CC + + uses cjson library to operate Json format files (create, insert, parse, modify, delete)

Why learn to parse Json files?
Work needs!

Recently, in the work project, there is a need to parse Json string, but I only use QT to parse Json, and the supervisor stipulates that C/C + + language should be used to parse. It is said that it is to facilitate transplantation to other projects for use

There's no way but to bite the bullet and find out if there's any analysis on the Internet. Jason's open source library can be used in C/C + +.
I found a lot and provided a lot on the Internet. Finally, I chose cJOSN. Why not? It's because it's small and exquisite and pure C!

Spent a week or two to study and record some commonly used JSON string parsing!

Finally, let's briefly introduce what json is:
json is a lightweight data storage and exchange language, which is stored in the form of key value pairs, for example: {"key": "value"}
Note: the key needs to be enclosed in double quotation marks. If the value is a string, it also needs to be enclosed in double quotation marks. It is not required for other types.

json is mainly used for network data transmission!

1, Prepare cJSON open source library

cjosn library download website:

After downloading, you will get a compressed package. Unzip it and enter it to copy cjson C and cjson H file into your own project.

Finally, add these two files to your project!

You can use both Linux and Window!

2, Introduction to cJSON

  1. First, let's introduce json data:

    The json data in the figure above is what this blog will operate on. It will be created, parsed, modified and deleted.
    This includes encapsulation and parsing commonly used in projects.

  2. cJSON mainly stores data through the structure cJSON:

    typedef struct cJSON {
    	struct cJSON *next,*prev;	/* next Is to get the next element data, prev is to get the previous element data */
    	struct cJSON *child;		/* Get the first element data. When you need to get the next one, you have to use next */
    	int type;					/* The current json type object, array, string, number, null, true, false, etc */
    	char *valuestring;			/* String value, if type==cJSON_String */
    	int valueint;				/* Integer type value, if type==cJSON_Number */
    	double valuedouble;			/* Floating point type value, if type==cJSON_Number */
    	char *string;				/* This is the key */
    } cJSON;
  3. type, which is judged with the following macro

    /* cJSON Types: */
    #define cJSON_False 0		// true
    #define cJSON_True 1		// false
    #define cJSON_NULL 2		// NULL
    #define cJSON_Number 3 		//  number
    #define cJSON_String 4 		//  character string
    #define cJSON_Array 5 		//  array
    #define cJSON_Object 6 		//  object
  4. A function that generates a cjson pointer from a string. After use, you need to call cJSON_Delete to release

    extern cJSON *cJSON_Parse(const char *value);
    // Release cjson_ Pointer returned by parse
    extern void   cJSON_Delete(cJSON *c);
  5. cjson pointer function to generate string

    // The format of the generated string has to be adjusted
    extern char  *cJSON_Print(cJSON *item);
    // There is no format adjustment, but a line of string display
    extern char  *cJSON_PrintUnformatted(cJSON *item);

    When using these two functions, you must release the pointer memory returned by them, otherwise it will cause memory leakage.


I can't use any of the others below!

3, Package Jason

  1. { }

    "interest": {
    	"basketball": "Basketball",
    	"badminton": "badminton"

    The code achieves the above effect:

    // Define object {}
    cJSON *interest = cJSON_CreateObject();
    // Insert element, corresponding to key value pair
    cJSON_AddItemToObject(interest, "basketball", cJSON_CreateString("Basketball"));		// When the value is a string, you need to use the function cJSON_CreateString() create
    cJSON_AddItemToObject(interest, "badminton", cJSON_CreateString("badminton"));
    // Or use macros to add
    //cJSON_ Addstringtoobject (interest, "badmenton", "badminton"); 	//  Or write it like this
  2. [ ]

    "color": [ "black", "white"]

    The code achieves the above effect:

    // Define [] array
    cJSON *color = cJSON_CreateArray();
    // Adding elements to an array
    cJSON_AddItemToArray(color, cJSON_CreateString("black"));
    cJSON_AddItemToArray(color, cJSON_CreateString("white"));
  3. [ { }, { } ]

    "like": [
    	{ "game": "Mario", "price": 66.6 },
    	{ "game": "Contra", "price": 77.7 }

    The code achieves the above effect:

    // Define {} object
    cJSON *likeObject1 = cJSON_CreateObject();
    cJSON_AddItemToObject(likeObject1, "game", cJSON_CreateString("Mario"));
    cJSON_AddItemToObject(likeObject1, "price", cJSON_CreateNumber(66.6));		// When the value is a number, you need to use the function cJSON_CreateNumber() create
    //cJSON_AddNumberToObject(likeObject1, "price", 66.6); 	//  Or write it like this
    cJSON *likeObject2 = cJSON_CreateObject();
    cJSON_AddItemToObject(likeObject2, "game", cJSON_CreateString("Contra"));
    cJSON_AddItemToObject(likeObject2, "price", cJSON_CreateNumber(77.7));
    // Define [] array
    cJSON *like = cJSON_CreateArray();
    // Adding elements to an array
    cJSON_AddItemToArray(like, likeObject1);
    cJSON_AddItemToArray(like, likeObject2);
  4. [ [ ], [ ] ]

    "education": [
        [ "primary school", "junior high school" ],
        [ "high school", "university" ]

    The code achieves the above effect:

    // Define [] array
    cJSON *education1 = cJSON_CreateArray();
    cJSON_AddItemToArray(education1, cJSON_CreateString("primary school"));
    cJSON_AddItemToArray(education1, cJSON_CreateString("junior high school"));
    cJSON *education2 = cJSON_CreateArray();
    cJSON_AddItemToArray(education2, cJSON_CreateString("high school"));
    cJSON_AddItemToArray(education2, cJSON_CreateString("university"));
    // Define [] array
    cJSON *education = cJSON_CreateArray();
    cJSON_AddItemToArray(education, education1);
    cJSON_AddItemToArray(education, education2);
  5. { { }, { } }

    "languages": {
    	"serialOne": { "language": "chinese", "grade": 10 },
    	"serialTwo": { "language": "English", "grade": 6}

    The code achieves the above effect:

    // Define object {}
    cJSON *serialOne = cJSON_CreateObject();
    cJSON_AddItemToObject(serialOne, "language", cJSON_CreateString("chinese"));		
    cJSON_AddItemToObject(serialOne, "grade", cJSON_CreateNumber(10));
    cJSON *serialTwo = cJSON_CreateObject();
    cJSON_AddItemToObject(serialTwo, "language", cJSON_CreateString("English"));
    cJSON_AddItemToObject(serialTwo, "grade", cJSON_CreateNumber(6));
    // Define object {}
    cJSON *languages = cJSON_CreateObject();
    cJSON_AddItemToObject(languages, "serialOne", serialOne);
    cJSON_AddItemToObject(languages, "serialTwo", serialTwo);
  6. Define the root node, which is the outermost layer {}

    // Create the following object
    cJSON *root = cJSON_CreateObject();
  7. Insert both {} and [] defined above into the following node {}

    // Insert child into root
    cJSON_AddItemToObject(root, "name", cJSON_CreateString("Xiao Ming"));	// "name": 	 "Xiao Ming"
    cJSON_AddItemToObject(root, "age", cJSON_CreateNumber(23));			// "age":	23
    cJSON_AddItemToObject(root, "interest", interest);
    cJSON_AddItemToObject(root, "color", color);
    cJSON_AddItemToObject(root, "like", like);
    cJSON_AddItemToObject(root, "education", education);
    cJSON_AddItemToObject(root, "languages", languages);
    cJSON_AddItemToObject(root, "vip", cJSON_CreateTrue());	// "vip": 	 true 		 Cjson is required to insert Boolean data_ Createbool function
    cJSON_AddItemToObject(root, "address", cJSON_CreateNull());	// "address": 	 null 	 Inserting null values requires cJSON_CreateNull function
    //cJSON_AddTrueToObject(root, "vip");
    //cJSON_AddNullToObject(root, "address"); 	//  Or it can be written like this
  8. Print console view

    // Print console view
    char *cPrint = cJSON_Print(root);
    char *cPrintUnformatted = cJSON_PrintUnformatted(root);
    ", cPrint);		// cJSON_Print: format adjustment
    ", cPrintUnformatted);	// cJSON_PrintUnformatted: no format adjustment is made
    // The returned string pointer needs to be released by itself

    Remember to use cJSON_Print and cjson_ The character pointer returned by printunformatted needs free memory!

  9. Write to file

    // Open file
    FILE *file = NULL;
    file = fopen(FILE_NAME, "w");	// FILE_NAME ==> "jss.json"
    if (file == NULL) {
    	printf("Open file fail!
    	// Freeing pointer memory
    char *cjValue = cJSON_Print(root);
    // write file
    //int ret = fwrite(cjValue, sizeof(char), strlen(cjValue), file);
    int ret = fputs(cjValue, file);
    if (ret == EOF) {
    	printf("Failed to write file!
  10. Release the cJSON pointer

    //Freeing pointer memory

  11. After the code is written, it will be compiled and run. A JSON file will be created in its own project path and the contents will be written. The contents of the file are as follows:

4, Parse Jason

When parsing, you need to use the type type in the structure to judge. This is for security reasons!

You can also use cjson when parsing_ Print function to get the string or use valuestring in the structure to get it, but note that cjson is used_ The print function needs to free the obtained pointer to get the string, otherwise it will cause memory leakage!

The following two methods are provided for parsing. The first is fixed and write dead; The second is a flexible way to analyze!

  1. Open file to read josn data

    // Open file
    FILE *file = NULL;
    file = fopen(FILE_NAME, "r");
    if (file == NULL) {
    	printf("Open file fail!
    // Get file size
    struct stat statbuf;
    stat(FILE_NAME, &statbuf);
    int fileSize = statbuf.st_size;
    printf("File size:%d
    ", fileSize);
    // Allocate memory that matches the file size
    char *jsonStr = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * fileSize + 1);
    memset(jsonStr, 0, fileSize + 1);
    // Read json string in file
    int size = fread(jsonStr, sizeof(char), fileSize, file);
    if (size == 0) {
    	printf("Failed to read file!
    ", jsonStr);
  2. Initialize the cJSON pointer with the read json data

    // Convert the read json string into a json variable pointer
    cJSON *root = cJSON_Parse(jsonStr);
    if (!root) {
    	const char *err = cJSON_GetErrorPtr();
    	printf("Error before: [%s]
    ", err);
    	free((void *)err);
  3. Define some variables that need to be used below

    cJSON *item = NULL;
    char *v_str = NULL;
    double v_double = 0.0;
    int v_int = 0;
    bool v_bool = false;
  4. Parsed directly by key

    // Resolution: "name": 	 "Xiao Ming",
    item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "name");	
    if (item != NULL) {
    	/* Writing method 1:*/
    	// Determine whether it is a string type
    	//if (item->type == cJSON_String) {
    	//	v_str = cJSON_Print(item); 		//  Get value through function
    	//	printf("name = %s
    ", v_str);
    	//	free(v_str); 					//  The pointer returned through the function needs to be free by itself, otherwise it will lead to memory leakage
    	//	v_str = NULL;
    	/* Method 2: */
    	// Determine whether it is a string type
    	if (item->type == cJSON_String) {	
    		v_str = item->valuestring;		// This assignment is a shallow copy and does not need to free memory now
    		printf("name = %s
    ", v_str);
    // Resolution: "age": 	 "23",
    item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "age");
    if (item != NULL) {	// Legitimacy check
    	if (item->type == cJSON_Number) {		// Judge whether it is a number
    		v_int = item->valueint;			// Get value
    		printf("age = %d
    ", v_int);
    // Parsing: "vip": 	 true,
    item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "vip");
    if (item != NULL) {
    	if (item->type == cJSON_True || item->type == cJSON_False) {
    		v_str = cJSON_Print(item);		// Since bool type structure is not given, string is used instead
    		printf("vip = %s
    ", v_str);
    		v_str = NULL;
    // Resolution: "address": 	 null
    item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "address");
    if (item != NULL && item->type == cJSON_NULL) {
    	v_str = cJSON_Print(item);		// Since the NULL type structure is not given, a string is used instead
    	printf("address = %s
    ", v_str);
    	v_str = NULL;
  5. Resolve object {}
    That is to say, analyze the following figure:

    Resolution code:

    	/*************** Mode 1***************/
    	item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "interest");		// Get object object name
    	if (item != NULL) {
    		cJSON *val = NULL;
    		val = cJSON_GetObjectItem(item, "basketball");	// Get the basketball data inside according to the object object name
    		if (val != NULL && val->type == cJSON_String) {
    			v_str = val->valuestring;
    			printf("basketball = %s
    ", v_str);
    		val = cJSON_GetObjectItem(item, "badminton");	// Get the badmenton data inside according to the object object name
    		if (val != NULL && val->type == cJSON_String) {
    			v_str = val->valuestring;
    			printf("badminton = %s
    ", v_str);
    	/*************** Mode 2***************/
    	item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "interest");
    	if (item != NULL) {
    		cJSON *obj = item->child;	// Get "basketball": 	 "basketball"
    		while (obj) {
    			if (obj->type == cJSON_String) {
    				char *v_str = obj->valuestring;
    				printf("%s = %s
    ", obj->string, v_str);	// You can get the key through string
    			// Get next element
    			obj = obj->next;
  6. Parse array []
    That is to say, analyze the following figure:
    Resolution code:

    	/*************** Mode 1***************/
    	item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "color");
    	if (item != NULL) {
    		int size = cJSON_GetArraySize(item);	// Get the number of arrays
    		for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    			cJSON *arr = cJSON_GetArrayItem(item, i);	// Gets the value in the array based on the index
    			if (arr != NULL && arr->type == cJSON_String) {
    				v_str = arr->valuestring;
    				printf("color = %s
    ", v_str);
    	/*************** Mode 2***************/
    	item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "color");
    	if (item != NULL) {
    		cJSON *arr = item->child;	// Get "black"
    		while (arr) {
    			if (arr->type == cJSON_String) {
    				char *v_str = arr->valuestring;
    				printf("color = %s
    ", v_str);
    			// Get next element
    			arr = arr->next;
  7. Parse object in array [{}]
    That is to say, analyze the following figure:

    Resolution code:

    	/*************** Mode 1***************/
    	item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "like");
    	if (item != NULL) {
    		int size = cJSON_GetArraySize(item);	// Gets the size of the array
    		for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    			cJSON *obj = cJSON_GetArrayItem(item, i);		// obj in the obtained array
    			cJSON *val = NULL;
    			if (obj != NULL && obj->type == cJSON_Object) {	// Judge whether the element in the number is of obj type
    				val = cJSON_GetObjectItem(obj, "game");		// Get the value in obj
    				if (val != NULL && val->type == cJSON_String) {
    					v_str = val->valuestring;
    					printf("game = %s
    ", v_str);
    				val = cJSON_GetObjectItem(obj, "price");
    				if (val != NULL && val->type == cJSON_Number) {
    					v_double = val->valuedouble;
    					printf("price = %.2f
    ", v_double);
    	/*************** Mode 2***************/
    	item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "like");
    	if (item != NULL) {
    		cJSON *obj = item->child;	// Get {game ":" Mario "," price": 66.6}
    		while (obj) {
    			if (obj->type == cJSON_Object) {
    				cJSON *objValue = obj->child;	// Get "game": "Mario"
    				while (objValue) {
    					// Then distinguish by type
    					if (objValue->type == cJSON_String) {
    						char *v_str = objValue->valuestring;
    						printf("%s = %s
    ", objValue->string, v_str);
    					} else if (objValue->type == cJSON_Number) {
    						double v_double = objValue->valuedouble;
    						printf("%s = %.2f
    ", objValue->string, v_double);
    					// Get next element
    					objValue = objValue->next;
    			// Get the next set of elements
    			obj = obj->next;
  8. Parse array []]
    That is to say, analyze the following figure:

    Resolution code:

    	/*************** Mode 1***************/
    	item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "education");
    	if (item != NULL) {
    		int size = cJSON_GetArraySize(item);	// Gets the size of the array
    		for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    			cJSON *arr = cJSON_GetArrayItem(item, i);		// Analytical acquisition 	 ["primary school", "junior high school"]
    			if (arr != NULL && arr->type == cJSON_Array) {
    				int arrSize = cJSON_GetArraySize(arr);
    				for (int j = 0; j < arrSize; j++) {
    					cJSON *arr2 = cJSON_GetArrayItem(arr, j);	// Further analysis can get the elements in the array
    					if (arr2 != NULL && arr2->type == cJSON_String) {
    						v_str = arr2->valuestring;
    						printf("education = %s
    ", v_str);
    	/*************** Mode 2***************/
    	item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "education");
    	if (item != NULL) {
    		cJSON *arr = item->child;	// Obtain ["primary school", "junior high school"]
    		while (arr) {
    			if (arr->type == cJSON_Array) {
    				cJSON *arrValue = arr->child;	// Get "primary school"
    				while (arrValue) {
    					if (arrValue->type == cJSON_String) {
    						char *v_str = arrValue->valuestring;
    						printf("education = %s
    ", v_str);
    					arrValue = arrValue->next;	// Get next element
    			// Get next group
    			arr = arr->next;
  9. Resolve object {{}} in object
    That is to say, analyze the following figure:

    Resolution code:

    	/*************** Mode 1***************/
    	char *arrStr[] = { "serialOne", "serialTwo" };		// You can define the object key to be parsed in advance, so you can use the for loop to parse
    	item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "languages");
    	if (item != NULL) {
    		cJSON *val = NULL;
    		int size = sizeof(arrStr) / sizeof(char *);
    		// By traversing the pointer array, the key of each object is obtained, and the parsing operation is carried out (if the for loop is not used for parsing, write the code honestly and complete the parsing of all the numbers)
    		for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    			cJSON *obj1 = cJSON_GetObjectItem(item, arrStr[i]);
    			if (obj1 != NULL && obj1->type == cJSON_Object) {
    				val = cJSON_GetObjectItem(obj1, "language");
    				if (val != NULL && val->type == cJSON_String) {
    					v_str = val->valuestring;
    					printf("education = %s
    ", v_str);
    				val = cJSON_GetObjectItem(obj1, "grade");
    				if (val != NULL && val->type == cJSON_Number) {
    					v_int = val->valueint;
    					printf("grade = %d
    ", v_int);
    	/*************** Mode 2***************/
    	// Available without knowing what the key is and without knowing how many elements there are
    	item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "languages");
    	if (item != NULL) {
    		// Get the first child element in languages
    		cJSON *obj = item->child;	// That is: "serialone": {"language": "Chinese", "grade": 10}
    		while (obj) {
    			if (obj->type == cJSON_Object) {
    				// Gets the child element of the child element
    				cJSON *value = obj->child;	// That is: {language ":" Chinese "," grade": 10}
    				while (value) {
    					if (value->type == cJSON_String) {
    						printf("%s = %s
    ", value->string, value->valuestring);
    					} else if (value->type == cJSON_Number) {
    						printf("%s = %d
    ", value->string, value->valueint);
    					// You can freely obtain the elements inside through next
    					value = value->next;
    			// Get the next set of child elements
    			obj = obj->next;
  10. The analytical results are as follows:
    Because there are two parsing methods, they both print twice!

5, Modified by Jason

Only two functions can be used for modification:

extern void cJSON_ReplaceItemInArray(cJSON *array,int which,cJSON *newitem);
extern void cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject(cJSON *object,const char *string,cJSON *newitem);

Just locate the corresponding cJSON pointer first!

  1. Open the file, read the json data, and initialize cJSON, which are the same as above

    // Convert the read json string into a json variable pointer
    cJSON *root = cJSON_Parse(jsonStr);
  2. Define the variables needed below

    // This variable is used to receive the located cJSON
    cJSON *item = NULL;
  3. Direct modification

    /* "name":	"Xiao Ming“ 		====>	 "name": 	 "Little red" */
    // Using cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject can be modified directly
    cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject(root, "name", cJSON_CreateString("Xiao Hong"));
    /* "age": 23		====>	"age": 20 */
    cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject(root, "age", cJSON_CreateNumber(20));
    /* "vip": true	 ====>  "vip": false */
    // Using cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject can be modified directly
    cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject(root, "vip", cJSON_CreateBool(false));

    Before modification:

    After modification:

  4. Modify the value in {}

    	"interest":	{						 After modification: "interest": 	 {				
    		"basketball":	"Basketball ", 		  ====>				 "basketball": 	 "Yao Ming", 
    		"badminton":	"Badminton“ 							 "badminton": 	 "Lindane"
    	}												  }	
    // First, get the pointer that needs to be modified
    item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "interest");
    if (item != NULL) {
    	// Using cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject can be modified directly
    	cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject(item, "basketball", cJSON_CreateString("Yao Ming"));
    	cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject(item, "badminton", cJSON_CreateString("lindane"));

    Before modification:

    After modification:

  5. Modify elements in array []

    /* "color":	["black", "white"]		====>		"color":["red", "blue"]	*/
    item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "color");
    if (item != NULL) {
    	// You still have to use the index to locate the specific value that needs to be modified
    	cJSON_ReplaceItemInArray(item, 0, cJSON_CreateString("red"));
    	cJSON_ReplaceItemInArray(item, 1, cJSON_CreateString("blue"));

    Before modification:

    After modification:

  6. Modify the value in [{}]

    	"like": [									 After modification: "like":[								
    		{ "game": "Mario "," price": 66.6}, 	  ====>	   		 {"game": "bomber", "price": 88.8},
    		{ "game": "Soul duel "," price": 77.7} 						 {"game": "Chinese chess", "price": 99.9}
    	],													   ],	
    item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "like");
    if (item != NULL) {
    	cJSON *arrObj = NULL;
    	arrObj = cJSON_GetArrayItem(item, 0);	// Gets the value in the array based on the index
    	cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject(arrObj, "game", cJSON_CreateString("Bomberman"));
    	cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject(arrObj, "price", cJSON_CreateNumber(88.8));
    	arrObj = cJSON_GetArrayItem(item, 1);	// Gets the value in the array based on the index
    	cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject(arrObj, "game", cJSON_CreateString("Chinese chess"));
    	cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject(arrObj, "price", cJSON_CreateNumber(99.9));

    Before modification:

    After modification:

  7. Modify the value in []

    	"education": [				After modification: 	 "education": [
    		[ "Primary school "," junior middle school "], 		====>			 ["grade 6 of primary school", "grade 3 of junior middle school"],
    		[ "High school "," University "] 						 ["senior high school junior", "senior college"]
    	],										],
    item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "education");
    if (item != NULL) {
    	cJSON *arrArr = NULL;
    	arrArr = cJSON_GetArrayItem(item, 0);	// Gets the value in the array based on the index
    	cJSON_ReplaceItemInArray(arrArr, 0, cJSON_CreateString("Grade 6 of primary school"));
    	cJSON_ReplaceItemInArray(arrArr, 1, cJSON_CreateString("Junior high school junior high school"));
    	arrArr = cJSON_GetArrayItem(item, 1);	// Gets the value in the array based on the index
    	cJSON_ReplaceItemInArray(arrArr, 0, cJSON_CreateString("Senior high school senior three"));
    	cJSON_ReplaceItemInArray(arrArr, 1, cJSON_CreateString("University Senior"));

    Before modification:

    After modification:

  8. Modify the value in {{}}

    	"languages": {											  After modification: 	    "languages": {											
    		"serialOne": { "language": "Chinese "," grade": 10}, 	   ====>	   		 "Serialone": {"language": "Cantonese", "grade": 9},
    		"serialTwo": { "language": "English "," grade": 6} 							 "Serialtwo": {"language": "vernacular", "grade": 8}
    	},																	   },
    item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "languages");
    if (item != NULL) {
    	cJSON *obj = NULL;
    	obj = cJSON_GetObjectItem(item, "serialOne");
    	// Using cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject can be modified directly
    	cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject(obj, "language", cJSON_CreateString("Cantonese"));
    	cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject(obj, "grade", cJSON_CreateNumber(9));
    	obj = cJSON_GetObjectItem(item, "serialTwo");
    	// Using cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject can be modified directly
    	cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject(obj, "language", cJSON_CreateString("vernacular"));
    	cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject(obj, "grade", cJSON_CreateNumber(8));

    Before modification:

    After modification:

  9. write file

    // Open file
    file = fopen(FILE_NAME, "w");
    if (file == NULL) {
    	printf("Open file fail!
    	// Freeing pointer memory
    char *cjValue = cJSON_Print(root);
    // write file
    int ret = fwrite(cjValue, sizeof(char), strlen(cjValue), file);
    if (ret == 0) {
    	printf("Failed to write file!
  10. Release the root pointer

    //Cjson is used_ After parse, remember to call cJSON_Delete function release

6, Delete Jason

Only two functions can be used to delete:

extern void   cJSON_DeleteItemFromArray(cJSON *array,int which);
extern void   cJSON_DeleteItemFromObject(cJSON *object,const char *string);

After finding the corresponding cJOSN pointer, delete the specified index of the array and the specified key of the object!

  1. Open the file, read the json data, and initialize cJSON, which are the same as above

    // Convert the read json string into a json variable pointer
    cJSON *root = cJSON_Parse(jsonStr);
  2. Define the variables needed below

    // This variable is used to receive the located cJSON
    cJSON *item = NULL;
  3. Delete directly

    /* Delete: "name": 	 "Little red" */
    // Use this function to delete directly
    cJSON_DeleteItemFromObject(root, "name");	// Delete with key
  4. Delete value in {}

    /* Delete:
    	"interest":	{
    		"badminton":	"Lin Dan“
    item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "interest");
    // After obtaining the corresponding node object, you can delete it directly
    if (item != NULL) {
    	cJSON_DeleteItemFromObject(item, "badminton");	

    Before deletion:

    After deletion:

  5. Delete elements in array []

    /* Delete: "color": 	 ["blue"] */
    item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "color");
    // Get the corresponding node array and you can delete it directly
    if (item != NULL) {
    	cJSON_DeleteItemFromArray(item, 1);	// Delete by index

    Before deletion:

    After deletion:

  6. Delete {} in []

    /* Delete:
    	"like":	[
    		{ "game":	"Bomber "," price ": 	 88.800000 }, 
    item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "like");
    if (item != NULL) {
    	cJSON_DeleteItemFromArray(item, 0);
    	 You can also continue to delete further
    	//cJSON *arrObj = cJSON_GetArrayItem(item, 0); 	//  Gets the value in the array based on the index
    	//if (arrObj != NULL) {
    	//	cJSON_DeleteItemFromObject(arrObj, "price");

    Before deletion:

    After deletion:

  7. Delete [] from []

    /* Delete: "education": 	 [["senior three", "senior four"]] */
    item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "education");
    if (item != NULL) {
    	cJSON_DeleteItemFromArray(item, 1);
    	 You can also continue to delete further
    	//cJSON *arrArr = cJSON_GetArrayItem(item, 0); 	//  Gets the value in the array based on the index
    	//if (arrArr != NULL) {
    	//	cJSON_DeleteItemFromArray(arrArr, 1);

    Before deletion:

    After deletion:

  8. Delete {} from {}

    /* delete
    	"languages":	{
    		"serialTwo":	{ "language":"Vernacular "," grade":8}
    item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "languages");
    if (item != NULL) {
    	cJSON_DeleteItemFromObject(item, "serialTwo");
    	 You can also continue to delete further
    	//cJSON *obj = cJSON_GetObjectItem(item, "serialOne");
    	//if (obj != NULL) {
    	//	cJSON_DeleteItemFromObject(obj, "grade");

    Before deletion:

    After deletion:

  9. write file

    // Open file
    file = fopen(FILE_NAME, "w");
    if (file == NULL) {
    	printf("Open file fail!
    	// Freeing pointer memory
    char *cjValue = cJSON_Print(root);
    // write file
    int ret = fwrite(cjValue, sizeof(char), strlen(cjValue), file);
    if (ret == 0) {
    	printf("Failed to write file!
  10. Free cJSON pointer memory

    //Cjson is used_ After parse, remember to call cJSON_Delete function release

7, All codes

In VS2017 and above, create an empty project, copy the code, and then import it into cjson H and cjson C file can be run!

#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <sys/stat.h> 	//  Get file size

#include "cJSON.h"

#define FILE_NAME "jss.json"

// Package Jason
void createJson ();
// Parse Jason
void parseJson();
// Modify Jason
void alterJson();
// Delete Jason
void delJson();

int main (void) {





	return 0;

void createJson () {

		"interest": {
			"basketball": "Basketball ",
			"badminton": "Badminton“
	// Define object {}
	cJSON *interest = cJSON_CreateObject();
	// Insert element, corresponding to key value pair
	cJSON_AddItemToObject(interest, "basketball", cJSON_CreateString("Basketball"));		// When the value is a string, you need to use the function cJSON_CreateString() create
	cJSON_AddItemToObject(interest, "badminton", cJSON_CreateString("badminton"));
	//cJSON_ Addstringtoobject (interest, "badmenton", "badminton"); 	//  Or write it like this

		"color": [ "black", "white" ],
	// Define [] array
	cJSON *color = cJSON_CreateArray();
	// Adding elements to an array
	cJSON_AddItemToArray(color, cJSON_CreateString("black"));
	cJSON_AddItemToArray(color, cJSON_CreateString("white"));

		"like": [
			{ "game": "Mario "," price": 66.6},
			{ "game": "Soul duel "," price": 77.7}
	// Define {} object
	cJSON *likeObject1 = cJSON_CreateObject();
	cJSON_AddItemToObject(likeObject1, "game", cJSON_CreateString("Mario"));
	cJSON_AddItemToObject(likeObject1, "price", cJSON_CreateNumber(66.6));		// When the value is a number, you need to use the function cJSON_CreateNumber() create
	//cJSON_AddNumberToObject(likeObject1, "price", 66.6); 	//  Or write it like this

	cJSON *likeObject2 = cJSON_CreateObject();
	cJSON_AddItemToObject(likeObject2, "game", cJSON_CreateString("Contra"));
	cJSON_AddItemToObject(likeObject2, "price", cJSON_CreateNumber(77.7));

	// Define [] array
	cJSON *like = cJSON_CreateArray();
	// Adding elements to an array
	cJSON_AddItemToArray(like, likeObject1);
	cJSON_AddItemToArray(like, likeObject2);

		"education": [
			[ "Primary school "," junior middle school "],
			[ "High school "," University "]
	// Define [] array
	cJSON *education1 = cJSON_CreateArray();
	cJSON_AddItemToArray(education1, cJSON_CreateString("primary school"));
	cJSON_AddItemToArray(education1, cJSON_CreateString("junior high school"));

	cJSON *education2 = cJSON_CreateArray();
	cJSON_AddItemToArray(education2, cJSON_CreateString("high school"));
	cJSON_AddItemToArray(education2, cJSON_CreateString("university"));

	// Define [] array
	cJSON *education = cJSON_CreateArray();
	cJSON_AddItemToArray(education, education1);
	cJSON_AddItemToArray(education, education2);

		"languages": {
			"serialOne": { "language": "Chinese "," grade": 10},
			"serialTwo": { "language": "English "," grade": 6}
	// Define object {}
	cJSON *serialOne = cJSON_CreateObject();
	cJSON_AddItemToObject(serialOne, "language", cJSON_CreateString("chinese"));		
	cJSON_AddItemToObject(serialOne, "grade", cJSON_CreateNumber(10));

	cJSON *serialTwo = cJSON_CreateObject();
	cJSON_AddItemToObject(serialTwo, "language", cJSON_CreateString("English"));
	cJSON_AddItemToObject(serialTwo, "grade", cJSON_CreateNumber(6));

	// Define object {}
	cJSON *languages = cJSON_CreateObject();
	cJSON_AddItemToObject(languages, "serialOne", serialOne);
	cJSON_AddItemToObject(languages, "serialTwo", serialTwo);

	// Create the following object
	cJSON *root = cJSON_CreateObject();

	// Insert child into root
	cJSON_AddItemToObject(root, "name", cJSON_CreateString("Xiao Ming"));	// "name": 	 "Xiao Ming"
	cJSON_AddItemToObject(root, "age", cJSON_CreateNumber(23));			// "age":	23
	cJSON_AddItemToObject(root, "interest", interest);
	cJSON_AddItemToObject(root, "color", color);
	cJSON_AddItemToObject(root, "like", like);
	cJSON_AddItemToObject(root, "education", education);
	cJSON_AddItemToObject(root, "languages", languages);
	cJSON_AddItemToObject(root, "vip", cJSON_CreateTrue());	// "vip": 	 true 		 Cjson is required to insert Boolean data_ Createbool function
	cJSON_AddItemToObject(root, "address", cJSON_CreateNull());	// "address": 	 null 	 Inserting null values requires cJSON_CreateNull function
	//cJSON_AddTrueToObject(root, "vip");
	//cJSON_AddNullToObject(root, "address"); 	//  Or it can be written like this

	// Print console view
	char *cPrint = cJSON_Print(root);
	char *cPrintUnformatted = cJSON_PrintUnformatted(root);

", cPrint);		// cJSON_Print: format adjustment

", cPrintUnformatted);	// cJSON_PrintUnformatted: no format adjustment is made
	// The returned string pointer needs to be released by itself

	// Open file
	FILE *file = NULL;
	file = fopen(FILE_NAME, "w");	// FILE_NAME ==> "jss.json"
	if (file == NULL) {
		printf("Open file fail!

		// Freeing pointer memory

	char *cjValue = cJSON_Print(root);
	// write file
	//int ret = fwrite(cjValue, sizeof(char), strlen(cjValue), file);
	int ret = fputs(cjValue, file);
	if (ret == EOF) {
		printf("Failed to write file!


	// Freeing pointer memory

void parseJson () {

	// Open file
	FILE *file = NULL;
	file = fopen(FILE_NAME, "r");
	if (file == NULL) {
		printf("Open file fail!

	// Get file size
	struct stat statbuf;
	stat(FILE_NAME, &statbuf);
	int fileSize = statbuf.st_size;
	printf("File size:%d
", fileSize);

	// Allocate memory that matches the file size
	char *jsonStr = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * fileSize + 1);
	memset(jsonStr, 0, fileSize + 1);

	// Read json string in file
	int size = fread(jsonStr, sizeof(char), fileSize, file);
	if (size == 0) {
		printf("Failed to read file!
", jsonStr);

	// Convert the read json string into a json variable pointer
	cJSON *root = cJSON_Parse(jsonStr);
	if (!root) {
		const char *err = cJSON_GetErrorPtr();
		printf("Error before: [%s]
", err);
		free((void *)err);

	cJSON *item = NULL;
	char *v_str = NULL;
	double v_double = 0.0;
	int v_int = 0;
	bool v_bool = false;

	// Resolution: "name": 	 "Xiao Ming",
	item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "name");	
	if (item != NULL) {
		/* Writing method 1:*/
		// Determine whether it is a string type
		//if (item->type == cJSON_String) {
		//	v_str = cJSON_Print(item); 		//  Get value through function
		//	printf("name = %s
", v_str);
		//	free(v_str); 					//  The pointer returned through the function needs to be free by itself, otherwise it will lead to memory leakage
		//	v_str = NULL;

		/* Method 2: */
		// Determine whether it is a string type
		if (item->type == cJSON_String) {	
			v_str = item->valuestring;		// This assignment is a shallow copy and does not need to free memory now
			printf("name = %s
", v_str);

	// Resolution: "age": 	 "23",
	item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "age");
	if (item != NULL) {	// Legitimacy check
		if (item->type == cJSON_Number) {		// Judge whether it is a number
			v_int = item->valueint;			// Get value
			printf("age = %d
", v_int);

	// Parsing: "vip": 	 true,
	item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "vip");
	if (item != NULL) {
		if (item->type == cJSON_True || item->type == cJSON_False) {
			v_str = cJSON_Print(item);		// Since bool type structure is not given, string is used instead
			printf("vip = %s
", v_str);
			v_str = NULL;

	// Resolution: "address": 	 null
	item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "address");
	if (item != NULL && item->type == cJSON_NULL) {
		v_str = cJSON_Print(item);		// Since the NULL type structure is not given, a string is used instead
		printf("address = %s
", v_str);
		v_str = NULL;

	/* Resolution:
		"interest":	{
			"basketball":	"Basketball ",
			"badminton":	"Badminton“
		/*************** Mode 1***************/
		item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "interest");		// Get object object name
		if (item != NULL) {
			cJSON *val = NULL;

			val = cJSON_GetObjectItem(item, "basketball");	// Get the basketball data inside according to the object object name
			if (val != NULL && val->type == cJSON_String) {
				v_str = val->valuestring;
				printf("basketball = %s
", v_str);

			val = cJSON_GetObjectItem(item, "badminton");	// Get the badmenton data inside according to the object object name
			if (val != NULL && val->type == cJSON_String) {
				v_str = val->valuestring;
				printf("badminton = %s
", v_str);

		/*************** Mode 2***************/
		item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "interest");
		if (item != NULL) {
			cJSON *obj = item->child;	// Get "basketball": 	 "basketball"

			while (obj) {
				if (obj->type == cJSON_String) {
					char *v_str = obj->valuestring;
					printf("%s = %s
", obj->string, v_str);	// You can get the key through string
				// Get next element
				obj = obj->next;


	/*	Resolution:
		"color":	["black", "white"],
		/*************** Mode 1***************/
		item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "color");
		if (item != NULL) {
			int size = cJSON_GetArraySize(item);	// Get the number of arrays

			for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
				cJSON *arr = cJSON_GetArrayItem(item, i);	// Gets the value in the array based on the index

				if (arr != NULL && arr->type == cJSON_String) {
					v_str = arr->valuestring;
					printf("color = %s
", v_str);

		/*************** Mode 2***************/
		item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "color");
		if (item != NULL) {
			cJSON *arr = item->child;	// Get "black"

			while (arr) {
				if (arr->type == cJSON_String) {
					char *v_str = arr->valuestring;
					printf("color = %s
", v_str);
				// Get next element
				arr = arr->next;

		"like": [
			{ "game": "Mario "," price": 66.6},
			{ "game": "Soul duel "," price": 77.7}
		/*************** Mode 1***************/
		item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "like");
		if (item != NULL) {
			int size = cJSON_GetArraySize(item);	// Gets the size of the array

			for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
				cJSON *obj = cJSON_GetArrayItem(item, i);		// obj in the obtained array
				cJSON *val = NULL;

				if (obj != NULL && obj->type == cJSON_Object) {	// Judge whether the element in the number is of obj type
					val = cJSON_GetObjectItem(obj, "game");		// Get the value in obj

					if (val != NULL && val->type == cJSON_String) {
						v_str = val->valuestring;
						printf("game = %s
", v_str);

					val = cJSON_GetObjectItem(obj, "price");
					if (val != NULL && val->type == cJSON_Number) {
						v_double = val->valuedouble;
						printf("price = %.2f
", v_double);

		/*************** Mode 2***************/
		item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "like");
		if (item != NULL) {
			cJSON *obj = item->child;	// Get {game ":" Mario "," price": 66.6}

			while (obj) {
				if (obj->type == cJSON_Object) {

					cJSON *objValue = obj->child;	// Get "game": "Mario"
					while (objValue) {

						// Then distinguish by type
						if (objValue->type == cJSON_String) {
							char *v_str = objValue->valuestring;
							printf("%s = %s
", objValue->string, v_str);

						} else if (objValue->type == cJSON_Number) {
							double v_double = objValue->valuedouble;
							printf("%s = %.2f
", objValue->string, v_double);
						// Get next element
						objValue = objValue->next;
				// Get the next set of elements
				obj = obj->next;

		"education": [
			[ "Primary school "," junior middle school "],
			[ "High school "," University "]
		/*************** Mode 1***************/
		item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "education");
		if (item != NULL) {
			int size = cJSON_GetArraySize(item);	// Gets the size of the array

			for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
				cJSON *arr = cJSON_GetArrayItem(item, i);		// Analytical acquisition 	 ["primary school", "junior high school"]

				if (arr != NULL && arr->type == cJSON_Array) {
					int arrSize = cJSON_GetArraySize(arr);

					for (int j = 0; j < arrSize; j++) {
						cJSON *arr2 = cJSON_GetArrayItem(arr, j);	// Further analysis can get the elements in the array

						if (arr2 != NULL && arr2->type == cJSON_String) {
							v_str = arr2->valuestring;
							printf("education = %s
", v_str);

		/*************** Mode 2***************/
		item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "education");
		if (item != NULL) {
			cJSON *arr = item->child;	// Obtain ["primary school", "junior high school"]

			while (arr) {
				if (arr->type == cJSON_Array) {
					cJSON *arrValue = arr->child;	// Get "primary school"
					while (arrValue) {
						if (arrValue->type == cJSON_String) {
							char *v_str = arrValue->valuestring;
							printf("education = %s
", v_str);
						arrValue = arrValue->next;	// Get next element
				// Get next group
				arr = arr->next;

		"languages": {
			"serialOne": { "language": "Chinese "," grade": 10},
			"serialTwo": { "language": "English "," grade": 6}
		/*************** Mode 1***************/
		char *arrStr[] = { "serialOne", "serialTwo" };		// You can define the object key to be parsed in advance, so you can use the for loop to parse

		item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "languages");
		if (item != NULL) {
			cJSON *val = NULL;
			int size = sizeof(arrStr) / sizeof(char *);

			// By traversing the pointer array, the key of each object is obtained, and the parsing operation is carried out (if the for loop is not used for parsing, write the code honestly and complete the parsing of all the numbers)
			for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
				cJSON *obj1 = cJSON_GetObjectItem(item, arrStr[i]);

				if (obj1 != NULL && obj1->type == cJSON_Object) {

					val = cJSON_GetObjectItem(obj1, "language");
					if (val != NULL && val->type == cJSON_String) {
						v_str = val->valuestring;
						printf("education = %s
", v_str);

					val = cJSON_GetObjectItem(obj1, "grade");
					if (val != NULL && val->type == cJSON_Number) {
						v_int = val->valueint;
						printf("grade = %d
", v_int);

		/*************** Mode 2***************/
		// Available without knowing what the key is and without knowing how many elements there are
		item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "languages");
		if (item != NULL) {
			// Get the first child element in languages
			cJSON *obj = item->child;	// That is: "serialone": {"language": "Chinese", "grade": 10}

			while (obj) {
				if (obj->type == cJSON_Object) {

					// Gets the child element of the child element
					cJSON *value = obj->child;	// That is: {language ":" Chinese "," grade": 10}

					while (value) {
						if (value->type == cJSON_String) {
							printf("%s = %s
", value->string, value->valuestring);

						} else if (value->type == cJSON_Number) {
							printf("%s = %d
", value->string, value->valueint);
						// You can freely obtain the elements inside through next
						value = value->next;

				// Get the next set of child elements
				obj = obj->next;


	// Cjson is used_ After parse, remember to call cJSON_Delete function release

void alterJson() {

	// Open file
	FILE *file = NULL;
	file = fopen(FILE_NAME, "r");
	if (file == NULL) {
		printf("Open file fail!

	// Get file size
	struct stat statbuf;
	stat(FILE_NAME, &statbuf);
	int fileSize = statbuf.st_size;
	printf("File size:%d
", fileSize);

	// Allocate memory that matches the file size
	char *jsonStr = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * fileSize + 1);
	memset(jsonStr, 0, fileSize + 1);

	// Read json string in file
	int size = fread(jsonStr, sizeof(char), fileSize, file);
	if (size == 0) {
		printf("Failed to read file!
", jsonStr);

	// Convert the read json string into a json variable pointer
	cJSON *root = cJSON_Parse(jsonStr);
	if (!root) {
		const char *err = cJSON_GetErrorPtr();
		printf("Error before: [%s]
", err);
		free((void *)err);

	cJSON *item = NULL;

	/* "name":	"Xiao Ming“ 		====>	 "name": 	 "Little red" */
	// Using cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject can be modified directly
	cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject(root, "name", cJSON_CreateString("Xiao Hong"));
	// Analyze and print to see whether the modification is successful
	item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "name");
	if (item != NULL) {
		// Determine whether it is a string type
		if (item->type == cJSON_String) {
			char *v_str = item->valuestring;		// This assignment is a shallow copy and does not need to free memory now
			printf("name = %s
", v_str);

	/* "age": 23		====>	"age": 20 */
	cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject(root, "age", cJSON_CreateNumber(20));
	// Analyze and print to see whether the modification is successful
	item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "age");
	if (item != NULL) {
		// Determine whether it is a string type
		if (item->type == cJSON_Number) {
			int v_int = item->valueint;		
			printf("age = %d
", v_int);

	/* "vip": true	 ====>  "vip": false */
	// Using cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject can be modified directly
	cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject(root, "vip", cJSON_CreateBool(false));
	// Analyze and print to see whether the modification is successful
	item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "vip");
	if (item != NULL) {
		// Determine whether it is a string type
		if (item->type == cJSON_False || item->type == cJSON_True) {
			char *v_str = cJSON_Print(item);		// Since bool type structure is not given, string is used instead
			printf("vip = %s
", v_str);
			v_str = NULL;

		"interest":	{						 After modification: "interest": 	 {				
			"basketball":	"Basketball ", 		  ====>				 "basketball": 	 "Yao Ming", 
			"badminton":	"Badminton“ 							 "badminton": 	 "Lindane"
		}												  }	
	// First, get the pointer that needs to be modified
	item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "interest");
	if (item != NULL) {
		// Using cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject can be modified directly
		cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject(item, "basketball", cJSON_CreateString("Yao Ming"));
		cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject(item, "badminton", cJSON_CreateString("lindane"));

	// Analyze and print to see whether the modification is successful
	item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "interest");
	if (item != NULL) {
		cJSON *obj = item->child;	// Get "basketball": 	 "basketball"

		while (obj) {
			if (obj->type == cJSON_String) {
				char *v_str = obj->valuestring;
				printf("%s = %s
", obj->string, v_str);	// You can get the key through string
			// Get next element
			obj = obj->next;

	/* "color":	["black", "white"]		====>		"color":["red", "blue"]	*/
	item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "color");
	if (item != NULL) {
		cJSON_ReplaceItemInArray(item, 0, cJSON_CreateString("red"));
		cJSON_ReplaceItemInArray(item, 1, cJSON_CreateString("blue"));

	// Analyze and print to see whether the modification is successful
	item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "color");
	if (item != NULL) {
		cJSON *arr = item->child;	// Get "black"

		while (arr) {
			if (arr->type == cJSON_String) {
				char *v_str = arr->valuestring;
				printf("color = %s
", v_str);
			// Get next element
			arr = arr->next;

		"like": [									 After modification: "like":[								
			{ "game": "Mario "," price": 66.6}, 	  ====>	   		 {"game": "bomber", "price": 88.8},
			{ "game": "Soul duel "," price": 77.7} 						 {"game": "Chinese chess", "price": 99.9}
		],													   ],	
	item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "like");
	if (item != NULL) {
		cJSON *arrObj = NULL;

		arrObj = cJSON_GetArrayItem(item, 0);	// Gets the value in the array based on the index
		cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject(arrObj, "game", cJSON_CreateString("Bomberman"));
		cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject(arrObj, "price", cJSON_CreateNumber(88.8));

		arrObj = cJSON_GetArrayItem(item, 1);	// Gets the value in the array based on the index
		cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject(arrObj, "game", cJSON_CreateString("Chinese chess"));
		cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject(arrObj, "price", cJSON_CreateNumber(99.9));

	// Analyze and print to see whether the modification is successful
	item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "like");
	if (item != NULL) {
		cJSON *obj = item->child;	// Get {game ":" Mario "," price": 66.6}

		while (obj) {
			if (obj->type == cJSON_Object) {

				cJSON *objValue = obj->child;	// Get "game": "Mario"
				while (objValue) {
					// Then distinguish by type
					if (objValue->type == cJSON_String) {
						char *v_str = objValue->valuestring;
						printf("%s = %s
", objValue->string, v_str);
					} else if (objValue->type == cJSON_Number) {
						double v_double = objValue->valuedouble;
						printf("%s = %.2f
", objValue->string, v_double);
					// Get next element
					objValue = objValue->next;
			// Get the next set of elements
			obj = obj->next;

		"education": [				After modification: 	 "education": [
			[ "Primary school "," junior middle school "], 		====>			 ["grade 6 of primary school", "grade 3 of junior middle school"],
			[ "High school "," University "] 						 ["senior high school junior", "senior college"]
		],										],
	item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "education");
	if (item != NULL) {
		cJSON *arrArr = NULL;

		arrArr = cJSON_GetArrayItem(item, 0);	// Gets the value in the array based on the index
		cJSON_ReplaceItemInArray(arrArr, 0, cJSON_CreateString("Grade 6 of primary school"));
		cJSON_ReplaceItemInArray(arrArr, 1, cJSON_CreateString("Junior high school junior high school"));

		arrArr = cJSON_GetArrayItem(item, 1);	// Gets the value in the array based on the index
		cJSON_ReplaceItemInArray(arrArr, 0, cJSON_CreateString("Senior high school senior three"));
		cJSON_ReplaceItemInArray(arrArr, 1, cJSON_CreateString("University Senior"));

	// Analyze and print to see whether the modification is successful
	item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "education");
	if (item != NULL) {
		cJSON *arr = item->child;	// Obtain ["primary school", "junior high school"]

		while (arr) {
			if (arr->type == cJSON_Array) {
				cJSON *arrValue = arr->child;	// Get "primary school"
				while (arrValue) {
					if (arrValue->type == cJSON_String) {
						char *v_str = arrValue->valuestring;
						printf("education = %s
", v_str);
					arrValue = arrValue->next;	// Get next element
			// Get next group
			arr = arr->next;

		"languages": {											  After modification: 	    "languages": {											
			"serialOne": { "language": "Chinese "," grade": 10}, 	   ====>	   		 "Serialone": {"language": "Cantonese", "grade": 9},
			"serialTwo": { "language": "English "," grade": 6} 							 "Serialtwo": {"language": "vernacular", "grade": 8}
		},																	   },
	item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "languages");
	if (item != NULL) {
		cJSON *obj = NULL;

		obj = cJSON_GetObjectItem(item, "serialOne");
		// Using cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject can be modified directly
		cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject(obj, "language", cJSON_CreateString("Cantonese"));
		cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject(obj, "grade", cJSON_CreateNumber(9));

		obj = cJSON_GetObjectItem(item, "serialTwo");
		// Using cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject can be modified directly
		cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject(obj, "language", cJSON_CreateString("vernacular"));
		cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject(obj, "grade", cJSON_CreateNumber(8));

	// Analyze and print to see whether the modification is successful
	item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "languages");
	if (item != NULL) {
		// Get the first child element in languages
		cJSON *obj = item->child;	// That is: "serialone": {"language": "Chinese", "grade": 10}

		while (obj) {
			if (obj->type == cJSON_Object) {

				// Gets the child element of the child element
				cJSON *value = obj->child;	// That is: {language ":" Chinese "," grade": 10}

				while (value) {
					if (value->type == cJSON_String) {
						printf("%s = %s
", value->string, value->valuestring);

					} else if (value->type == cJSON_Number) {
						printf("%s = %d
", value->string, value->valueint);
					// You can freely obtain the elements inside through next
					value = value->next;

			obj = obj->next;

	// Open file
	file = fopen(FILE_NAME, "w");
	if (file == NULL) {
		printf("Open file fail!

		// Freeing pointer memory

	char *cjValue = cJSON_Print(root);
	// write file
	int ret = fwrite(cjValue, sizeof(char), strlen(cjValue), file);
	if (ret == 0) {
		printf("Failed to write file!


	// Cjson is used_ After parse, remember to call cJSON_Delete function release

void delJson() {

	// Open file
	FILE *file = NULL;
	file = fopen(FILE_NAME, "r");
	if (file == NULL) {
		printf("Open file fail!

	// Get file size
	struct stat statbuf;
	stat(FILE_NAME, &statbuf);
	int fileSize = statbuf.st_size;
	printf("File size:%d
", fileSize);

	// Allocate memory that matches the file size
	char *jsonStr = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * fileSize + 1);
	memset(jsonStr, 0, fileSize + 1);

	// Read json string in file
	int size = fread(jsonStr, sizeof(char), fileSize, file);
	if (size == 0) {
		printf("Failed to read file!
", jsonStr);

	// Convert the read json string into a json variable pointer
	cJSON *root = cJSON_Parse(jsonStr);
	if (!root) {
		const char *err = cJSON_GetErrorPtr();
		printf("Error before: [%s]
", err);
		free((void *)err);

	cJSON *item = NULL;

	/* Delete: "name": 	 "Little red" */
	// Use this function to delete directly
	cJSON_DeleteItemFromObject(root, "name");	// Delete with key

	/* Delete:
		"interest":	{
			"badminton":	"Lin Dan“
	item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "interest");
	// After obtaining the corresponding node object, you can delete it directly
	if (item != NULL) {
		cJSON_DeleteItemFromObject(item, "badminton");	

	/* Delete: "color": 	 ["blue"] */
	item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "color");
	// Get the corresponding node array and you can delete it directly
	if (item != NULL) {
		cJSON_DeleteItemFromArray(item, 1);	// Delete by index

	/* Delete:
		"like":	[
			{ "game":	"Bomber "," price ": 	 88.800000 }, 
	item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "like");
	if (item != NULL) {
		cJSON_DeleteItemFromArray(item, 0);

		 You can also continue to delete further
		//cJSON *arrObj = cJSON_GetArrayItem(item, 0); 	//  Gets the value in the array based on the index
		//if (arrObj != NULL) {
		//	cJSON_DeleteItemFromObject(arrObj, "price");

	/* Delete: "education": 	 [["senior three", "senior four"]] */
	item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "education");
	if (item != NULL) {
		cJSON_DeleteItemFromArray(item, 1);

		 You can also continue to delete further
		//cJSON *arrArr = cJSON_GetArrayItem(item, 0); 	//  Gets the value in the array based on the index
		//if (arrArr != NULL) {
		//	cJSON_DeleteItemFromArray(arrArr, 1);

	/* delete
		"languages":	{
			"serialTwo":	{ "language":"Vernacular "," grade":8}
	item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "languages");
	if (item != NULL) {
		cJSON_DeleteItemFromObject(item, "serialTwo");

		 You can also continue to delete further
		//cJSON *obj = cJSON_GetObjectItem(item, "serialOne");
		//if (obj != NULL) {
		//	cJSON_DeleteItemFromObject(obj, "grade");

	// Open file
	file = fopen(FILE_NAME, "w");
	if (file == NULL) {
		printf("Open file fail!

		// Freeing pointer memory

	char *cjValue = cJSON_Print(root);
	// write file
	int ret = fwrite(cjValue, sizeof(char), strlen(cjValue), file);
	if (ret == 0) {
		printf("Failed to write file!


	// Cjson is used_ After parse, remember to call cJSON_Delete function release

8, Summary

It took me a lot of time to write this blog, and I was really tired, but fortunately, I finally finished this blog according to my own wishes!

Among them, there are two parsing methods for parsing that module. It is recommended to use the second parsing method, which is more flexible. Even if several more nodes are added later, it can still be parsed without changing the code!

I personally feel that the operation of json in this blog should be very comprehensive, covering almost all the results. Now record it and share it with everyone who needs it!

Keywords: Front-end sass html css

Added by imperialized on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 03:49:53 +0200