A quick way to expand IDisposable for pairwise operations that cannot be used

Original link: http://www.cnblogs.com/waynebaby/archive/2010/12/09/1900998.html

There are many pairs of operations that need to be opened / closed, locked / unlocked in daily operation.

Sometimes some operations are natively supported by IDisposable.
Monitor can use Lock() {} but ReadWriteLock is difficult. And WCF Channel).
In this case, try/catch/finally. It's ugly.

It can be annoying to encapsulate IDisposable, because more objects require more documents.

Although AOP may solve some problems, it can't precisely locate the profile.
Or IDisposable +using


So a default implementation is written.

    /// <summary>  

    ///Destroy the helper to generate a user-defined IDisposable instance that can support using
    ///< remarks > thank you @ doggo for testing the + = OnDispose function. Due to the imperfection, we decided to cancel the function < / remarks >

    /// </summary>  

    public struct Disposable : IDisposable

        /// <summary>  

        ///Create destroy helper instance  

        /// </summary>  

        ///< param name = "oncreate" > what to do when creating < / param >  

        ///< param name = "ondispose" > destroy is the operation to be done < / param >  

        public Disposable(Action onCreate, Action onDispose)
            OnDispose = onDispose;



        /// <summary>  

        ///What to do when destroying          
       /// </summary>  

        private Action OnDispose

                get ;set;


        ////// <summary>  

        //////The operation to be done when destroying supports + = / Addhandler additional operation (undo)  

        ////// </summary>  

        //////public event Action OnDispose ;

        #region IDisposable member

        void IDisposable.Dispose()


            OnDispose = null;






The idea is to build an IDisposable reference to an object without dispose capability by using an extension method.

Because onCreate onDispose is a closure extra parameter is also unnecessary.


A simple read-write lock is provided here. You can refer to



    public static class ReaderWriteerLockSlimHelper 
        /// <summary>
        ///Creating a using enabled IDisposable helper for read-write locks
        /// </summary>
        ///< param name = "instance" > read / write lock instance < / param >
        ///< param name = "locktype" > lock type read / write < / param >
        ///< returns > helper instance < / returns >
        public static IDisposable CreateDisposable(this ReaderWriterLockSlim instance, LockType lockType)
            var kvp = LockDisposeDic[lockType];
            return new Disposable(() => kvp.Key(instance), () => kvp.Value(instance));

        /// <summary>
        ///Different operation dictionaries for reading and writing
        /// </summary>
        static Dictionary<LockType, KeyValuePair<Action<ReaderWriterLockSlim>, Action<ReaderWriterLockSlim>>> LockDisposeDic = new Dictionary<LockType, KeyValuePair<Action<ReaderWriterLockSlim>, Action<ReaderWriterLockSlim>>>()
                new KeyValuePair<Action<ReaderWriterLockSlim>,Action<ReaderWriterLockSlim>> 
                new KeyValuePair<Action<ReaderWriterLockSlim>,Action<ReaderWriterLockSlim>> 

    public enum LockType



It's really cool to use. This is a way to add objects to queues that require concurrent access.



/// <summary>
        ///Join an ordered queue.
        /// </summary>
        ///< param name = "item" > added items < / param >
        public void Enqueue(TValue item)
            using (_lock.CreateDisposable(LockType.Write))
                Queue<TValue> enqueueTarget;
                var key=_keySelector(item);
                if (!_items.ContainsKey(key))
                    var sortValue = _sortValueSelector(item);
                    if (!_index.TryGetValue( _sortValueSelector(item) ,out enqueueTarget ))
                        enqueueTarget = new Queue<TValue>();
                        _index.Add(sortValue, enqueueTarget);

                    _items.Add(key, item);
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("this Item already in queue");



Personal work sharing. Hope to help you improve your work efficiency


Attachment: implementation of easy to miss ending behavior and try catch finally implementation



Error of deadlock in case of exception

        /// <summary>
        ///Join an ordered queue.
        /// </summary>
        ///< param name = "item" > added items < / param >
        public void Enqueue1(TValue item)

                Queue<TValue> enqueueTarget;
                var key = _keySelector(item);
                if (!_items.ContainsKey(key))
                    var sortValue = _sortValueSelector(item);
                    if (!_index.TryGetValue(_sortValueSelector(item), out enqueueTarget))
                        enqueueTarget = new Queue<TValue>();
                        _index.Add(sortValue, enqueueTarget);

                    _items.Add(key, item);
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("this Item already in queue");
                _lock.ExitReadLock(); //It's not only possible to quit midway, but also possible to write wrong unlocking methods like this.



try catch finally

        /// <summary>
        ///Join an ordered queue.
        /// </summary>
        ///< param name = "item" > added items < / param >
        public void Enqueue2(TValue item)

                Queue<TValue> enqueueTarget;
                var key = _keySelector(item);
                if (!_items.ContainsKey(key))
                    var sortValue = _sortValueSelector(item);
                    if (!_index.TryGetValue(_sortValueSelector(item), out enqueueTarget))
                        enqueueTarget = new Queue<TValue>();
                        _index.Add(sortValue, enqueueTarget);

                    _items.Add(key, item);
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("this Item already in queue");
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;


Reproduced in: https://www.cnblogs.com/waynebaby/archive/2010/12/09/1900998.html

Added by Kurtismonger on Sat, 19 Oct 2019 22:28:25 +0300