7, ES object -- regular expression

1, Role of regular expressions

	What regular expressions do:
			1) Check whether the string complies with the rules
			2) Extract the content that conforms to the rules in the string.

2, Create regular expressions

	+++ Create regular expressions
					use RegExp Create regular expressions	
							var reg=new RegExp("regular expression ","Matching pattern");
					Creating regular expressions using literals	
							var reg=/regular expression /Matching pattern

	+++ Regular expression matching pattern
					i  ignore case
					g  Perform a global match (find all matches instead of stopping after the first match is found).		
					m  Perform multiline matching
							be careful:You can set multiple match patterns for an expression. The order doesn't matter.
												var reg=/abc/ig
												var reg=/abc/gi						

2.1 creating regular expressions

1) Creating regular expressions using RegExp
        //Create regular expressions
        var reg=new RegExp("a");
        console.log(reg.test("Hello! Small a"));  //true

        //Creates a regular expression with a matching pattern
        var reg2=new RegExp("A","i");
        console.log(reg2.test("Hello! Small a"));  //true
2) Creating regular expressions using literals
        //Create regular expressions
        var reg=/a/;
        console.log(reg.test("Hello! Small a"));  //true

        //Creates a regular expression with a matching pattern
        var reg2=/A/i;
        console.log(reg2.test("Hello! Small a"));  //true

2.2 regular expression matching pattern

		i  ignore case
					var reg=/reg/i;
        			var reg=new RegExp("a","i");
		g  Perform a global match (find all matches instead of stopping after the first match is found).
					var reg=/reg/g;	
        			var reg=new RegExp("a","g");
		m  Perform multiline matching (rarely used!!!)
		be careful:You can set multiple match patterns for an expression. The order doesn't matter.
							var reg=/abc/ig
							var reg=/abc/gi						

1) i ignore case
            var str="eweAdfdfB 32323ewe wew ";

            //Detects whether the string contains ad substrings
            var reg=/ad/;
            console.log(reg.test(str))  //false

            //Detect whether the string contains ad substrings, ignoring case
            var reg=/ad/i;
            console.log(reg.test(str))  //true

2) g perform global matching
          var str="eweadfdad 32323ewe wew ";

            //Replace the ad substring in the string. Replace a stop
            var reg=/ad/;
            var newStr=str.replace(reg,'hlp');

            //Replace the ad substring in the string. Global replace.
            var reg=/ad/g;
            var newStr=str.replace(reg,'hlp');

3) Note: you can set multiple matching patterns for an expression. The order doesn't matter
           var str="eweadfdaD 32323ewe wew ";

            //Replace the ad substring in the string. Complete replacement. ignore case
            var reg=/ad/ig;
            var newStr=str.replace(reg,'hlp');

3, Common methods of regular expressions

			 Check whether there is a rule in the string(Regular expression rules)Substring of. Compliance return true,otherwise false. 
			 Gets that there are substrings in the string that conform to regular expression rules,Returns an array by default.

3.1 test() checks whether there are substrings in the string that meet the rules

>>>>>>Check whether the string has a substring
            var s="a";
            console.log(s.test(/a/))  //true

            console.log(s.test(/a/))  //true

            console.log(s.test(/a/))  //false
>>>>>>Check whether the string has ab substring, ignoring case
           var s="212aBwewewe";

           //Detect whether there is ab substring in the string. false due to mismatch
           console.log(s.test(/ab/))  //false

           //Detect whether there is ab substring in the string. Ignore case, so true
           console.log(s.test(/ab/i))  //true

3.2 exec() gets the substring that conforms to the rule in the string

>>>>>>Find matching strings in strings
			var str="da  jia hao hao xue xi a";
			var reg=/\b[A-Z]{3}\b/ig;    //ignore case

			var line=reg.exec(str)
			alert(line)// jia

>>>>>>Find all matching strings in a string

<script type="text/javascript">

			var str="da  jia hao hao xue xi a";
			var reg=/\b[A-Z]{3}\b/ig;    //ignore case

			var line="";



4, Regular expression syntax

4.1 or

	|  Meaning of or
>>>>>>Detects whether the string contains a or b substrings
         var str="abcd";

         //Detect whether the string contains a substring
         var reg=/a/;
         console.log(reg.test(str)); //true

         //Detect whether the string contains a substring or b substring,
         var reg=/a|b/;
         console.log(reg.test(str)); //true
>>>>>>Detects whether the string contains ab or qww substrings
            var str="ab212cd";

            //Detect whether the string contains ab substring
            var reg=/ab/;
            console.log(reg.test(str)); //true

            //Check whether the string contains ab substring or qww substring,
            var reg=/ab|qww/;
            console.log(reg.test(str)); //true

4.2 square brackets

		[ ]   Square brackets are used to query characters in a range	
			  The contents in square brackets also mean or.
		[^ ]  Except for the characters in square brackets
		[abc]  express a,b,c Any character in. Equivalent to a|b|c
		[^abc] except a,b,c Any character in
		[a-z]  Represents any lowercase letter
		[A-Z]  Represents any capital letter
		[A-z]  Represents any letter
		[0-9]  Represents 0-9 Any number
		[4-9]  Represents 4-9 Any number
		[0-9a-zA-Z]  It can be any character in numbers or English letters
		(ab|bc|cd)  express ab,bc,cd Any string in
>>>>>>Check whether a string contains a or b or c
        //Create regular expressions
        var reg=/a|b|c/;

        console.log(reg.test("a21323"));    //true
        console.log(reg.test("21b323"));    //true
        console.log(reg.test("21c323"));    //true

        console.log(reg.test("2332323te")); //false

        var reg='[abc]';

        //Check whether the string contains a or b or c
        console.log(reg.test("rewe")); //false

        //Check whether the string contains a or b or c
>>>>>>Check whether a string contains abc or adc or aec
            var str="I am abc you aw";

            var reg=/abc|adc|aec/;
       	 	var str="I am abc you aw";

            var reg=/a[bcd]c/;
>>>>>> [ ]

Check whether the string contains numbers

          //Check whether the string contains numbers
          var reg=/[0-9]/
          console.log(reg.test("dewwewe3")); //true
          console.log(reg.test("dewwewe"));  //false

Check whether the string contains 4-9 numbers

         //Check whether the string contains 4-9 numbers
          var reg=/[4-9]/
          console.log(reg.test("dewwewe3")); //false
          console.log(reg.test("dewwewe7"));  //true

Check whether the string contains lowercase letters

          //Check whether the string contains lowercase letters
          var reg=/[a-z]/
          console.log(reg.test("1213232323")); //false
          console.log(reg.test("121212a"));  //true

Check whether the string contains uppercase letters

          //Check whether the string contains uppercase letters
          var reg=/[A-Z]/
          console.log(reg.test("1213232323")); //false
          console.log(reg.test("121212a"));  //false
          console.log(reg.test("121212A"));  //true

Check whether the string contains letters

   		 //Check whether the string contains letters
          var reg=/[A-z]/
          console.log(reg.test("1213232323")); //false
          console.log(reg.test("121212a"));  //true
          console.log(reg.test("121212A"));  //true
>>>>>>[] mix

Detect whether there are numbers or uppercase letters in the string

        //Detect whether there are numbers or uppercase letters in the string
        var reg=/[0-9A-Z]/;
        console.log(reg.test("ewe"))     //false
        console.log(reg.test("123232dwew"))     //true

Detect whether there are numbers or English letters in the string

        //Detect whether there are numbers or English letters in the string
        var reg=/[0-9A-Za-z]/;
        console.log(reg.test("ewe"))     //true
        console.log(reg.test("123232dwew"))     //true

>>>>>>[^] except

[^] check whether the string contains characters other than those in brackets

            var reg=/[^ab]/

            console.log(reg.test("a"));  //false
            console.log(reg.test("b"));  //false
            console.log(reg.test("ab")); //false

            console.log(reg.test("ab12"));  //true

4.3 quantifiers

				1) You can set the number of occurrences of an element through quantifiers.
				2) A quantifier only works on the content before it.
	Quantifier grammar:	
				{m}   appear m second
				{m,n} appear m reach n second
				{m,}  appear m More than times
				 +    At least once, equivalent to{1,}
				 *    0 or more occurrences,amount to{0,}
				 ?    0 or 1 occurrences. amount to{0,1}
									appear m second:
									appear m reach n second
									appear m More than times

1) Key points of quantifier
>>>>>>>You can set the number of occurrences of an element through quantifiers
           var reg=/aaa/
           //Check whether the string contains a substring of aaa
           //Check whether the string contains a substring of aaa

		   //Equivalent to / aaa/
           var reg=/a{3}/  
           //Check whether the string contains a substring of aaa
           //Check whether the string contains a substring of aaa
>>>>>>>The quantifier only works on the content before it
            //amount to 		/ abbb/
            var reg=/ab{3}/

            //amount to 		/ ababab/
            var reg2=/(ab){3}/

2) Quantifier grammar
>>>>>>{m} occurs m times
        //Equivalent to / acbbb/
        var reg=/acb{3}/

        //Equivalent to / acbacbacb/
        var reg=/(acb){3}/
>>>>>>{m,} occurs more than m times
        //Equivalent to more than 3 occurrences of a
        var reg=/a{3,}/

        console.log(reg.test("abcaa")); //false
        console.log(reg.test("abcaaa")); //true
>>>>>>{m, n} occurs m to N times
        //It is equivalent to one to three occurrences of a
        var reg=/a{1,3}/

        console.log(reg.test("bcd")); //false
        console.log(reg.test("abcd")); //true
        console.log(reg.test("aaaabcd")); //true
>>>>>>+ at least 1 occurrence
        //Equivalent to a appearing at least once
        var reg=/a+/

        console.log(reg.test("bcd")); //false
        console.log(reg.test("abcd")); //true
        console.log(reg.test("aaaaabcd")); //true
>>>>>>* 0 or more occurrences
        //Equivalent to 0 or more occurrences of a
        var reg=/a*/

        console.log(reg.test("bcd")); //true
        console.log(reg.test("abcd")); //true
        console.log(reg.test("aaaaabcd")); //true
>>>>>> ? 0 or 1 occurrences
        //Equivalent to 0 or 1 occurrence of a
        var reg=/a?/

        console.log(reg.test("bcd")); //true
        console.log(reg.test("abcd")); //true
        console.log(reg.test("aaaaabcd")); //true
		^ Indicates the beginning
				/^abc/  Express with abc start
		& Indicates the end
				/abc$/  Express with abc ending

4.4 metacharacters

			    .   Represents any character
				\w	Any number, letter and underline.  [0-9A-z_]
				\W	Except for word characters.		  [^0-9A-z_]
				\d	Any number. [0-9]
				\D	Except numbers   [^0-9]
				\s	Space. 
				\S	Except for spaces.
				\b	Word boundaries.
				\B	Except word boundaries
							 The so-called word boundary refers to the space before and after the word(Except at the beginning or end of the string)
							 We can use spaces instead of word boundaries to find words, but not if the word is at the beginning or end. Word boundaries must be used at this time.

		Regular expression escape:
				1) [Use literal to create an escape in a regular expression
							Use in regular expressions\Represents a transfer character

				2) [use RegExp Object to create escape in regular expression
							Use in constructors\\Represents a transfer character.
							Reason: when a regular object is created using a constructor, the parameter is a string.
							     Because the escape character in the regular expression is \ , The escape character in the string is the same \ . 
							     And the escaped form of the string is a regular expression.
					    		 In regular expressions, if you want to use\,Is required in the string\\To double escape.
					    		 		character string:\\.   == > regular: \.
					    		 		character string:\\\\  == > regular: \\

1) Metacharacter points
>>>>>> . Represents any character
        //Match any character
        var reg=/./

        console.log(reg.test("deggf"))  //true

        var reg=/\./
>>>>>>\ W and \ w (any number, letter and underscore) pi

Match any letters, numbers, underscores

        //Match letters, numbers, underscores
        var reg=/\w/

        console.log(reg.test("deggf"))  //true

        //Match letters, numbers, underscores
        var reg2=new RegExp("\\w");

        console.log(reg2.test("deggf"))  //true

Match except letters, numbers, underscores

        //Matches symbols other than letters, numbers, and underscores
        var reg=/\W/

        console.log(reg.test("deggf"))  //false
>>>>>>\ D and \ D (any number)

Match any number

        //Match any number
        var reg=/\d/

        console.log(reg.test("deggf"))  //false

Match except numbers

        //Matches characters other than numbers
        var reg=/\D/

        console.log(reg.test("deggf"))  //true

        //Matches substrings where non characters appear three times
        var reg=/\D{3}/

        console.log(reg.test("deggf"))  //true
>>>>>>\ S and \ S (spaces)

Match spaces

        //Match spaces
        var reg=/\s/
        console.log(reg.test("32   323")) //true

        //Match two spaces
        var reg=/\s{2}/
        console.log(reg.test("32 323"))  //Only one space false
        console.log(reg.test("32  323")) //There are two spaces true

        //Match three spaces
        var reg=/\s{3}/
        console.log(reg.test("32 323"))   //Only one space false
        console.log(reg.test("32  323"))  //Only two spaces false
        console.log(reg.test("32   323"))   //There are three spaces true

Match non spaces

        //Matches 3 consecutive non whitespace characters
        var reg=/\S{3}/
        console.log(reg.test("   "))    //false
        console.log(reg.test("32        323")) //true
>>>>>>\ B and \ B (word boundary)

Find words

        var reg=/\bchild\b/
        console.log(reg.test("hello child")) //true
        console.log(reg.test("hello child  Hello")) //true

        console.log(reg.test("hello childc")) //false

We can use spaces instead of word boundaries to find words, but not if the word is at the beginning or end.

        var reg=/\sworld\s/;

        console.log(reg.test("wqqworld"))    //false
        console.log(reg.test("wqqworld ss")) //false
        console.log(reg.test("wqq world"))   //false
        console.log(reg.test("wqq world  wqq"))   //true
2) Regular expression escape
>>>>>>Regular expressions use \ to escape special characters

Match characters

        //Match any character
        var reg=/./;
        console.log(reg.test("232323")) ; //true
        console.log(reg.test("2323.23")) ; //true

        //Match characters
        var reg=/\./;
        console.log(reg.test("232323")) ; //false
        console.log(reg.test("2323.23")) ; //true

Match character\

        //Match character\ 
        var reg=/\\/;
        console.log(reg.test("23232\\3")) ; //true
        console.log(reg.test("2323.23")) ; //false

>>>>>>Use RegExp to create regular expressions and escape\

The escaped form of a string is a regular expression.
If the regular expression itself has \, double escape is required in the string\

       //Match characters
        var reg=new RegExp("\\.")
        console.log(reg)  // ---->Equivalent to reg = \ \

        //Match characters
        var reg=new RegExp("\\\\")
        console.log(reg)   // ---->Equivalent to reg=\\

Create regular expressions using RegExp to match

       //Match any character
        var reg=new RegExp(".")
        console.log(reg.test("232323")) ; //true
        console.log(reg.test("2323.23")) ; //true

        //Match characters
        var reg=new RegExp("\\.")
        console.log(reg)  // ---->   \\.\
        console.log(reg.test("232323")) ; //false
        console.log(reg.test("2323.23")) ; //true

        //Match character\ 
        var reg=new RegExp("\\\\")
        console.log(reg)    // ---->   \\\\
        console.log(reg.test("23232\\3")) ; //true
        console.log(reg.test("2323.23")) ; //false

4.5 boundary matcher

	^ Indicates the beginning
	$ Indicates the end
			/^str$/ The representation string must conform exactly to the regular expression
a) Match string starts with a
        //Match string starts with a
        var reg=/^a/
        console.log(reg.test("abc")); //true
b) The matching string ends with a
        //The matching string ends with a
        var reg=/a$/
        console.log(reg.test("abc")); //false
        console.log(reg.test("babda  ssc"));//false
c) The matching string starts with a or ends with b
        //The matching string starts with a or ends with b
        var reg=/^a|b$/
        console.log(reg.test("abc")); //true

d) / ^ str $/, indicating that the string must match exactly
        //Full string
        var reg=/^ab$/
        console.log(reg.test("ab")) ; //true
        console.log(reg.test("ab ab")) ; //false
        console.log(reg.test("a b")) ; //false
e) / ^ str $/, verify whether the string is a mobile phone number
        //Verify whether it is a mobile phone number
        // 11 is
        // The first is 1
        // The second digit is any number from 3 to 9
        // The rest are any number from 0 to 9
        var phoneReg=/^1[3-9][0-9]{9}$/
        console.log(phoneReg.test("13654472825")) ; //true
        console.log(phoneReg.test("136544728252323")) ; //false

4.6 regular details

>>>>>>Regular returns true as long as it matches a part of the string, rather than matching the whole string.
			var str="121212asd";
			var reg=/[0-9]+/;
			var b=reg.test(str)
			alert(b)// true

>>>>>>If you want to match the entire string, you need to add a boundary matcher
					^  Represents the beginning of a string
				    $  Indicates the end of the string
	        var str="121212asd";
			var reg=/^[0-9]+$/;

			var b=reg.test(str)
			alert(b)// false

Common regular

					Verify mailbox:
					var reg=/^[a-z0-9]\w+@[a-z0-9]+(\.[a-z0-9]+){1,2}$/ig

4, Regular expression application

4.1 removing spaces

>>>>>>Remove all spaces from the string
        var str=prompt("Please enter:")

        //Remove all spaces
        var reg=/\s/g

>>>>>>Remove spaces at the beginning and end of the string
        var str=prompt("Please enter:")

        //Remove leading and trailing spaces
        var reg=/^\s+|\s+$/g

4.2 regularity of mail

        var reg=/^\w+(\.\w+)*@[0-9a-z]+\.[a-z]{2,5}(\.[a-z]{2,5})*$/


4.3 application of regular expressions - form validation

>>>>>>Application of onsubmit event of form
	Triggered when the form is submitted onsubmit Event, if onsubmit The method of the event returns true,		
	Then the form is submitted successfully, otherwise it fails.
    onsubmit When binding functions, you must return This method
	<form action="success.html" method="get" onsubmit="return test()">

The onsubmit bound method returns false. When you click the submit button, the submission fails.

	<form action="success.html" method="get" onsubmit="return test()">
		<input type="text" name="k"/>
		<input type="submit" />

	<script type="text/javascript">
		function test(){
			return false;


The obsubmit bound method returns true. When you click the submit button, the submission fails.

	<form action="success.html" method="get" onsubmit="return test()">
		<input type="text" name="k"/>
		<input type="submit" />

	<script type="text/javascript">
		function test(){
			return true;
>>>>>>Form validation
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head lang="en">
	<meta charset="utf-8" />

	<style type="text/css">



	<table width="500px" height="400px"style="margin:100px auto; table-layout:fixed;    word-break:break-all;
"  border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

		<form action="success.html" method="get"  onsubmit="return checkAll()">
					<td class="t">user name:</td>
					<td><input type="text" name="username" onblur="checkName()"/><span></span></td>
					<td class="t">password:</td>
					<td><input type="password" name="pwd"  onblur="checkPwd()"/><span></span></td>
					<td class="t">Confirm password:</td>
					<td><input type="password" name="pwd" onblur="checkPwd2()"/><span></span></td>
					<td class="t">mailbox:</td>
					<td><input type="text" name="email"   onblur="checkEmail()" /><span></span></td>
					<td class="t">Gender:</td>
					<td> <input type="radio" name="sex" value="man" />male <input type="radio" value="woman" name="sex" />female<span></span></td>
					<td class="t">hobby:</td>
					<td><input type="checkbox" name="like"/>Basketball <input type="checkbox" name="like"/>Football<span></span></td>
					<td class="t">city:</td>
						<select name="city">
							<option value="nj">Nanjing</option>
							<option value="bj">Beijing</option>
					<td class="t">Self description:</td>
					<td><input type="textarea" rows="4" cols="8" name="self"/><span></span></td>
					<td colspan="2" style="padding-left:400px"><input type="submit" /></td>

<script type="text/javascript">

		//Verify user name
		function checkName(){
				var obj=document.getElementsByName("username")[0];
				var  username=obj.value
				var reg=/^[A-Z0-9]{6,9}$/ig
				var flag=reg.test(username);
				var p=obj.parentNode;
				var s=p.childNodes[1]
				if(flag){s.innerHTML="correct".fontcolor("green") ;return true}

				s.innerHTML="&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;User name error".fontcolor("red")


		//Verify password
		function checkPwd(){
				var obj=document.getElementsByName("pwd")[0];
				var  pwd=obj.value
				var reg=/^[A-Z0-9]{6,9}$/ig
				var flag=reg.test(pwd);
				var p=obj.parentNode;
				var s=p.childNodes[1]
				if(flag){s.innerHTML="correct".fontcolor("green") ;return true}

				s.innerHTML="&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Password error".fontcolor("red")

		function checkPwd2(){
				var obj=document.getElementsByName("pwd")[0];
				var obj1=document.getElementsByName("pwd")[1];

				var  pwd=obj.value
				var  pwd1=obj1.value

				var p=obj1.parentNode;
				var s=p.childNodes[1]

					s.innerHTML="&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Inconsistent passwords".fontcolor("red")
					s.innerHTML="correct".fontcolor("green");return true


			//Check mailbox
			function checkEmail(){
				var obj=document.getElementsByName("email")[0];
				var email=obj.value
				//5454@qq.com    23323232@123.123.com.cn Regular matching mailbox
				var reg=/^[a-z0-9]\w+@[a-z0-9]+(\.[a-z0-9]+){1,2}$/ig
				var flag=reg.test(email);
				var p=obj.parentNode;
				var s=p.childNodes[1]
				if(flag){s.innerHTML="correct".fontcolor("green") ;return true}

				s.innerHTML="&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mailbox format error".fontcolor("red")


			//When the form is submitted, recheck the form items
			function checkAll(){
				var f=checkName();
				var f1=checkPwd();
				var f2=checkPwd2();
				var f3=checkEmail();

				return f&&f1&&f2&&f3?true:false;





Added by philipolson on Tue, 11 Jan 2022 01:08:52 +0200