A garbage article about Go operating MySQL

I Download MySQL driver

Execute the following command: go get - u GitHub com/go-sql-driver/mysql

II Connect to the database using MySQL driver

First create a database create database go_mysql_test
Then establish a connection through the sql package:

package main

import (
	_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"

func main() {
	dsn := "username:password@tcp(host:port)/go_mysql_test"
	db, err := sql.Open("mysql", dsn) // db is a * SQL db type
	if err != nil {
	defer db.Close()

It should be noted that although the connection is recommended through the sql package, the necessary implementation is done through "GitHub. COM / go sql driver / MySQL". The package should be imported and declared not to use, Let its init do initialization

You can also set the maximum number of connections, the maximum number of idle connections, etc.:

db.SetMaxOpenConns(100)                 // maximum connection
db.SetMaxIdleConns(100)                 // Maximum idle number
db.SetConnMaxLifetime(time.Second * 10) // Maximum lifetime of the connection
db.SetConnMaxIdleTime(time.Second * 5)  // Maximum idle time of the connection

Refer to this blog for four meanings: https://www.cnblogs.com/gitfong/p/13722204.html


First, create a user table as follows:

create table `user` (
	name VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT ''

Similarly, create a structure with the same structure:

type User struct {
	id   int
	sex  string
	name string

3.1 insert data

Through the Exec() operation of db:

sql := "insert into user(sex, name) values(?,?)"
ret, err := db.Exec(sql, "male", "jerry")
if err != nil {
	fmt.Println("Insert error", err.Error())
id, err := ret.LastInsertId()
fmt.Println(id) // 1

3.2 update data

Still use the above method to modify the sql:

sql := `update user set sex=?, name=? where id = ?`
ret, err := db.Exec(sql, "female", "Bing Dwen Dwen", 1)
if err != nil {
	fmt.Println("Update error", err.Error())
row, err := ret.RowsAffected()

3.3 deleting data


3.4 query data

Single line query:

var user User
// Single line query
sql := `select * from user where id = ?`
// Here, pay attention to Scan to release the connection 
err = db.QueryRow(sql, 1).Scan(&user.id, &user.sex, &user.name)
if err != nil {
	fmt.Println("Query error", err.Error())

Multi line query:

sql := `select * from user where id < ?`
query, err := db.Query(sql, 3)
if err != nil {
	fmt.Println("Query error", err.Error())
defer query.Close() // Pay attention to closing
for query.Next() {
	var user User
	err := query.Scan(&user.id, &user.sex, &user.name)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("scan error", err.Error())

IV Pretreatment

Compile ahead of time to save costs and prevent SQL injection:

sql = "select * from user where id < ?"
stmt, er := db.Prepare(sql)
if err != nil {
	fmt.Println("error" , err.Error())
defer stmt.Close() // Pay attention to closing
query, err := stmt.query(3) // Write parameters directly
defer query.Close()
for query.Next() {
	// Same operation
// Addition, deletion and modification are the same, stmt Exec()

V affair

The process is as follows:

  1. Use dB Begin() gets a transaction
  2. Replace the previous dB with a transaction Exec() and stmt Query() and other operations
  3. Execute tx.Rollback() operation in error to roll back
  4. After the tx.Commit() operation is finally executed
tx, err := db.Begin() // Open transaction
if err != nil {
	if tx != nil {
		tx.Rollback() // RollBACK 
	fmt.Printf("begin trans failed, err:%v\n", err)
sql1 := "xxx"
r1, err := tx.Exec(...)
if err != nil {
sql2 := "xxx"
r2, err := tx.Exec(...)
if err != nil {

if expected {
} else {

Vi GORM framework

gorm is an ORM framework written in Go language. The download method is as follows:
go get github.com/jinzhu/gorm

Official documents (very easy to use): https://gorm.io/zh_CN/

Connect to MySQL:

package main

import (
	_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"

func main() {
	dsn := "username:password@tcp(host:port)/go_mysql_test"
	db, err := gorm.Open("mysql", dsn) // Change to Gorm Open
	if err != nil {
	defer db.Close()

If you want to set the number of MySQL connections, you can use dB Setmaxidleconns() and other methods are used in the same way as the above sql package

VII GORM model

gorm's model is a standard go struct, which corresponds to a table structure in the database. The definition method is as follows:

type User struct {
	// id int64 `gorm:"cloumn:id;primarykey" ` of course, you can also specify the primary key in this way
	sex  string `gorm:"column:sex"` // gorm's tag+column specifies the column, disdaining the default snake naming
	name string `gorm:"column:name"`
	gorm.Model // The ID, creation time, update time and deletion time are stored in this Model
// Specify the table name. If this method is not written, the default is the serpentine plural to indicate that here is users
func (user *User) TableName() string {
	return "user"

It should be noted that gorm tag supports many kinds of tags, but if it is not suitable for automatic migration and automatic creation, most things are not needed. (automatic migration is not recommended)

Automatically migrate the cousin structure. At run time, the table will be modified according to the defined model. If there are fewer fields, the previous data will not change and the subsequent data will not change. If the fields are added, the following columns will be added:


IX GORM insertion

user := &User{Sex: "male", Name: "Lula La"}
result := db.Create(user) // This method returns three values
// First value: error
if err := result.Error; err != nil {
} else {
	fmt.Println(result.RowsAffected) // Second value: number of affected rows
// The third value is LastInsertId, in user In ID

Large amount of data can be inserted in batch:

users := []User{{Sex: "male", Name: "Lula La"}, {Sex: "female", Name: "hear me roar"}}
db.Create(&users) // The return value is the same as above

X GORM query operation

var user User
if err := db.Where("sex=?", "male").First(&user).Error; err != nil {
users := make([]*User, 0)
var count int64
db.Where("sex=?", "male").Order("id desc").Offset(0).Limit(2).Find(&users).Offset(1).Count(&count)
for _, user := range users {

Xi GORM update operation

var user User
if err := db.Where("sex=?", "male").First(&user).Error; err != nil {
user.Sex = "female"
if err := db.Save(&user).Error; err != nil {

If you want to specify update columns:

db.Model(&User{}).Where("name = ?", "jerry").Update("sex", "female")

Specify to update multiple columns:

db.Model(&user).Where("name", "jerry").Updates(User{Sex: "male"}) // Add other attributes to the User object. Note that if the attribute is zero, it will not be updated

XII GORM delete operation

if err := db.Where("sex=?", "female").Delete(&User{}).Error; err != nil {

Batch delete:

if err := db.Where("name in (?)", []string{"jerry", "jerry1"}).Delete(&User{}).Error; err != nil {

All deletions here are soft deletions, that is, set deleted_at field. If you want to permanently delete it, you need to use:


XIII GORM transactions

Like the native writing method, the acquisition method is dB Begin()

Keywords: Go Database MySQL

Added by kharbat on Mon, 07 Feb 2022 21:14:30 +0200