A preliminary study on Cypress, a new upstart in Web automated testing

Recently, I wanted to learn about the web ui testing framework and found that cypress is easy to use. It is more convenient and faster to operate directly with js

01 development environment

Cypress + nodejs (node has been installed before and can be downloaded and installed directly from the official website) + intellij idea

1. Install cypress

cd projectpath                   # Project catalogue

npm install cypress --save-dev   # Install cypress

After cypress installation, you can see the prompt: You can now open Cypress by running: node_modules/.bin/cypress open, open cypress through the following command. Normally, you can see the following window, in which many examples of cypress can be referred to:

node_modules/.bin/cypress open

2. Configuration

Create the package.json file in the project path and configure the chrome browser to run the use case.

   "scripts": {
     "cypress:open": "cypress open",
     "cypress:run": "cypress run --browser chrome"
   "devDependencies": {

Add the following content to cypress.json file:

  • "chromeWebSecurity": false to solve the cross domain problem of chrome;
  • reporter: cypress run will automatically generate xml files and generate corresponding reports using allure.
        "chromeWebSecurity": false,
        "reporter": "junit",
        "reporterOptions": {
           "mochaFile": "results/my-test-output[hash].xml",
           "toConsole": true

3. nodejs development environment

intellij idea has been installed, and the plug-in supports Nodejs development. In preferences - > plugins, select Browse repositories below

In the Browse repositories... Dialog box, search for NodeJS and Install to Install the plug-in. After the installation is completed, it needs to be restarted to take effect.

02 example

1. Open the previous project directory in IntelliJ idea to see the development directory of cypress:

  • fixtures: Custom json file

  • integration: write test cases

  • plugins: plug-ins

  • support: it is not used at present. You can study it in depth when you need custom instructions

2. Examples

Create a new test directory file under integration and write test cases. The following examples are mainly implemented: login and query

/// <reference types="Cypress" />
describe('testcase', function () {
    before(function () {
        // runs once before all tests
        // Sign in
    after(function () {
        cy.contains("Logout").click();   //Logout
    beforeEach(function () {
       // runs before each test
    it('test', function () {
        // Specific case   

Common commands:

.get(selector)      # get
.clear()            # Clear input|textarea content
.click()            # click
.contains()         # Include text
.dblclick()         # double-click
.scrollIntoView()   # Scroll elements into view
.scrollTo(position) # Scroll to a specific location
.visit(url)         # Access url
.wait(time)         # Wait milliseconds
.type()             # Enter text

3. Operation

In the cypress application, cypress synchronously refreshes the directory, and runs immediately after detecting new changes. Use cases can be executed through cypress run --browser chrome, or in the cypress application, select the use case to run.

Cypress is easy to get started and runs fast. At the same time, it provides automatic generation of statements to select dom, which is very convenient. As follows:

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Keywords: Python Programmer software testing IT

Added by Monshery on Wed, 01 Dec 2021 18:11:39 +0200