTALLED_ Add tinymce app to apps
Add default configuration
TINYMCE_DEFAULT_COUNFIG = { 'theme': 'advanced', 'width': 800, 'height': 600, }
Create model class:
from tinymce.models import HTMLField class Blog(models.Model): sBlog = HTMLField()
Configure site