A script for automatically backing up MySQL

Students of background development and operation and maintenance are certainly familiar with MySQL backup. Regular online database backup is necessary, and this process is generally automatic. This paper will introduce a shell script, which has the function of automatically backing up MySQL and automatically clearing expired backup data

Backup script

The following is the content of the script for automatically backing up MySQL

#db user name
#db password
#ip address
#Database name prefix for backup

#Log files for backup operations
#Directory of backup data
#Directory of backup data - persistent backup

#Backup save time, unit: day

#Backing up a single database
        #db name

        #Date string

        echo "bak_single ${sdb}_${datestr}.sql.gz BEGIN..." >> ${bakfile}
        mysqldump -u${dbuser} -h ${dbip} -p${dbpasswd} --single-transaction  --no-create-db -R -C -B ${sdb} > ${sdb}_${datestr}.sql
        #Comment out the USE DATABASE statement in the sql script
        sed -i "s/USE/-- USE/" ${sdb}_${datestr}.sql
        gzip ${sdb}_${datestr}.sql
        echo "bak_single ${sdb}_${datestr}.sql.gz  COMPLETE..." >> ${bakfile}

#Back up all databases
        #Date string
        all_datestr=$(date "+%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S")
        date_dir=$(date "+%Y%m%d")
        echo "bak_all begin ${all_datestr} ====================" >> ${bakfile}
        #All databases
        alldb=`mysql -u${dbuser} -h ${dbip} -p${dbpasswd} -e "show databases"`
        for dbname in ${alldb}; do
                #Only databases with the specified prefix are backed up
                if [[ ${dbname} =~ ${pre_name} ]]; then
                       bak_single ${dbname} ${all_datestr} 
        #Wait for all database backups to complete 

        tar czvf dbbak_${all_datestr}.tar *_${all_datestr}.sql.gz
        rm *_${all_datestr}.sql.gz
        #Is there a directory named after the date of the day
        if [ ! -d ${bakdatadir}/${date_dir} ]; then
                mkdir -p ${bakdatadir}/${date_dir}
        #Move to a directory named after the date of the day
        mv dbbak_${all_datestr}.tar ${bakdatadir}/${date_dir}
        echo "bak_all finish dbbak_${all_datestr}.tar ====================" >> ${bakfile}

#Back up all databases - no scheduled deletion
        #Date string
        all_datestr=$(date "+%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S")
        echo "bak_all_persist begin ${all_datestr} ====================" >> ${bakfile}
        #All databases
        alldb=`mysql -u${dbuser} -h ${dbip} -p${dbpasswd} -e "show databases"`
        for dbname in ${alldb}; do
                #Only databases with the specified prefix are backed up
                if [[ ${dbname} == ${pre_name} ]]; then
                     bak_single ${dbname} ${all_datestr}
        #Wait for all database backups to complete

        tar czvf dbpersistbak_${all_datestr}.tar *_${all_datestr}.sql.gz
        rm *_${all_datestr}.sql.gz
        #Is there a directory named after the date of the day
        if [ ! -d ${persist_path} ]; then
                mkdir -p ${persist_path}
        #Move to the directory of the persistent backup
        mv dbpersistbak_${all_datestr}.tar ${persist_path}
        echo "bak_all_persist finish dbbak_${all_datestr}.tar ====================" >> ${bakfile}

#Check for expired backups
        #current directory
        #current date
        curdate=$(date "+%Y%m%d")
        #Earliest save date
        lastdate=`date -d "${curdate} - ${dateoutday} day" +%Y%m%d`
        #Enter backup directory
        cd ${bakdatadir}
        #Directory list
        #Check whether the directory is expired and delete the expired directory
        for tmpdate in ${pathlst[*]}; do
                if [[ ${tmpdate} -le ${lastdate} ]]; then
                        rm -rf ${tmpdate}
                        echo "check_date_out, curdate:${curdate} delete ${tmpdate} " >> ${bakfile}

        #Return to current directory
        cd ${curpath}

case "$1" in
        bak_single $2 $3
    echo "Please use correct command..."

Function function

Backup is performed in the unit of database. First, a single database is backed up, and then all backup databases are packaged together

bak_ The single function means to back up a single data. The incoming parameters are the database name and date string to be backed up. The backup file name consists of these two parameters, that is, the backup file name consists of database name + date, such as test1_2021_08_16_10_05_30.sql represents the backup file of test1 database. The backup time is 2021_ 08_ 16_ 10_ 05_ thirty

bak_ The all function means to back up all databases without passing in parameters. First execute the SQL statement show databases to query all databases, and then filter out the databases we need to back up. The database names to be backed up in the script start with test. The specific filtering rules can be modified according to their own needs

bak_ The {and} in the body of the all function for loop and the & after them mean to start a new process and execute the command in the middle of the braces, that is, each database starts a process for backup. The wait command after the end of the for loop means to wait for the end of all processes in the for loop, that is, after all database backups are completed, Will execute the command after wait

After all backups are completed, a directory named after the current date will be created, the SQL scripts of all backed up databases will be packaged and placed in this directory, and the original backup files will be deleted

The sub database backup is adopted here. The advantage of sub database backup is that if all databases are backed up into one backup file, it is more troublesome to restore the data of one library. Therefore, the sub database backup is used to restore the data of a single database

check_ date_ The out function checks whether the backup directory has expired. If it has expired, the expired directory will be deleted directly. The variable dateoutday at the beginning of the script specifies the number of days to keep the backup

bak_all_ The persist function is the persistent backup, backup process and Bak_ The all function is the same, except that it is backed up to another directory of persistent data, and the variable persist at the beginning of the script_ Path specifies the persistent backup directory. The backup files in the directory will not be deleted automatically and need to be deleted manually

The main application scenario of persistent Directory: sometimes the online database table has data correction or the table structure has changed. In order to prevent misoperation, bak is called before operation_ all_ The persist function backs up the database so that the data can be recovered even in case of misoperation

Backup parameter description

  • –single-transaction

This option will set the isolation level to REPEATABLE READ to ensure the consistency of the entire data during the dump process without locking the table. This option is very useful for exporting the data table of InnoDB

  • –no-create-db

There will be a CREATE DATABASE statement similar to that in the normally exported SQL script. After adding the -- no create DB option, there will be no such statement

  • -C

In the process of transmitting from the server to the client, it is compressed first and then transmitted

  • -R

Export stored procedures and custom functions

After mysqldump exports the database SQL script, sed -i "s / use / -" use / "KAtex parse error: expected group after '' at position 6: {sdb}_ ̲ The {datestr}.sql command is used to comment out the USE DATABASE XXX statement in the SQL script, which is also practical. Sometimes the online data will be imported into the intranet to reproduce some bugs on the Internet, but the intranet may already have a database with the same name. If this line of statement is commented, it can be imported into other databases. Otherwise, the SQL script needs to be processed manually first, Then import

How to use

If the name of the backup MySQL script is bak.sh, the following is how to use the script

  • Backup to a single database

Backup logindb database

./bak.sh logindb "2021_08_16_10_05_30"

After the above command is executed, logindb will be generated in the current directory_ 2021_ 08_ 16_ 10_ 05_ File of 30.sql.gz

  • Back up all databases
./bak.sh a
  • Check backup retention time
./bak.sh chk
  • Persistent backup
./bak.sh p

Add scheduled task

To realize the automatic backup function, you also need to add a scheduled task, call the backup script at a specified time interval, execute the ctrontab -e command, and enter the following statement

*/10 * * * * /data/sqlbak/bak.sh a
*/15 * * * * /data/sqlbak/bak.sh chk

The above scheduled task is to back up all databases every 10 minutes and check expired backups every 15 minutes. Of course, the specific backup strategy can be adjusted according to the actual situation according to different scenarios


This paper provides a shell script for automatically backing up MySQL. The script can be directly used in the production environment with a little modification. The specific backup strategies, such as how often to back up and how long to keep the backup, can be adjusted according to the actual situation

Keywords: Database MySQL DBA

Added by shan111 on Thu, 04 Nov 2021 03:08:22 +0200