[quick reference manual of Linux common commands] pay attention to [entry station], and the background replies to "1001" for self access.
The netstat command is used to display statistics related to IP, TCP, UDP and ICMP protocols. It is generally used to check the network connection of each port of the machine. Netstat is a program that accesses the network and related information in the kernel. It can provide reports on TCP connection, TCP and UDP monitoring, and process memory management.
Detailed explanation of TCP connection status
- LISTEN: LISTEN for connection requests from remote TCP ports
- SYN-SENT: wait for the matching connection request after sending the connection request again
- SYN-RECEIVED: wait for the other party's confirmation of the connection request after receiving and sending another connection request
- ESTABLISHED: represents an open connection
- FIN-WAIT-1: wait for the remote TCP connection interruption request or the confirmation of the previous connection interruption request
- FIN-WAIT-2: wait for connection interruption request from remote TCP
- CLOSE-WAIT: wait for the connection interruption request from the local user
- CLOSING: wait for the remote TCP to confirm the connection interruption
- LAST-ACK: wait for the confirmation of the original connection interruption request sent to the remote TCP
- TIME-WAIT: wait enough time to ensure that the remote TCP receives the confirmation of the connection interruption request
- CLOSED: no connection status
Command format
Netstat (option)
Command options
- -a or -- all: displays the sockets in all connections;
- -A < network type > or -- < network type >: list the relevant addresses in the connection of the network type;
- -c or -- continuous: continuously list the network status;
- -C or -- cache: displays the cache information configured by the router;
- -e or -- extend: display other network related information;
- -F or -- FIB: display FIB;
- -g or -- groups: display the member list of multi broadcast function group;
- -h or -- help: online help;
- -i or -- interfaces: display the network interface information form;
- -l or -- listening: displays the Socket of the server under monitoring;
- -M or -- masquerade: display the camouflaged network connection;
- -n or -- numeric: directly use the ip address instead of the domain name server;
- -N or -- netlink or -- symbolic: displays the symbolic connection name of the network hardware peripheral;
- -o or -- timers: display the timer;
- -p or -- programs: displays the program ID and program name of the Socket being used;
- -r or -- route: display the Routing Table;
- -s or -- Statistics: displays the statistical table of network work information;
- -t or -- TCP: displays the connection status of TCP transmission protocol;
- -u or -- UDP: displays the connection status of UDP transmission protocol;
- -v or -- verbose: display the instruction execution process;
- -V or -- version: display version information;
- -w or -- RAW: displays the connection status of RAW transmission protocol;
- -x or -- unix: the effect of this parameter is the same as that of specifying "- A unix" parameter;
- --ip or -- inet: the effect of this parameter is the same as that of specifying "- A inet" parameter.
List all ports (including TCP and UDP)
> netstat -a
List all TCP ports
> netstat -at
List all UDP ports
> netstat -au
List all Sockets in listening status
> netstat -l
Only all listening tcp ports are listed
> netstat -lt
Only all listening udp ports are listed
> netstat -lu
List all listening UNIX ports only
> netstat -lx
Displays statistics for all ports
> netstat -s Ip: 1007495197 total packets received 0 forwarded 582 with unknown protocol 0 incoming packets discarded 1007422115 incoming packets delivered Icmp: 66583265 ICMP messages received 63899 input ICMP message failed. InCsumErrors: 384 ICMP input histogram: destination unreachable: 115410 timeout in transit: 12840 source quenches: 11 redirects: 563 echo requests: 66453453 echo replies: 152 timestamp request: 438 address mask request: 4 66987000 ICMP messages sent 0 ICMP messages failed ICMP output histogram: destination unreachable: 533106 echo request: 4 echo replies: 66453453 timestamp replies: 437 IcmpMsg: InType0: 152 InType3: 115410 InType4: 11 InType5: 563 IpExt: InNoRoutes: 15 InMcastPkts: 1291307 InOctets: 211446050816 OutOctets: 481070069194
Displays TCP Port Statistics
> netstat -st IcmpMsg: InType0: 152 InType3: 115410 InType4: 11 InType5: 563 InType8: 66453492 Tcp: 55437641 active connections openings 35899081 passive connection openings 552243 failed connection attempts 753118 connection resets received 7 connections established UdpLite: TcpExt: 162052 SYN cookies sent 621 SYN cookies received 4998179 invalid SYN cookies received 551915 resets received for embryonic SYN_RECV sockets IpExt: InNoRoutes: 15 InMcastPkts: 1291308 InOctets: 211446303015 OutOctets: 481070459735 InMcastOctets: 46487088
Displays statistics for UDP ports
> netstat -su IcmpMsg: InType0: 152 InType3: 115410 InType4: 11 InType5: 563 InType8: 66453594 InType11: 12840 InType13: 438 InType17: 4 InType37: 3 InType165: 7 OutType0: 66453594 OutType3: 533106 OutType8: 4 OutType14: 437 Udp: 17941589 packets received 637146 packets to unknown port received. 1649 packet receive errors 17977050 packets sent 0 receive buffer errors 0 send buffer errors InCsumErrors: 1640 UdpLite: IpExt: InNoRoutes: 15 InMcastPkts: 1291310 InOctets: 211446802283 OutOctets: 481071405083 InMcastOctets: 46487160 InNoECTPkts: 1009629627 InECT1Pkts: 9955 InECT0Pkts: 1987096 InCEPkts: 94039
Display PID and process name in netstat output
> netstat -pt
Host, port or user are not displayed in netstat output
> netstat -an
Continuously output netstat information
Output network information every second
> netstat -c
Display core routing information
> netstat -r Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface default gateway UG 0 0 0 eth0 link-local U 0 0 0 eth0 U 0 0 0 eth0
Use netstat -rn to display the number format without querying the host name.
> netstat -rn Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface UG 0 0 0 eth0 U 0 0 0 eth0 U 0 0 0 eth0
Find the port where the program runs
> netstat -tunlp | grep ssh tcp 0 0* LISTEN 4400/sshd
Find the process running on the specified port
> netstat -an | grep ":80" tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT tcp 0 3450 FIN_WAIT1 tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED
Find process ID through port
> netstat -tunlp | grep 80 | awk '{print $7}' | cut -d/ -f1 21323
Displays a list of network interfaces
> netstat -i
Kernel Interface table Iface MTU RX-OK RX-ERR RX-DRP RX-OVR TX-OK TX-ERR TX-DRP TX-OVR Flg docker0 1500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BMU eth0 1450 462305568 0 0 0 276046945 0 0 0 BMRU lo 65536 7204971 0 0 0 7204971 0 0 0 LRU vpn_abi 1500 229612389 0 1023383 0 146640133 0 956 0 BMRU
Statistics of TCP status list
> netstat -n | awk '/^tcp/{++S[$NF]}END{for(i in S) print i,S[i]}' ESTABLISHED 7 FIN_WAIT2 13 TIME_WAIT 18
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[quick reference manual of Linux common commands] pay attention to [entry station], and the background replies to "1001" for self access.